4,780 research outputs found
Leading Baryons at Low in DIS and Photoproduction at ZEUS
Results obtained by the ZEUS collaboration on leading baryon production in the proton fragmentation region are presented. The reaction , with N a proton or a neutron, is examined both at low and high photon virtuality
Comparison of 35 and 50 {\mu}m thin HPK UFSD after neutron irradiation up to 6*10^15 neq/cm^2
We report results from the testing of 35 {\mu}m thick Ultra-Fast Silicon
Detectors (UFSD produced by Hamamatsu Photonics (HPK), Japan and the comparison
of these new results to data reported before on 50 {\mu}m thick UFSD produced
by HPK. The 35 {\mu}m thick sensors were irradiated with neutrons to fluences
of 0, 1*10^14, 1*10^15, 3*10^15, 6*10^15 neq/cm^2. The sensors were tested
pre-irradiation and post-irradiation with minimum ionizing particles (MIPs)
from a 90Sr \b{eta}-source. The leakage current, capacitance, internal gain and
the timing resolution were measured as a function of bias voltage at -20C and
-27C. The timing resolution was extracted from the time difference with a
second calibrated UFSD in coincidence, using the constant fraction method for
both. Within the fluence range measured, the advantage of the 35 {\mu}m thick
UFSD in timing accuracy, bias voltage and power can be established.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, HSTD11 Okinawa. arXiv admin note: text overlap
with arXiv:1707.0496
Calibration and performance tests of the Very-Front-End electronics for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
The Very-Front-End electronics processing signals from photodetectors of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter have been put through an extensive test programme to guarantee functionality and reliability. The final characteristics of the VFE boards designed for the calorimeter barrel and endcaps are presented. The results, which have been also verified during test beam at CERN, confirm the high quality of the boards production and show that the CMS detector specifications are reached
A multichannel front-end readout ASIC for picosecond time resolution systems based on thin UFSD
Test of Ultra Fast Silicon Detectors for the TOTEM upgrade project
This paper describes the performance of a prototype timing detector, based on 50 mu m thick Ultra Fast Silicon Detector, as measured in a beam test using a 180 GeV/c momentum pion beam. The dependence of the time precision on the pixel capacitance and bias voltage is investigated in this paper. A timing precision from 30 ps to 100 ps (RMS), depending on the pixel capacitance, has been measured at a bias voltage of 180 V.Peer reviewe
Fabrication and characterization of DIACELL diamond-based detectors for in vitro cellular radiobiology
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