2,718 research outputs found
Indirect Evidence for L\'evy Walks in Squeeze Film Damping
Molecular flow gas damping of mechanical motion in confined geometries, and
its associated noise, is important in a variety of fields, including precision
measurement, gravitational wave detection, and MEMS devices. We used two
torsion balance instruments to measure the strength and distance-dependence of
`squeeze film' damping. Measured quality factors derived from free decay of
oscillation are consistent with gas particle superdiffusion in L\'evy walks and
inconsistent with those expected from traditional Gaussian random walk particle
motion. The distance-dependence of squeeze film damping observed in our
experiments is in agreement with a parameter-free Monte Carlo simulation. The
squeeze film damping of the motion of a plate suspended a distance d away from
a parallel surface scales with a fractional power between 1/d and 1/d^2.Comment: 5 pages 5 figures accepted for PRD; typo in equation 3 and figure 1
The discrete flavor symmetry D5
We consider the standard model (SM) extended by the flavor symmetry D5 and
search for a minimal model leading to viable phenomenology. We find that it
contains four Higgs fields apart from the three generations of fermions whose
left- and left-handed conjugate parts do not transform in the same way under
D5. We provide two numerical fits for the case of Dirac and Majorana neutrinos
to show the viability of our low energy model. The fits can accommodate all
data with the neutrinos being normally ordered. For Majorana neutrinos two of
the right-handed neutrinos are degenerate. Concerning the Higgs sector we find
that all potentials constructed with three SM-like Higgs doublets transforming
as 1+2 under D5 have a further unwanted global U(1) symmetry. Therefore we
consider the case of four Higgs fields forming two D5 doublets and show that
this potential leads to viable solutions in general, however it does not allow
spontaneous CP-violation (SCPV) for an arbitrary vacuum expectation value (VEV)
configuration. Finally, we discuss extensions of our model to grand unified
theories (GUTs) as well as embeddings of D5 into the continuous flavor
symmetries SO(3)_f and SU(3)_f.Comment: 22 page
Lepton Mixing from Delta (3 n^2) and Delta (6 n^2) and CP
We perform a detailed study of lepton mixing patterns arising from a scenario
with three Majorana neutrinos in which a discrete flavor group Gf=Delta (3 n^2)
or Gf=Delta(6 n^2) and a CP symmetry are broken to residual symmetries Ge=Z3
and Gnu=Z2 x CP in the charged lepton and neutrino sectors, respectively. While
we consider all possible Z3 and Z2 generating elements, we focus on a certain
set of CP transformations. The resulting lepton mixing depends on group
theoretical indices and one continuous parameter. In order to study the mixing
patterns comprehensively for all admitted Ge and Gnu, it is sufficient to
discuss only three types of combinations. One of them requires as flavor group
Delta (6 n^2). Two types of combinations lead to mixing patterns with a
trimaximal column, while the third one allows for a much richer structure. For
the first type of combinations the Dirac as well as one Majorana phase are
trivial, whereas the other two ones predict in general all CP phases to be
non-trivial and also non-maximal. Already for small values of the index n of
the group, n <= 11, experimental data on lepton mixing can be accommodated well
for particular choices of the parameters of the theory. We also comment on the
relation of the used CP transformations to the automorphisms of Delta (3 n^2)
and Delta (6 n^2).Comment: 60 pages, 12 tables and 10 figures. v2: typos corrected, references
updated, some minor improvement of the text, matches version accepted for
publication in Nuclear Physics
The Hagedorn temperature Revisited
The Hagedorn temperature, T_H is determined from the number of hadronic
resonances including all mesons and baryons. This leads to a stable result T_H
= 174 MeV consistent with the critical and the chemical freeze-out temperatures
at zero chemical potential. We use this result to calculate the speed of sound
and other thermodynamic quantities in the resonance hadron gas model for a wide
range of baryon chemical potentials following the chemical freeze-out curve. We
compare some of our results to those obtained previously in other papers.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure
Avoided crossings in mesoscopic systems: electron propagation on a non-uniform magnetic cylinder
We consider an electron constrained to move on a surface with revolution
symmetry in the presence of a constant magnetic field parallel to the
surface axis. Depending on and the surface geometry the transverse part of
the spectrum typically exhibits many crossings which change to avoided
crossings if a weak symmetry breaking interaction is introduced. We study the
effect of such perturbations on the quantum propagation. This problem admits a
natural reformulation to which tools from molecular dynamics can be applied. In
turn, this leads to the study of a perturbation theory for the time dependent
Born-Oppenheimer approximation
S_4 Flavor Symmetry Embedded into SU(3) and Lepton Masses and Mixing
Based on an assumption that an S_4 flavor symmetry is embedded into SU(3), a
lepton mass matrix model is investigated. A Frogatt-Nielsen type model is
assumed, and the flavor structures of the masses and mixing are caused by VEVs
of SU(2)_L-singlet scalars \phi_u and \phi_d which are nonets (8+1) of the
SU(3) flavor symmetry, and which are broken into 2+3+3' and 1 of S_4. If we
require the invariance under the transformation (\phi^{(8)},\phi^{(1)}) \to
(-\phi^{(8)},+\phi^{(1)}) for the superpotential of the nonet field
\phi^{(8+1)}, the model leads to a beautiful relation for the charged lepton
masses. The observed tribimaximal neutrino mixing is understood by assuming two
SU(3) singlet right-handed neutrinos \nu_R^{(\pm)} and an SU(3) triplet scalar
\chi.Comment: 12 pages, no figure, to appear on JHE
Fast Equilibration of Hadrons in an Expanding Fireball
Due to long chemical equilibration times within standard hadronic reactions
during the hadron gas phase in relativistic heavy ion collisions it has been
suggested that the hadrons are "born" into equilibrium after the quark gluon
plasma phase. Here we develop a dynamical scheme in which possible Hagedorn
states contribute to fast chemical equilibration times of baryon anti-baryon
pairs (as well as kaon anti-kaon pairs) inside a hadron gas and just below the
critical temperature. Within this scheme, we use master equations and derive
various analytical estimates for the chemical equilibration times. Applying a
Bjorken picture to the expanding fireball, the kaons and baryons as well as the
bath of pions and Hagedorn resonances can indeed quickly chemically equilibrate
for both an initial overpopulation or underpopulation of Hagedorn resonances.
Moreover, a comparison of our results to and
ratios at RHIC, indeed, shows a close match.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
High-Precision Thermodynamics and Hagedorn Density of States
We compute the entropy density of the confined phase of QCD without quarks on
the lattice to very high accuracy. The results are compared to the entropy
density of free glueballs, where we include all the known glueball states below
the two-particle threshold. We find that an excellent, parameter-free
description of the entropy density between 0.7Tc and Tc is obtained by
extending the spectrum with the exponential spectrum of the closed bosonic
string.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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