557 research outputs found
Holographic Coulomb Branch Flows with N=1 Supersymmetry
We obtain a large, new class of N=1 supersymmetric holographic flow
backgrounds with U(1)^3 symmetry. These solutions correspond to flows toward
the Coulomb branch of the non-trivial N=1 supersymmetric fixed point. The
massless (complex) chiral fields are allowed to develop vevs that are
independent of their two phase angles, and this corresponds to allowing the
brane to spread with arbitrary, U(1)^2 invariant, radial distributions in each
of these directions. Our solutions are "almost Calabi-Yau:" The metric is
hermitian with respect to an integrable complex structure, but is not Kahler.
The "modulus squared" of the holomorphic (3,0)-form is the volume form, and the
complete solution is characterized by a function that must satisfy a single
partial differential equation that is closely related to the Calabi-Yau
condition. The deformation from a standard Calabi-Yau background is driven by a
non-trivial, non-normalizable 3-form flux dual to a fermion mass that reduces
the supersymmetry to N=1. This flux also induces dielectric polarization of the
D3-branes into D5-branes.Comment: 22 pages; harvmac. Typos corrected;small improvements in presentatio
The Enhancon, Black Holes, and the Second Law
We revisit the physics of five-dimensional black holes constructed from D5-
and D1-branes and momentum modes in type IIB string theory compactified on K3.
Since these black holes incorporate D5-branes wrapped on K3, an enhancon locus
appears in the spacetime geometry. With a `small' number of D1-branes, the
entropy of a black hole is maximised by including precisely half as many
D5-branes as there are D1-branes in the black hole. Any attempts to introduce
more D5-branes, and so reduce the entropy, are thwarted by the appearance of
the enhancon locus above the horizon, which then prevents their approach. The
enhancon mechanism thereby acts to uphold the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
This result generalises: For each type of bound state object which can be made
of both types of brane, we show that a new type of enhancon exists at
successively smaller radii in the geometry, again acting to prevent any
reduction of the entropy just when needed. We briefly explore the appearance of
the enhancon in the black hole interior.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, latex, epsfig (v2: Fixed trivial typos.
Annulus Amplitudes in the Minimal Superstring
We study the annulus amplitudes in the (2,4) minimal superstring theory using
the continuum worldsheet approach. Our results reproduce the semiclassical
behavior of the wavefunctions of FZZT-branes recently studied in hep-th/0412315
using the dual matrix model. We also study the multi-point functions of neutral
FZZT-branes and find the agreement between their semiclassical limit and the
worldsheet annulus calculation.Comment: 15 pages, lanlma
Brane Intersections in the Presence of a Worldvolume Electric Field
The study of brane intersections has provided important insights into a
possible non-commutative structure of spacetime geometry. In this paper we
focus on the D1D3 system. We compare the D1 and D3 descriptions of the
interesection and search for non-static solutions of the D3D1 funnel
equations in the presence of a worldvolume electric field. We find that the D1
and D3 descriptions do not agree. We find time dependent solutions that are a
natural generalization of those found without the electric field.Comment: 10 page
The stability of the shell of D6-D2 branes in a supergravity solution
The stability of the shell of wrapped D6-branes on K3 is investigated from
the point of view of supergravity. We first construct an effective
energy-momentum tensor for the shell under the reasonable conditions and show
that supersymmetric solutions satisfy Israel's junction conditions at arbitrary
radius of the shell. Next we study the perturbation of the whole system
including the self-gravity of the shell. It is found that in spite of the
existence of wrapped D6-branes with negative tension, there is no eigenmode
whose frequencies of the shell and the fields are imaginary numbers, at any
radius of the shell. Furthermore, when the radius of the shell is less than the
enhan\c{c}on radius, resonances are produced, and this indicates a kind of
``instability'' of the system. This can even classically explain why the shell
is constructed at the enhan\c{c}on radius.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, corrected some calculation
The Non-Perturbative SUSY Yang-Mills Theory from Semiclassical Absorption of Supergravity by Wrapped D Branes
The imaginary part of the two point functions of the superconformal anomalous
currents are extracted from the cross-sections of semiclassical absorption of
dilaton, RR-2 form and gravitino by the wrapped D5 branes. From the central
terms of the two point functions anomalous Ward identity is established which
relates the exact pre-potential of the SUSY Yang-Mills theory with
the vacuum expectation value of the anomaly multiplet. From the Ward identity,
WDVV (Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde) equation can be derived which is
solved for the exact pre-potential.Comment: 11 pages, late
Holographic RG Flows and Universal Structures on the Coulomb Branch of N=2 Supersymmetric Large n Gauge Theory
We report on our results of D3-brane probing a large class of generalised
type IIB supergravity solutions presented very recently in the literature. The
structure of the solutions is controlled by a single non-linear differential
equation. These solutions correspond to renormalisation group flows from pure
N=4 supersymmetric gauge theory to an N=2 gauge theory with a massive adjoint
scalar. The gauge group is SU(n) with n large. After presenting the general
result, we focus on one of the new solutions, solving for the specific
coordinates needed to display the explicit metric on the moduli space. We
obtain an appropriately holomorphic result for the coupling. We look for the
singular locus, and interestingly, the final result again manifests itself in
terms of a square root branch cut on the complex plane, as previously found for
a set of solutions for which the details are very different. This, together
with the existence of the single simple non-linear differential equation, is
further evidence in support of an earlier suggestion that there is a very
simple model --perhaps a matrix model with relation to the Calogero-Moser
integrable system-- underlying this gauge theory physics.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 1 figur
A new wrinkle on the enhancon
We generalize the basic enhancon solution of Johnson, Peet and Polchinski by
constructing solutions without spherical symmetry. A careful consideration of
boundary conditions at the enhancon surface indicates that the interior of the
supergravity solution is still flat space in the general case. We provide some
explicit analytic solutions where the enhancon locus is a prolate or oblate
sphere.Comment: 19 pages, no figure
Non-Perturbative String Equations for Type 0A
Well-defined non-perturbative formulations of the physics of string theories,
sometimes with D-branes present, were identified over a decade ago, from a
careful study of double scaled matrix models. Following recent work which
recasts some of those old results in the context of type 0 string theory, a
study is made of a much larger family of models, which are proposed as type 0A
models of the entire superconformal minimal series coupled to gravity. This
gives many further examples of important physical phenomena, including
non-perturbative descriptions of transitions between D-branes and fluxes,
tachyon condensation, and holography. In particular, features of a large family
of non-perturbatively stable string equations are studied, and results are
extracted which pertain to type 0A string theory, with D-branes and fluxes, in
this large class of backgrounds. For the entire construction to work, large
parts of the spectrum of the supergravitationally dressed superconformal
minimal models and that of the gravitationally dressed bosonic conformal
minimal models must coincide, and it is shown how this happens. The example of
the super-dressed tricritical Ising model is studied in some detail.Comment: 29 pages LaTe
Tachyon Condensation, Open-Closed Duality, Resolvents, and Minimal Bosonic and Type 0 Strings
Type 0A string theory in the (2,4k) superconformal minimal model backgrounds
and the bosonic string in the (2,2k-1) conformal minimal models, while
perturbatively identical in some regimes, may be distinguished
non-perturbatively using double scaled matrix models. The resolvent of an
associated Schrodinger operator plays three very important interconnected
roles, which we explore perturbatively and non-perturbatively. On one hand, it
acts as a source for placing D-branes and fluxes into the background, while on
the other, it acts as a probe of the background, its first integral yielding
the effective force on a scaled eigenvalue. We study this probe at disc, torus
and annulus order in perturbation theory, in order to characterize the effects
of D-branes and fluxes on the matrix eigenvalues. On a third hand, the
integrated resolvent forms a representation of a twisted boson in an associated
conformal field theory. The entire content of the closed string theory can be
expressed in terms of Virasoro constraints on the partition function, which is
realized as wavefunction in a coherent state of the boson. Remarkably, the
D-brane or flux background is simply prepared by acting with a vertex operator
of the twisted boson. This generates a number of sharp examples of open-closed
duality, both old and new. We discuss whether the twisted boson conformal field
theory can usefully be thought of as another holographic dual of the
non-critical string theory.Comment: 37 pages, some figures, LaTe
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