1,599 research outputs found

    The new challenges of the manufacturing industry applying the norm ISO 45001:2018

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    The present work reflects the impact that the manufacturing industries must solve in the application of the ISO 45001: 2018 Standard on Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. In such, a globalized market where human and material assets must be preserved for the survival of organizations, management systems based on continuous improvement play an important role in ensuring compliance with applicable legal requirements, risk management and the opportunities, as well as the achievement of the best working conditions. The manufacturing industry has not been alien to this evolution; the nature of the risks present in the different industries, the operations carried out, the machinery, the use of work teams and their processes make this sector a priority and strategic sector that should be at the forefront of new technologies and rules. The implementation of the ISO 45001: 2018 standard in the manufacturing industry is a challenge for the implementation of high-level management systems that guarantee a healthy and safe environment for workers and a strategic and operational decision from the business point of view based on improving the performance of health and safety at work and increasing competitiveness in an increasingly demanding market.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Dynamics of School and Work in Rural Bangladesh

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    This paper investigates the causes underlying the poor school performance of children in rural Bangladesh, while focusing on the effect of work on school progress. To this end, a dynamic switching model is presented for the sequence of school and work outcomes up to the end of secondary school, where the switching in each school level considered is determined by the endogenous work sequence up to that level. This approach allow us to characterize the full sequence of school and work choices of children, and to evaluate the dynamic effects of work on schooling. We find that work has a negative and sizable effect on school progress for the entire population, as well as for all the subpopulations considered, including the different groups of working children. We are also able to identify at each school level the observable and unobservable characteristics of working children relative to those of non-working children. This characterization and the magnitude of the estimated effects of work have important policy implications.dynamics of school and work, dynamic evaluation, selection

    Novel Method to Improve the Signal to Noise Ratio in the Far-field Results Obtained from Planar Near Field Measurements.

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    A method to reduce the noise power in far-field pattern without modifying the desired signal is proposed. Therefore, an important signal-to-noise ratio improvement may be achieved. The method is used when the antenna measurement is performed in planar nearfield, where the recorded data are assumed to be corrupted with white Gaussian and space-stationary noise, because of the receiver additive noise. Back-propagating the measured field from the scan plane to the antenna under test (AUT) plane, the noise remains white Gaussian and space-stationary, whereas the desired field is theoretically concentrated in the aperture antenna. Thanks to this fact, a spatial filtering may be applied, cancelling the field which is located out of the AUT dimensions and which is only composed by noise. Next, a planar field to far-field transformation is carried out, achieving a great improvement compared to the pattern obtained directly from the measurement. To verify the effectiveness of the method, two examples will be presented using both simulated and measured near-field data

    Application of sources reconstruction techniques: Theory and practical results.

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    In this paper, four new applications of sources reconstruction techniques (also called diagnostic techniques) are presented. First of all, the important information of such techniques will be mentioned, seeing that they are a tool to obtain the extremely near field from the measured data. Depending on the region where these data are taken (near field or far field), the reconstruction method will be different. Also, all of them may be classified in other two groups depending on its features: Integral Equation Methods (IEM) or Modal Expansion Methods. Classical applications of such techniques are errors detection, like phase errors in arrays or conformai errors in reflectors, therefore, they constitute an important antenna design tool. But also and it has been said, they can be used as the basis to other applications whose aim is to improve the measurement results in anechoic chambers or non anechoic environments. Here, four of them are presented, being the reflection cancelling, the detection of unwanted radiation points, the truncation error reduction in planar or cylindrical near-field and the noise reduction

    No Upward Trend in Normalised Windstorm Losses in Europe: 1970-2008

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    On 18 January 2007, windstorm Kyrill battered Europe with hurricane-force winds killing 47 people and causing US$ 10 billion in damage. Kyrill poses several questions: is Kyrill an isolated or exceptional case? Have there been events costing as much in the past? This paper attempts to put Kyrill into an historical context by examining large historical windstorm event losses in Europe for the period 1970-2008 across 29 European countries. It asks the question what economic losses would these historical events cause if they were to recur under 2008 societal conditions? Loss data were sourced from reinsurance firms and augmented with historical reports, peer-reviewed articles and other ancillary sources. Following the same conceptual approach outlined in previous studies, the data were then adjusted for changes in population, wealth, and inflation at the country level and for inter-country price differences using purchasing power parity. The analyses reveal no trend in the normalised windstorm losses and confirm increasing disaster losses are driven by societal factors and increasing exposure.JRC.DDG.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Automated detection of tumoural cells with graph neural networks

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    La detecció de cèl·lules tumorals en imatges de seccions completes és una tasca essencial en el diagnòstic mèdic i la investigació. En aquesta tesi, proposem i analitzem un enfocament innovador que combina models basats en visió amb xarxes neuronals en grafs per millorar la precisió de la detecció automatitzada de cèl·lules tumorals. La nostra proposta aprofita l'estructura inherent i les relacions entre cèl·lules en el teixit. Els resultats experimentals en el nostre propi conjunt de dades curat mostrin que diversos indicadors milloren fins a un 15\% en comparació amb només usar l'enfocament de visió. S'ha demostrat que funciona amb teixit pulmonar tenyit amb H\&E i teixit mamari tenyit amb HER2. Creiem que el nostre mètode proposat té el potencial de millorar la precisió de la detecció automatitzada de cèl·lules tumorals, el que pot portar a uns diagnòstics més ràpids i una investigació accelerada en el camp degut a la reducció en la càrrega de treball dels histopatòlegs.La detección de células tumorales en imágenes de portaobjeto completo juega un papel esencial en el diagnóstico médico y es un elemento fundamental de la investigación sobre el cáncer. En esta tesis proponemos y analizamos un enfoque novedoso que combina modelos de visión por ordenador con redes neuronales en grafos para mejorar la precisión de la detección automatizada de células tumorales. Nuestra propuesta aprovecha la estructura inherente y las relaciones entre las células del tejido. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos sobre nuestra propia base de datos muestran que varias métricas mejoran hasta en un 15\% en comparación con solo usar el enfoque de visión. Se ha demostrado que funciona con tejido pulmonar teñido con H\&E y tejido mamario teñido con HER2. Creemos que nuestro método tiene el potencial de mejorar la precisión de los métodos automáticos de detección de células tumorales, lo que puede llevar a acelerar los diagnósticos y la investigación en este ámbito al reducir la carga de trabajo de los histopatólogos.The detection of tumoural cells from whole slide images is an essential task in medical diagnosis and research. In this thesis, we propose and analyse a novel approach that combines computer vision-based models with graph neural networks to improve the accuracy of automated tumoural cell detection. Our proposal leverages the inherent structure and relationships between cells in the tissue. Experimental results on our own curated dataset shows that several different metrics improve by up to 15%15\% compared to just using the computer vision approach. It has been proved to work with H\&E stained lung tissue and HER2 stained breast tissue. We believe that our proposed method has the potential to improve the accuracy of automated tumoural cell detection, which can lead to accelerated diagnosis and research in the field by reducing the worload of hystopathologists

    New methods to reduce leakage errors in planar near-field measurements

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    This paper describes two methods to cancel the effect of two kinds of leakage signals which may be presented when an antenna is measured in a planar near-field range. One method tries to reduce leakage bias errors from the receiver¿s quadrature detector and it is based on estimating the bias constant added to every near-field data sample. Then, that constant is subtracted from the data, removing its undesired effect on the far-field pattern. The estimation is performed by back-propagating the field from the scan plane to the antenna under test plane (AUT) and averaging all the data located outside the AUT aperture. The second method is able to cancel the effect of the leakage from faulty transmission lines, connectors or rotary joints. The basis of this method is also a reconstruction process to determine the field distribution on the AUT plane. Once this distribution is known, a spatial filtering is applied to cancel the contribution due to those faulty elements. After that, a near-field-to-far-field transformation is applied, obtaining a new radiation pattern where the leakage effects have disappeared. To verify the effectiveness of both methods, several examples are presented

    El informe de Agustín Monreal sobre la enseñanza industrial en España y Europa (1861)

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    Se exponen y analizan en el presente artículo los datos más importantes aportados por Agustín Monreal, profesor del Real Instituto Industrial de Madrid, en el informe que elaboró y elevó al Ministerio de Fomento tras la visita que realizó en el verano de 1861 a diversos centros de enseñanza técnica en Prusia, Bélgica y Francia, así como a diversas factorías industriales en la periferia de París. El Real Instituto tenía la obligación de enviar cada año a uno de sus profesores a visitar los países europeos más avanzados, con el objeto de que hicieran un informe sobre determinados aspectos relacionados con la actividad industrial de los mismos que pudieran ser útiles en España. En el informe, además de dar abundantes detalles sobre la enseñanza industrial en estos países, y describir los aspectos concretos de la industria ferroviaria francesa, hace un conjunto de consideraciones de gran interés sobre la situación de la enseñanza industrial en España en aquellos momentos (en los que funcionaban cuatro escuelas de ingeniería industrial superior, ubicadas en Madrid –el Real Instituto Industrial–, Barcelona, Sevilla y Valencia, excesivas para las necesidades del país). Monreal propone la reorganización del sistema docente, el fomento de la enseñanza profesional obrera y la reglamentación, por parte del Gobierno, de un conjunto de actividades de inspección de instalaciones industriales y ferroviarias, y dirección de fábricas estatales, que fueran específicas de los ingenieros industriales. Precisamente, la inexistencia de un cuerpo oficial de ingenieros industriales –al contrario de lo que ocurría en otras ramas de la ingeniería–, así como las escasas salidas de éstos en el sector privado, por la débil industrialización, determinaron que entre 1865 y 1867 cerraran todas las escuelas industriales españolas, a excepción de la ubicada en Barcelona, en la zona más industrializada. El informe Monreal proporciona una buena visión de la situación de la enseñanza industrial en España, en comparación con lo que ocurría en otros países europeos. En el presente artículo se incluyen otras opiniones de contemporáneos suyos que se ocuparon o tuvieron parte activa en la evolución de la enseñanza industrial en la España de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX

    The Royal Industrial Institute of Madrid (1850-1867). A Historical Overview

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    This paper reviews the history, structure, evolution and salient activities of the Royal Industrial Institute of Madrid. This was the first higher engineering school established in Spain and also the key to the teaching system devised by Spain's moderate liberal government of the 1850s to gather the human resources (engineers, intermediate technicians and skilled workers) needed to face the industrialization process under way in the country. The Royal Industrial Institute was founded with the teachers and material resources of the former Arts Conservatory. Its consolidation was a gradual process. The staff consisted of a little under thirty teachers and assistants including several engineers trained abroad (particularly in France and Belgium), as well as some architects, pharmaceutists and mathematicians of diverse origin. The Institute taught the three industrial education levels available at the time, and also a business curriculum. In addition, it trained craftsmen, and provided advice on and issued so-called “industrial privileges” (patents and trademarks). The Institute possessed its own industrial museum, with model machines and number of product samples. In its late years, the Royal Institute had few students owing to the existence of several competing higher industrial engineering schools in Spain and the scarcity of public and private jobs for industrial engineers at the time. This led to its closure in 1867 -a time of economic and political crisis-, the Industrial School of Barcelona remaining the sole teaching institution that trained industrial engineers in Spain until 1899. The Royal Industrial Institute was studied from a broad perspective almost forty years ago by Alonso Viguera in his work on Spanish industrial engineering in the XIX century.1 The human and material resources of the institution were examined in a subsequent publication,2 with special emphasis on the teaching skills of its staff and the adequacy of its means as appraised from the closure inventories