267 research outputs found
Medida de temperatura de sementes e difusividade térmica de solos por ressonância magnética nuclear.
Durable graphite oxide nanocoating for high performing flame retarded foams
Recent developments in the design of water-based coatings encompassing platelet-like nanoparticles have clearly demonstrated the flame retardant potential of this approach for open cell flexible foams. However, the relatively high number of deposition steps required and the limited reports on the durability of the deposited coatings to multiple compression cycles currently represent the main constraints to this approach. This paper addresses these limitations by exploiting a few steps deposition procedure to produce coatings with durable flame retardant properties. Graphite oxide, sodium alginate and sodium hexametaphosphate were combined in a continuous protective coating that extends to the complex three-dimensional structure of the foam. The flame retardant properties of the coatings were evaluated before and after 1000 compression cycles. Even after such multiple deformations, the coated foams showed no melt dripping and self-extinguishment during flammability tests, as well as a highly reduced heat release rates (-70%) and total smoke release (-70%) during cone calorimetry tests. Furthermore, the ability to withstand the penetration of an impinging flame focused on one side of the coated foam for more than 5 min was also maintained. These results clearly demonstrate the durability of the coated foams, opening to real life application fields such as transports seats where high levels of flame retardancy must be maintained for long time under frequent mechanical stress
Green and Fire Resistant Nanocellulose/Hemicellulose/Clay Foams
Lightweight polymer foams from synthetic polymers are commonly used in a wide-spread spectrum of application fields. Their intrinsic flammability coupled with restrictions on flame retardant chemicals poses a severe threat to safety. Here, fire resistant foams comprising biobased components capable of replacing petroleum-based foams are investigated. Cellulose nanofibers are combined with 2D montmorillonite nanoplatelets and a native xyloglucan hemicellulose binder, using a water-based freeze casting approach. Due to the silicate nanoplatelets, these lightweight foams self-extinguish the flame during flammability tests. The limiting oxygen index is as high as 31.5% and in the same range as the best fire-retardant synthetic foams available. In cone calorimetry, the foams display extremely low combustion rates. Smoke release is near the detection limit of the instrument. In addition, the foams are withstanding the penetration of a flame torch focused on one side of the specimen (T on surface 800 °C) and structural integrity is maintained. At the same time, the unexposed side is insulated, as demonstrated by a through-thickness temperature drop of 680 °C cm−1. The results represent a tremendous opportunity for the development of fire-safe foams combining excellent sustainability with multifunctional performance
Análisis de técnicas de manufactura de alfarerÃa prehispánica tardÃa en el Noroeste Argentino (siglos XIII-XVII d.C.). Una contribución del estilo Sanagasta/Angualasto del sito TamberÃa de Guandacol (provincia de La Rioja)
This article presents the study and results of pottery production and manufacturing techniques at the TamberÃa de Guandacol site, Department of Felipe Varela, Province of La Rioja (Argentina). The ceramic assemblage is manufactured in the Sanagasta/Angualasto style. This style is associated mainly with the Late prehispanic period in the Argentine Northwest (13th to 17th century A.D.). The assemblage is fragmentary. Nevertheless, employing ceramic petrography and trace analysis we address the operational chain and the organization of pottery production of the groups that inhabited the valley during this period. We also discuss the advances and limitations of this type of study on fragmentary records. The results show that there is uniform selection of primary and secondary techniques in the manufacture of ceramic vessels, while there is a degree of irregularity in the application method. In addition, there are technological similarities with coeval ceramics from the area. In turn, this allows us to propose the existence of a manufacturing process generated by a given community group, using different agents, and framed within a technological tradition founded on reiterated teaching/learning practices, linked strongly to social and cultural ties.En este trabajo se presentan los resultados sobre el estudio de las técnicas de manufactura involucradas en la producción alfarera del sitio TamberÃa de Guandacol, departamento de Felipe Varela, provincia de La Rioja (Argentina). Las piezas cerámicas se corresponden con el Estilo Sanagasta/Angualasto, asociado fundamentalmente a la época prehispánica tardÃa en el Noroeste Argentino (siglos XIII-XVII d.C.). A partir de un registro esencialmente fragmentario y mediante la combinación de estudios traceológicos y de petrografÃa cerámica, se pretende avanzar en el conocimiento de la cadena operativa y organización de la producción alfarera de los grupos que habitaron el valle durante dicho lapso. Asimismo se discuten los alcances y limitaciones de este tipo de estudio sobre registros fragmentarios. Los resultados han permitido registrar una elección uniforme de técnicas primarias y secundarias para la confección de recipientes y cierta irregularidad en los modos de aplicación. Igualmente, se reconocen semejanzas tecnológicas con producciones contemporáneas del área. El panorama permite plantear la existencia de un proceso de fabricación generado por un mismo grupo comunitario, con diferentes agentes involucrados y enmarcados en una tradición tecnológica basada en prácticas de enseñanza/aprendizaje cotidianas, con fuertes lazos sociales y culturales
Sulfur-based copolymeric polyamidoamines as efficient flame-retardants for cotton
The polyamidoamine derived from N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide (M) and glycine (G), M-G, has been shown to be an effective flame-retardant (FR) for cotton in horizontal flame spread tests (HFST), extinguishing the flame at 5% add-on. Its activity was attributed to its intrinsic intumescence. In vertical flame spread tests (VFST), M-G failed to extinguish the flame even at 30% add-on. Conversely, in VFST, the polyamidoamine derived from M and cystine (C), M-C, inhibited cotton combustion at 16% add-on, but in HFST failed to extinguish the flame below 12% add-on. Its activity was ascribed to the release of sulfur-containing volatiles acting as radical scavengers. In this work, the FR effectiveness of M-Gm-Cn copolymers with different G/C ratio was compared with that of the M-G and M-C homopolymers and of M-G/M-C blends of the same compositions. In HFST, both copolymers and blends extinguished the flame. In particular, M-G50-C50 and (M-G/M-C)50/50 extinguished the flame, even at 7% add-on. In VFST, the copolymers with 6550% M-C units, similar to M-C, inhibited cotton combustion at 16% add-on. At the same add-on, the M-G/M-C blends failed to extinguish the flame. It may be concluded that, in contrast to blends, copolymers combined the merits of both homopolymers in all tests
CFD Modeling of a Laboratory-Scale Setup for Thermochemical Materials Performance Analysis
The search for energy saving is nowadays mandatory because of the constant growth of CO2 emissions caused by an inefficient energy management. Thermal Energy Storage (TES) has an important role in designing of energy efficient systems, including solar energy storage (daily or seasonal) and waste heat from industrial batch processes. Different solutions are possible for thermal storage, based on sensible heat (e.g. water tanks), latent heat (phase change materials) or reaction enthalpy (thermochemical systems). In Thermochemical TES, a material is chosen so that it shows a high-enthalpy reversible chemical reaction at a desired temperature. In particular, water sorption in some inorganic salt hydrates is pointed out as one of the most suitable reactions for low temperature energy storage (60-120 °C). The reaction products, water and salt in a less hydrated form, are kept separated and consequently the heat is stored. Energy release is obtained with salt hydration. The main advantages are an energy storage capacity higher than other TES technologies and the possibility to control the energy release. On the other hand, one of the main issues is the difficulty to test materials performance, because standard characterization techniques use small amount of samples and their properties change dramatically when the system is scaled up to large reactors.
The aim of this work is to realize a laboratory scale setup to test the performance of salt hydrate composites. A scheme of the system is reported in the attached figure (above). The active material is kept in an evaporator at a temperature sufficient to generate the dehydration reaction. Extracted water mass is measured in time in a condenser at 0°C. Air flow, temperature and humidity are measured with sensors in the system.
The system was simulated using COMSOL® software. In particular the simulation was inspired by two models from the Application Library, Degradation of DNA in Plasma and Protein Adsorption. At first, a zero dimensional component was created with the Reaction Engineering module with two reactions to evaluate both the dehydration and condensation steps:
H2Ocry->H2Ovap H2Ovap->H2Oliq
Where H2Ocry is the crystallization water in the salt hydrate, H2Ovap is the air humidity and H2Oliq is the condensed water. Using a Parameter Estimation module, experimental data about dehydration were imported in the software and used to estimate the reactions kinetics constants. After that, using a Generate Space Dependent Model module we obtained a 3D component with a realistic system geometry (see attached figure below) including the modules Chemistry, Transport of Diluted Species, Surface Reactions, Heat transfer in Fluids and Single Phase Laminar Flow. Rate constants calculated in the zero-dimension model were used as first guess for the 3D model reactions. We verified that the model is able to evaluate temperature, flow and water concentration as well as the evolution of the two reactions in time. We expect that this model will allow us to classify different Thermochemical TES materials about their efficiency in heat and mass exchange, as well as to refine the design of the thermal storage system
Polyamidoamines derived from natural α-amino acids as effective flame retardants for cotton
In this paper, bioinspired polyamidoamines (PAAs) were synthesized from N,N′-methylene bisacrylamide and nine natural α-amino acids: L-alanine, L-valine, L-leucine (M-LEU), L-histidine, L-serine, L-asparagine, L-glutamine (M-GLN), L-aspartic acid and L-glutamic acid (M-GLU) and their performance as flame retardants (FRs) for cotton were determined. The aim was to ascertain if the ability to protect cotton from fire by the process of intumescing, previously found for the glycine-derived M-GLY, was a general feature of α-amino acid-derived PAAs. None of the PAAs ignited by flame impingement, apart from M-LEU, which burned for a few seconds leaving 93% of residue. All of them formed carbon-and oxygen-rich, porous chars with a graphitic structure in the air at 350◦C, as revealed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. All samples were tested as FRs for cotton by horizontal flame spread tests. At a 5% add-on, M-GLU and M-GLN extinguished the flame. The same results were obtained with all the other PAAs at a 7% add-on. The α-amino acid residues influenced the FR performance. The most effective were those that, by heating, were most suitable for producing thermally stable cyclic aromatic structures. All PAA-treated cotton samples, even when burning, left significant residues, which, according to scanning electron microscopy analysis, maintained the original cotton texture
Desenvolvimento de metodologia de medida de temperatura em sementes intactas em colunas de solo por RMN.
Superior flame retardancy of cotton by synergetic effect of cellulose-derived nano-graphene oxide carbon dots and disulphide-containing polyamidoamines
Linear polyamidoamines containing disulphide groups (SS-PAAs) were prepared by polyaddition of L-cystine with 2,2-bisacrylamidoacetic acid (B-CYSS), N,N\u2032-methylenebisacrylamide (M-CYSS) and 1,4-bisacryloylpiperazine (BP-CYSS). They were evaluated as flame retardants for cotton, alone or with cellulose-derived nano-graphene oxide (nGO) carbon dots, to assess whether, due to their potential as radical scavengers, the latter would improve the already good performance of SS-PAAs. In vertical flame spread tests (VFST), cotton treated with 1% nGO burned as quickly as cotton, whereas B-CYSS, M-CYSS and BP-CYSS extinguished the flame at add-ons 65 12, 16 and 20%, respectively. Probably, the gaseous products of SS-PAA thermal degradation quenched the radicals involved in oxidation. Cotton treated with 8, 12 and 15%, respectively, of B-CYSS, M-CYSS and BP-CYSS burned completely, but further addition of 1% nGO either inhibited ignition or shortly extinguished the flame, demonstrating synergism between the two components. Synergism was confirmed by assessing the synergism effectiveness parameter for the residual mass fraction (RMF) and by comparing the calculated and experimental TG curves in air for the cotton/SS-PAA-nGO systems. In cone calorimetry tests, the presence of nGO did not improve the already good performances of SS-PAAs, supporting the hypothesis that the action of both takes place in the gas phase
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