634 research outputs found
The Euler characteristic and the first Chern number in the covariant phase space formulation of string theory
Using a covariant description of the geometry of deformations for extendons,
it is shown that the topological corrections for the string action associated
with the Euler characteristic and the first Chern number of the normal bundle
of the worldsheet, although do not give dynamics to the string, modify the
symplectic properties of the covariant phase space of the theory. Future
extensions of the present results are outlined.Comment: 12 page
Deformations of extended objects with edges
We present a manifestly gauge covariant description of fluctuations of a
relativistic extended object described by the Dirac-Nambu-Goto action with
Dirac-Nambu-Goto loaded edges about a given classical solution. Whereas
physical fluctuations of the bulk lie normal to its worldsheet, those on the
edge possess an additional component directed into the bulk. These fluctuations
couple in a non-trivial way involving the underlying geometrical structures
associated with the worldsheet of the object and of its edge. We illustrate the
formalism using as an example a string with massive point particles attached to
its ends.Comment: 17 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. D5
Selfdual 2-form formulation of gravity and classification of energy-momentum tensors
It is shown how the different irreducibility classes of the energy-momentum
tensor allow for a Lagrangian formulation of the gravity-matter system using a
selfdual 2-form as a basic variable. It is pointed out what kind of
difficulties arise when attempting to construct a pure spin-connection
formulation of the gravity-matter system. Ambiguities in the formulation
especially concerning the need for constraints are clarified.Comment: title changed, extended versio
Chiral Superconducting Membranes
We develop the dynamics of the chiral superconducting membranes (with null
current) in an alternative geometric approach either making a Lagrangian
description and a Hamiltonian point of view. Besides of this, we show the
equivalence of the resulting descriptions to the one known Dirac-Nambu-Goto
(DNG) case. Integrability for chiral string model is obtained using a proposed
light-cone gauge. In a similar way, domain walls are integrated by means of a
simple ansatz. We compare the results with recently works appeared in the
literature.Comment: Latex file, 17 pages, no figures. Improved version, typos corrected,
Comments and references adde
Towards a path integral for the pure-spin connection formulation of gravity
A proposal for the path-integral of pure-spin-connection formulation of
gravity is described, based on the two-form formulation of Capovilla et. al. It
is shown that the resulting effective-action for the spin-connection, upon
functional integration of the two-form field and the auxiliary matrix
field is {\it non-polynomial}, even for the case of vanishing
cosmological constant and absence of any matter couplings. Further, a
diagramatic evaluation is proposed for the contribution of the matrix-field to
the pure spin connection action.Comment: 8 pages in plain-TeX.-----IUCAA_TH/9
Yang-Mills theory a la string
A surface of codimension higher than one embedded in an ambient space
possesses a connection associated with the rotational freedom of its normal
vector fields. We examine the Yang-Mills functional associated with this
connection. The theory it defines differs from Yang-Mills theory in that it is
a theory of surfaces. We focus, in particular, on the Euler-Lagrange equations
describing this surface, introducing a framework which throws light on their
relationship to the Yang-Mills equations.Comment: 7 page
Open strings with topologically inspired boundary conditions
We consider an open string described by an action of the Dirac-Nambu-Goto
type with topological corrections which affect the boundary conditions but not
the equations of motion. The most general addition of this kind is a sum of the
Gauss-Bonnet action and the first Chern number (when the background spacetime
dimension is four) of the normal bundle to the string worldsheet. We examine
the modification introduced by such terms in the boundary conditions at the
ends of the string.Comment: 12 pages, late
ADM Worldvolume Geometry
We describe the dynamics of a relativistic extended object in terms of the
geometry of a configuration of constant time. This involves an adaptation of
the ADM formulation of canonical general relativity. We apply the formalism to
the hamiltonian formulation of a Dirac-Nambu-Goto relativistic extended object
in an arbitrary background spacetime.Comment: 4 pages, Latex. Uses espcrc2.sty To appear in the proceedings of the
Third Conference on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity, September,
1999. To appear in Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplement
On the solution of the initial value constraints for general relativity coupled to matter in terms of Ashtekar's variables
The method of solution of the initial value constraints for pure canonical
gravity in terms of Ashtekar's new canonical variables due to CDJ is further
developed in the present paper. There are 2 new main results : 1) We extend the
method of CDJ to arbitrary matter-coupling again for non-degenerate metrics :
the new feature is that the 'CDJ-matrix' adopts a nontrivial antisymmetric part
when solving the vector constraint and that the Klein-Gordon-field is used,
instead of the symmetric part of the CDJ-matrix, in order to satisfy the scalar
constraint. 2) The 2nd result is that one can solve the general initial value
constraints for arbitrary matter coupling by a method which is completely
independent of that of CDJ. It is shown how the Yang-Mills and gravitational
Gauss constraints can be solved explicitely for the corresponding electric
fields. The rest of the constraints can then be satisfied by using either
scalar or spinor field momenta. This new trick might be of interest also for
Yang-Mills theories on curved backgrounds.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, PITHA93-1, January 9
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