25 research outputs found
Student Ensemble: Madrigal Festival
Kemp Recital HallNovember 13, 2015Friday Evenin
2007 Illinois State University Madrigal Festival
Center for the Performing Arts Friday Afternoon November 9, 2007 1:00p.m
Choral Showcase
Center for the Performing Arts Sunday Afternoon February 11, 2007 3:00p.m
Student Ensemble: Belle Voix and Concert Choir
Center for the Performing ArtsApril 6, 2014Sunday Afternoon3:00 p.m
Concert Choir Madrigals
Center for the Performing Arts Sunday Evening March 5, 2006 7:00p.m
Chamber Orchestra Concert Choir
Center for the Performing Arts Wednesday Evening February 28, 2007 8:00p.m
Student Ensemble: Concert Choir and Belle Voix
Kemp Recital HallNovember 11, 2012Sunday Evening6:00 p.m
Ensemble Concerts: Belle Voix; Madrigal Singers; Concert Choir; Early Music Ensemble; April 1, 2007
Center for the Performing ArtsSunday AfternoonApril 1, 20073:00 p.m
Student Ensemble: Belle Voix and Madrigal Singers
Center for the Performing ArtsMarch 3, 2013Sunday Evening7:00 p.m
Student Ensemble: Chamber Orchestra and Concert Choir
Center for the Performing ArtsMarch 29, 2013Friday Evening8:00 p.m