1,041 research outputs found
Symbol-Level Multiuser MISO Precoding for Multi-level Adaptive Modulation
Symbol-level precoding is a new paradigm for multiuser downlink systems which
aims at creating constructive interference among the transmitted data streams.
This can be enabled by designing the precoded signal of the multiantenna
transmitter on a symbol level, taking into account both channel state
information and data symbols. Previous literature has studied this paradigm for
MPSK modulations by addressing various performance metrics, such as power
minimization and maximization of the minimum rate. In this paper, we extend
this to generic multi-level modulations i.e. MQAM and APSK by establishing
connection to PHY layer multicasting with phase constraints. Furthermore, we
address adaptive modulation schemes which are crucial in enabling the
throughput scaling of symbol-level precoded systems. In this direction, we
design signal processing algorithms for minimizing the required power under
per-user SINR or goodput constraints. Extensive numerical results show that the
proposed algorithm provides considerable power and energy efficiency gains,
while adapting the employed modulation scheme to match the requested data rate
Energy Efficient Symbol-Level Precoding in Multiuser MISO Channels
This paper investigates the idea of exploiting interference among the
simultaneous multiuser transmissions in the downlink of multiple antennas
systems. Using symbol level precoding, a new approach towards addressing the
multiuser interference is discussed through jointly utilizing the channel state
information (CSI) and data information (DI). In this direction, the
interference among the data streams is transformed under certain conditions to
useful signal that can improve the signal to interference noise ratio (SINR) of
the downlink transmissions. In this context, new constructive interference
precoding techniques that tackle the transmit power minimization (min power)
with individual SINR constraints at each user's receivers are proposed.
Furthermore, we investigate the CI precoding design under the assumption that
the received MPSK symbol can reside in a relaxed region in order to be
correctly detected.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in SPAWC 2015. arXiv admin note:
substantial text overlap with arXiv:1504.06749, arXiv:1408.470
Multicast Multigroup Beamforming under Per-antenna Power Constraints
Linear precoding exploits the spatial degrees of freedom offered by
multi-antenna transmitters to serve multiple users over the same frequency
resources. The present work focuses on simultaneously serving multiple groups
of users, each with its own channel, by transmitting a stream of common symbols
to each group. This scenario is known as physical layer multicasting to
multiple co-channel groups. Extending the current state of the art in
multigroup multicasting, the practical constraint of a maximum permitted power
level radiated by each antenna is tackled herein. The considered per antenna
power constrained system is optimized in a maximum fairness sense. In other
words, the optimization aims at favoring the worst user by maximizing the
minimum rate. This Max-Min Fair criterion is imperative in multicast systems,
where the performance of all the receivers listening to the same multicast is
dictated by the worst rate in the group. An analytic framework to tackle the
Max-Min Fair multigroup multicasting scenario under per antenna power
constraints is therefore derived. Numerical results display the accuracy of the
proposed solution and provide insights to the performance of a per antenna
power constrained system.Comment: Presented in IEEE ICC 2014, Sydney, AUS. arXiv admin note:
substantial text overlap with arXiv:1406.755
Cellular-Broadcast Service Convergence through Caching for CoMP Cloud RANs
Cellular and Broadcast services have been traditionally treated independently
due to the different market requirements, thus resulting in different business
models and orthogonal frequency allocations. However, with the advent of cheap
memory and smart caching, this traditional paradigm can converge into a single
system which can provide both services in an efficient manner. This paper
focuses on multimedia delivery through an integrated network, including both a
cellular (also known as unicast or broadband) and a broadcast last mile
operating over shared spectrum. The subscribers of the network are equipped
with a cache which can effectively create zero perceived latency for multimedia
delivery, assuming that the content has been proactively and intelligently
cached. The main objective of this work is to establish analytically the
optimal content popularity threshold, based on a intuitive cost function. In
other words, the aim is to derive which content should be broadcasted and which
content should be unicasted. To facilitate this, Cooperative Multi- Point
(CoMP) joint processing algorithms are employed for the uni and broad-cast PHY
transmissions. To practically implement this, the integrated network controller
is assumed to have access to traffic statistics in terms of content popularity.
Simulation results are provided to assess the gain in terms of total spectral
efficiency. A conventional system, where the two networks operate
independently, is used as benchmark.Comment: Submitted to IEEE PIMRC 201
Joint Channel Estimation and Pilot Allocation in Underlay Cognitive MISO Networks
Cognitive radios have been proposed as agile technologies to boost the
spectrum utilization. This paper tackles the problem of channel estimation and
its impact on downlink transmissions in an underlay cognitive radio scenario.
We consider primary and cognitive base stations, each equipped with multiple
antennas and serving multiple users. Primary networks often suffer from the
cognitive interference, which can be mitigated by deploying beamforming at the
cognitive systems to spatially direct the transmissions away from the primary
receivers. The accuracy of the estimated channel state information (CSI) plays
an important role in designing accurate beamformers that can regulate the
amount of interference. However, channel estimate is affected by interference.
Therefore, we propose different channel estimation and pilot allocation
techniques to deal with the channel estimation at the cognitive systems, and to
reduce the impact of contamination at the primary and cognitive systems. In an
effort to tackle the contamination problem in primary and cognitive systems, we
exploit the information embedded in the covariance matrices to successfully
separate the channel estimate from other users' channels in correlated
cognitive single input multiple input (SIMO) channels. A minimum mean square
error (MMSE) framework is proposed by utilizing the second order statistics to
separate the overlapping spatial paths that create the interference. We
validate our algorithms by simulation and compare them to the state of the art
techniques.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, invited paper to IWCMC 201
Constrained Bayesian Active Learning of Interference Channels in Cognitive Radio Networks
In this paper, a sequential probing method for interference constraint
learning is proposed to allow a centralized Cognitive Radio Network (CRN)
accessing the frequency band of a Primary User (PU) in an underlay cognitive
scenario with a designed PU protection specification. The main idea is that the
CRN probes the PU and subsequently eavesdrops the reverse PU link to acquire
the binary ACK/NACK packet. This feedback indicates whether the probing-induced
interference is harmful or not and can be used to learn the PU interference
constraint. The cognitive part of this sequential probing process is the
selection of the power levels of the Secondary Users (SUs) which aims to learn
the PU interference constraint with a minimum number of probing attempts while
setting a limit on the number of harmful probing-induced interference events or
equivalently of NACK packet observations over a time window. This constrained
design problem is studied within the Active Learning (AL) framework and an
optimal solution is derived and implemented with a sophisticated, accurate and
fast Bayesian Learning method, the Expectation Propagation (EP). The
performance of this solution is also demonstrated through numerical simulations
and compared with modified versions of AL techniques we developed in earlier
work.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, submitted to IEEE JSTSP Special Issue on Machine
Learning for Cognition in Radio Communications and Rada
Multicast Multigroup Precoding and User Scheduling for Frame-Based Satellite Communications
The present work focuses on the forward link of a broadband multibeam
satellite system that aggressively reuses the user link frequency resources.
Two fundamental practical challenges, namely the need to frame multiple users
per transmission and the per-antenna transmit power limitations, are addressed.
To this end, the so-called frame-based precoding problem is optimally solved
using the principles of physical layer multicasting to multiple co-channel
groups under per-antenna constraints. In this context, a novel optimization
problem that aims at maximizing the system sum rate under individual power
constraints is proposed. Added to that, the formulation is further extended to
include availability constraints. As a result, the high gains of the sum rate
optimal design are traded off to satisfy the stringent availability
requirements of satellite systems. Moreover, the throughput maximization with a
granular spectral efficiency versus SINR function, is formulated and solved.
Finally, a multicast-aware user scheduling policy, based on the channel state
information, is developed. Thus, substantial multiuser diversity gains are
gleaned. Numerical results over a realistic simulation environment exhibit as
much as 30% gains over conventional systems, even for 7 users per frame,
without modifying the framing structure of legacy communication standards.Comment: Accepted for publication to the IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, 201
Energy-Efficient Symbol-Level Precoding in Multiuser MISO Based on Relaxed Detection Region
This paper addresses the problem of exploiting interference among
simultaneous multiuser transmissions in the downlink of multiple-antenna
systems. Using symbol-level precoding, a new approach towards addressing the
multiuser interference is discussed through jointly utilizing the channel state
information (CSI) and data information (DI). The interference among the data
streams is transformed under certain conditions to a useful signal that can
improve the signal-to-interference noise ratio (SINR) of the downlink
transmissions and as a result the system's energy efficiency. In this context,
new constructive interference precoding techniques that tackle the transmit
power minimization (min power) with individual SINR constraints at each user's
receiver have been proposed. In this paper, we generalize the CI precoding
design under the assumption that the received MPSK symbol can reside in a
relaxed region in order to be correctly detected. Moreover, a weighted
maximization of the minimum SNR among all users is studied taking into account
the relaxed detection region. Symbol error rate analysis (SER) for the proposed
precoding is discussed to characterize the tradeoff between transmit power
reduction and SER increase due to the relaxation. Based on this tradeoff, the
energy efficiency performance of the proposed technique is analyzed. Finally,
extensive numerical results show that the proposed schemes outperform other
state-of-the-art techniques.Comment: Submitted to IEEE transactions on Wireless Communications. arXiv
admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1408.470
Multicast Multigroup Beamforming for Per-antenna Power Constrained Large-scale Arrays
Large in the number of transmit elements, multi-antenna arrays with
per-element limitations are in the focus of the present work. In this context,
physical layer multigroup multicasting under per-antenna power constrains, is
investigated herein. To address this complex optimization problem
low-complexity alternatives to semi-definite relaxation are proposed. The goal
is to optimize the per-antenna power constrained transmitter in a maximum
fairness sense, which is formulated as a non-convex quadratically constrained
quadratic problem. Therefore, the recently developed tool of feasible point
pursuit and successive convex approximation is extended to account for
practical per-antenna power constraints. Interestingly, the novel iterative
method exhibits not only superior performance in terms of approaching the
relaxed upper bound but also a significant complexity reduction, as the
dimensions of the optimization variables increase. Consequently, multicast
multigroup beamforming for large-scale array transmitters with per-antenna
dedicated amplifiers is rendered computationally efficient and accurate. A
preliminary performance evaluation in large-scale systems for which the
semi-definite relaxation constantly yields non rank-1 solutions is presented.Comment: submitted to IEEE SPAWC 2015. arXiv admin note: substantial text
overlap with arXiv:1406.755
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