47,717 research outputs found
Momentum Kick Model Description of the Ridge in (Delta-phi)-(Delta eta) Correlation in pp Collisions at 7 TeV
The near-side ridge structure in the (Delta phi)-(Delta eta) correlation
observed by the CMS Collaboration for pp collisions at 7 TeV at LHC can be
explained by the momentum kick model in which the ridge particles are medium
partons that suffer a collision with the jet and acquire a momentum kick along
the jet direction. Similar to the early medium parton momentum distribution
obtained in previous analysis for nucleus-nucleus collisions at 0.2 TeV, the
early medium parton momentum distribution in pp collisions at 7 TeV exhibits a
rapidity plateau as arising from particle production in a flux tube.Comment: Talk presented at Workshop on High-pT Probes of High-Density QCD at
the LHC, Palaiseau, May 30-June2, 201
Application of Pad\'{e} interpolation to stationary state problems
If the small and large coupling behavior of a physical system can be computed
perturbatively and expressed respectively as power series in a coupling
parameter and , a Pad\'{e} approximant embracing the two series can
interpolate between these two limits and provide an accurate estimate of the
system's behavior in the generally intractable intermediate coupling regime.
The methodology and validity of this approach are illustrated by considering
several stationary state problems in quantum mechanics.Comment: RevTeX4, 7 pages (including 7 tables); v4 typos correcte
Anomalous Soft Photons in Hadron Production
Anomalous soft photons in excess of what is expected from electromagnetic
bremsstrahlung have been observed in association with the production of
hadrons, mostly mesons, in high-energy (K+)p, (pi+)p, (pi-)p, pp, and (e+)(e-)
collisions. We propose a model for the simultaneous production of anomalous
soft photons and mesons in quantum field theory, in which the meson production
arises from the oscillation of color charge densities of the quarks of the
underlying vacuum in the flux tube. As a quark carries both a color charge and
an electric charge, the oscillation of the color charge densities will be
accompanied by the oscillation of electric charge densities, which will in turn
lead to the simultaneous production of soft photons during the meson production
process. How the production of these soft photons may explain the anomalous
soft photon data will be discussed. Further experimental measurements to test
the model will be proposed.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Physical Review
Novel Bose-Einstein Interference in the Passage of a Fast Particle in a Dense Medium
When an energetic particle collides coherently with many medium particles at
high energies, the Bose-Einstein symmetry with respect to the interchange of
the exchanged virtual bosons leads to a destructive interference of the Feynman
amplitudes in most regions of the phase space but a constructive interference
in some other regions of the phase space. As a consequence, the recoiling
medium particles have a tendency to come out collectively along the direction
of the incident fast particle, each carrying a substantial fraction of the
incident longitudinal momentum. Such an interference appearing as collective
recoils of scatterers along the incident particle direction may have been
observed in angular correlations of hadrons associated with a high-
trigger in high-energy AuAu collisions at RHIC.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, invited talk presented at the 35th Symposium on
Nuclear Physics, Cocoyoc, Mexico, January 3, 2012, to be published in IOP
Conference Serie
Models of Financial Markets with Extensive Participation Incentives
We consider models of financial markets in which all parties involved find
incentives to participate. Strategies are evaluated directly by their virtual
wealths. By tuning the price sensitivity and market impact, a phase diagram
with several attractor behaviors resembling those of real markets emerge,
reflecting the roles played by the arbitrageurs and trendsetters, and including
a phase with irregular price trends and positive sums. The positive-sumness of
the players' wealths provides participation incentives for them. Evolution and
the bid-ask spread provide mechanisms for the gain in wealth of both the
players and market-makers. New players survive in the market if the
evolutionary rate is sufficiently slow. We test the applicability of the model
on real Hang Seng Index data over 20 years. Comparisons with other models show
that our model has a superior average performance when applied to real
financial data.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figure
Self-Organization of Balanced Nodes in Random Networks with Transportation Bandwidths
We apply statistical physics to study the task of resource allocation in
random networks with limited bandwidths along the transportation links. The
mean-field approach is applicable when the connectivity is sufficiently high.
It allows us to derive the resource shortage of a node as a well-defined
function of its capacity. For networks with uniformly high connectivity, an
efficient profile of the allocated resources is obtained, which exhibits
features similar to the Maxwell construction. These results have good
agreements with simulations, where nodes self-organize to balance their
shortages, forming extensive clusters of nodes interconnected by unsaturated
links. The deviations from the mean-field analyses show that nodes are likely
to be rich in the locality of gifted neighbors. In scale-free networks, hubs
make sacrifice for enhanced balancing of nodes with low connectivity.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure
Inference and Optimization of Real Edges on Sparse Graphs - A Statistical Physics Perspective
Inference and optimization of real-value edge variables in sparse graphs are
studied using the Bethe approximation and replica method of statistical
physics. Equilibrium states of general energy functions involving a large set
of real edge-variables that interact at the network nodes are obtained in
various cases. When applied to the representative problem of network resource
allocation, efficient distributed algorithms are also devised. Scaling
properties with respect to the network connectivity and the resource
availability are found, and links to probabilistic Bayesian approximation
methods are established. Different cost measures are considered and algorithmic
solutions in the various cases are devised and examined numerically. Simulation
results are in full agreement with the theory.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, major changes: Sections IV to VII updated,
Figs. 1 to 3 replace
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