450 research outputs found
Dynamics and thermodynamics of a probe brane in the multicenter and rotating D3-brane background
We study the dynamics and thermodynamics of a probe D3-brane in the rotating
D3-brane background and in its extremal limit, which is a multicenter
configuration of D3-branes distributed uniformly on a disc. In the extremal
background, if the angular momentum of the probe does not vanish, the probe is
always bounced back at some turning point. When its angular momentum vanishes,
in the disc plane, the probe will be captured at the edge of the disc; in the
hyperplane orthogonal to the disc, the probe will be absorbed at the center of
the disc. In the non-extremal background, if the probe is in the hyperplane
orthogonal to the disc, it will be captured at the horizon; if the probe is
restricted in the disc plane, the probe will be bounced back at a turning
point, which is just the infinite red-shift hyperplane of the rotating
background, even when the angular momentum of the probe vanishes. The
thermodynamics of a relative static D3-brane probe is also investigated to the
rotating D3-brane source. Two critical points are found. One is just the
thermodynamically stable boundary of the source rotating D3-branes; the other
is related to the distance between the probe and the source, which can be
regarded as the mass scale in the corresponding super Yang-Mills theory. If the
probe is static, the second critical point occurs as the probe is at the
infinite red-shift hyperplane of the background. The relevance to the
thermodynamics of the super Yang-Mills theory is discussed briefly.Comment: Revtex, 16 pages, no figures, minor change
Thermodynamics of Conformal Anomaly Corrected Black Holes in AdS Space
We present exact analytical black hole solutions with conformal anomaly in
AdS space and discuss the thermodynamical properties of these black hole
solutions. These black holes can have a positive, zero and negative constant
curvature horizon, respectively. For the black hole with a positive constant
curvature horizon, there exists a minimal horizon determined by the coefficient
of the trace anomaly, the black hole with a smaller horizon is
thermodynamically unstable, while it is stable for the case with a larger
horizon. The Hawking-Page transition happens in this case. For the black hole
with a Ricci flat horizon, the black hole is always thermodynamically stable
and there is no Hawking-Page transition. In the case of the black hole with a
negative constant curvature horizon, there exists a critical value for the
coefficient of the trace anomaly, under this critical value, the black hole is
always thermodynamical stable and the Hawking-Page transition does not happen.
When the coefficient is beyond the critical value, the black hole with a
smaller horizon is thermodynamically unstable, but it becomes stable for the
case with a larger horizon, the Hawking-Page transition always happens in this
case. The latter is a new feature for the black holes with a negative constant
curvature horizon.Comment: Letax, 17 pages with 6 figure
A Note on Curvature Fluctuation of Noncommutative Inflation
An elegant approach, which incorporates the effect of the stringy spacetime
uncertainty relation, to calculate power spectra of fluctuations during
inflation has been suggested by Brandenberger and Ho. In this approach, one of
important features is the appearance of an upper bound on the comoving momentum
, at which the stringy spacetime uncertainty relation is saturated. As a
result, the time-dependent upper bound leads us to choose naturally a set of
initial vacua for each mode, in which the stringy uncertainty relation is
saturated. In this note, with that set of vacua we calculate power spectrum of
curvature fluctuation for a power law inflation, up to the leading order of a
parameter describing the spacetime noncommutativity. It turns out that this
choice of initial vacuum has a significant effect on the power spectrum of
fluctuations.Comment: Latex, 13 pages, v2: minor changes, two references added, to appear
in PL
A New Model of Agegraphic Dark Energy
In this note, we propose a new model of agegraphic dark energy based on the
K\'{a}rolyh\'{a}zy relation, where the time scale is chosen to be the conformal
time of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe. We find that in
the radiation-dominated epoch, the equation-of-state parameter of the new
agegraphic dark energy whereas ; in the
matter-dominated epoch, whereas ; eventually, the
new agegraphic dark energy dominates; in the late time when
, and the new agegraphic dark energy mimics a cosmological
constant. In every stage, all things are consistent. The confusion in the
original agegraphic dark energy model proposed in arXiv:0707.4049 disappears in
this new model. Furthermore, is naturally satisfied in both
radiation-dominated and matter-dominated epochs where . In addition, we
further extend the new agegraphic dark energy model by including the
interaction between the new agegraphic dark energy and background matter. In
this case, we find that can cross the phantom divide.Comment: 8 pages, revtex4; v2: Phys. Lett. B in press; v3: published versio
Noncommutative and Ordinary Super Yang-Mills on (D, D) Bound States
We study properties of (D, D) nonthreshold bound states () in the dual gravity description. These bound states can be viewed as
D-branes with a nonzero NS field of rank two. We find that in the
decoupling limit, the thermodynamics of the coincident D-branes with
field is the same not only as that of coincident D-branes without
field, but also as that of the coincident D-branes with
two smeared coordinates and no field, for with being the area of the two
smeared directions and a noncommutativity parameter. We also obtain
the same relation from the thermodynamics and dynamics by probe methods. This
suggests that the noncommutative super Yang-Mills with gauge group in
() dimensions is equivalent to an ordinary one with gauge group
in () dimensions in the limit . We
also find that the free energy of a D-brane probe with field in the
background of D-branes with field coincides with that of a D-brane
probe in the background of D-branes without field.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, references added, to appear in JHE
Standard sirens and dark sector with Gaussian process
The gravitational waves from compact binary systems are viewed as a standard
siren to probe the evolution of the universe. This paper summarizes the
potential and ability to use the gravitational waves to constrain the
cosmological parameters and the dark sector interaction in the Gaussian process
methodology. After briefly introducing the method to reconstruct the dark
sector interaction by the Gaussian process, the concept of standard sirens and
the analysis of reconstructing the dark sector interaction with LISA are
outlined. Furthermore, we estimate the constraint ability of the gravitational
waves on cosmological parameters with ET. The numerical methods we use are
Gaussian process and the Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo. Finally, we also forecast
the improvements of the abilities to constrain the cosmological parameters with
ET and LISA combined with the \it Planck.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, prepared for the proceedings of the
International Conference on Gravitation : Joint Conference of ICGAC-XIII and
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