83 research outputs found
Penilaian Autentik Mata Pelajaran Matematika Kurikulum 2013 Guru Kelas IV Kota Semarang
The change of KTSP curriculum into 2013 curriculum?é?á lead to changes in the assessment system. With the change in valuation system, teachers should be able to adapt and develop appropriate assessment with the curriculum has changed. In this 2013 curriculum using authentic assessment system that can assess the competence of the three domains, namely the domain of attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The problems revealed in this study are Is authentic assessment instrument in the subjects of mathematics which has been prepared by the teacher in accordance with the characteristics of the curriculum in 2013? Goals to be achieved in this study was to determine the suitability of authentic assessment instrument in the subjects of mathematics that had been developed by teachers with the characteristics of curriculum assessment in 2013, this is a type of qualitative research that uses qualitative descriptive approach. The population in this study is a Primary School in Hyderabad who have applied in the process of learning curriculum was radically 2013, amounting to 12 elementary schools. Samples taken are 5 elementary schools in Semarang by using purposive sampling technique. The data in this study was obtained through the analysis of the research instruments and text data card interview. Based on the analysis of experimental data showed that the instrument of authentic assessment in mathematics is organized by fourth grade teachers from five elementary schools in Semarang 85.2% in accordance with the characteristics of curriculum assessment in 2013, where the authentic assessment instruments assessment covers the realm of attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Therefore it can be concluded that the teacher has been able to make an authentic assessment instrument based on the characteristics of the curriculum in 2013
Analisis Kesulitan Siswa Kelas II Sekolah Dasar dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Materi Perkalian dan Pembagian
One of the competencies that students must master in learning mathematics is to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and mixed operations, including those involving fractions. So, students can solve problems which include the ability to understand problems, design mathematical models, solve models, and interpret the solutions obtained. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of errors made by students, to describe the students' abilities, and to determine the factors that caused students of Class IIA SDN Pandeanlamper 05 Semarang to experience difficulties in solving math problem solving problems. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research methods. The subjects of this study were 25 students of Class IIA SDN Pandeanlamper 05 Semarang. After being analyzed, the results obtained were that students had difficulty solving problems solving math problems with the material of multiplication and division, namely 1) Students did not understand the meaning or content of story problems, 2) The students' ability to memorize multiplication and division was still low, 3) External factors such as health conditions, socioeconomic status, and student attendance have an effect on students' ability to solve math problem solving problems. This proves that the difficulties experienced by students in solving math problem solving problems are caused by two factors, namely internal factors and external factors.One of the competencies that students must master in learning mathematics is to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and mixed operations, including those involving fractions. So, students can solve problems which include the ability to understand problems, design mathematical models, solve models, and interpret the solutions obtained. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of errors made by students, to describe the students' abilities, and to determine the factors that caused students of Class IIA SDN Pandeanlamper 05 Semarang to experience difficulties in solving math problem solving problems. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research methods. The subjects of this study were 25 students of Class IIA SDN Pandeanlamper 05 Semarang. After being analyzed, the results obtained were that students had difficulty solving problems solving math problems with the material of multiplication and division, namely 1) Students did not understand the meaning or content of story problems, 2) The students' ability to memorize multiplication and division was still low, 3) External factors such as health conditions, socioeconomic status, and student attendance have an effect on students' ability to solve math problem solving problems. This proves that the difficulties experienced by students in solving math problem solving problems are caused by two factors, namely internal factors and external factors
An urban mining proposal has been made that offers a lithium battery waste managementsolution. This is motivated by the absence of a waste management system that specificallyhandles lithium batteries. The research was conducted quantitatively for electrochemicaldischarge experiments and qualitatively for data collection, processing and formulation of urbanmining proposals. From the experimental results, it was found that 5% NaCl is the optimumconcentration for electrochemical discharge. Obstacles are still found based on qualitativeanalysis of waste management data in Indonesia, especially for lithium battery waste. The scopeof the proposed urban mining system includes the people as the user and the temporarycollectors. Hopefully this urban mining design is beneficial for an effective and environmentallyfriendly lithium battery waste management plan.Telah dibuat usulan urban mining yang menawarkan solusi tata kelola sampah baterai lithium.Hal ini dilatarbelakangi belum adanya sistem pengelolaan sampah yang spesifik menanganibaterai lithium. Penelitian dilakukan secara kuantitatif untuk percobaan electrochemical discharge dan kualitatif untuk pengumpulan data, pengolahan dan perumusan usulan urban mining. Dari hasil penelitian eksperimental didapatkan bahwa NaCl 5% merupakan konsentrasi optimum untuk electrochemical discharge. Analisa kualitatif dari data tata kelola sampah di Indonesia didapatbahwa masih ditemukan kendala khususnya untuk sampah baterai lithium. Sistem urbanmining yang diusulkan mencakup lingkup masyarakat dan pengumpul sementara. Diharapkan usulan urban mining ini bisa memberikan masukan untuk perencanaan tata kelola sampah baterai lithiumyang efektif dan berwawasan lingkungan
Pematangan Gerak Dan Iringan Wayang Topeng Desa Soneyan Sebagai Usaha Pelestarian Kesenian Tradisi
Kesenian tradisi merupakan salah satu kekayaan dan ciri khas suatu Bangsa.Kesenian tradisi merupakan cerminan dari kehidupan masyarakatnya. Akan tetapi yang terjadi saat ini justru banyak kesenian tradisi yang kehilangan eksistensinya, dan tidak sedikit kelompok kesenian tradisi yang pecah dan memilih untuk menjadi pengamen di jalanan kota besar, seperti yang bisa dilihat di jalanan kota Semarang. Wayang Topeng Desa Soneyan adalah salah satu kesenian tradisi yang merupakan kekayaan Bangsa Indonesia.Keadaan Wayang Topeng Desa Soneyan semakin terpinggir dan terdesak, sehingga sangat membutuhkan sentuhan dan pendampingan agar kesenian Wayang Topeng tetap dapat mempertahankan eksistensinya.Berdasarkan keadaan Wayang Topeng yang demikian, maka diperlukan sebuah sarana untuk berekspresi lebih ringkas sehingga dapat dinikmati sebagai pertunjukan yang menarik minat masyarakat untuk menikmati pertunjukan Wayang Topeng. Dengan pelatihan yang dilakukan, dapat memberikan pengalaman lebih kepada para anggota kelompok kesenian untuk berekspresi dan meningkatkan kualitas gerak tari serta meningkatkan kemampuan musikalitas. Kemampuan anggota kelompok kesenian Wayang Topeng Desa Soneyan dalam hal gerak tari maupun musikalitas sangat menentukan kualitas dari pertunjukan. Dengan kualitas yang lebih baik dan durasi yang lebih padat, diharapkan Wayang Topeng Desa Soneyan dapat lebih diminati oleh masyarakat, tidak hanya sebagai hiburan wajib saat upacara Sedekah Bumi. Dengan demikian, eksistensi kesenian Wayang Topeng dan keutuhan kelompok kesenian Wayang Topeng dapat tetap terjaga
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kesulitan belajar atau Learning Obstacle siswa kelas V dalam belajar perkalian dan pembagian bilangan pecahan campuran. Selain itu penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apa saja penyebab siswa mengalami kesulitan belajar perkalian dan pembagian bilangan pecahan campuran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menggunakan metode pedoman tes tertulis, wawancara, angket dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tes tertulis, wawancara dan angket menunjukkan adanya Learning Obstacle yang terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu Ontogenical Obstacle, Epistemological Obstacle, Didactical Obstacle. Ontogenical Obstacle terjadi karena kesulitan dalam menghitung perkalian dan pembagian. Epistemological Obstacle yang terjadi karena tidak dapat menyederhanakan bilangan pecahan campuran. Didactical Obstacle terjadi karena tidak memberikan keterangan diketahui, ditanya, hasil akhir pada soal cerita. Penyebab siswa mengalami kesulitan Ontogenical Obstacle karena rendahnya IQ siswa sehingga siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menghitung dan mengingat materi yang sudah dipelajari. Epistemological Obstacle karena siswa tidak mengetahui konsep bilangan pecahan campuran, tidak mengetahui cara menghitung perkalian dan pembagian bilangan pecahan campuran, hal ini bisa terjadi karena siswa tidak pernah mempelajari materi yang sudah diajarkan guru. Didactical Obstacle yang dialami oleh siswa diakibatkan karena guru kurang memberikan soal yang bervariasi sehingga saat siswa menemukan soal cerita siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami dan menyajikan data.Kata Kunci: Learning Obstacle, Bilangan Pecahan Campuran, Sekolah Dasar
The Development Research on Hand-Puppets in “Cita-Citaku” Theme for the Fourth Grader of SDN Gotputuk Blora
There are some media which can be used in the teaching - learning process. One of them is hand-puppets. This media is different from the other hand-puppets because it is made personally for each theme, and here the researchers focused on the theme “Cita-Citaku”. This media is simple, economic, and efficient to be played. These media can also attract and build young learners’ imagination, because it is made from colourful-attractive fabric, like flannel. This study focuses on the implementation of hand-puppets as teaching media in “Cita-Citaku” theme for the fourth grader of SDN Gotputuk Blora, Central Java. This theme of teaching material is so important to be taught to the students so that they can understand well how to reach their dreams in the future. It is an R&D research. The data were collected by interviewing, giving tests, and observing the teachers and students, and taking the documentation. Based on the collected data, the students’ scores of the implementation of hand-puppets in “Cita-Citaku” theme were increased. The students characters on self-confidence, teamwork, hard-work, and curiosity were increased positively too. The suggestion to the teachers is they must be a facilitator, motivator, and innovator to the students. They must motivate their students to ask and give an opinion. For the next researcher(s), we suggest them to make the similar research about hand-puppets in different field and theme
The problems discussed in this study is "whether there is the effectiveness of inquiry learning methods on learning outcomes and motivation of students in math class V Tumbal elementary school 02".?é?áThe data in this study were obtained by using the method of documentation, tests, interviews, and questionnaires.?é?áThis study is an experimental study with a quantitative approach.?é?áThe design of this research study Exsperimental True Design.?é?á(Experiment truly) in the form of Posttest-Only Control Design.?é?áBy using a sampling technique that is saturated sampling.?é?áResults mastery learning classical analysis by t test of the experimental group obtained t> t table (8.553> 1.676), in the control group known t t table (2.030> 2.012) then Ho is rejected, it means that the learning outcomes of the experimental group over the control group so that there are differences in learning outcomes experimental group with the control group.?é?áCalculation of the experimental group students' motivation questionnaire contained 68% of students have excellent category, in the control group there were 44% of students have excellent category.?é?áSo the motivation to study the experimental group was better than control group.?é?áIt can be concluded that the method of inquiry learning can effectively improve learning outcomes and motivation fifth grade elementary school students 02 Tumbal.Top of Form?é?á
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh hasil belajar matematika siswa pada materi kubus dan balok dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning di kelas V SDN 2 Pilang. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen berbentuk pre-Experimental Design menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Desain penelitian adalah One Shot Case Study Design. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SDN 2 Pilang. Sampel yang diambil adalah 17 siswa kelas V dengan menggunakan teknik Nonprobability Sampling berbentuk Sampling Jenuh. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui tes dan dokumentasi. Hasil analisis nilai pretest menunjukkan Lo ttabel (33> 2,11991). Disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan antara nilai rata-rata pretest dengan nilai rata-rata posttest. Ditunjukkan juga uji normalitas N-Gain, diperoleh hasil g≥0,7 yang termasuk kategori tinggi. Kesimpulannya adanya peningkatan kemampuan siswa setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan menerapkan model Project Based Learning. Diperoleh hasil ketuntasan belajar klasikal posttest>KKM (88%≥70%) yang artinya tuntas. Kesimpulannya melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning efektif terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini saran yang disampaikan adalah dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar hendaknya guru menggunakan model pembelajaran yang bervariasi agar siswa menjadi lebih aktif terhadap pembelajaran.Kata Kunci: Model Project Based Learning, Hasil Belajar Kognitif, Bangun Ruang Kubus dan Balok
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