18 research outputs found
Forecasting of commercial sales with large scale Gaussian Processes
This paper argues that there has not been enough discussion in the field of
applications of Gaussian Process for the fast moving consumer goods industry.
Yet, this technique can be important as it e.g., can provide automatic feature
relevance determination and the posterior mean can unlock insights on the data.
Significant challenges are the large size and high dimensionality of commercial
data at a point of sale. The study reviews approaches in the Gaussian Processes
modeling for large data sets, evaluates their performance on commercial sales
and shows value of this type of models as a decision-making tool for
management.Comment: 1o pages, 5 figure
Additional file 3: NanoString Technical Replicates. of MicroRNA molecular profiling from matched tumor and bio-fluids in bladder cancer
Correlations of NanoString nCounter microRNA assay technical replicates. Technical replicates of FFPE-derived total RNA (A) and urine exosome microRNA (B) were run on the NanoString nCounter microRNA assay. Strong correlation was seen in both the FFPE samples (r = 0.96 p <0.01) and the urine exosome samples (r = 0.95 p < 0.001). (TIF 1521 kb
Additional file 2: Bio-specimen Electropherograms. of MicroRNA molecular profiling from matched tumor and bio-fluids in bladder cancer
BioAnalyzer Electropherograms of Total RNA or microRNA isolated from Bladder Cancer Bio-specimens. Total RNA or microRNA was isolated from FFPE tumor slices, urine exosomes, enriched WBCs (Buffy) as described in methods. 1 ul per sample run on BioAnalyzer 2100 with the Small RNA Chip kit. MIcroRNA seen at 20–40 nt (37–45 s), additional peaks in electropheregram represent tRNA and other small RNAs. (TIF 1521 kb
Additional file 5: of Whole-transcriptome analysis delineates the human placenta gene network and its associations with fetal growth
Mapping of GWAS-linked genes in placental gene coexpression network. Genes linked to GWAS-associated traits that are enriched in the placental gene coexpression network are listed alongside assigned modules and GWAS-linked traits. (CSV 58Â kb
Education for Sustainable Development Innovations: MESA Universities Partnership Environment, Sustainable Development and the Nile River Basin
Case Study
Significant Associations of Cortisol AUC in the Dex/CRH Test and Percent Methylation at CpG Sites.
<p>AUC is defined as Area Under the Curve.</p
Associations of Childhood Adversity Measures and Percent Methylation at Hypothesized CpG Sites (1–4).
<p>Note: Statistic represents partial correlation coefficients (r) controlling for age. P values are shown underneath the coefficients. Significant and trend-level effects are highlighted in bold.</p
Schematic representation of human <i>NR3C1</i> 5′ regulatory region, and the specific region analyzed by bisulfite pyrosequencing.
<p>The upper diagram represents the multiple first exons, and the second exon (2) which represents the translational start. All numbering is based on the translational start site (+1), which is located 13 nucleotides within the start of exon 2. The lower region is the region analyzed by pyrosequencing, with the 13 CpG sites in bold and numbered above the sequence, and the full exon 1F region underlined.</p
Pedagogía social : revista interuniversitaria
Monográfico con el título "Recordando a Constancio Mínguez Álvarez. De la Pedagogía Social a la Educación Social"José García Molina habla sobre su experiencia como alumno, educador y profesor de Pedagogía Social. Reflexiona acerca de la evolución y situación actual de esta disciplina en España y sobre otros temas como la educación de adultos.ES
Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Pulmonary microRNA profiling: implications in upper lobe predominant lung disease
Exosomes/microvesiclescontaining microRNAs were isolated from Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) Fluid. Agilent Bio-Analyzer was used to quantitate microRNA recovery. 1 Îźl per sample run on BioAnalyzer 2100 with the Small RNA Chip kit. MIcroRNA seen at 20â40Â nt, additional peaks in electropherogram represent tRNA and other small RNAs. (RLL: right lower lobe; RUL: right upper lobe). (TIFF 563 kb