1,613 research outputs found
Massive Orbifold
We study some aspects of 2d supersymmetric sigma models on orbifolds. It
turns out that independently of whether the 2d QFT is conformal the operator
products of twist operators are non-singular, suggesting that massive
(non-conformal) orbifolds also `resolve singularities' just as in the conformal
case. Moreover we recover the OPE of twist operators for conformal theories by
considering the UV limit of the massive orbifold correlation functions.
Alternatively, we can use the OPE of twist fields at the conformal point to
derive conditions for the existence of non-singular solutions to special
non-linear differential equations (such as Painleve III).Comment: 12 page
Constraints on Low-Dimensional String Compactifications
We study the restrictions imposed by cancellation of the tadpoles for two,
three, and four-form gauge fields in string theory, M-theory and F-theory
compactified to two, three and four dimensions, respectively. For a large class
of supersymmetric vacua, turning on a sufficient number of strings, membranes
and three-branes, respectively, can cancel the tadpoles, and preserve
supersymmetry. However, there are cases where the tadpole cannot be removed in
this way, either because the tadpole is fractional, or because of its sign. For
M-theory and F-theory compactifications, we also explore the relation of the
membranes and three-branes to the nonperturbative space-time superpotential.Comment: 16 pages, harvma
D--branes and Spinning Black Holes
We obtain a new class of spinning charged extremal black holes in five
dimensions, considered both as classical configurations and in the
Dirichlet(D)--brane representation. The degeneracy of states is computed from
the D--brane side and the entropy agrees perfectly with that obtained from the
black hole side.Comment: 10 pages, harvmac ``b'' mode (minor changes
D-Branes and Topological Field Theories
In the presence of a D-brane a string theory develops a new subsector. We
show that for curved D-branes the corresponding sector is a (partially twisted)
topological field theory. We use this result to compute the degeneracy of
2-branes wrapped around cycles as well as 3-branes wrapped around CY
threefold vanishing 3-cycles. In both cases we find the degeneracy is in accord
with expectation. The counting of BPS states of a gas of 0-branes in the
presence of a 4-brane in is considered and it is noted that the effective
0-brane charge is shifted by 1, due to a quantum correction. This is in accord
with string duality and the fact that left-moving ground state energy of
heterotic string starts at . We also show that all the three different
topological twistings of four dimensional Yang-Mills theory do arise from
curved three-branes embedded in different spaces (Calabi-Yau manifolds and
manifolds with exceptional holonomy groups).Comment: 22 page
tt* Geometry and Closed String Tachyon Potential
We propose a closed string tachyon action including kinetic and potential
terms for non-supersymmetric orbifolds. The action is given in terms of
solutions to equations which captures the geometry of vacua of the
corresponding N=2 worldsheet theory. In certain cases the solutions are well
studied. In case of tachyons of , solutions to affine toda
equations determine the action. We study the particular case of in detail and find that the Tachyon action is determined in terms of a
solution to Painleve III equation.Comment: 10 page
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