13 research outputs found

    A Study on Register Used in Live Text Commentary on Euro 2012 Final Football Match “Spain Vs Italy”

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    People as social humans need a language to communicate with others.They need it since language is a device for communication. In society, language isremarkably varied. One of the varieties of language is register. Register is alanguage used in particular field, profession, and situation. The language offootball commentary, pimp, and radio broadcaster are considered as examples ofregister language. The study of register can be conducted from many aspects suchas, the vocabulary, syntactic features, phonology characteristics, register variable,etc. In this study, the researcher conducted the register used in live text footballcommentary on Euro 2012 final football match between Spain and Italy. There arethree problems of the study which were proposed: (1) What the registers are usedin live text commentary, (2) What the meanings of registers are used in live textcommentary, (3) What the linguistic features of register are used in live textcommentary on Euro 2012 final football match between Spain and Italy. This study used qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear andsystematic description about the phenomena being studied. The data were onlytaken from live text commentaries which were uploaded on BBC sport website. This study revealed that the registers used in live text commentarycommonly have different meaning when it relates to other field, profession andsituation. Some registers are unfamiliar words which do not exist in other fieldoutside the football. This study also revealed that live text football commentaryusually uses features such as, syntactic reduction and passive voice. From bothfeatures, the commentator uses the syntactic reduction more frequently. Thereduction and passive voice are not due to the insufficient competence of thecommentator. Nevertheless, there are some reasons behind such as, to build extraspeed in delivering the event. The researcher suggests the English Department students conduct thedeeper study about register since this study did not cover all aspects of registeryet. He also hopes that the next researcher will conduct the comparison studyabout register used in live text commentary with that used in live oralcommentary

    Efektivitas Program Pelatihan Dalam Uptd Balai Latihan Kerja Dinas Tenaga Kerja Transmigrasi Dan Sosial Kabupaten Blora

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    Training Center is a government agencies that is implementing vocational training programs, trial training program, competency test and empowerment training institution in the field of industry. The training that held is Competency Based Training by opening some areas of competencies that required in the field of industry. The effectiveness of the training program is on resources allocation activity are appropriately targeted and programmed by the government as a public servant as a form of investment that is in the form of skilled labor, competitive labor and competent labor by upgrading their capability programmatically through training agencies or Hall. The indicator to rate effectiveness of training program according to Gomes (2003), which is based on the reaction, learning progress, behavior change, results, and cost effectiveness. This research is done by descriptive analysis method with quantitative approach. To analyse the data is using frequency distribution with mean, median, and mode and also including a chart. The conclusion of this research, level of the effectiveness of training programs in UPTD Training Center Department of Manpower, Transmigration and Social of Blora regency overall based on the analysis and data processing has been quite effective. However, there some aspects that are considered low and need improvement in the level of satisfaction will be training on aspects of participants reaction. To improve the effectiveness of the training program, its necessary to improve the quality of service at the center, and the placement of labor due to the amount of placement of labor after training is still low, and then the cooperation with the stakeholders is still limited

    “Aku Kapan Sial” (Akademi Khusus Kilat Anak Panti Sosial)

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    According to data from 2008-2012 recorded there are 945 students PSBR have and are getting guidance to the percentage of success is 60.63% independent/ working and 39.37% status is not clear. The purpose of this activity is implementation of a waste management training to be creative, innovative and economy products like sofa from plastic bottles, plus-pack (stationery box), make growing media from waste paper and manufacture of plastic fruit crops such as citrus fruit plants, peppers and eggplant. In addition, the workshop was also held bussines workshop to finalize their business plan opportunities that they would do after graduating from social institutions

    Meningkatkan Kesehatan Masyarakat Terutama Ibu Dengan Cara Sosialisasi Melalui Pengarahan Pencegahan Stunting Pasca Pandemi

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    Stunting adalah jenis gagal tumbuh (stunting growth) akibat akumulasi nutrisi yang sangat kurang dalam kurun waktu yang lama, mulai dari konsepsi hingga usia 2 tahun. Stunting merupakan masalah lantaran dikaitkan pada peningkatan akibat penyakit dan kematian, memperlambat sistem pertumbuhan motorik, sehingga mengganggu system perkembangan mental pada pasien. Berdasarkan data yang ada, masalah stunting masih relatif tinggi di Kantor desa Muara Takus. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat Muara Takus masih kurang memprioritaskan makanan bergizi, masih sedikitnya implementasi acuan hidup sehat dan penerapannya di kehidupan, juga masih minimnya pengetahuan tentang stunting. Jalan keluar yang bisa kita tawarkan untuk masalah ini adalah dengan menerapkan konseling stunting dengan menggunakan beberapa metode, termasuk konseling community center, konseling kelompok wanita muslim, dan konseling kunjungan rumah. Melalui pelaksanaan penyuluhan stunting dengan berbagai metode, masyarakat di desa Muara Takus kec XIII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar di beri pembekalan tentang pengertian stunting, pemicu terjadinya stunting, ancaman stunting kurun waktu lama dan bagaimana mengatasi efek stunting. Meminimalkan kerjadian stunting di umur balita

    Desain Modifikasi Gedung At-Tauhid Tower Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya dengan Menggunakan Balok Beton Pratekan pada Lantai Atap

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    Gedung At-Tauhid Tower Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya yang ditinjau penulis merupakan gedung multifungsi yang terdiri dari 13 lantai dengan tinggi bangunan 48 meter. Dimana pada lantai 12 terdapat ruang pertemuan tanpa adanya struktur kolom di tengah ruangan dengan bentang balok sepanjang 12 meter. Sebagai solusi dari struktur ruang pertemuan tersebut maka diperlukan perencanaan balok beton pratekan. Perkembangan sistem beton pratekan yang semakin pesat dalam perencanaan gedung membutuhkan pertimbangan tertentu, untuk itu digunakan sistem post tension (pasca tarik) untuk kemudahan konstruksi pada gedung. Selain balok pratekan perencanaan juga memperhitungkan kondisi kegempaan yang ada. Berdasarkan identifikasi data tanah hasil uji Standart Penetration Test (SPT) dan Peta Hazard 2010, diketahui bahwa Kota Surabaya merupakan wilayah dengan jenis tanah sedang serta memiliki nilai respon spektra percepatan 0,2 detik sebesar 0,6g dan nilai Sds sebesar 0,528 sehingga masuk kondisi desain seismik D (KDS D). Dengan kondisi tanah yang masuk KDS D, maka struktur bangunan direncanakan dengan metode Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK). Desain struktur pada bangunan ini meliputi perhitungan struktur atas dan struktur bawah. Dimana struktur atas terdiri dari perhtungan kolom, balok, pelat lantai, tangga. Sedangkan struktur bawah terdiri dari perhitungan poer, dan fondasi. Untuk material dalam perencanaan struktur menggunakan mutu bahan: fc' = 30 Mpa, fy = 400 Mpa. Perhitungan yang dilakukan dalam tugas akhir ini mengacu pada peraturan yang ditetapkan pada SNI 2847-2013 tentang persyaratan beton struktural untuk bangunan gedung, SNI 1726-2012 tentang tata cara perencanaan ketahanan gempa, dan SNI 1727-2013 untuk beban minimum untuk perencanaan bangunan gedung dan struktur lain. Dari perhitungan dan analisa yang telah dilakukan, gaya pratekan yang didapat sebesar 2000 kN dengan kehilangan gaya pratekan sebesar 23,50%. Dan selanjutnya akan dituangkan dalam bentuk laporan perhitungan struktur dengan disertai gembar teknik yang dapat dijadikan acuan dalam pembangunan

    Desa Exsys (Drone Security With Audio And Expert System) untuk Mengusir Burung dan Mengidentifikasi Hama atau Penyakit Padi Guna Menjaga Ketahanan Pangan dan Peningkatan Kemandirian Pangan di Indonesia

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    Penduduk Indonesia sebagian besar bergantung pada mata pencaharian di sektor pertanian, sebesar 41,18 persen dari total penduduk yang bekerja di Indonesia. Beras adalah unggulan sub-sektor tanaman pangan dan berperan penting dalam mencapai ketahanan pangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Upaya untuk mencapai ketahanan pangan yang sebagian besar terkonsentrasi pada peningkatan swasembada pangan di setiap lingkungan, baik provinsi, kabupaten, kecamatan, dan desa. Tetapi di sisi lain, upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi beras saat ini terhalang oleh berbagai penghalang. Salah satu gen yang membuat penurunan produksi padi adalah hama dan penyakit padi, seperti: hama tikus, hama wereng, penyakit blas, burung dan kemudian maju. Banyak orang, terutama petani bingung untuk menemukan jenis-jenis penyakit yang menyerang tanaman padi mereka sehingga arah penanganannya tidak benar. Untuk memfasilitasi petani dalam memecahkan masalah tanaman padi yang diserang oleh hama atau penyakit, maka dikembangkan desain drone terbaru yang dapat mengidentifikasi hama dan penyakit padi serta langsung menyelesaikan masalah. Drone dilengkapi dengan sensor dan Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) yang dapat memberikan data waktu nyata dan nyata kepada petani tentang hama mereka atau penyakit tanaman padi dan diharapkan dapat membantu menemukan kesimpulan tentang serangan penyakit dan pencegahan atau solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasinya. Dengan tugas akhir ini dapat diketahui hasil identifikasi hama atau penyakit padi melalui proses konsultasi kepada pakar sistem secara cepat dan efisien dengan media internet. Selain itu, drone ini dilengkapi dengan audio yang bertujuan untuk mengusir burung yang menyerang tanaman padi. Oleh karena itu, sistem ini dapat meningkatkan jumlah dan kualitas produksi beras untuk menjaga keamanan pangan dan meningkatkan swasembada pangan di Indonesia

    Karakteristik Fisika-Kimia Kulit Singkong Asal Samarinda dan Akseptabilitas Sensoris Keripiknya sebagai Camilan Diet

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    The aim of this research was to determine the physicochemical characteristics of cassava peel and the sensory acceptability of its chip form three varieties generally planted in Samarinda, e.g. Pacar, Kuning/Mentega, and Buton cassava. The flour of the three cassavas pulp has HCN content of 14.04, 12.02, and 19.38 mg/kg. A single factor experiment arranged in Completely Randomized Design and each treatment was repeated nine times. Thickness, moisture content, crude fibre content, and ash content of the casava peel were observed, as well as hedonic and quality hedonic sensory acceptability of cassava peel chips for crispiness, taste, aroma, and colour. The result showed that except moisture content, the peel of the three cassava varieties was significantly different (p<0.05) for the thickness, crude fibre content and ash content. The moisture content of the three cassava varieties was around 66.70-70.07%. Peel of Pacar, Kuning/Mentega and Buton cassava has a thickness of 1.52, 2.32, and 1.84 mm, the crude fibre content of 2.70, 2.18, 1.68%, and ash content of 1.19, 2.18, and 0.94%, respectively. The cassava peel chips of the three cassava varieties were significantly different (p<0.05) for hedonic and quality hedonic acceptability (crispiness, taste, aroma, and colour). Pacar cassava showed the most acceptable for crispiness and taste, which has a hedonic and hedonic quality scale of 4.50 (1-7, crispy moderately to crispy) and 5.35 (1-7, taste moderately like cassava to taste like cassava)

    Implementation of Aceh Health Insurance (Jaminan Kesehatan Aceh) 2013–2021: Has health equity been achieved for all Acehnese after armed conflict?

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    Aceh Health Insurance (Jaminan Kesehatan Aceh—JKA) has been implemented since 2010 to increase the health equity by covering the health expenses and guaranteeing that all Acehnese are covered regardless of their economic, educational, and social statuses. However, since its implementation, there has been no study on its impact on health quality, particularly regarding the utilization of the main referral hospital (Dr Zainoel Abidin Hospital located in Banda Aceh) and the effects of the geographic accessibility and the number of specialist doctors in each regency/city on hospital utilization. This retrospective study assessed the equity factors during the Aceh Health Insurance implementation and during its integration to National Health Insurance (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional—JKN) from 2013 to 2021 using data of travel time (time spent for travelling from the origin regency/city of referred patients to the main referral center) and healthcare resources (number of specialist doctors). The data were analyzed using Student’s t-tests, Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Mann-Whitney U test when appropriate. Williamson Index was calculated to determine the disparities of health equity between regencies. Our data indicated the noticeably increase of health facilities utilization since the implantation of Aceh Health Insurance. However, there was no equity in the use of main referral facility by the residents in Aceh - was dominated by residents who lived closer and from more populated regencies/cities. In conclusion, there are accessibility and financial hardship barriers in accessing the health care facilities during the implementation of Aceh Health Insurance that need to be addressed by the government to achieve the health equity for all Acehnese