10,830 research outputs found
K\"all\'en-Lehmann representation of noncommutative quantum electrodynamics
Noncommutative (NC) quantum field theory is the subject of many analyses on
formal and general aspects looking for deviations and, therefore, potential
noncommutative spacetime effects. Within of this large class, we may now pay
some attention to the quantization of NC field theory on lower dimensions and
look closely at the issue of dynamical mass generation to the gauge field. This
work encompasses the quantization of the two-dimensional massive quantum
electrodynamics and three-dimensional topologically massive quantum
electrodynamics. We begin by addressing the problem on a general dimensionality
making use of the perturbative Seiberg-Witten map to, thus, construct a general
action, to only then specify the problem to two and three dimensions. The
quantization takes place through the K\"all\'en-Lehmann spectral representation
and Yang-Feldman-K\"all\'en formulation, where we calculate the respective
spectral density function to the gauge field. Furthermore, regarding the photon
two-point function, we discuss how its infrared behavior is related to the term
generated by quantum corrections in two dimensions, and, moreover, in three
dimensions, we study the issue of nontrivial {\theta}-dependent corrections to
the dynamical mass generation
Ultrarelativistic boost of spinning black rings
We study the D=5 Emparan-Reall spinning black ring under an ultrarelativistic
boost along an arbitrary direction. We analytically determine the resulting
shock pp-wave, in particular for boosts along axes orthogonal and parallel to
the plane of rotation. The solution becomes physically more interesting and
simpler if one enforces equilibrium between the forces on the ring. We also
comment on the ultrarelativistic limit of recently found supersymmetric black
rings with two independent angular momenta. Essential distinct features with
respect to the boosted Myers-Perry black holes are pointed out.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. v2: added multipole expansions at spatial
infinity, and a comparison with the boosted Myers-Perry solution in a new
appendix. To appear in JHE
Electromagnetic waves around dilatonic stars and naked singularities
We study the propagation of classical electromagnetic waves on the simplest
four-dimensional spherically symmetric metric with a dilaton background field.
Solutions to the relevant equations are obtained perturbatively in a parameter
which measures the strength of the dilaton field (hence parameterizes the
departure from Schwarzschild geometry). The loss of energy from outgoing modes
is estimated as a back-scattering process against the dilaton background, which
would affect the luminosity of stars with a dilaton field. The radiation
emitted by a freely falling point-like source on such a background is also
studied by analytical and numerical methods.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur
Absence of Klein's paradox for massive bosons coupled by nonminimal vector interactions
A few properties of the nonminimal vector interactions in the
Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory are revised. In particular, it is shown that the
space component of the nonminimal vector interaction plays a peremptory role
for confining bosons whereas its time component contributes to the leakage.
Scattering in a square step potential with proper boundary conditions is used
to show that Klein's paradox does not manifest in the case of a nonminimal
vector coupling
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