40 research outputs found
Fertilización con cinc: concentración y exportación en soja
Cerca de la mitad de la población mundial sufre deficiencias de cinc (Zn). La aplicación de Zn (biofortificación agronómica) podría ser una solución rápida al problema. Por otro lado, para hacer balances de Zn en el sistema suelo-planta se necesita conocer la cantidad de Zn exportado.Área: Ciencias Agrícolas, Producción y Salud Animal
Catch crops in the Argentinean Pampas: a synthesis-analysis on nutrient characteristics and their implications for a sustainable agriculture
Catch crops (CCs) are crops that grow between two cash crops, accumulating nutrients in their biomass and later releasing them through the decomposition of their residues. To our knowledge, no study has compared the nutrient-related traits of different CCs species. This comparison is essential for understanding the possible roles of CCs in agroecosystems and for optimizing adjustments of fertilizer rates. This study aims to: i) synthesize characteristics of the CCs, such as aboveground dry matter accumulation, nutrient [carbon (C), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), and phosphorus (P)] concentration and accumulation, and C:nutrient ratios, ii) explore factors defining the mentioned characteristics, and iii) discuss their implications on the ecosystem services provided. By analyzing data from 52 studies, (98 site-years) in the Argentinean Pampas, we observed that grasses (excluding ryegrass) accumulated the greatest aboveground dry matter (6.08 ± 0.22 t ha-1, mean ± SE) and C (2.60 ± 0.13 t ha-1), making them suitable for protecting the soil surface from erosion, suppressing weeds, and improving C balances. Conversely, vetch accumulated the highest nutrient content (118 ± 5.3, 15 ± 1.5, and 14 ± 1.2 kg ha-1 for N, S, and P, respectively) with the lowest C:nutrient ratio (means of 15:1, 152:1, and 147:1 for N, S, and P, respectively), making it a suitable choice for recycling nutrients and providing extra N. Mixtures presented intermediate characteristics between the monocultures, allowing a balanced provision of the mentioned ecosystem services. Furthermore, the results showed that dry matter accumulation affected the nutrient-related traits analyzed, and it was related to different factors, such as CCs sowing and termination dates or precipitation. The analysis highlights the importance of selecting CCs species based on the desired ecosystem service and provides valuable information for producers as well as for modeling C balances and nutrient cycling
Cover crops: effect on sulfur availability in soybean
La elección de la especie de cultivo de cobertura (CC) a emplear puede afectar la disponibilidad de azufre (S) para el cultivo de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) posterior. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de avena (Avena sativa L.) y vicia (Vicia villosa Roth.) como CC y la fertilización azufrada sobre algunos parámetros que definen la disponibilidad de S y el rendimiento en el cultivo de soja posterior. Se realizaron tres ensayos de campo en distintas zonas del sudeste bonaerense donde se evaluó la combinación de tres niveles de CC (avena, vicia y un testigo sin CC) con dos niveles de fertilización azufrada en la soja (0 y 15 kg S ha-1). Se determinó el contenido de S-SO4-2 (0-60 cm) en el suelo a la siembra de la soja, el índice de verdor (IV) a inicio de floración (R1) y el rendimiento en grano. Los principales resultados del trabajo son: i) los CC acumularon entre 7 y 17 kg S ha-1, logrando reducir las pérdidas de S por lixiviación durante el barbecho invernal, ii) la vicia incrementó en promedio 28 kg S ha-1 su disponibilidad en el suelo a la siembra de la soja, respecto a la avena y al testigo, iii) el IV de la soja fue menor con antecesor avena que con vicia y el testigo, iv) no hubo respuesta en rendimiento a la fertilización con S, v) en dos de los tres sitios el CC de vicia redujo el rendimiento en grano de la soja, posiblemente por un efecto negativo sobre la nodulación y fijación biológica de nitrógeno, lo cual deberá ser corroborado en futuros trabajos.Selecting the cover crop (CC) specie may affect sulfur (S) availability for the succeeding soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) crop. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of oat (Avena sativa L.) and vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) as CC and S fertilization on some parameters that define S availability and yield in the succeeding soybean. Three field experiments were conducted in different areas of southeastern Buenos Aires province, where the combination of three levels of CC (oats, vetch, and a control without CC) with two levels of S fertilization (0 and 15 kg S ha-1) was evaluated in soybean. Determinations included: SO4 -2-S content in soil (0-60 cm) at soybean sowing, greenness index (IV) at the beginning of flowering (R1), and seed yield. The main results were: i) CC accumulated between 7 and 17 kg S ha-1, allowing reductions of S losses by leaching during the winter fallow, ii) vetch increased S availability in the soil at soybean planting by 28 kg S ha-1, compared to oat and the control, iii) soybean IV was lower when preceded by oat compared to vetch and the control, iv) there was no yield response to S fertilization, v) in two of the three sites vetch reduced soybean seed yield, possibly due to a negative effect on nodulation and biological nitrogen fixation, which should be tested in future works.Fil: Carciochi, Walter Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Contreras, Lucas E.. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Crespo, Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Barbieri, Pablo Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentin
Does nitrogen fertilization rate, timing and splitting affect sunflower yield and grain quality?
Nitrogen (N) deficiency could have a negative effect on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) yield and grain quality. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the optimum rate, timing, and frequency of N fertilization to improve sunflower crop nutrition. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of N fertilization rate, timing, and splitting on grain yield, and grain and oil quality. Twelve field experiments were carried out between 2016 and 2020. Treatments consisted of at least three N rates ranging from 0 to 200 kg N ha−1 applied at V2. Moreover, the 80 kg N ha−1 rate was applied at V14 (80NV14) or split between V2 and V14 (80Nsplit). Treatments were evaluated in two sunflower genotypes, high oleic (HO) and conventional (CONV). A significant grain yield response to N fertilization was observed in six out of twelve experiments, generally at rates greater than 80 kg ha−1. The mean response to fertilization was 369 kg ha−1. Fertilization increased grain protein concentration (PG) (+1.5%) at experiments E1–E3 and E9–E12 and decreased oil concentration (OG) (−2%) at experiments E1, E4, E9, E11, and E12. The maximum N rate, increased oleic and stearic acid concentration (+3%–4%), depending on the genotype (AO and CONV). Neither fertilizer timing nor splitting affected grain yield or OG. Late N fertilization (V14) increased oleic acid (+2.4%), whereas it decreased linoleic acid (+2.2%). Based on our results, N fertilization can increase yield without negatively affecting commercial grain quality (OG and fatty acids concentration), regardless of fertilization timing and frequency.Fil: Tovar Hernandez, Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Carciochi, Walter Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Izquierdo, Natalia Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Wyngaard, Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Barbieri, Pablo Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Reussi Calvo, Nahuel Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin
Assessing Nitrogen Limitation in Inoculated Soybean in Southern Brazil
Core Ideas Soybean yield did not respond to low starter fertilizer N rates in soils with high organic matter content. Nitrogen limitation tended to be greater in low compared with medium-high yield levels. Nitrogen limitation is potentially related to lower contribution of N coming from biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and mineralization. Overcoming potential N limitation in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is a critical factor for sustaining plant nutrient demand and improving productivity. Following this rationale, a set of studies were executed in southern Brazil with the goals of quantifying yield response to early season fertilizer N rates (up to 40 kg ha−1), “starter N fertilization,” and to understand if soybean seed yields are limited by N (testing a non-limiting N scenario) when grown in soils with medium to high organic matter content. The main key outcomes of this research were: (i) starter N fertilization did not increase yields compared with non-fertilized soybean, potentially highlighting the absence of an early season N limitation; and (ii) N limitation was observed when soybean yields were compared with non-limiting N scenario and it tended to be greater in low compared with medium-high yield levels, potentially connected with co-limitations on both N sources (N2 fixation and mineralization) to satisfy soybean N demand. Producing soybean in a sustainable manner implies focus on production practices to conserve and, potentially, to increase soil organic matter on a long-term basis. Furthermore, it requires enhancing the biological N2 fixation process for satisfying the large plant N demand for achieving high soybean yields. Future research should be focused on understanding factors governing biological N2 fixation and N mineralization processes in soybean grown in soils with medium-high organic matter content.Fil: Ambrosini, Vítor Gabriel. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Vieira Fontoura, Sandra Mara. Fundação Agrária de Pesquisa Agropecuária; BrasilFil: Paulo de Moraes, Renato. Fundação Agrária de Pesquisa Agropecuária; BrasilFil: Carciochi, Walter Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Ciampitti, Ignacio Antonio. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Bayer, Cimélio. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Brasi
Soybean seed yield response to plant density by yield environment in north america
Inconsistent soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed yield response to plant density has been previously reported. Moreover, recent economic and productive circumstances have caused interest in within-field variation of the agronomic optimal plant density (AOPD) for soybean. Thus, the objectives of this study were to: (i) determine the AOPD by yield environments (YE) and (ii) study variations in yield components (seed number and weight) related to the changes in seed yield response to plant density for soybean in North America. During 2013 and 2014, a total of 78 yield-to-plant density responses were evaluated in different regions of the United States and Canada. A soybean database evaluating multiple seeding rates ranging from 170,000 to 670,000 seeds ha–1 was collected, including final number of plants, seed yield, and its components (seed number and weight). The data was classified in YEs: Low (LYE, 4.3 Mg ha–1). The main outcomes were: (i) AOPD increased by 24% from HYE to LYE, (ii) per-plant yield increased due to a decrease in plant density: HYE > MYE > LYE, and (iii) per-plant yield was mainly driven by seed number across plant densities within a YE, but both yield components influenced per-plant yield across YEs. This study presents the first attempt to investigate the seed yieldto- plant density relationship via the understanding of plant establishment and yield components and by exploring the influence of weather variables defining soybean YEs.Fil: Carciochi, Walter Daniel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Agencia de Extensión Rural Balcarce; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Schwalbert, Rai. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Andrade, Fernando Héctor. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Agencia de Extensión Rural Balcarce; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Corassa, Geomar M.. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Carter, Paul. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Gaspar, Adam P.. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Schmidt, John. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Ciampitti, Ignacio Antonio. Kansas State University; Estados Unido
Determining mehlich‐3 and DTPA extractable soil zinc optimum economic threshold for maize
Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most susceptible crops to zinc (Zn) deficiency. However, in much of the world, soil Zn tests are poorly calibrated, and thus determining a critical soil test, level for Zn is challenging. The objectives of this study were to: (i) produce a field calibration of the Zn Mehlich-3 (M3-Zn) method for predicting maize grain yield response to Zn fertilizer application, (ii) compare the capacity of DTPA extractable Zn (DTPA-Zn) with M3-Zn for predicting the response of maize yield to Zn fertilizer, (iii) determine whether inclusion of soil pH, organic matter (SOM) and extractable phosphorus in a M3-Zn model improves its predictive capacity and (iv) evaluate an economic approach for determining soil Zn thresholds. We conducted 55 field experiments covering a wide range of edaphic and climatic conditions. Maize responded to Zn fertilizer in 29% of the trials. The capacity of M3-Zn and DTPA-Zn to predict relative yield of maize was similar. Inclusion of other soil variables (pH, extractable phosphorus and SOM) did not or only slightly improve the prediction of M3-Zn. Based on the relationship between M3-Zn and DTPA-Zn (R2 = 0.89), one test can be predicted from the other without affecting the calibration. The M3-Zn 'economic threshold' ranged from 0.98 to 2.79 mg kg−1, while for DTPA-Zn it varied from 0.41 to 1.61 mg kg−1. The broad range of economic thresholds shows that differences in maize productivity and grain price between regions and seasons make establishing a single Zn threshold for all economic-productive situations inappropriate.Fil: Martínez Cuesta, Nicolás. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Wyngaard, Nicolás. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Innovación Para la Producción Agropecuaria y El Desarrollo Sostenible. - Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Instituto de Innovación Para la Producción Agropecuaria y El Desarrollo Sostenible.; ArgentinaFil: Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Reussi Calvo, Nahuel Ignacio. Laboratorio de Analisis de Suelos Fertilab; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Carciochi, Walter Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Eyherabide, Mercedes. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Innovación Para la Producción Agropecuaria y El Desarrollo Sostenible. - Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Instituto de Innovación Para la Producción Agropecuaria y El Desarrollo Sostenible.; ArgentinaFil: Colazo, Juan Cruz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Barraco, Mariano Manuel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Guertal, Elizabeth A.. Auburn University.; Estados UnidosFil: Barbieri, Pablo Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Innovación Para la Producción Agropecuaria y El Desarrollo Sostenible. - Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Instituto de Innovación Para la Producción Agropecuaria y El Desarrollo Sostenible.; Argentin
Soybean yield, biological N2 fixation and seed composition responses to additional inoculation in the United States
It is unclear if additional inoculation with Bradyrhizobia at varying soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] growth stages can impact biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), increase yield and improve seed composition [protein, oil, and amino acid (AA) concentrations]. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of different soybean inoculation strategies (seed coating and additional soil inoculation at V4 or R1) on: (i) seed yield, (ii) seed composition, and (iii) BNF traits [nodule number and relative abundance of ureides (RAU)]. Soybean field trials were conducted in 11 environments (four states of the US) to evaluate four treatments: (i) control without inoculation, (ii) seed inoculation, (iii) seed inoculation + soil inoculation at V4, and (iv) seed inoculation + soil inoculation at R1. Results demonstrated no effect of seed or additional soil inoculation at V4 or R1 on either soybean seed yield or composition. Also, inoculation strategies produced similar values to the non-inoculated control in terms of nodule number and RAU, a reflection of BNF. Therefore, we conclude that in soils with previous history of soybean and under non-severe stress conditions (e.g. high early-season temperature and/or saturated soils), there is no benefit to implementing additional inoculation on soybean yield and seed composition.Fil: Carciochi, Walter Daniel. Kansas State University; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Moro Rosso, Luiz H.. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Secchi, Mario Alberto. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Torres, Adalgisa R.. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Naeve, Seth. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Casteel, Shaun N.. Purdue University; Estados UnidosFil: Kovács, Péter. University of South Dakota; Estados UnidosFil: Davidson, Dan. Illinois Soybean Association; Estados UnidosFil: Purcell, Larry C.. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Archontoulis, Sotirios. University of Iowa; Estados UnidosFil: Ciampitti, Ignacio A.. Kansas State University; Estados Unido
Winter Wheat Yield Response to Plant Density as a Function of Yield Environment and Tillering Potential: A Review and Field Studies
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain yield response to plant density is inconsistent, and the mechanisms driving this response are unclear. A better understanding of the factors governing this relationship could improve plant density recommendations according to specific environmental and genetics characteristics. Therefore, the aims of this paper were to: i) execute a synthesis-analysis of existing literature related to yield-plant density relationship to provide an indication of the need for different agronomic optimum plant density (AOPD) in different yield environments (YEs), and ii) explore a data set of field research studies conducted in Kansas (USA) on yield response to plant density to determine the AOPD at different YEs, evaluate the effect of tillering potential (TP) on the AOPD, and explain changes in AOPD via variations in wheat yield components. Major findings of this study are: i) the synthesis-analysis portrayed new insights of differences in AOPD at varying YEs, reducing the AOPD as the attainable yield increases (with AOPD moving from 397 pl m-2 for the low YE to 191 pl m-2 for the high YE); ii) the field dataset confirmed the trend observed in the synthesis-analysis but expanded on the physiological mechanisms underpinning the yield response to plant density for wheat, mainly highlighting the following points: a) high TP reduces the AOPD mainly in high and low YEs, b) at canopy-scale, both final number of heads and kernels per square meter were the main factors improving yield response to plant density under high TP, c) under varying YEs, at per-plant-scale, a compensation between heads per plant and kernels per head was the main factor contributing to yield with different TP.Fil: Bastos, Leonardo M.. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Carciochi, Walter Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Lollato, Romulo P.. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Jaenisch, Brent R.. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Rezende, Caio R.. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Schwalbert, Rai. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Vara Prasad, P.V.. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Zhang, Guorong. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Fritz, Allan K.. Kansas State University; Estados UnidosFil: Foster, Chris. John Deer; Estados UnidosFil: Wright, Yancy. John Deer; Estados UnidosFil: Young, Steven. John Deer; Estados UnidosFil: Bradley, Pauley. John Deer; Estados UnidosFil: Ciampitti, Ignacio Antonio. Kansas State University; Estados Unido
Manejo de cultivos de cobertura para sincronizar la oferta y demanda de nitrógeno en maíz
En el sudeste bonaerense (Argentina) las especies más utilizadas como cultivos de cobertura (CC) en la rotación con maíz son el cultivo de vicia (Vi) pura o en consociación con avena (Av). Los CC son capaces de acumular hasta 300 kg/ha de nitrógeno (N) en su biomasa, lo cual varía según la especie utilizada y el momento de terminación (secado o detención del ciclo de crecimiento). Por ende, la especie y el momento de terminación de los CC son variables de manejo para la gestión del N en el cultivo de cosecha, ya que intervienen sobre la dinámica del N, pudiendo modificar su disponibilidad para el cultivo de cosecha posterior. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la especie y el momento de terminación de los CC sobre el rendimiento en grano del maíz, con énfasis en el estudio de la liberación de N desde los CC y su sincronización con la demanda del maíz posterior.Fil: Cafaro la Menza, Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible; ArgentinaFil: Reussi Calvo, Nahuel Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible; ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez, María Pía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible; ArgentinaFil: Lapaz Olveira, Adrián Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Barbieri, Pablo Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible; ArgentinaFil: Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Carciochi, Walter Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible; Argentin