916 research outputs found
Gold-free GaAs/GaAsSb heterostructure nanowires grown on silicon
Growth of GaAs/GaAsSb heterostructurenanowires on silicon without the need for gold seed particles is presented. A high vertical yield of GaAsnanowires is first obtained, and then GaAsâSbâËâ segments are successfully grown axially in these nanowires. GaAsSb can also be integrated as a shell around the GaAs core. Finally, two GaAsSb segments are grown inside a GaAsnanowire and passivated using an AlâGaâËâAs shell. It is found that no stacking faults or twin planes occur in the GaAsSb segments.Part of this work was funded by the Swedish Foundation for
Strategic Research SSF, the Swedish Research Council
VR, and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
Study of 0- phase transition in hybrid superconductor-InSb nanowire quantum dot devices
Hybrid superconductor-semiconducting nanowire devices provide an ideal
platform to investigating novel intragap bound states, such as the Andreev
bound states (ABSs), Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states, and the Majorana bound
states. The competition between Kondo correlations and superconductivity in
Josephson quantum dot (QD) devices results in two different ground states and
the occurrence of a 0- quantum phase transition. Here we report on
transport measurements on hybrid superconductor-InSb nanowire QD devices with
different device geometries. We demonstrate a realization of continuous
gate-tunable ABSs with both 0-type levels and -type levels. This allow us
to manipulate the transition between 0 and junction and explore charge
transport and spectrum in the vicinity of the quantum phase transition regime.
Furthermore, we find a coexistence of 0-type ABS and -type ABS in the same
charge state. By measuring temperature and magnetic field evolution of the
ABSs, the different natures of the two sets of ABSs are verified, being
consistent with the scenario of phase transition between the singlet and
doublet ground state. Our study provides insights into Andreev transport
properties of hybrid superconductor-QD devices and sheds light on the crossover
behavior of the subgap spectrum in the vicinity of 0- transition
p-GaAs nanowire MESFETs with near-thermal limit gating
Difficulties in obtaining high-performance p-type transistors and gate
insulator charge-trapping effects present two major challenges for III-V
complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) electronics. We report a p-GaAs
nanowire metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MESFET) that eliminates
the need for a gate insulator by exploiting the Schottky barrier at the
metal-GaAs interface. Our device beats the best-performing p-GaSb nanowire
metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET), giving a typical
sub-threshold swing of 62 mV/dec, within 4% of the thermal limit, on-off ratio
, on-resistance ~700 k, contact resistance ~30 k,
peak transconductance 1.2 S/m and high-fidelity ac operation at
frequencies up to 10 kHz. The device consists of a GaAs nanowire with an
undoped core and heavily Be-doped shell. We carefully etch back the nanowire at
the gate locations to obtain Schottky-barrier insulated gates whilst leaving
the doped shell intact at the contacts to obtain low contact resistance. Our
device opens a path to all-GaAs nanowire MESFET complementary circuits with
simplified fabrication and improved performance
Parity independence of the zero-bias conductance peak in a nanowire based topological superconductor-quantum dot hybrid device
We explore the signatures of Majorana fermions in a nanowire based
topological superconductor-quantum dot-topological superconductor hybrid device
by charge transport measurements. The device is made from an epitaxially grown
InSb nanowire with two superconductor Nb contacts on a Si/SiO substrate. At
low temperatures, a quantum dot is formed in the segment of the InSb nanowire
between the two Nb contacts and the two Nb contacted segments of the InSb
nanowire show superconductivity due to the proximity effect. At zero magnetic
field, well defined Coulomb diamonds and the Kondo effect are observed in the
charge stability diagram measurements in the Coulomb blockade regime of the
quantum dot. Under the application of a finite, sufficiently strong magnetic
field, a zero-bias conductance peak structure is observed in the same Coulomb
blockade regime. It is found that the zero-bias conductance peak is present in
many consecutive Coulomb diamonds, irrespective of the even-odd parity of the
quasi-particle occupation number in the quantum dot. In addition, we find that
the zero-bias conductance peak is in most cases accompanied by two differential
conductance peaks, forming a triple-peak structure, and the separation between
the two side peaks in bias voltage shows oscillations closely correlated to the
background Coulomb conductance oscillations of the device. The observed
zero-bias conductance peak and the associated triple-peak structure are in line
with the signatures of Majorana fermion physics in a nanowire based topological
superconductor-quantum dot-topological superconductor system, in which the two
Majorana bound states adjacent to the quantum dot are hybridized into a pair of
quasi-particle states with finite energies and the other two Majorana bound
states remain as the zero-energy modes located at the two ends of the entire
InSb nanowire.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Supercurrent and multiple Andreev reflections in an InSb nanowire Josephson junction
Epitaxially grown, high quality semiconductor InSb nanowires are emerging
material systems for the development of high performance nanoelectronics and
quantum information processing and communication devices, and for the studies
of new physical phenomena in solid state systems. Here, we report on
measurements of a superconductor-normal conductor-superconductor junction
device fabricated from an InSb nanowire with aluminum based superconducting
contacts. The measurements show a proximity induced supercurrent flowing
through the InSb nanowire segment, with a critical current tunable by a gate,
in the current bias configuration and multiple Andreev reflection
characteristics in the voltage bias configuration. The temperature dependence
and the magnetic field dependence of the critical current and the multiple
Andreev reflection characteristics of the junction are also studied.
Furthermore, we extract the excess current from the measurements and study its
temperature and magnetic field dependences. The successful observation of the
superconductivity in the InSb nanowire based Josephson junction device
indicates that InSb nanowires provide an excellent material system for creating
and observing novel physical phenomena such as Majorana fermions in solid state
systems.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure
Superconductor-Nanowire Devices from Tunneling to the Multichannel Regime: Zero-Bias Oscillations and Magnetoconductance Crossover
We present transport measurements in superconductor-nanowire devices with a
gated constriction forming a quantum point contact. Zero-bias features in
tunneling spectroscopy appear at finite magnetic fields, and oscillate in
amplitude and split away from zero bias as a function of magnetic field and
gate voltage. A crossover in magnetoconductance is observed: Magnetic fields
above ~ 0.5 T enhance conductance in the low-conductance (tunneling) regime but
suppress conductance in the high-conductance (multichannel) regime. We consider
these results in the context of Majorana zero modes as well as alternatives,
including Kondo effect and analogs of 0.7 structure in a disordered nanowire.Comment: Supplemental Material here:
Conjugate times and regularity of the minimum time function with differential inclusions
This paper studies the regularity of the minimum time function, ,
for a control system with a general closed target, taking the state equation in
the form of a differential inclusion. Our first result is a sensitivity
relation which guarantees the propagation of the proximal subdifferential of
along any optimal trajectory. Then, we obtain the local regularity of
the minimum time function along optimal trajectories by using such a relation
to exclude the presence of conjugate times
Impact of the capping layers on lateral confinement in InAs/InP quantum dots for 1.55 um laser applications srudied by magneto-photoluminescence.
We have used magnetophotoluminescence to study the impact of different capping layer material combinations (InP, GaInAsP quaternary alloy, or both InP and quaternary alloy) on lateral confinement in InAs/InP quantum dots (QDs) grown on (311)B orientated substrates. Exciton effective masses, Bohr radii, and binding energies are measured for these samples. Conclusions regarding the strength of the lateral confinement in the different samples are supported by photoluminescence at high excitation power. Contrary to theoretical predictions, InAs QDs in quaternary alloy are found to have better confinement properties than InAs/InP QDs. This is attributed to a lack of lateral intermixing with the quaternary alloy, which is present when InP is used to (partially) cap the dots. The implications of the results for reducing the temperature sensitivity of QD lasers are discussed. ©2005 American Institute of Physic
Correlation-induced conductance suppression at level degeneracy in a quantum dot
The large, level-dependent g-factors in an InSb nanowire quantum dot allow
for the occurrence of a variety of level crossings in the dot. While we observe
the standard conductance enhancement in the Coulomb blockade region for aligned
levels with different spins due to the Kondo effect, a vanishing of the
conductance is found at the alignment of levels with equal spins. This
conductance suppression appears as a canyon cutting through the web of direct
tunneling lines and an enclosed Coulomb blockade region. In the center of the
Coulomb blockade region, we observe the predicted correlation-induced
resonance, which now turns out to be part of a larger scenario. Our findings
are supported by numerical and analytical calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Position controlled self-catalyzed growth of GaAs nanowires by molecular beam epitaxy
GaAs nanowires are grown by molecular beam epitaxy using a self-catalyzed,
Ga-assisted growth technique. Position control is achieved by nano-patterning a
SiO2 layer with arrays of holes with a hole diameter of 85 nm and a hole pitch
varying between 200 nm and 2 \mum. Gallium droplets form preferentially at the
etched holes acting as catalyst for the nanowire growth. The nanowires have
hexagonal cross-sections with {110} side facets and crystallize predominantly
in zincblende. The interdistance dependence of the nanowire growth rate
indicates a change of the III/V ratio towards As-rich conditions for large hole
distances inhibiting NW growth.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
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