284 research outputs found
Hyposplenism as a cause of pneumococcal meningoencephalitis in an adult patient with coeliac disease
Introduction: Coeliac disease can be associated with hyposplenism and splenic atrophy, which may increase the patient's risk for fatal infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae or Pneumococcus. It is general opinion that many more patients with coeliac disease have died from hyposplenism-related infections than those reported in literature. Case report: A 62-year-old woman with recently diagnosed coeliac disease was hospitalized with high fever, disorientation, and nuchal rigidity. Cerebral computed tomography was negative. Laboratory tests showed an elevated leukocyte count and very high levels of C reactive protein. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contained an increased number of mononuclear cells associated with a low glucose level and high protein concentrations. The CSF culture was positive for Streptococcus pneumoniae. Neurological conditions rapidly deteriorated with the onset of coma, and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed initial signs of encephalitis extending above and below the tentorium. Abdominal ultrasonography disclosed splenic hypotrophy that raised the suspicion of hyposplenism. The diagnosis of hyposplenism was confirmed by demonstration of Howell-Jolly bodies in a peripheral blood smear. Discussion: This is the first reported case of pneumococcal meningoencephalitis caused by splenic hypofunction in a patient with coeliac disease. When coeliac disease is diagnosed with a marked delay in an elderly patient, spleen function should always be assessed. If impaired, the patient should undergo vaccination with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine to prevent pneumococcal infections
Liver Injury with Nintedanib: A Pharmacovigilance-Pharmacokinetic Appraisal
Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) with nintedanib has emerged as an adverse event of special interest in premarketing clinical trials. We characterized DILI with nintedanib in the real world and explored the underlying pharmacological basis. First, we assessed serious hepatic events reported to the Food and Drug Administration's Adverse Event Reporting System by combining the disproportionality approach [reporting odds ratio (ROR) with 95% confidence interval (CI)] with individual case assessment. Demographic and clinical features were inspected (seriousness, onset, discontinuation, dechallenge/rechallenge, concomitant drugs) to implement an ad hoc causality assessment scoring system. Second, we appraised physiochemical and pharmacokinetic parameters possibly predictive of DILI occurrence. Significant disproportionality was found for nintedanib as compared to pirfenidone (N = 91; ROR = 4.77; 95% CI = 3.15-7.39). Asian population, low body weight (59 kg), and rapid DILI onset (13.5 days) emerged as clinical features. Hospitalization and discontinuation were found in a significant proportion of cases (32% and 36%, respectively). In 24% of the cases, at least two potentially hepatotoxic drugs (statins, proton pump inhibitors, antibiotics) were recorded. Causality was at least possible in 92.3% of the cases. High lipophilicity and predicted in silico inhibition of liver transporters emerged as potential pharmacokinetic features supporting the biological plausibility. Although causality cannot be demonstrated, clinicians should consider early monitoring and medication review on a case-by-case basis
Specific issues concerning the management of patients on the waiting list and after liver transplantation
The present document is a second contribution collecting the recommendations of an expert panel of transplant hepatologists appointed by the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF) concerning the management of certain aspects of liver transplantation, including: the issue of prompt referral; the management of difficult candidates; malnutrition; living related liver transplants; hepatocellular carcinoma; and the role of direct acting antiviral agents before and after transplantation. The statements on each topic were approved by participants at the AISF Transplant Hepatology Expert Meeting organized by the Permanent Liver Transplant Commission in Mondello on 12-13 May 2017. They are graded according to the GRADE grading system
The Role of Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt for the Management of Ascites in Patients with Decompensated Cirrhosis
The development and progression of ascites represent a crucial event in the natural history of patients with cirrhosis, predisposing them to other complications and carrying a heavy impact on prognosis. The current standard of care for the management of ascites relies on various combinations of diuretics and large-volume paracenteses. Periodic long-term albumin infusions on top of diuretics have been recently shown to greatly facilitate the management of ascites. The insertion of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS), an artificial connection between the portal and caval systems, is indicated to treat patients with refractory ascites. TIPS acts to decrease portal hypertension, thus targeting an upstream event in the pathophysiological cascade of cirrhosis decompensation. Available evidence shows a significant benefit on ascites control/resolution, with less clear results on patient survival. Patient selection plays a crucial role in obtaining better clinical responses and avoiding TIPS-related adverse events, the most important of which are hepatic encephalopathy, cardiac overload and failure, and liver failure. At the same time, some recent technical evolutions of available stents appear promising but deserve further investigations. Future challenges and perspectives include (i) identifying the features for selecting the ideal candidate to TIPS; (ii) recognizing the better timing for TIPS placement; and (iii) understanding the most appropriate role of TIPS within the framework of all other available treatments for the management of patients with decompensated cirrhosis
PREDICT identifies precipitating events associated with the clinical course of acutely decompensated cirrhosis
Background & Aims: Acute decompensation (AD) of cirrhosis
may present without acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) (AD No ACLF), or with ACLF (AD-ACLF), defined by organ failure(s).
Herein, we aimed to analyze and characterize the precipitants
leading to both of these AD phenotypes.
Methods: The multicenter, prospective, observational PREDICT
study (NCT03056612) included 1,273 non-electively hospitalized patients with AD (No ACLF = 1,071; ACLF = 202). Medical history,
clinical data and laboratory data were collected at enrolment and
during 90-day follow-up, with particular attention given to the
following characteristics of precipitants: induction of organ
dysfunction or failure, systemic inflammation, chronology, in tensity, and relationship to outcome.
Results: Among various clinical events, 4 distinct events were
precipitants consistently related to AD: proven bacterial in fections, severe alcoholic hepatitis, gastrointestinal bleeding
with shock and toxic encephalopathy. Among patients with
precipitants in the AD-No ACLF cohort and the AD-ACLF cohort
(38% and 71%, respectively), almost all (96% and 97%, respec tively) showed proven bacterial infection and severe alcoholic
hepatitis, either alone or in combination with other events.
Survival was similar in patients with proven bacterial infections
or severe alcoholic hepatitis in both AD phenotypes. The number
of precipitants was associated with significantly increased 90-
day mortality and was paralleled by increasing levels of surro gates for systemic inflammation. Importantly, adequate first-line
antibiotic treatment of proven bacterial infections was associated
with a lower ACLF development rate and lower 90-day mortality.
Conclusions: This study identified precipitants that are signifi cantly associated with a distinct clinical course and prognosis in
patients with AD. Specific preventive and therapeutic strategies
targeting these events may improve outcomes in patients with
decompensated cirrhosis.
Lay summary: Acute decompensation (AD) of cirrhosis is char acterized by a rapid deterioration in patient health. Herein, we
aimed to analyze the precipitating events that cause AD in pa tients with cirrhosis. Proven bacterial infections and severe
alcoholic hepatitis, either alone or in combination, accounted for
almost all (96-97%) cases of AD and acute-on-chronic liver fail ure. Whilst the type of precipitant was not associated with
mortality, the number of precipitant(s) was. This study identified
precipitants that are significantly associated with a distinct
clinical course and prognosis of patients with AD. Specific pre ventive and therapeutic strategies targeting these events may
improve patient outcomes
The PREDICT study uncovers three clinical courses of acutely decompensated cirrhosis that have distinct pathophysiology
Herein, we describe, for the first time, 3 different clinical courses of acute decompensation (AD) of cirrhosis after hospital admission. The first clinical course includes patients who develop acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) and have a high short-term risk of death – termed pre-ACLF. The second clinical course (unstable decompensated cirrhosis) includes patients requiring frequent hospitalizations unrelated to ACLF and is
associated with a lower mortality risk than pre-ACLF. Finally, the third clinical course (stable decompensated cirrhosis), includes two-thirds of all patients admitted to hospital with AD – patients in this group rarely require hospital admission and have a much lower 1-year mortality risk.
Background & Aims: Acute decompensation (AD) of cirrhosis is defined as the acute development of ascites, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hepatic encephalopathy, infection or any combination thereof, requiring hospitalization. The presence of organ failure(s) in patients with AD defines acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). The PREDICT study is a European, prospective, observational study, designed to characterize the clinical course
of AD and to identify predictors of ACLF.
Methods: A total of 1,071 patients with AD were enrolled. We collected detailed pre-specified information on the 3-month period prior to enrollment, and clinical and laboratory data at enrollment. Patients were then closely followed up for 3 months. Outcomes (liver transplantation and death) at 1 year were also recorded.
Results: Three groups of patients were identified. Pre-ACLF patients (n = 218) developed ACLF and had 3-month and 1-year mortality rates of 53.7% and 67.4%, respectively. Unstable decompensated cirrhosis (UDC) patients (n = 233) required >−1 readmission but did not develop ACLF and had mortality rates of 21.0% and 35.6%, respectively. Stable decompensated cirrhosis (SDC) patients (n = 620) were not readmitted, did not develop ACLF and had a 1-year mortality rate of only 9.5%. The 3 groups differed significantly regarding the grade and course of systemic
inflammation (high-grade at enrollment with aggravation during follow-up in pre-ACLF; low-grade at enrollment with subsequent steady-course in UDC; and low-grade at enrollment with subsequent improvement in SDC) and the prevalence of surrogates of severe portal hypertension throughout the study (high in UDC vs. low in pre-ACLF and SDC).
Conclusions: Acute decompensation without ACLF is a heterogeneous condition with 3 different clinical courses and 2 major pathophysiological mechanisms: systemic inflammation and portal hypertension. Predicting the development of ACLF remains a major future challenge.Cellex FoundationEuropean Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure (EF-Clif
Albumin in decompensated cirrhosis: new concepts and perspectives
The pathophysiological background of decompensated cirrhosis is characterised by a systemic proinflammatory and pro-oxidant milieu that plays a major role in the development of multiorgan dysfunction. Such abnormality is mainly due to the systemic spread of bacteria and/or bacterial products from the gut and danger-associated molecular patterns from the diseased liver triggering the release of proinflammatory mediators by activating immune cells. The exacerbation of these processes underlies the development of acute-on-chronic liver failure. A further mechanism promoting multiorgan dysfunction and failure likely consists with a mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation dysfunction responsible for systemic cellular energy crisis. The systemic proinflammatory and pro-oxidant state of patients with decompensated cirrhosis is also responsible for structural and functional changes in the albumin molecule, which spoil its pleiotropic non-oncotic properties such as antioxidant, scavenging, immune-modulating and endothelium protective functions. The knowledge of these abnormalities provides novel targets for mechanistic treatments. In this respect, the oncotic and non-oncotic properties of albumin make it a potential multitarget agent. This would expand the well-established indications to the use of albumin in decompensated cirrhosis, which mainly aim at improving effective volaemia or preventing its deterioration. Evidence has been recently provided that long-term albumin administration to patients with cirrhosis and ascites improves survival, prevents complications, eases the management of ascites and reduces hospitalisations. However, variant results indicate that further investigations are needed, aiming at confirming the beneficial effects of albumin, clarifying its optimal dosage and administration schedule and identify patients who would benefit most from long-term albumin administration
Low Adherence To Nutritional Recommendations In Patients With Cirrhosis: A Prospective Observational Study
Predictors of clinical trajectories of patients with acutely decompensated cirrhosis. An external validation of the PREDICT study
Background and AimsThe PREDICT study recently showed that acutely decompensated (AD) patients with cirrhosis can present three different clinical phenotypes in the 90 days after admission: (1) pre-ACLF, developing acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF); (2) unstable decompensated cirrhosis (UDC), being re-admitted for AD without ACLF and (3) stable decompensated cirrhosis (SDC), not presenting readmission or ACLF. This study aimed to externally validate the existence of these three distinct trajectories and to identify predictors for the occurrence of each trajectory.MethodsBaseline data, 3-month ACLF and readmission incidence and 1-year survival were analysed in a prospective cohort of patients admitted for AD. A multinomial multivariable model was used to evaluate the association between baseline features and clinical trajectories.ResultsOf the 311 patients enrolled, 55% met the criteria for SDC, 18% for UDC and 27% for pre-ACLF, presenting a significantly different 1-year mortality: pre-ACLF 65%, UDC 46%, SDC 21% (p < .001). The presence of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) was associated with UDC (p = .043), while the absence of ascites to SDC (p = .017). Among laboratory parameters, an increase in MELD-Na (p = .001) and C-reactive protein (p = .009) and a decrease in haemoglobin (p = .004) and albumin (p = .008) levels were associated with pre-ACLF.ConclusionThe present study confirms that AD patients have three different clinical trajectories with different mortality rates. Besides the severity of cirrhosis, the association with C-reactive protein supports the predominant role of systemic inflammation in ACLF pathophysiology. Finally, HE is associated with the UDC phenotype highlighting the need for better management of this complication after discharge
Bacterial infections in patients with liver cirrhosis
Bacterial infections represent a frequent complication of liver cirrhosis carrying a significantly greater risk of morbidity and mortality as compared to that observed in non-cirrhotic patients. Such unfavourable prognosis is related to the systemic complications (liver and renal failure, shock, coagulopathy, multiple organ failure) induced by a series of pro-inflammatory and immunological systems which are activated by bacteria and their pathogenetic products.The epidemiology of bacterial infections in cirrhosis has changed in the last years with a marked increase of Gram+ infections and the emergence of multi-resistant bacteria.The severity of liver disease represents the major clinical factor predisposing to bacterial infections, which are asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic at presentation in almost half of the cases. Aim of this review is to summarise the clinical and therapeutic aspects of bacterial infections in cirrhotic patients. The most common sites of infection are the urinary tract, ascites, blood, lungs and soft tissues.Beside antibiotics, it has been proposed the administration of human albumin to prevent the development of renal failure in patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and, more recently, the use of hydrocortisone to treat cirrhotic patients with septic shock
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