32,662 research outputs found
Log Skeletons: A Classification Approach to Process Discovery
To test the effectiveness of process discovery algorithms, a Process
Discovery Contest (PDC) has been set up. This PDC uses a classification
approach to measure this effectiveness: The better the discovered model can
classify whether or not a new trace conforms to the event log, the better the
discovery algorithm is supposed to be. Unfortunately, even the state-of-the-art
fully-automated discovery algorithms score poorly on this classification. Even
the best of these algorithms, the Inductive Miner, scored only 147 correct
classified traces out of 200 traces on the PDC of 2017. This paper introduces
the rule-based log skeleton model, which is closely related to the Declare
constraint model, together with a way to classify traces using this model. This
classification using log skeletons is shown to score better on the PDC of 2017
than state-of-the-art discovery algorithms: 194 out of 200. As a result, one
can argue that the fully-automated algorithm to construct (or: discover) a log
skeleton from an event log outperforms existing state-of-the-art
fully-automated discovery algorithms.Comment: 16 pages with 9 figures, followed by an appendix of 14 pages with 17
Non-lethal PCR genotyping of single Drosophila
In Drosophila, genetic techniques relying on stochastic chromosomal rearrangements involve the generation and screening of a large number of fly stocks to isolate a few lines of interest. Here, we describe a PCR-based method allowing non-lethal molecular characterization of single flies. Using this procedure, individual candidate recombinant animals can be genotyped and selected one generation earlier than with extant methodology and, importantly, before stocks are established. This advance should significantly facilitate several of the most fundamental and routine techniques in Drosophila genetics
Ground-states of spin-1 bosons in asymmetric double-wells
In this work we investigate the different states of a system of spin-1 bosons
in two potential wells connected by tunneling, with spin-dependent interaction.
The model utilizes the well-known Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, adding a local
interaction term that depends on the modulus of the total spin in a well,
favoring a high- or low-spin state for different signs of the coupling
constant. We employ the concept of fidelity to detect critical values of
parameters for which the ground state undergoes significant changes. The nature
of the states is investigated through evaluation of average occupation numbers
in the wells and of spin correlations. A more detailed analysis is done for a
two-particle system, but a discussion of the three-particle case and some
results for larger numbers are also presented.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure
Absence of Gluonic Components in Axial and Tensor Mesons
A quarkonium-gluonium mixing scheme previously developed to describe the
characteristic of the pseudoscalar mesons is applied to axial and tensor
mesons. The parameters of the model are determined by fitting the eigenvalues
of a mass matrix. The corresponding eigenvectors give the proportion of light
quarks, strange quarks and glueball in each meson. However the predictions of
the model for branching ratios and electromagnetic decays are incompatible with
the experimental results. These results suggest the absence of gluonic
components in the states of axial and tensor isosinglet mesons analyzed here.Comment: 12 page
2012 Census of California Water Transit Services ,MTI Report 12-02
The U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics conducts a nationwide census of ferry boat operators for the U.S. Department of Transportation and the collected information is used for statistical purposes. The Caltrans Division of Local Assistance has been asked by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to gather data regarding ferry operations under MAP-21, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act. MAP-21 includes a new formula program for ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities eligible under 23 USC 129(c) which authorizes federal participation in toll roads, bridges, tunnels, and ferries. FHWA has asked that Caltrans assure the ferry boat data is current for MAP-21. The Mineta Transportation Institute was contacted by Caltrans to conduct this research. The research team compiled a spreadsheet and accompanying maps that include ferry boats, routes, and operators along with a number of related characteristics including ownership (public or private), daily trip counts, regulation of fares, terminal locations (street address and coordinates), boarding statistics, and route segment lengths. The spreadsheet contains fields that will allow it to be linked in a Geographic Information System to Caltrans Earth software for further analysis. Additionally, where relevant, the report includes a brief description of expansion plans for certain ferry service providers
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