1,707 research outputs found
The discovery of stapes
Giovanni Filippo Ingrassia revisited and redefined some of Galeno's reports, and was recognized as one of the leading Italian Physicians of the 16(th) century. Ingrassia principally studied the skull, and gave very important contributions to otorhinolaryngology, including the discovery of the stapes. He also isolated the inferior nasal concha from the maxillary bone, described the frontal sinus, the pterygopalatine fossa and several foramina of the skull. Ingrassia firstly attributed a sensorial function to the middle ear bones, which he called fifth particular function. He also added some details to the description of the VIII cranial nerve, which introduces the concept of bone conducting sound. The most important discovery in Ingrassia's study about the hearing organ was the first description of the third bone of the ossicular chain that he called "stapes". Ingrassia should thus be reconsidered under a new light for his important discovery and for his intuitions about the stapes and its role in hearing. It is appropriate for a Sicilian physician to be placed at his rightful place side-by-side with Eustachio and Valsalva in the history of otology
Giovanni Filippo Ingrassia: A five-hundred year-long lesson.
Giovanni Filippo Ingrassia was born five centuries ago in Regalbuto, a small town in the center of Sicily. After his medical course in Padua, under the guidance of Vesalius and Fallopius, he gained international fame as a physician and was recruited as a Professor of human anatomy in Naples and later in Palermo. He is remembered as "the new Galen" or "the Sicilian Hippocrates." He contributed to the knowledge of human anatomy through the description of single bones rather than the whole skeleton. In particular, he was the first to describe the "stapes," the "lesser wings of the sphenoid" and various other structures in the head (probably the pharyngotympanic tube) as well as in the reproductive system (corpora cavernosa and seminal vesicles). He was also a pioneer in the study of forensic medicine, hygiene, surgical pathology, and teratology. As Protomedicus of Sicily, he developed the scientific culture in this country. During those years, he faced the spread of malaria and plague with competence and authoritativeness. Indeed, he was one of the first physicians to suppose that certain diseases could be transmitted between individuals, therefore, introducing revolutionary measures of prevention. He is remembered for his intellectual authority and honesty. Five-hundred years after his birth, his teaching is still alive. In this article, we survey the life and contribution of this pioneer of early anatomical study
The behaviour of thin composite laminates (unidirectional, cross-ply and angle-ply) under compressive loads has been examined in cases where multiple delaminations are present. The problem is solved using the Finite Element Method (FEM) both with linear analyses, based on the eigenvalues research problem, and with nonlinear analyses, based on incremental-iterative procedures. In particular, the role of the delamination length, of the angle of the plies and of the stacking sequence on the critical load is investigated. Results are compared with those found in literature derived from experimental or numerical 2D analyses
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