29,658 research outputs found
Charm elliptic flow at RHIC
Charm elliptic flow in heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion
Collider (RHIC) is studied in a multiphase transport model. Assuming that the
cross section for charm quark scattering with other light quarks is the same as
that between light quarks, we find that both charm and light quark elliptic
flows are sensitive to the value of the cross section. Compared to that of
light quarks, the elliptic flow of charm quarks is smaller at low transverse
momentum but approaches comparable values at high transverse momentum. Similar
features are seen in the elliptic flow of charmed mesons as well as that of the
electrons from their semileptonic decays when the charmed mesons are produced
from quark coalescence during hadronization of the partonic matter. To describe
the large electron elliptic flow observed in available experimental data
requires a charm quark scattering cross section that is much larger than that
given by the perturbative QCD
Hadronization via Coalescence
We review the quark coalescence model for hadronization in relativistic heavy
ion collisions and show how it can explain the observed large baryon to meson
ratio at intermediate transverse momentum and scaling of the elliptic flows of
identified hadrons. We also show its predictions on higher-order anisotropic
flows and discuss how quark coalescence applied to open- and hidden-charm
mesons can give insight to charm quark interactions in the quark-gluon plasma
and production in heavy ion collisions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of 20th Winter Workshop on Nuclear
Dynamics, Trelawny Beach, Jamaica, March 15--20, 200
Antikaon flow in heavy-ion collisions: the effects of absorption and mean fields
We study antikaon flow in heavy-ion collisions at SIS energies based on the
relativistic transport model (RVUU 1.0). The production of antikaons from both
baryon-baryon and pion-baryon collisions are included. Taking into account only
elastic and inelastic collisions of the antikaon with nucleons and neglecting
its mean-field potential as in the cascade model, a strong antiflow or
anti-correlation of antikaons with respect to nucleons is seen as a result of
the strong absorption of antikaons by nucleons. However, the antiflow of
antikaons disappears after including also their propagation in the attractive
mean-field potential. The experimental measurement of antikaon flow in
heavy-ion collision will be very useful in shedding lights on the relative
importance of antikaon absorption versus its mean-field potential.Comment: 12 pages, 2 postscript figures omitted in the original submission are
included, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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