26,595 research outputs found
On Gravity localization under Lorentz Violation in warped scenario
Recently Rizzo studied the Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) in a brane
scenario with one extra dimension where he found a non-zero mass for the
four-dimensional graviton. This leads to the conclusion that five-dimensional
models with LIV are not phenomenologically viable. In this work we re-examine
the issue of Lorentz Invariance Violation in the context of higher dimensional
theories. We show that a six-dimensional geometry describing a string-like
defect with a bulk-dependent cosmological constant can yield a massless 4D
graviton, if we allow the cosmological constant variation along the bulk, and
thus can provides a phenomenologically viable solution for the gauge hierarchy
problem.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Physics Letters
Brane bounce-type configurations in a string-like scenario
Brane world six dimensional scenarios with string like metric has been
proposed to alleviate the problem of field localization. However, these models
have been suffering from some drawbacks related with energy conditions as well
as from difficulties to find analytical solutions. In this work, we propose a
model where a brane is made of a scalar field with bounce-type configurations
and embedded in a bulk with a string-like metric. This model produces a sound
AdS scenario where none of the important physical quantities is infinite. Among
these quantities are the components of the energy momentum tensor, which have
its positivity ensured by a suitable choice of the bounce configurations.
Another advantage of this model is that the warp factor can be obtained
analytically from the equations of motion for the scalar field, obtaining as a
result a thick brane configuration, in a six dimensional context. Moreover, the
study of the scalar field localization in these scenario is done.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Physics Letters
Extending the ADM formalism to Weyl geometry
In order to treat quantum cosmology in the framework of Weyl spacetimes we
take the first step of extending the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism to Weyl
geometry. We then obtain an expression of the curvature tensor in terms of
spatial quantities by splitting spacetime in (3+1)-dimensional form. We next
write the Lagrangian of the gravitation field based in Weyl-type gravity
theory. We extend the general relativistic formalism in such a way that it can
be applied to investigate the quantum cosmology of models whose spacetimes are
endowed with a Weyl geometrical structure.Comment: 10 page
Topological gravity localization on a delta-function like Brane
Besides the String Theory context, the quantum General Relativity can be
studied by the use of constrained topological field theories. In the celebrated
Plebanski formalism, the constraints connecting topological field theories and
gravity are imposed in space-times with trivial topology. In the braneworld
context there are two distinct regions of the space-time, namely, the bulk and
the braneworld volume. In this work we show how to construct topological
gravity in a scenario containing one extra dimension and a delta-function like
3-brane which naturally emerges from a spontaneously broken discrete symmetry.
Starting from a D=5 theory we obtain the action for General Relativity in the
Palatini form in the bulk as well as in the braneworld volume. This result is
important for future insights about quantum gravity in brane scenarios.Comment: 4 page
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