7 research outputs found
This study aims to find out how effective YouTube is as a promotional media in the Pasundan University and the general public in improving the Pasundan University brand image. This study uses qualitative research methods in descriptive form. The problem in this study is how effective the YouTube PR media can be a campus promotion tool and a means to improve the Pasundan University brand image. The results of this study indicate that the youtube promotional media can easily attract public interest to seek information on the public relations youtube channel, thereby indirectly making many people who know about Pasundan University and the brand image of Pasundan University also increase. There are several obstacles experienced by the Public Relations of the University of Pasundan in building the YouTube channel of Public Relations from the beginning until now, starting from the internal campus which still does not know much about the Public Relations YouTube channel of the University of Pasundan to the limited ideas for creating content on the YouTube Public Relations of the University of Pasundan
Prophetic communication is a framework for new communication science practices from an Islamic communication perspective that combines general communication science concepts with religious philosophy by emphasizing two aspects of meaning, namely the dissemination of information that contains truth and good meaning, and the delivery of information that is carried out appropriately and politely. Social media is one of the technological advances that is used to disseminate information, one of which is the spread of fake news about the conflict between Palestine and Israel which violates the media code of ethics and Islamic values ​​which are interpreted through prophetic communication. The researchers will study in more depth using qualitative research methods, data collection techniques through in-depth interviews with Palestinian residents. The results state that Instagram and Facebook are the social media that contain the most fake news, one of which is accusing Hamas of being a terrorist because it carried out attacks on the Zionists, thus triggering various perspectives from the public without them knowing how cruel the Zionists were in attacking Palestinians for seven years. The large number of fake news about Hamas means that we as Muslims have to filter and validate news sources according to reality. Because many media distort facts which are considered very confusing to the public. Thus, the presence of social media as a new media from a prophetic communication perspective has pros and cons, including being able to build solidarity among Muslims in fighting colonialism and there is still a lot of fake news packaged in such a way that it is able to make the audience believe the news
Prophetic communication is a framework for new communication science practices from an Islamic communication perspective that combines general communication science concepts with religious philosophy by emphasizing two aspects of meaning, namely the dissemination of information that contains truth and good meaning, and the delivery of information that is carried out appropriately and politely. Social media is one of the technological advances that is used to disseminate information, one of which is the spread of fake news about the conflict between Palestine and Israel which violates the media code of ethics and Islamic values ​​which are interpreted through prophetic communication. The researchers will study in more depth using qualitative research methods, data collection techniques through in-depth interviews with Palestinian residents. The results state that Instagram and Facebook are the social media that contain the most fake news, one of which is accusing Hamas of being a terrorist because it carried out attacks on the Zionists, thus triggering various perspectives from the public without them knowing how cruel the Zionists were in attacking Palestinians for seven years. The large number of fake news about Hamas means that we as Muslims have to filter and validate news sources according to reality. Because many media distort facts which are considered very confusing to the public. Thus, the presence of social media as a new media from a prophetic communication perspective has pros and cons, including being able to build solidarity among Muslims in fighting colonialism and there is still a lot of fake news packaged in such a way that it is able to make the audience believe the news
This study aims to find out how effective YouTube is as a promotional media in the Pasundan
University and the general public in improving the Pasundan University brand image. This
study uses qualitative research methods in descriptive form. The problem in this study is how
effective the YouTube PR media can be a campus promotion tool and a means to improve the
Pasundan University brand image. The results of this study indicate that the youtube
promotional media can easily attract public interest to seek information on the public relations
youtube channel, thereby indirectly making many people who know about Pasundan University
and the brand image of Pasundan University also increase. There are several obstacles
experienced by the Public Relations of the University of Pasundan in building the YouTube
channel of Public Relations from the beginning until now, starting from the internal campus
which still does not know much about the Public Relations YouTube channel of the University
of Pasundan to the limited ideas for creating content on the YouTube Public Relations of the
University of Pasundan.
Keywords : Brand Image, Youtube, Promotion media, effective
Optimalisasi Mitigasi Bencana Karang Taruna Se-Kecamatan Lembang Bersama Relawan Penanggulangan Bencana Lembang (RPBL) dan Warga Desa Lembang
This service aims to empower the youth of Karang Taruna in Lembang sub-district, especially village residents in Lembang sub-district, West Bandung Regency, in increasing their ability to mitigate earthquake disasters. The M 5.6 earthquake that rocked Cianjur Regency, West Java (West Java), killing hundreds of victims and damaging buildings, is a reminder to the Greater Bandung area, especially the Lembang sub-district, West Bandung Regency, about the existence of the Lembang fault. Because there are still village residents who do not have high awareness of the dangers of the Lembang fault, especially since these residents live in areas prone to disasters, especially earthquakes. Based on this, the Community Service Team of the Pasundan University Communication Studies Program took the initiative to carry out service with the theme Optimizing Disaster Mitigation of Karang Taruna throughout Lembang District together with Lembang Disaster Management Volunteers (RPBL) and Lembang Village Residents. The choice of location cannot be separated from the location which is an earthquake-prone area. The methods used in this training are providing material, lectures, discussions and simulations. The problem that partners have is the lack of knowledge, awareness and ability of the Lembang sub-district village community regarding the dangers of disasters considering the existence of disaster-vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly and people with disabilities. In this service activity, a contextual approach method is used, namely providing educational material and disaster outreach (Awareness) first and followed by carrying out disaster simulations and training (Preparedness). Responding to every Disaster and Post-Disaster incident (Response). Then proceed with carrying out disaster risk reduction efforts (Mitigation). After the activities were carried out, the community service team together with Karang Taruna initiated the formation of a Disaster Resilient Karang Taruna forum as a forum for youth and village residents to be ready and resilient in facing disasters. Then, the results of the assessment by the community service team need to create a sustainable program regarding the optimization of disaster mitigation.
Keywords: Capacity Building, Disaster Mitigation, Earthquake, Karang Taruna, Lembang Fault.
Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan para pemuda Karang Taruna kecamatan Lembang khususnya warga desa yang berada di kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat dalam peningkatan kemampuan mitigasi bencana gempa bumi. Gempa bumi M 5,6 yang telah mengguncang Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat (Jabar), menelan ratusan korban dan merusak bangunan menjadi pengingat bagi wilayah Bandung Raya khususnya kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat tentang adanya sesar Lembang. Karena masih ada saja warga desa yang belum memiliki kesadaran tinggi akan bahaya dari sesar lembang apalagi warga masyarakat tersebut tinggal di daerah rawan bencana khususnya gempa bumi. Berangkat dari hal tersebut, Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Pasundan berinisiatif melakukan pengabdian dengan tema Optimalisasi Mitigasi Bencana Karang Taruna Se-Kecamatan Lembang Bersama Relawan Penanggulangan Bencana Lembang (RPBL) dan Warga Desa Lembang. Pemilihan lokasi tersebut tidak terlepas dari lokasi yang merupakan daerah rawan bencana gempa bumi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah pemberian materi, ceramah, diskusi dan simulasi. Adapun masalah yang dimiliki oleh mitra adalah belum adanya pengetahuan, kesadaran serta kemampuan masyarakat desa kecamatan Lembang akan bahaya bencana mengingat adanya kelompok rentan bencana seperti anak-anak, lansia dan penyandang disabilitas. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kontekstual yaitu memberikan materi edukasi dan sosialisasi kebencanaan (Awareness) terlebih dahulu dan dilanjutkan dengan melakukan simulasi dan pelatihan kebencanaan (Preparedness). Merespon setiap kejadian Bencana dan Pasca Bencana (Response). Lalu dilanjutkan dengan melakukan upaya-upaya pengurangan risiko bencana (Mitigation). Setelah kegiatan dilakukan tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat bersama karang taruna menginisasi pembentukan forum karang taruna tangguh bencana sebagai wadah bagi para pemuda dan warga desa untuk siap dan tangguh dalam menghadapi bencana. Kemudian hasil penilaian tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat perlu dibuatkan program yang berkelanjutan mengenai optimalisasi mitigasi bencana.
Kata Kunci: Peningkatan Kemampuan, Mitigasi Bencana, Gempa Bumi, Karang Taruna, Sesar Lembang.
This study aims to find out how effective YouTube is as a promotional media in the Pasundan University and the general public in improving the Pasundan University brand image. This study uses qualitative research methods in descriptive form. The problem in this study is how effective the YouTube PR media can be a campus promotion tool and a means to improve the Pasundan University brand image. The results of this study indicate that the youtube promotional media can easily attract public interest to seek information on the public relations youtube channel, thereby indirectly making many people who know about Pasundan University and the brand image of Pasundan University also increase. There are several obstacles experienced by the Public Relations of the University of Pasundan in building the YouTube channel of Public Relations from the beginning until now, starting from the internal campus which still does not know much about the Public Relations YouTube channel of the University of Pasundan to the limited ideas for creating content on the YouTube Public Relations of the University of Pasundan
The audio-based media industry is always growing, one of which is the existence of broadcasts or better known as podcasts. The great interest of listeners from siniar has made the industry grow, one of which is the birth of Box2box Media Network, which is a podcast-based media network. This research discusses the Box2Box Network communication strategy in the Podcast Industry Competition. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods with data collection carried out using interviews, observation, and documentation.This research uses communication aspects, namely audience introduction, message preparation, method determination, media determination. The results of the communication strategy research conducted in Box2Box is by creating a business model that is carried out in Box2Bx, one of which is brand placement, which covers various possibilities, beyond that social media as part of a vertical podcast, selling podcasters as talent, access and connection to resources, whether it's talent, editors, or designers or other figures, who open up opportunities for collaboration and can advance the quality of Box2Box Media Network