11,071 research outputs found

    Robust Transceiver Design for MISO Interference Channel with Energy Harvesting

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    In this paper, we consider multiuser multiple-input single-output (MISO) interference channel where the received signal is divided into two parts for information decoding and energy harvesting (EH), respectively. The transmit beamforming vectors and receive power splitting (PS) ratios are jointly designed in order to minimize the total transmission power subject to both signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and EH constraints. Most joint beamforming and power splitting (JBPS) designs assume that perfect channel state information (CSI) is available; however CSI errors are inevitable in practice. To overcome this limitation, we study the robust JBPS design problem assuming a norm-bounded error (NBE) model for the CSI. Three different solution approaches are proposed for the robust JBPS problem, each one leading to a different computational algorithm. Firstly, an efficient semidefinite relaxation (SDR)-based approach is presented to solve the highly non-convex JBPS problem, where the latter can be formulated as a semidefinite programming (SDP) problem. A rank-one recovery method is provided to recover a robust feasible solution to the original problem. Secondly, based on second order cone programming (SOCP) relaxation, we propose a low complexity approach with the aid of a closed-form robust solution recovery method. Thirdly, a new iterative method is also provided which can achieve near-optimal performance when the SDR-based algorithm results in a higher-rank solution. We prove that this iterative algorithm monotonically converges to a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) solution of the robust JBPS problem. Finally, simulation results are presented to validate the robustness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1407.0474 by other author

    Joint Transceiver Design Algorithms for Multiuser MISO Relay Systems with Energy Harvesting

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    In this paper, we investigate a multiuser relay system with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer. Assuming that both base station (BS) and relay station (RS) are equipped with multiple antennas, this work studies the joint transceiver design problem for the BS beamforming vectors, the RS amplify-and-forward transformation matrix and the power splitting (PS) ratios at the single-antenna receivers. Firstly, an iterative algorithm based on alternating optimization (AO) and with guaranteed convergence is proposed to successively optimize the transceiver coefficients. Secondly, a novel design scheme based on switched relaying (SR) is proposed that can significantly reduce the computational complexity and overhead of the AO based designs while maintaining a similar performance. In the proposed SR scheme, the RS is equipped with a codebook of permutation matrices. For each permutation matrix, a latent transceiver is designed which consists of BS beamforming vectors, optimally scaled RS permutation matrix and receiver PS ratios. For the given CSI, the optimal transceiver with the lowest total power consumption is selected for transmission. We propose a concave-convex procedure based and subgradient-type iterative algorithms for the non-robust and robust latent transceiver designs. Simulation results are presented to validate the effectiveness of all the proposed algorithms

    H ? filtering for stochastic singular fuzzy systems with time-varying delay

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    This paper considers the H? filtering problem for stochastic singular fuzzy systems with timevarying delay. We assume that the state and measurement are corrupted by stochastic uncertain exogenous disturbance and that the system dynamic is modeled by Ito-type stochastic differential equations. Based on an auxiliary vector and an integral inequality, a set of delay-dependent sufficient conditions is established, which ensures that the filtering error system is e?t - weighted integral input-to-state stable in mean (iISSiM). A fuzzy filter is designed such that the filtering error system is impulse-free, e?t -weighted iISSiM and the H? attenuation level from disturbance to estimation error is belowa prescribed scalar.Aset of sufficient conditions for the solvability of the H? filtering problem is obtained in terms of a new type of Lyapunov function and a set of linear matrix inequalities. Simulation examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed filtering approach developed in this paper

    Renormalization-group exponents for superconducting phases in two-leg ladders

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    In previous studies, we proposed a scaling ansatz for electron-electron interactions under renormalization group transformation. With the inclusion of phonon-mediated interactions, we show that the scaling ansatz, characterized by the divergent logarithmic length ldl_d and a set of renormalization-group exponents, also works rather well. The superconducting phases in a doped two-leg ladder are studied and classified by these renormalization-group exponents as demonstration. Finally, non-trivial constraints among the exponents are derived and explained.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; minor revisions with references adde

    Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) and Optically-Detected Magnetic Resonance (ODMR) studies on organic materials

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    Organic semiconductors have evolved rapidly over the last decades and currently are considered as the next-generation technology for many applications, such as organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) in flat-panel displays (FPDs) and solid state lighting (SSL), and organic solar cells (OSCs) in clean renewable energy. This dissertation focuses mainly on OLEDs. Although the commercialization of the OLED technology in FPDs is growing and appears to be just around the corner for SSL, there are still several key issues that need to be addressed: (1) the cost of OLEDs is very high, largely due to the costly current manufacturing process; (2) the efficiency of OLEDs needs to be improved. This is vital to the success of OLEDs in the FPD and SSL industries; (3) the lifetime of OLEDs, especially blue OLEDs, is the biggest technical challenge. All these issues raise the demand for new organic materials, new device structures, and continued lower-cost fabrication methods. In an attempt to address these issues, we used solution-processing methods to fabricate highly efficient small molecule OLEDs (SMOLEDs); this approach is cost-effective in comparison to the more common thermal vacuum evaporation. We also successfully made efficient indium tin oxide (ITO)-free SMOLEDs to further improve the efficiency of the OLEDs. We employed the spin-dependent optically-detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) technique to study the luminescence quenching processes in OLEDs and organic materials in order to understand the intrinsic degradation mechanisms. We also fabricated polymer LEDs (PLEDs) based on a new electron-accepting blue-emitting polymer and studied the effect of molecular weight on the efficiency of PLEDs. All these studies helped us to better understand the underlying relationship between the organic semiconductor materials and the OLEDs\u27 performance, and will subsequently assist in further enhancing the efficiency of OLEDs. With strongly improved device performance (in addition to other OLEDs\u27 attributes such as mechanical flexibility and potential low cost), the OLED technology is promising to successfully compete with current technologies, such as LCDs and inorganic LEDs
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