239 research outputs found
Identification of heat source fields from infra-red thermography: Determination of âself-heating' in a dual-phase steel by using a dog bone sample
WOSInternational audienceFrom infra-red thermography, a quantitative analysis of heat dissipation sources is proposed via the thermomechanical modeling of a fatigue test on a specimen with a varying cross-section. A new procedure is introduced to achieve this goal, and its application to an experimental case of self-heating at a single load level is shown to provide complete identification of a probabilistic model of micro-plasticity
A 3D Super-elastic Model for Shape Memory Alloys Taking into account Progressive strain under Cyclic Loadings
WOSInternational audienceThis paper concerns the mechanical behavior of super-elastic polycrystalline shape memory alloys under cyclic loadings. Sometimes, as shown by many experimental observations, a permanent inelastic strain occurs and increases with the number of cycles. A series of cyclic tests has been carried out and used to develop a 3D macroscopic model for the super-elasticity of SMAs able to describe the evolution of permanent inelastic strain during cycles
Super-elastic Behavior of Shape Memory Alloys under Proportional Cyclic Loadings
WOSInternational audienceThis paper is concerned with the super-elastic behavior of shape memory alloys under cyclic loads. Particular attention is paid to ratchetting (i.e., evolution of residual strain with the number of cycles). First, a series of uni-axial tensile tests on CuâAlâBe wires is presented. Then, a macroscopic model is proposed and its parameters are identified from experimental results
Utilisation de l'imagerie IR pour l'Ă©tude de la fatigue des aciers : PremiĂšres observations d'effets de surface
International audienceDe nouvelles mĂ©thodes de caractĂ©risation de la tenue Ă la fatigue des matĂ©riaux mĂ©talliques par mesure thermique sont dĂ©veloppĂ©es depuis plusieurs annĂ©es. Elles donnent accĂšs en quelques dizaines de minutes Ă une estimation de la limite d'endurance et de la dispersion des rĂ©sultats de fatigue d'un matĂ©riau, lĂ oĂč plusieurs jours sont nĂ©cessaires traditionnellement. Un des axes de dĂ©veloppement de ces mĂ©thodes consiste Ă caractĂ©riser Ă l'aide de ces techniques les effets de surface sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă la fatigue. Pour capter l'information due Ă l'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© locale provoquĂ©e par le traitement de surface, il est nĂ©cessaire de passer d'une vision moyenne Ă des mesures de champ. Deux points clefs peuvent ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s pour ce passage. Le premier concerne la mesure et est traitĂ© dans cet article. Le second concerne l'identification du champ de sources locales Ă partir du champ de tempĂ©rature mesurĂ©e et n'est pas traitĂ© ici. Un protocole expĂ©rimental de mesure du champ de tempĂ©rature d'une tĂŽle mince avec une prĂ©cision suffisante (incertitude de l'ordre du milliKelvin) est prĂ©sentĂ© pour discerner des hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©s de propriĂ©tĂ© Ă la fatigue (p. ex. surface vs. cĆur). L'article expose les diffĂ©rentes sources d'artefacts rencontrĂ©s et les techniques utilisĂ©es pour les supprimer
Phase transformation yield surface of anisotropic shape memory alloys
International audienceTwo theoretical investigations, i.e. a phenomenological macroscopic model and a "micro-macro" model are developed for modelling the experimental surfaces of initiation of phase transformation in shape memory alloys. A possible initial anisotropy of the materials is taken into account
Dissipation measurements in steel sheets under cyclic loading by use of infrared microthermography
WOSInternational audienceHeterogeneous dissipation in steel sheets due to cyclic loading is difficult to measure, especially in the transverse direction because of the high conductivity and low thickness of the sheets. The goal of this article is thus to develop an experimental protocol allowing for the dissipation field determination from infra-red thermography. The protocol is based on a specific differential measurement and an asynchronous acquisition. It reduces measurement artefacts due to coating, rigid body motion, convection, and optical deleterious effects. It is eventually applied to different specimens
Equivalent transformation strain and its relation with martensite volume fraction for isotropic and anisotropic shape memory alloys.
International audienceThe present paper deals with the superelastic behavior of both isotropic and anisotropic shape memory alloys (SMA). Recently, a macroscopic model, which permits to simulate the superelasticity of SMA under complex multi-axial loading, has been proposed by Bouvet et al. [Bouvet, C., Calloch, S., Lexcellent, C., 2004. A phenomenological model for pseudoelasticity of shape memory alloys under multi-axial proportional and non-proportional loadings. Eur. J. Mech. A Solids 23, 37-61]. In this model, a conjecture concerning the proportionality of the equivalent transformation strain with the martensite volume fraction has been adopted. The main goal of this study is to show the validity of this conjecture when the stress state is multi-axial. In a first part, the case of isotropic SMA is considered. An equivalent stress and an equivalent transformation strain are introduced. In the second section, the case of anisotropic SMA is considered. The previous equivalent stress and equivalent transformation strain are generalized to take into account the anisotropy of the material. The relation between the equivalent transformation strain and the martensite volume fraction is discussed by using, on one hand, experimental results under proportional tension-torsion loadings and, on the other hand, a polycrystalline model
Rapid multiaxial high cycle fatigue limit predictions using self-heating-based probabilistic multiscale models
Thermal measurements under multiaxial cyclic loadings are used herein to predict multiaxial fatigue properties. Two models describing random microplasticity activation via a Poisson Point Process. The thermal response is interpreted as the âmeanâ behaviour of the microplastic activity, whereas the fatigue limit relies on the weakest link assumption. The first model is based upon a yield surface approach to account for stress multiaxiality at a microscopic scale. The second one relies on a probabilistic modelling of microplasticity at the scale of slip-planes. Both models are identified on thermal results and a uniaxial mean fatigue limit, and then validated using fatigue limits as well as thermal responses in the case of tension-torsion loadings on tubular specimens made of medium carbon steel. They predict well hydrostatic stress, volume and proportional multiaxial effects. The model with microplasticity described at the scale of slip-planes also offers a good prediction of nonproportional mean fatigue limits (~ 5% error) whereas the other model is less predictive (~ 17% error)
Probabilistic multiscale models and measurements of self-heating under multiaxial high cycle fatigue
WOSInternational audienceDifferent approaches have been proposed to link high cycle fatigue properties to thermal measurements under cyclic loadings, usually referred to as âself-heating tests.â This paper focuses on two models whose parameters are tuned by resorting to self-heating tests and then used to predict high cycle fatigue properties. The first model is based upon a yield surface approach to account for stress multiaxiality at a microscopic scale, whereas the second one relies on a probabilistic modelling of microplasticity at the scale of slip-planes. Both model identifications are cost effective, relying mainly on quickly-obtained temperature data in self-heating tests. They both describe the influence of the stress heterogeneity, the volume effect and the hydrostatic stress on fatigue limits. The thermal effects and mean fatigue limit predictions are in good agreement with experimental results for in and out-of phase tension-torsion loadings. In the case of fatigue under non-proportional loading paths, the mean fatigue limit prediction error of the critical shear stress approach is three times less than with the yield surface approach
Fast Evaluation of the Fatigue Lifetime of Elastomers Based on a Heat Build-up Protocol and Micro-tomography Measurements
WOSInternational audienceThe temperature of rubber-like materials increases under cyclic loadings, due to their dissipative behaviour and low thermal conductivity. This well-known phenomenon, called heat build-up, has attracted the attention of researchers for a long time. But, to our knowledge, no published studies have tried to link this temperature rise to fatigue behaviour, as already done for many metallic materials. Two main points are discussed in this paper. The first one is dedicated to heat build-up measurements: a specific experimental protocol was developed to capture the instantaneous heat build-up and, based on this protocol, a "heat build-up test" was defined in order to link the temperature rise to the principal maximum strain, which is a commonly used variable for fatigue criterion. A discussion on the correlation between these results and the fatigue behaviour is opened. This relation is illustrated for several industrial materials by a comparison between heat build-up measurements and fatigue life duration. The second point investigates the ability to couple X-ray tomography measurements presented elsewhere [1] to the former heat build-up results in order to predict the initiation lifetime. An approach based on a critical energy criterion was proposed and the comparison to a classic Wöhler curve approach gave very good results
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