153 research outputs found

    A simple parametrization for G2

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    We give a simple parametrization of the G2G_2 group, which is consistent with the structure of G2G_2 as a SU(3) fibration. We also explicitly compute the (bi)invariant measure, which turns out to have a simple expression.Comment: 9 page

    D-Branes on C^3_6 part I: prepotential and GW-invariants

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    This is the first of a set of papers having the aim to provide a detailed description of brane configurations on a family of noncompact threedimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds. The starting point is the singular manifold C^3/Z_6, which admits five distinct crepant resolutions. Here we apply local mirror symmetry to partially determine the prepotential encoding the GW-invariants of the resolved varieties. It results that such prepotential provides all numbers but the ones corresponding to curves having null intersection with the compact divisor. This is realized by means of a conjecture, due to S. Hosono, so that our results provide a check confirming at least in part the conjecture.Comment: 66 pages, 18 figures, 15 tables; added reference

    Uniformization, Unipotent Flows and the Riemann Hypothesis

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    We prove equidistribution of certain multidimensional unipotent flows in the moduli space of genus gg principally polarized abelian varieties (ppav). This is done by studying asymptotics of Γg∼Sp(2g,Z)\pmb{\Gamma}_{g} \sim Sp(2g,\mathbb{Z})-automorphic forms averaged along unipotent flows, toward the codimension-one component of the boundary of the ppav moduli space. We prove a link between the error estimate and the Riemann hypothesis. Further, we prove Γg−r\pmb{\Gamma}_{g - r} modularity of the function obtained by iterating the unipotent average process rr times. This shows uniformization of modular integrals of automorphic functions via unipotent flows

    Duality invariance in Fayet-Iliopoulos gauged supergravity

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    We propose a geometric method to study the residual symmetries in N=2N=2, d=4d=4 U(1)\text{U}(1) Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) gauged supergravity. It essentially involves the stabilization of the symplectic vector of gauge couplings (FI parameters) under the action of the U-duality symmetry of the ungauged theory. In particular we are interested in those transformations that act non-trivially on the solutions and produce scalar hair and dyonic black holes from a given seed. We illustrate the procedure for finding this group in general and then show how it works in some specific models. For the prepotential F=−iX0X1F=-iX^0X^1, we use our method to add one more parameter to the rotating Chow-Comp\`ere solution, representing scalar hair.Comment: 31 pages, uses jheppub.sty. Final version to appear on JHE
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