691 research outputs found
Theories of schizophrenia: a genetic-inflammatory-vascular synthesis
- Author
- A Bisno
- A Bottas
- A Brown
- A Cardno
- A den Broeder
- A Dinc
- A Elhusseiny
- A Erbagci
- A Hofer
- A Keller
- A Lahti
- A Lahti
- A Lewis
- A Matthew
- A Meyer-Lindberg
- A Molinero
- A Mooradian
- A Mooradian
- A Petronis
- A Picchini
- A Thomas
- A Wicker
- AH Beskow
- AHJ Vagnucci
- AV Hill
- AV Hill
- B Borroni
- B Citron
- B Fish
- B Tsao
- C Barch
- C Beadles
- C Favard
- C Gibson
- C Rumbaugh
- C Zhang
- CE Curtis
- CT Ekdahl
- D Cotter
- D Faust
- D Gunnell
- D Harder
- D Hess
- D Howie
- D Lewis
- D Mathalon
- D Miller
- D Miller
- D Moore
- D Rosenthal
- D Rosenthal
- D Senitz
- D Senitz
- D Shaskan
- D Virgintino
- D Virgintino
- D Weinberger
- DA Smith
- Daniel R Hanson
- DR Hanson
- DR Hanson
- DR Hanson
- DR Weinberger
- E Bleuler
- E Farkas
- E Farkas
- E Guttmann
- E Hammes
- E Head
- E Kraepelin
- E Skvortsova
- E Slater
- E Turkheimer
- E Tutar
- E Werneck-Barroso
- E Yoder
- EF Torrey
- EV Shusta
- F Asbahr
- F Bacic
- F Boin
- FJ Kallmann
- FS Wang
- G Bompiani
- G Findlay
- G Honey
- G Lignelli
- G Rajkowska
- G Rubenstein
- G Schiera
- G Vaiva
- G Vaiva
- G Zornberg
- GF Busatto
- GH Stollerman
- GS Cook
- H Ehrenreich
- H Katila
- H Manji
- H Maricq
- H Moises
- H Wang
- HM Moises
- I Costero
- I Gottesman
- I Gottesman
- I Leykin
- I Touitou
- II Gottesman
- II Gottesman
- IM Lesser
- Irving I Gottesman
- J Callicott
- J Coyle
- J Croitoru-Lamoury
- J de La Torre
- J Friedman
- J Gilmore
- J Guy
- J Kim-Cohen
- J Knight
- J Korenberg
- J Marek
- J McGrath
- J Opitz
- J Schiffman
- J Schumacher
- J Smoot
- J Stevens
- J Versijpt
- J Wilcox
- J Wilcox
- J Yao
- JA Morris
- JJ Kim
- JM Blackwell
- JT Merrill
- K Davison
- K Davison
- K Hata
- K Mackenzie
- L Ashton
- L Bender
- L Bini
- L Erlenmeyer-Kimling
- L Erlenmeyer-Kimling
- L Garey
- L Niemi
- L Van Der Horst
- L Van Der Horst
- LG Veasy
- M Bleuler
- M Cannon
- M Cavaglia
- M Detmar
- M Dysken
- M Huleihel
- M Kitagawa
- M Liotti
- M Maes
- M Maziade
- M McGue
- M Medhora
- M Mercadante
- M Muller
- M Niznikiewicz
- M Penkowa
- M Rothermundt
- M Rothermundt
- M Rothermundt
- M Rothermundt
- M Schwarz
- M Semkovska
- M Zonta
- MA Behzadian
- MA Garvey
- MA Proescholdt
- N Abott
- N Andreasen
- N Calingasan
- N Franck
- N Mueller
- N Mueller
- N Mueller
- N Mueller
- N Wertheimer
- N Wertheimer
- N Winkelman
- NV Olsen
- O Dammann
- O Paulson
- O Sabri
- O Yegin
- P Buckley
- P Grammas
- P Harrison
- P Harrison
- P Haydon
- P Kurosinski
- P Lass
- P McGuffin
- P Meehl
- P Meehl
- P Munk-Jorgensen
- P Scholl
- P Shore
- P Williamson
- P-Y Dietrich
- R Carreno-Manjarrez
- R Chorsky
- R Cosway
- R Fredericks
- R Harrison
- R Hennesy
- R Moots
- R Sasaki
- RA Burt
- RB Yang
- RH Yolken
- RH Yolken
- RJ Hawken
- RM Seymour
- S Bachneff
- S Buka
- S Church
- S Curristin
- S Furdon
- S Keri
- S Kety
- S Mahadik
- S Meeuwsen
- S Ozen
- S Paradiso
- S Pellerin
- S Prabakaran
- S Preston
- S Rudolf
- S Schwab
- S Swedo
- S Vinogradov
- S Zammit
- SE Swedo
- SL Kirk
- SL O'Reilly
- SS Kety
- SW Lee
- T Futamura
- T Richter
- TF McNeil
- V Gallo
- V Mitkov
- W Bruetsch
- W Bruetsch
- W Bruetsch
- W Bruetsch
- W Dublin
- W Risau
- W Zang
- WR Keeler
- X Shi
- Y Lee
- Z Cohen
- Z Kronfol
- Publication venue
- BioMed Central
- Publication date
- 01/01/2005
- Field of study
BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia, a relatively common psychiatric syndrome, affects virtually all brain functions yet has eluded explanation for more than 100 years. Whether by developmental and/or degenerative processes, abnormalities of neurons and their synaptic connections have been the recent focus of attention. However, our inability to fathom the pathophysiology of schizophrenia forces us to challenge our theoretical models and beliefs. A search for a more satisfying model to explain aspects of schizophrenia uncovers clues pointing to genetically mediated CNS microvascular inflammatory disease. DISCUSSION: A vascular component to a theory of schizophrenia posits that the physiologic abnormalities leading to illness involve disruption of the exquisitely precise regulation of the delivery of energy and oxygen required for normal brain function. The theory further proposes that abnormalities of CNS metabolism arise because genetically modulated inflammatory reactions damage the microvascular system of the brain in reaction to environmental agents, including infections, hypoxia, and physical trauma. Damage may accumulate with repeated exposure to triggering agents resulting in exacerbation and deterioration, or healing with their removal. There are clear examples of genetic polymorphisms in inflammatory regulators leading to exaggerated inflammatory responses. There is also ample evidence that inflammatory vascular disease of the brain can lead to psychosis, often waxing and waning, and exhibiting a fluctuating course, as seen in schizophrenia. Disturbances of CNS blood flow have repeatedly been observed in people with schizophrenia using old and new technologies. To account for the myriad of behavioral and other curious findings in schizophrenia such as minor physical anomalies, or reported decreased rates of rheumatoid arthritis and highly visible nail fold capillaries, we would have to evoke a process that is systemic such as the vascular and immune/inflammatory systems. SUMMARY: A vascular-inflammatory theory of schizophrenia brings together environmental and genetic factors in a way that can explain the diversity of symptoms and outcomes observed. If these ideas are confirmed, they would lead in new directions for treatments or preventions by avoiding inducers of inflammation or by way of inflammatory modulating agents, thus preventing exaggerated inflammation and consequent triggering of a psychotic episode in genetically predisposed persons
The James Webb Space Telescope Mission
- Author
- Abbott Randy
- Abell James S.
- Abernathy Mark
- Abney Faith E.
- Abraham John G.
- Abraham Roberto
- Abul-Huda Yasin M.
- Acton Scott
- Adams Cynthia K.
- Adams Evan
- Adler David S.
- Adriaensen Maarten
- Aguilar Jonathan Albert
- Ahmed Mansoor
- Ahmed Nasif S.
- Ahmed Tanjira
- Alarcon Rafael Ramos
- Albat Rüdeger
- Albert Loïc
- Alberts Stacey
- Aldridge David
- Allen Mary Marsha
- Allen Shaune S.
- Altenburg Martin
- Altunc Serhat
- Alvarez Jose Lorenzo
- Ambrose Leslie L.
- Anandakrishnan Satya M.
- Andersen Gregory C.
- Anderson Harry James
- Anderson Jay
- Anderson Kristen
- Anderson Sara M.
- Aprea Julio
- Archer Benita J.
- Arenberg Jonathan W.
- Argyriou Ioannis
- Arribas Santiago
- Artigau Étienne
- Arvai Amanda Rose
- Atcheson Paul
- Atkinson Charles B.
- Averbukh Jesse
- Aymergen Cagatay
- Bacinski John J.
- Baggett Wayne E.
- Bagnasco Giorgio
- Baker Lynn L.
- Balzano Vicki Ann
- Banks Kimberly A.
- Baran David A.
- Barker Elizabeth A.
- Barrett Larry K.
- Barringer Bruce O.
- Barto Allison
- Bast William
- Baudoz Pierre
- Baum Stefi
- Beatty Thomas G.
- Beaulieu Mathilde
- Bechtold Kathryn
- Beck Tracy
- Beddard Megan M.
- Beichman Charles
- Bellagama Larry
- Bely Pierre
- Berger Timothy W.
- Bergeron Louis E.
- Bertch Maria D.
- Beskow Charlotte
- Betz Laura E.
- Biagetti Carl P.
- Birkmann Stephan
- Bjorklund Kurt F.
- Blackwood James D.
- Blazek Ronald Paul
- Blossfeld Stephen
- Bluth Marcel
- Boccaletti Anthony
- Boegner Jr. Martin E.
- Bohlin Ralph C.
- Boia John Joseph
- Bonaventura N.
- Bond Nicholas A.
- Bosley Kari Ann
- Boucarut Rene A.
- Bouchet Patrice
- Bouwman Jeroen
- Bower Gary
- Bowers Ariel S.
- Bowers Charles W.
- Boyce Leslye A.
- Boyer Christine T.
- Boyer Martha L.
- Boyer Michael
- Boyer Robert
- Bradley Larry D.
- Brady Gregory R.
- Brandl Bernhard R.
- Brannen Judith L.
- Breda David
- Bremmer Harold G.
- Brennan David
- Bresnahan Pamela A.
- Bright Stacey N.
- Broiles Brian J.
- Bromenschenkel Asa
- Brooks Brian H.
- Brooks Keira J.
- Brown Bob
- Brown Bruce
- Brown Thomas M.
- Bruce Barry W.
- Bryson Jonathan G.
- Bujanda Edwin D.
- Bullock Blake M.
- Bunker A. J.
- Bureo Rafael
- Burt Irving J.
- Bush James Aaron
- Bushouse Howard A.
- Bussman Marie C.
- Böker Torsten
- Cabaud Olivier
- Cale Steven
- Calhoon Charles D.
- Calvani Humberto
- Canipe Alicia M.
- Caputo Francis M.
- Cara Mihai
- Carey Larkin
- Case Michael Eli
- Cesari Thaddeus
- Cetorelli Lee D.
- Chance Don R.
- Chandler Lynn
- Chaney Dave
- Chapman George N.
- Charlot S.
- Chayer Pierre
- Cheezum Jeffrey I.
- Chen Bin
- Chen Christine H.
- Cherinka Brian
- Chichester Sarah C.
- Chilton Zachary S.
- Chittiraibalan Dharini
- Clampin Mark
- Clark Charles R.
- Clark Kerry W.
- Clark Stephanie M.
- Claybrooks Edward E.
- Cleveland Keith A.
- Cohen Andrew L.
- Cohen Lester M.
- Coleman Benee L.
- Colina Luis
- Colón Knicole D.
- Comber Brian J.
- Comeau Thomas M.
- Comer Thomas
- Connolly Dennis C.
- Conroy Kyle E.
- Contos Adam R.
- Contreras James
- Cook Neil J.
- Cooper James L.
- Cooper Rachel Aviva
- Correia Michael F.
- Correnti Matteo
- Cossou Christophe
- Costanza Brian F.
- Costas Maria Begoña Vila
- Coulais Alain
- Cox Colin R.
- Coyle Ray T.
- Cracraft Misty M.
- Crew Keith A.
- Curtis Gary J.
- Cusveller Bianca
- Dailey Christopher T.
- Darveau-Bernier Antoine
- Daugeron Frédéric
- Davidson Greg S.
- Davies James E.
- Davis Katherine Anne
- Davis Michael S.
- Day Ratna
- de Chambure Daniel
- de Jong Pauline
- De Marchi Guido
- De Meester Wim
- de Oliveira Catarina Alves
- Dean Bruce H.
- Decker John E.
- del Pino Bruno Rodríguez
- Delisa Amy S.
- Dell Lawrence C.
- Dellagatta Gail
- Dembinska Franciszka
- Demosthenes Sandor
- Dencheva Nadezhda M.
- Deneu Philippe
- DePriest William W.
- Deschenes Jeremy
- Dethienne Nathalie
- Detre Örs Hunor
- Diaz Rosa Izela
- Dicken Daniel
- DiFelice Audrey S.
- Dillman Matthew
- Disharoon Maureen O.
- Dixon William V.
- Doggett Jesse B.
- Dominguez Keisha L.
- Donaldson Thomas S.
- Doria-Warner Cristina M.
- Doty Heather
- Douglas Jr. Robert E.
- Doyon René
- Dressler Alan
- Driggers Jennifer
- Driggers Phillip A.
- Dunn Jamie L.
- DuPrie Kimberly C.
- Dupuis Jean
- Durning John
- Dutta Sanghamitra B.
- Earl Nicholas M.
- Eccleston Paul
- Ecobichon Pascal
- Egami Eiichi
- Ehrenwinkler Ralf
- Eisenhamer Jonathan D.
- Eisenhower Michael
- Eisenstein Daniel J.
- Elie Michelle L.
- Elliott James
- Elliott Kyle Wesley
- Engesser Michael
- Espinoza Néstor
- Etienne Odessa
- Etxaluze Mireya
- Evans Leah
- Fabreguettes Luce
- Falcolini Massimo
- Falini Patrick R.
- Fatig Curtis
- Feeney Matthew
- Feinberg Lee D.
- Fels Raymond
- Ferdous Nazma
- Ferguson Henry C.
- Ferrarese Laura
- Ferreira Marie-Héléne
- Ferruit Pierre
- Ferry Malcolm
- Filippazzo Joseph Charles
- Firre Daniel
- Fix Mees
- Flagey Nicolas
- Flanagan Kathryn A.
- Fleming Scott W.
- Florian Michael
- Flynn James R.
- Foiadelli Luca
- Fontaine Mark R.
- Fontanella Erin Marie
- Forshay Peter Randolph
- Fortner Elizabeth A.
- Fox Ori D.
- Framarini Alexandro P.
- Francisco John I.
- Franck Randy
- Franx Marijn
- Franz David E.
- Friedman Scott D.
- Friend Katheryn E.
- Frost James R.
- Fu Henry
- Fullerton Alexander W.
- Gaillard Lionel
- Galkin Sergey
- Gallagher Ben
- Galyer Anthony D.
- Gardner Jonathan P.
- Gardner Lisa E.
- Garland Dennis
- Garrett Bruce Albert
- Gasman Danny
- Gastaud René
- Gaudreau Daniel
- Gauthier Peter Timothy
- Geers Vincent
- Geithner Paul H.
- Gennaro Mario
- Gerber John
- Gereau John C.
- Giampaoli Robert
- Giardino Giovanna
- Gibbons Paul C.
- Gilbert Karolina
- Gilman Larry
- Girard Julien H.
- Giuliano Mark E.
- Gkountis Konstantinos
- Glasse Alistair
- Glassmire Kirk Zachary
- Glauser Adrian Michael
- Glazer Stuart D.
- Goldberg Joshua
- Golimowski David A.
- Gonzaga Shireen P.
- Gordon Karl D.
- Gordon Shawn J.
- Goudfrooij Paul
- Gough Michael J.
- Graham Adrian J.
- Grau Christopher M.
- Green Joel David
- Greene Gretchen R.
- Greene Thomas P.
- Greenfield Perry E.
- Greenhouse Matthew A.
- Greve Thomas R.
- Greville Edgar M.
- Grimaldi Stefano
- Groe Frank E.
- Groebner Andrew
- Grumm David M.
- Grundy Timothy
- Guillard Pierre
- Guldalian John
- Gunn Christopher A.
- Gurule Anthony
- Gutman Irvin Meyer
- Guy Paul D.
- Guyot Benjamin
- Gáspár András
- Güdel Manuel
- Hack Warren J.
- Haderlein Peter
- Hagan James B.
- Hagedorn Andria
- Hainline Kevin
- Haley Craig
- Hamel Zaky El
- Hami Maryam
- Hamilton Forrest Clifford
- Hammann Jeffrey
- Hammel Heidi B.
- Hanley Christopher J.
- Hansen Carl August
- Hardy Bruce
- Harnisch Bernd
- Harr Michael Hunter
- Harris Pamela
- Hart Jessica Ann
- Hartig George F.
- Hasan Hashima
- Hashim Kathleen Marie
- Hashimoto Ryan
- Haskins Sujee J.
- Hawkins Robert Edward
- Hayden Brian
- Hayden William L.
- Healy Mike
- Hecht Karen
- Heeg Vince J.
- Hejal Reem
- Helm Kristopher A.
- Hengemihle Nicholas J.
- Henning Thomas
- Henry Alaina
- Henry Ronald L.
- Henshaw Katherine
- Hernandez Scarlin
- Herrington Donald C.
- Heske Astrid
- Hesman Brigette Emily
- Hickey David L.
- Hilbert Bryan N.
- Hines Dean C.
- Hinz Michael R.
- Hirsch Michael
- Hitcho Robert S.
- Hodapp Klaus
- Hodge Philip E.
- Hoffman Melissa
- Holfeltz Sherie T.
- Holler Bryan Jason
- Hoppa Jennifer Rose
- Horner Scott
- Howard Joseph M.
- Howard Richard J.
- Huber Jean M.
- Hunkeler Joseph S.
- Hunter Alexander
- Hunter David Gavin
- Hurd Spencer W.
- Hurst Brendan J.
- Hutchings John B.
- Hylan Jason E.
- Ignat Luminita Ilinca
- Illingworth Garth
- Irish Sandra M.
- Isaacs III John C.
- Jackson Jr. Wallace C.
- Jaffe Daniel T.
- Jahic Jasmin
- Jahromi Amir
- Jakobsen Peter
- James Bryan
- James John C.
- James LeAndrea Rae
- Jamieson William Brian
- Jandra Raymond D.
- Jayawardhana Ray
- Jedrzejewski Robert
- Jeffers Basil S.
- Jensen Peter
- Joanne Egges
- Johns Alan T.
- Johnson Carl A.
- Johnson Eric L.
- Johnson Patricia
- Johnson Phillip Stephen
- Johnson Thomas K.
- Johnson Timothy W.
- Johnstone Doug
- Jollet Delphine
- Jones Danny P.
- Jones Gregory S.
- Jones Olivia C.
- Jones Ronald A.
- Jones Vicki
- Jordan Ian J.
- Jordan Margaret E.
- Jue Reginald
- Jurkowski Mark H.
- Justis Grant
- Justtanont Kay
- Kaleida Catherine C.
- Kalirai Jason S.
- Kalmanson Phillip Cabrales
- Kaltenegger Lisa
- Kammerer Jens
- Kan Samuel K.
- Kanarek Graham Childs
- Kao Shaw-Hong
- Karakla Diane M.
- Karl Hermann
- Kassin Susan A.
- Kauffman David D.
- Kavanagh Patrick
- Kelley Leigh L.
- Kelly Douglas M.
- Kendrew Sarah
- Kennedy Herbert V.
- Kenny Deborah A.
- Keski-Kuha Ritva A.
- Keyes Charles D.
- Khan Ali
- Kidwell Richard C.
- Kimble Randy A.
- King James S.
- King Richard C.
- Kinzel Wayne M.
- Kirk Jeffrey R.
- Kirkpatrick Marc E.
- Klaassen Pamela
- Klingemann Lana
- Klintworth Paul U.
- Knapp Bryan Adam
- Knight Scott
- Knollenberg Perry J.
- Knutsen Daniel Mark
- Koehler Robert
- Koekemoer Anton M.
- Kofler Earl T.
- Kontson Vicki L.
- Kovacs Aiden Rose
- Kozhurina-Platais Vera
- Krause Oliver
- Kriss Gerard A.
- Krist John
- Kristoffersen Monica R.
- Krogel Claudia
- Krueger Anthony P.
- Kulp Bernard A.
- Kumari Nimisha
- Kwan Sandy W.
- Kyprianou Mark
- Labador Aurora Gadiano
- Labiano Álvaro
- Lafrenière David
- Lagage Pierre-Olivier
- Laidler Victoria G.
- Laine Benoit
- Laird Simon
- Lajoie Charles-Philippe
- Lallo Matthew D.
- Lam May Yen
- LaMassa Stephanie Marie
- Lambros Scott D.
- Lampenfield Richard Joseph
- Lander Matthew Ed
- Langston James Hutton
- Larson Kirsten
- Larson Melora
- LaVerghetta Robert Joseph
- Law David R.
- Lawrence Jon F.
- Lee David W.
- Lee Janice
- Lee Yat-Ning Paul
- Leisenring Jarron
- Leveille Michael Dunlap
- Levenson Nancy A.
- Levi Joshua S.
- Levine Marie B.
- Lewis Dan
- Lewis Jake
- Lewis Nikole
- Libralato Mattia
- Lidon Norbert
- Liebrecht Paula Louisa
- Lightsey Paul
- Lilly Simon
- Lim Frederick C.
- Lim Pey Lian
- Ling Sai-Kwong
- Link Lisa J.
- Link Miranda Nicole
- Lipinski Jamie L.
- Litten Oi In Tam
- Liu XiaoLi
- Lo Amy S.
- Lobmeyer Lynette
- Logue Ryan M.
- Long Chris A.
- Long Douglas R.
- Long Ilana D.
- Long Knox S.
- Lotz Jennifer M.
- Love-Pruitt Jennifer M.
- Lubskiy Michael
- Luers Edward B.
- Luetgens Robert A.
- Luevano Annetta J.
- Lui Sarah Marie G. Flores
- Lund III James M.
- Lundquist Ray A.
- Lunine Jonathan
- Lynch Richard J.
- López-Caniego Marcos
- Lützgendorf Nora
- MacDonald Alex J.
- MacDonald Kenneth
- Macias Matthew J.
- Maciel Cleyciane Da Costa
- Macklis Keith I.
- Maghami Peiman
- Maharaja Rishabh Y.
- Maiolino Roberto
- Makrygiannis Konstantinos G.
- Malla Sunita Giri
- Malumuth Eliot M.
- Manjavacas Elena
- Marini Andrea
- Marrione Amanda
- Marston Anthony
- Martel André R
- Martin Didier
- Martin Peter G.
- Martinez Kristin L.
- Marín Macarena García
- Maschmann Marc
- Masci Gregory L.
- Masetti Margaret E.
- Maszkiewicz Michael
- Mather John C.
- Matthews Gary
- Matuskey Jacob E.
- McBrayer Glen A.
- McCarthy Donald W.
- McCaughrean Mark J.
- McClare Leslie A.
- McClare Michael D.
- McCloskey John C.
- McClurg Taylore D.
- McCoy Martin
- McElwain Michael W.
- McGregor Roy D.
- McGuffey Douglas B.
- McKay Andrew G.
- McKenzie William K.
- McLean Brian
- McMaster Matthew
- McNeil Warren
- Mehalick Kimberly L.
- Meixner Margaret
- Meléndez Marcio
- Menzel Michael P.
- Menzel Michael T.
- Merz Matthew
- Mesterharm David D.
- Meyer Michael R.
- Meyett Michele L.
- Meza Luis E.
- Midwinter Calvin
- Milam Stefanie N.
- Miller Jay Todd
- Miller William C.
- Miskey Cherie L.
- Misselt Karl
- Mitchell Eileen P.
- Mohan Martin
- Montoya Emily E.
- Moran Michael J.
- Morishita Takahiro
- Moro-Martín Amaya
- Morrison Debra L.
- Morrison Jane
- Morse Ernie C.
- Moschos Michael
- Moseley S. H.
- Mosier Gary E.
- Mosner Peter
- Mountain Matt
- Muckenthaler Jason S.
- Mueller Donald G.
- Mueller Migo
- Muhiem Daniella
- Mullally Susan Elizabeth
- Mullen Stephanie M.
- Munger Alan J
- Murphy Jess
- Murray Katherine T.
- Muzerolle James C.
- Mycroft Matthew
- Myers Andrew
- Myers Carey R.
- Myers Fred Richard R.
- Myers Richard
- Myrick Kaila
- Mühlmann Prisca
- Nagle IV Adrian F.
- Nayak Omnarayani
- Naylor Bret
- Neff Susan G.
- Neira Irma Aracely Quispe
- Nelan Edmund P.
- Nella John
- Nguyen Duy Tuong
- Nguyen Michael N.
- Nickson Bryony
- Nidhiry John Joseph
- Niedner Malcolm B.
- Nieto-Santisteban Maria
- Nikolov Nikolay K.
- Nishisaka Mary Ann
- Noriega-Crespo Alberto
- Noriega-Crespo Alberto
- Nota Antonella
- O'Brien Marcus B.
- O'Mara Robyn C.
- O'Shaughnessy Brian Patrick
- O'Sullivan Brian
- Oboryshko Michael
- Ochs William R.
- Offenberg Joel D.
- Ogle Patrick Michael
- Ohl Raymond G.
- Olmsted Joseph Hamden
- Osborne Shannon Barbara
- Otor O. Justin
- Ottens Richard
- Ouellette Nathalie N. -Q.
- Outlaw Daria J.
- Owens Beverly A.
- Pacifici Camilla
- Page James Christophe
- Paranilam James G.
- Park Sang
- Parrish Keith A.
- Paschal Laura
- Patapis Polychronis
- Patel Jignasha
- Patrick Keith
- Pattishall Jr. Robert A.
- Paul Douglas William
- Paul Shirley J.
- Pauly Tyler Andrew
- Pavlovsky Cheryl M.
- Pedder Andrew H.
- Peek Matthew Weldon
- Pelham Patricia A.
- Penanen Konstantin
- Perriello Beth A.
- Perrin Marshall D.
- Perrine Richard F.
- Perrygo Chuck
- Peslier Muriel
- Petach Michael
- Peterson Karla A.
- Peña-Guerrero Maria
- Pfarr Tom
- Pierson James M.
- Pietraszkiewicz Martin
- Pilchen Guy
- Pipher Judy L.
- Pirzkal Norbert
- Pitman Joseph T.
- Plate Maurice te
- Player Danielle M.
- Plesha Rachel
- Plitzke Anja
- Pohner John A.
- Poletis Karyn Konstantin
- Pollizzi Joseph A.
- Polster Ethan
- Pontius James T.
- Pontoppidan Klaus
- Porges Susana C.
- Potter Gregg D.
- Prescott Stephen
- Proffitt Charles R.
- Pueyo Laurent
- Radich Armando
- Rager Reiko T.
- Rameau Julien
- Ramey Deborah D.
- Rampini Riccardo
- Rapp Robert
- Rashford Robert A.
- Rauscher Bernard J.
- Ravindranath Swara
- Rawle Timothy
- Rawlings Tynika N.
- Ray Tom
- Regan Michael W.
- Rehm Brian
- Rehm Kenneth D.
- Reid Neill
- Reis Alain Conde
- Reis Carl A.
- Renk Florian
- Reoch Tom B.
- Ressler Michael
- Rest Armin W.
- Reynolds Paul J.
- Richon Joel G.
- Richon Karen V.
- Ridgaway Michael
- Riedel Adric Richard
- Rieke George H.
- Rieke Marcia
- Rifelli Richard E.
- Rigby Jane R.
- Riggs Catherine S.
- Ringel Nancy J.
- Ritchie Christine E.
- Rix Hans-Walter
- Robberto Massimo
- Robinson Michael S.
- Robinson Orion
- Rock Frank W.
- Rodriguez David R.
- Roellig Thomas
- Rohrbach Scott O.
- Roman Anthony J.
- Romelfanger Frederick J.
- Romo Jr. Felipe P.
- Rosales Jose J.
- Rose Perry
- Roteliuk Anthony F.
- Roth Marc N.
- Rothwell Braden Quinn
- Rouzaud Sylvain
- Rowe Jason
- Rowlands Neil
- Roy Arpita
- Royer Pierre
- Rui Chunlei
- Rumler Peter
- Rumpl William
- Russ Melissa L.
- Ryan Michael B.
- Ryan Richard M.
- Saad Karl
- Sabata Modhumita
- Sabatino Rick
- Sabbi Elena
- Sabelhaus Phillip A.
- Sabia Stephen
- Sahu Kailash C.
- Saif Babak N.
- Salvignol Jean-Christophe
- Samara-Ratna Piyal
- Samuelson Bridget S.
- Sanders Felicia A.
- Santos Tony Dos
- Sappington Bradley
- Sargent B. A.
- Sauer Arne
- Savadkin Bruce J.
- Sawicki Marcin
- Schappell Tina M.
- Scheffer Caroline
- Scheithauer Silvia
- Scherer Ron
- Schiff Conrad
- Schlawin Everett
- Schmeitzky Olivier
- Schmitz Tyler S.
- Schmude Donald J.
- Schneider Analyn
- Schreiber Jürgen
- Schroeven-Deceuninck Hilde
- Schultz John J.
- Schwab Ryan
- Schwartz Curtis H.
- Scoccimarro Dario
- Scott John F.
- Scott Michelle B.
- Seaton Bonita L.
- Seely Bruce S.
- Seery Bernard
- Seidleck Mark
- Sembach Kenneth
- Shanahan Clare Elizabeth
- Shaughnessy Bryan
- Shaw Richard A.
- Shay Christopher Michael
- Sheehan Even
- Sheth Kartik
- Shih Hsin-Yi
- Shivaei Irene
- Siegel Noah
- Sienkiewicz Matthew G.
- Simmons Debra D.
- Simon Bernard P.
- Sirianni Marco
- Sivaramakrishnan Anand
- Slade Jeffrey E.
- Sloan G. C.
- Slocum Christine E.
- Slowinski Steven E.
- Smith Corbett T.
- Smith Eric P.
- Smith Erin C.
- Smith Koby
- Smith Robert
- Smith Stephanie J.
- Smolik John L.
- Soderblom David R.
- Sohn Sangmo Tony
- Sokol Jeff
- Sonneborn George
- Sontag Christopher D.
- Sooy Peter R.
- Soummer Remi
- Southwood Dana M.
- Spain Kay
- Sparmo Joseph
- Speer David T.
- Spencer Richard
- Sprofera Joseph D.
- Stallcup Scott S.
- Stanley Marcia K.
- Stansberry John A.
- Stark Christopher C.
- Starr Carl W.
- Stassi Diane Y.
- Steck Jane A.
- Steeley Christine D.
- Stephens Matthew A.
- Stephenson Ralph J.
- Stewart Alphonso C.
- Stiavelli Massimo
- Stockman Jr. Hervey
- Strada Paolo
- Straughn Amber N.
- Streetman Scott
- Strickland David Kendal
- Strobele Jingping F.
- Stuhlinger Martin
- Stys Jeffrey Edward
- Such Miguel
- Sukhatme Kalyani
- Sullivan Joseph F.
- Sullivan Pamela C.
- Sumner Sandra M.
- Sun Fengwu
- Sunnquist Benjamin Dale
- Swade Daryl Allen
- Swam Michael S.
- Swenton Diane F.
- Swoish Robby A.
- Tamas Laszlo
- Tao Andrew
- Taylor David K.
- Taylor Joanna M.
- Teague Kelly K.
- Telfer Randal C.
- Temim Tea
- Texter Scott C.
- Thatte Deepashri G.
- Thompson Christopher Lee
- Thompson Linda M.
- Thomson Shaun R.
- Thronson Harley
- Tierney C. M.
- Tikkanen Tuomo
- Tinnin Lee
- Tippet William Thomas
- Todd Connor William
- Tran Hien D.
- Trauger John
- Trejo Edwin Gregorio
- Truong Justin Hoang Vinh
- Tsukamoto Christine L.
- Tufail Yasir
- Tumlinson Jason
- Tustain Samuel
- Tyra Harrison
- Ubeda Leonardo
- Underwood Kelli
- Uzzo Michael A.
- Vaclavik Steven
- Valenduc Frida
- Valenti Jeff A.
- Van Campen Julie
- van de Wetering Inge
- Van Der Marel Roeland P.
- van Dishoeck Ewine F.
- van Haarlem Remy
- Van Tea Mason
- Vandenbussche Bart
- Vanterpool Dona D.
- Vernoy Michael R.
- Volk Kevin
- Voorzaat Piet
- Voyton Mark F.
- Vydra Ekaterina
- Waddy Darryl J.
- Waelkens Christoffel
- Wahlgren Glenn Michael
- Walker Jr. Frederick E.
- Wander Michel
- Warfield Christine K.
- Warner Gerald
- Wasiak Francis C.
- Wasiak Matthew F.
- Wehner James
- Weiler Kevin R.
- Weilert Mark
- Weiss Stanley B.
- Wells Martyn
- Welty Alan D.
- Wheate Lauren
- Wheeler Thomas P.
- White Christy L.
- Whitehouse Paul
- Whiteleather Jennifer Margaret
- Whitman William Russell
- Williams Christina C.
- Willmer Christopher N. A.
- Willott Chris J.
- Willoughby Scott P.
- Wilson Andrew
- Wilson Debra
- Wilson Donna V.
- Windhorst Rogier
- Wislowski Emily Christine
- Wolfe David J.
- Wolfe Michael A.
- Wolff Schuyler
- Wondel Amancio
- Woo Cindy
- Woods Robert T.
- Worden Elaine
- Workman William
- Wright Gillian S.
- Wu Carl
- Wu Chi-Rai
- Wun Dakin D.
- Wymer Kristen B.
- Yadetie Thomas
- Yan Isabelle C.
- Yang Keith C.
- Yates Kayla L.
- Yeager Christopher R.
- Yerger Ethan John
- Young Erick T.
- Young Gary
- Yu Gene
- Yu Susan
- Zak Dean S.
- Zeidler Peter
- Zepp Robert
- Zhou Julia
- Zincke Christian A.
- Zonak Stephanie
- Zondag Elisabeth
- Álvarez-Márquez Javier
- Östlin Göran
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 10/04/2023
- Field of study
Twenty-six years ago a small committee report, building on earlier studies,
expounded a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy, calling
for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least 4m.
With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000
people realized that vision as the 6.5m James Webb Space Telescope. A
generation of astronomers will celebrate their accomplishments for the life of
the mission, potentially as long as 20 years, and beyond. This report and the
scientific discoveries that follow are extended thank-you notes to the 20,000
team members. The telescope is working perfectly, with much better image
quality than expected. In this and accompanying papers, we give a brief
history, describe the observatory, outline its objectives and current observing
program, and discuss the inventions and people who made it possible. We cite
detailed reports on the design and the measured performance on orbit.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the special issue on The James Webb Space
Telescope Overview, 29 pages, 4 figure
Contact with Counter-Stereotypical Women Predicts Less Sexism, Less Rape Myth Acceptance, Less Intention to Rape (in Men) and Less Projected Enjoyment of Rape (in Women)
- Author
- A Eller
- A Voci
- B Frese
- BA Nosek
- BM Byrne
- C Bunch
- CL Ridgeway
- CR Critcher
- D Abrams
- D Bhatnagar
- D Blackaby
- D Hooper
- DO Sears
- E Miles
- ES Kubany
- GB Forbes
- GT Viki
- GW Allport
- HW Marsh
- IV Blair
- J Dixon
- J Dixon
- J Henrich
- JC Becker
- JC Becker
- K West
- K West
- K West
- K West
- K West
- KA Lonsway
- KE Dill
- Keon West
- KM Ryan
- KM Whyte
- L Hu
- L Rosenthal
- LA Rudman
- M King
- MA Irving
- Miriam Taschler
- MP Koss
- MP Koss
- MR Burt
- MW-L Cheung
- N Malamuth
- N Malamuth
- N Sachs-Ericsson
- P Glick
- P Glick
- P Resick
- PJ Caplan
- R Amin
- R Brown
- R Campbell
- RC MacCallum
- RC MacCallum
- RN Turner
- RN Turner
- S Oskamp
- SR Edwards
- TD Little
- TF Pettigrew
- TF Pettigrew
- TM Emmers-Sommer
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2016
- Field of study
Intergroup contact—(positive) interactions with people from different social groups—is a widely researched and strongly supported prejudice-reducing mechanism shown to reduce prejudice against a wide variety of outgroups. However, no known previous research has investigated whether intergroup contact can also reduce sexism against women. Sexism has an array of negative outcomes. One of the most detrimental and violent ones is rape, which is both justified and downplayed by rape myth acceptance. We hypothesised that more frequent, higher quality contact with counter-stereotypical women would predict lower levels of sexism and thus less rape myth acceptance (in men) and less sexualised projected responses to rape (in women). Two studies using online surveys with community samples supported these hypotheses. In Study 1, 170 male participants who experienced more positive contact with counter-stereotypical women reported less intention to rape. Similarly, in Study 2, 280 female participants who experienced more positive contact with counter-stereotypical women reported less projected sexual arousal at the thought of being raped. Thus, the present research is the first known to show that contact could be a potential tool to combat sexism, rape myth acceptance, intentions to rape in men, and sexualisation of rape by women
Impacts of the Tropical Pacific/Indian Oceans on the Seasonal Cycle of the West African Monsoon
- Author
- Abbaneo Duccio
- Abbiendi Giovanni
- Abbrescia Marcello
- Abdullin Salavat
- Abdulsalam Abdulla
- Acosta Darin
- Acosta John Gabriel
- Adair Antony
- Adam Wolfgang
- Adams Mark Raymond
- Adams Todd
- Adiguzel Aytul
- Adler Volker
- Adzic Petar
- Afanasiev Serguei
- Agapitos Antonis
- Agram Jean-Laurent
- Ahmad Ashfaq
- Ahmad Muhammad
- Ahuja Sudha
- Akchurin Nural
- Akgun Bora
- Akin Ilina Vasileva
- Albajar Carmen
- Albayrak Elif Asli
- Albergo Sebastiano
- Albrow Michael
- Alcaraz Maestre Juan
- Aldaya Martin Maria
- Alderweireldt Sara
- Aldá Júnior Walter Luiz
- Aleksandrov Aleksandar
- Alexander James
- Alimena Juliette
- Alverson George
- Alves Gilvan
- Amapane Nicola
- Amsler Claude
- Anagnostou Georgios
- Anderson Ian
- Anderson Jacob
- Andrea Jeremy
- Andreev Vladimir
- Andreev Yuri
- Androsov Konstantin
- Antonelli Louis
- Antunovic Zeljko
- Apanasevich Leonard
- Apollinari Giorgio
- Appelt Eric
- Apresyan Artur
- Apyan Aram
- Arcidiacono Roberta
- Arenton Michael Wayne
- Argiro Stefano
- Arneodo Michele
- Arora Sanjay
- Asavapibhop Burin
- Asawatangtrakuldee Chayanit
- Asin Ivan
- Askew Andrew
- Aslanoglou Xenofon
- Assran Yasser
- Ata Metin
- Attikis Alexandros
- Aubin Alexandre
- Auffray Etiennette
- Autermann Christian Tobias
- Auzinger Georg
- Avdeeva Ekaterina
- Avery Paul
- Avetisyan Aram
- Avila Carlos
- Azarkin Maksim
- Azhgirey Igor
- Aziz Tariq
- Azzi Patrizia
- Azzolini Virginia
- Azzurri Paolo
- Baarmand Marc M.
- Baber Mark
- Bacchetta Nicola
- Bachmair Felix
- Bachtis Michail
- Baden Drew
- Baffioni Stephanie
- Bagliesi Giuseppe
- Baillon Paul
- Bainbridge Robert
- Bakhshiansohi Hamed
- Bakirci Mustafa Numan
- Ball Austin
- Ban Yong
- Banerjee Sudeshna
- Banerjee Sunanda
- Bansal Sunil
- Barbagli Giuseppe
- Barberis Emanuela
- Barbieri Richard
- Bargassa Pedrame
- Barge Derek
- Baringer Philip
- Barker Anthony
- Barnes Virgil E.
- Barnett Bruce Arnold
- Barney David
- Barone Luciano
- Barth Christian
- Bartosik Nazar
- Basegmez Suzan
- Battilana Carlo
- Bauerdick Lothar A. T.
- Baumgartel Darin
- Baus Colin
- Bayshev Igor
- Bean Alice
- Beauceron Stephanie
- Beaudette Florian
- Beaupere Nicolas
- Beernaert Kelly
- Behnamian Hadi
- Behr Joerg
- Behrens Ulf
- Beirão Da Cruz E Silva Cristóvão
- Belforte Stefano
- Beliy Nikita
- Belknap Donald
- Bell Alan James
- Bell Ken W.
- Bellan Riccardo
- Belloni Alberto
- Beluffi Camille
- Belyaev Alexander
- Belyaev Andrey
- Benaglia Andrea
- Bencze Gyorgy
- Bendavid Joshua
- Benedetti Daniele
- Benelli Gabriele
- Benhabib Lamia
- Beni Noemi
- Benitez Jose F.
- Benucci Leonardo
- Benussi Luigi
- Benvenuti Alberto
- Beranek Sarah
- Beretvas Andrew
- Bergauer Thomas
- Berger Joram
- Beri Suman Bala
- Bernardes Cesar Augusto
- Bernardini Jacopo
- Bernet Colin
- Berry Douglas
- Berry Edmund
- Berryhill Jeffrey
- Bertl Willi
- Besancon Marc
- Betchart Burton
- Bethani Agni
- Betts Russell Richard
- Bhardwaj Ashutosh
- Bhat Pushpalatha C.
- Bhatnagar Vipin
- Bhattacharya Saptaparna
- Bhattacharya Satyaki
- Bhawandeep Bhawandeep
- Bhowmik Sandeep
- Bialkowska Helena
- Bian Jian-Guo
- Bianchini Lorenzo
- Bianco Stefano
- Biasini Maurizio
- Biino Cristina
- Bilei Gian Mario
- Bilin Bugra
- Bilki Burak
- Bilmis Selcuk
- Bisello Dario
- Bitioukov Sergei
- Blekman Freya
- Blobel Volker
- Bloch Daniel
- Bloch Philippe
- Bloom Kenneth
- Bluj Michal
- Blumenfeld Barry
- Blyweert Stijn
- Boccali Tommaso
- Bocci Andrea
- Bochenek Joseph
- Bodek Arie
- Bodlak Martin
- Boimska Bozena
- Bolla Gino
- Bolognesi Sara
- Bonacorsi Daniele
- Bonato Alessio
- Bondu Olivier
- Bontenackels Michael
- Boos Edouard
- Bornheim Adolf
- Borras Kerstin
- Bortignon Pierluigi
- Bortoletto Daniela
- Bose Suvadeep
- Bose Tulika
- Botta Cristina
- Boudoul Gaelle
- Bouhali Othmane
- Bourilkov Dimitri
- Boutle Sarah
- Bouvier Elvire
- Bradmiller-Feld John
- Braibant-Giacomelli Sylvie
- Branca Antonio
- Branson James G.
- Breedon Richard
- Breto Guillermo
- Breuker Horst
- Brew Christopher
- Brigliadori Luca
- Brigljevic Vuko
- Brinkerhoff Andrew
- Brinson Jessica
- Brito Lucas
- Broccolo Giuseppe
- Brochero Cifuentes Javier Andres
- Brochet Sébastien
- Brodski Michael
- Brom Jean-Marie
- Brona Grzegorz
- Brooke James John
- Brown Robert M.
- Brownson Eric
- Brun Hugues
- Bruner Christopher
- Bruno Giacomo
- Buchmann Marco-Andrea
- Buchmuller Oliver
- Bucinskaite Inga
- Bunichev Viacheslav
- Bunin Pavel
- Bunkowski Karol
- Bunn Julian
- Buontempo Salvatore
- Burgmeier Armin
- Burkett Kevin
- Burt Kira
- Burton Darren
- Busson Philippe
- Busza Wit
- Butler Joel Nathan
- Butler Philip H.
- Butz Erik
- Bylsma Ben
- Bäni Lukas
- Böser Christian
- Cabrera Andrés
- Cabrillo Iban Jose
- Caebergs Thierry
- Caillol Cécile
- Cakir Altan
- Calabria Cesare
- Calamba Aristotle
- Calderon De La Barca Sanchez Manuel
- Calderon Alicia
- Cali Ivan Amos
- Calligaris Luigi
- Calvert Brian
- Calvo Enrique
- Campagnari Claudio
- Campanini Renato
- Campbell Alan
- Camporesi Tiziano
- Candelise Vieri
- Canelli Maria Florencia
- Cankocak Kerem
- Capiluppi Paolo
- Cappello Gigi
- Cardaci Marco
- Carlin Roberto
- Carlsmith Duncan
- Carlson Benjamin
- Carrillo Montoya Camilo Andres
- Carrillo Moreno Salvador
- Cartiglia Nicolo
- Carvalho Wagner
- Carver Matthew
- Casal Bruno
- Casarsa Massimo
- Casasso Stefano
- Casimiro Linares Edgar
- Castaldi Rino
- Castaneda Hernandez Alfredo
- Castello Roberto
- Castilla-Valdez Heriberto
- Castro Andrea
- Caudron Adrien
- Cavallari Francesca
- Cavallo Francesca Romana
- Cavallo Nicola
- Cavanaugh Richard
- Ceard Ludivine
- Centis Vignali Matteo
- Cepeda Maria
- Cerati Giuseppe Benedetto
- Cerci Salim
- Cerminara Gianluca
- Cerrada Marcos
- Chabert Eric Christian
- Chakaberia Irakli
- Chamizo Llatas Maria
- Chan Kwok Ming
- Chan Matthew
- Chang Paoti
- Chang Sunghyun
- Chang You-Hao
- Chang Yu-Wei
- Chanon Nicolas
- Chao Yuan
- Chaparro Sierra Luisa Fernanda
- Charaf Otman
- Charlot Claude
- Chasco Matthew
- Chasserat Julien
- Chatterjee Avishek
- Chatterjee Kalyanmoy
- Chatterjee Rajdeep Mohan
- Chauhan Sushil
- Chaves Jorge
- Checchia Paolo
- Chen Guo-Ming
- Chen He-Sheng
- Chen Kai-Feng
- Chen Kuan-Hsin
- Chen Mingshui
- Chen Po-Hsun
- Chen Yi
- Cheng Tongguang
- Cherepanov Vladimir
- Chertok Maxwell
- Cheung Harry
- Chhibra Simranjit Singh
- Chierici Roberto
- Chinellato Jose
- Chiochia Vincenzo
- Chiorboli Massimiliano
- Chlebana Frank
- Choi Minkyoo
- Choi Suyong
- Choi Young Kyu
- Choi Young-Il
- Chou John Paul
- Choudhary Brajesh C.
- Choudhury Somnath
- Christopher Grant
- Chu Jennifer
- Chwalek Thorsten
- Ciangottini Diego
- Ciesielski Robert
- Cihangir Selcuk
- Cimmino Anna
- Ciocci Maria Agnese
- Cittolin Sergio
- Ciulli Vitaliano
- Civinini Carlo
- Claes Daniel R.
- Clare Robert
- Clarida Warren
- Clarke Christopher
- Clement Emyr
- Clerbaux Barbara
- CMS Collaboration
- Cockerill David J. A.
- Codispoti Giuseppe
- Colafranceschi Stefano
- Colaleo Anna
- Cole Joanne
- Colino Nicanor
- Collard Caroline
- Colling David
- Contardo Didier
- Conte Eric
- Contreras-Campana Christian
- Contreras-Campana Emmanuel
- Conway John
- Conway Rylan
- Cooper Seth
- Cornelis Tom
- Correa Martins Junior Marcos
- Cossutti Fabio
- Costa Marco
- Costa Salvatore
- Costantini Silvia
- Costanza Francesco
- Couderc Fabrice
- Coughlan John A.
- Cousins Robert
- Covarelli Roberto
- Cowden Christopher
- Cox Bradley
- Cox Peter Timothy
- Creanza Donato
- Cripps Nicholas
- Crucy Shannon
- Cuevas Javier
- Cuffiani Marco
- Cumalat John Perry
- Curry David
- Cussans David
- Custódio Analu
- Cutts David
- Cwiok Mikolaj
- Czellar Sandor
- D'Agnolo Raffaele Tito
- D'Alessandro Raffaello
- D'Alfonso Mariarosaria
- D'Enterria David
- D'Hondt Jorgen
- D'imperio Giulia
- Da Silveira Gustavo Gil
- Dabrowski Anne
- Daci Nadir
- Dahmes Bryan
- Dahms Torsten
- Dalchenko Mykhailo
- Dall'Osso Martino
- Dallavalle Gaetano-Marco
- Damgov Jordan
- Danielson Thomas
- Das Souvik
- Daskalakis Georgios
- Dasu Sridhara
- Daubie Evelyne
- Dauncey Paul
- David Tinoco Mendes Andre
- Davies Gavin
- de Barbaro Pawel
- De Boer Wim
- De Cosa Annapaola
- De Filippis Nicola
- De Gruttola Michele
- De Guio Federico
- De Jesus Damiao Dilson
- De La Cruz Begona
- De La Cruz-Burelo Eduard
- De Lentdecker Gilles
- De Mattia Marco
- De Moraes Gregores Eduardo
- De Oliveira Martins Carley
- De Palma Mauro
- De Roeck Albert
- de Trocóniz Jorge F.
- De Visscher Simon
- De Wolf Eddi A.
- Degano Alessandro
- Deiters Konrad
- Dejardin Marc
- Del Re Daniele
- Del Rocio Vargas Trevino Andrea
- Delaere Christophe
- Delannoy Andrés G.
- Delgado Peris Antonio
- Dell'Orso Roberto
- Della Negra Michel
- Della Ricca Giuseppe
- Demaria Natale
- Demina Regina
- Demiragli Zeynep
- Demortier Luc
- Denegri Daniel
- Depasse Pierre
- Dermenev Alexander
- Descroix Alexis
- Dewanjee Ram Krishna
- Dhingra Nitish
- Di Giovanni Gian Piero
- Di Guida Salvatore
- Di Marco Emanuele
- Di Matteo Leonardo
- Diamond Brendan
- Diemoz Marcella
- Dierlamm Alexander
- Dietz Charles
- Dietz-Laursonn Erik
- Diez Pardos Carmen
- Dildick Sven
- Dilsiz Kamuran
- Dimitrov Anton
- Dinardo Mauro Emanuele
- Dishaw Adam
- Dissertori Günther
- Dittmann Jay
- Dittmar Michael
- Dittmer Susan
- Dobrzynski Ludwik
- Dobson Marc
- Dobur Didar
- Dodd Laura
- Dogra Sunil
- Dolen James
- Dolinska Ganna
- Dominguez Aaron
- Dominik Wojciech
- Domínguez Vázquez Daniel
- Donato Silvio
- Donegà Mauro
- Dooling Samantha
- Dordevic Milos
- Dorigo Tommaso
- Dorland Tyler
- Dorney Brian
- Doroba Krzysztof
- Dos Reis Martins Thiago
- Dosselli Umberto
- Dozen Candan
- Draeger Arne-Rasmus
- Dragicevic Marko
- Dragoiu Cosmin
- Dremin Igor
- Driga Olga
- Drozdetskiy Alexey
- Du Pree Tristan
- Du Ran
- Duarte Campderros Jordi
- Duarte Javier
- Dubinin Mikhail
- Duchardt Deborah
- Dudero Phillip Russell
- Dudko Lev
- Dugad Shashikant
- Duggan Daniel
- Dumanoglu Isa
- Dunne Patrick
- Dupont-Sagorin Niels
- Duric Senka
- Durkin Lloyd Stanley
- Dutta Dipanwita
- Dutta Suchandra
- Dutta Valentina
- Dünser Marc
- Eckerlin Guenter
- Ecklund Karl Matthew
- Eckstein Doris
- Edelhoff Matthias
- Eerola Paula
- Eggert Nicholas
- Eichhorn Thomas
- Ekmedzic Marko
- El Mamouni Houmani
- Eller Philipp
- Elliott-Peisert Anna
- Ellison John Anthony
- Ellithi Kamel Ali
- Elmer Peter
- Elvira Victor Daniel
- Eno Sarah Catherine
- Epshteyn Vladimir
- Erbacher Robin
- Erdmann Martin
- Erdmann Wolfram
- Erdogan Yusuf
- Erfle Joachim
- Erö Janos
- Escalante Del Valle Alberto
- Eshaq Yossof
- Eskut Eda
- Etesami Seyed Mohsen
- Eusebi Ricardo
- Evangelou Ioannis
- Evdokimov Olga
- Everaerts Pieter
- Fabbri Fabrizio
- Fabbri Franco
- Fabbro Bernard
- Fabozzi Francesco
- Faccioli Pietro
- Fagot Alexis
- Fahim Ali
- Fan Jiawei
- Fanfani Alessandra
- Fantasia Cory
- Fanò Livio
- Farrell Chris
- Fasanella Daniele
- Faulkner James
- Faure Jean-Louis
- Favaro Carlotta
- Favart Denis
- Favart Laurent
- Fay Jean
- Fedi Giacomo
- Fehling David
- Feindt Michael
- Felcini Marta
- Feld Lutz
- Ferapontov Alexey
- Ferbel Thomas
- Ferencek Dinko
- Ferguson Thomas
- Ferguson William
- Fernandez Bedoya Cristina
- Fernandez Menendez Javier
- Fernandez Marcos
- Fernández Ramos Juan Pablo
- Ferreira Parracho Pedro Guilherme
- Ferretti Roberta
- Ferri Federico
- Ferro Cristina
- Ferro Fabrizio
- Field Richard D.
- Filipovic Nicolas
- Finco Linda
- Finger Jr. Michael
- Finger Miroslav
- Fiore Luigi
- Fiorendi Sara
- Fiori Francesco
- Fischer Robert
- Fisher Matthew
- Fisk Ian
- Flacher Henning
- Flanagan Will
- Flix Jose
- Florent Alice
- Florez Carlos
- Flouris Giannis
- Flowers Kristen
- Flowers Sean
- Flucke Gero
- Flügge Günter
- Focardi Ettore
- Folgueras Santiago
- Fonseca De Souza Sandro
- Fontaine Jean-Charles
- Ford William T.
- Forthomme Laurent
- Foudas Costas
- Fouz Maria Cruz
- Foà Lorenzo
- Francis Brian
- Franco Sevilla Manuel
- Franzoni Giovanni
- Freeman Jim
- Frensch Felix
- Friedl Markus
- Friis Evan
- Frueboes Tomasz
- Fruehwirth Rudolf
- Fulcher Jonathan
- Funk Wolfgang
- Furic Ivan-Kresimir
- Futyan David
- Gabusi Michele
- Gadrat Sébastien
- Gainer J.
- Galanti Mario
- Gallinaro Michele
- Gallo Elisabetta
- Gamsizkan Halil
- Ganguly Sanmay
- Ganjour Serguei
- Gao Yanyan
- Garabedian Alex
- Garay Garcia Jasone
- Garcia Guillaume
- Garcia-Abia Pablo
- Garcia-Bellido Aran
- Gardner Michael
- Garutti Erika
- Gary J. William
- Gascon Susan
- Gasparini Fabrizio
- Gasparini Ugo
- Gauthier Lucie
- Gavrilenko Mikhail
- Gavrilov Vladimir
- Gay Arnaud
- Gaz Alessandro
- Geenen Heiko
- Geffert Paul
- Geiser Achim
- Geisler Matthias
- Gelé Denis
- Genchev Vladimir
- Gennai Simone
- George Christopher
- Geralis Theodoros
- Gerber Cecilia Elena
- Gerosa Raffaele
- Gershtein Yuri
- Geurts Frank J. M.
- Ghete Vasile Mihai
- Ghezzi Alessio
- Ghosh Saranya
- Giacomelli Paolo
- Giakoumopoulou Viktoria Athina
- Giammanco Andrea
- Giassi Alessandro
- Giffels Manuel
- Gigi Dominique
- Gilbert Andrew
- Gill Karl
- Gilmore Jason
- Giordano Domenico
- Giordano Ferdinando
- Girgis Semiray
- Girone Maria
- Givernaud Alain
- Glege Frank
- Glushkov Ivan
- Gninenko Sergei
- Gobbo Benigno
- Godinovic Nikola
- Godshalk Andrew
- Goebel Kristin
- Goerlach Ulrich
- Goetzmann Christophe
- Goh Junghwan
- Gokbulut Gul
- Goldenzweig Pablo
- Goldouzian Reza
- Goldstein Joel
- Golf Frank
- Golovtsov Victor
- Golubev Nikolai
- Golutvin Igor
- Gomber Bhawna
- Gomez Ceballos Guillelmo
- Gomez Moreno Bernardo
- Gomez Gervasio
- Gomez Jaime
- Gomez Juan Pablo
- Goncharov Maxim
- Gonzalez Caballero Isidro
- Gonzalez Lopez Oscar
- Gonzalez Suarez Rebeca
- Gonzi Sandro
- Goodell Joseph
- Gorbunov Ilya
- Gori Valentina
- Gottschalk Erik
- Goulianos Konstantin
- Gouskos Loukas
- Gouzevitch Maxime
- Govoni Pietro
- Goy Lopez Silvia
- Gozzelino Andrea
- Grab Christoph
- Grandi Claudio
- Granier de Cassagnac Raphael
- Gras Philippe
- Gray Julia
- Gray Lindsey
- Gray Richard
- Graziano Alberto
- Grebenyuk Anastasia
- Green Dan
- Greene Senta
- Gribushin Andrey
- Grimes Mark
- Grippo Maria Teresa
- Gritsan Andrei
- Gronberg Jeffrey
- Grundler Ulysses
- Grunewald Martin
- Grünendahl Stefan
- Guchait Monoranjan
- Gude Alexander
- Guida Roberto
- Guiducci Luigi
- Guler Yalcin
- Gulhan Doga
- Gundacker Stefan
- Gunnellini Paolo
- Gupta Ruchi
- Gurpinar Emine
- Gurrola Alfredo
- Gurtu Atul
- Gutay Laszlo
- Guthoff Moritz
- Gutsche Oliver
- Gyun Dooyeon
- Górski Maciej
- Görner Martin
- Gülmez Erhan
- Güth Andreas
- Haas Jeff
- Hadjiiska Roumyana
- Hadley Nicholas John
- Hagopian Sharon
- Hagopian Vasken
- Hahn Kristan Allan
- Haj Ahmad Wael
- Hajdu Csaba
- Halkiadakis Eva
- Hall Geoffrey
- Hall-Wilton Richard
- Haller Johannes
- Hamel de Monchenault Gautier
- Hammad Gregory Habib
- Hammer Josef
- Han Jiyeon
- Hanlon Jim
- Hansen Magnus
- Hanson Gail
- Hardenbrook Joshua
- Harder Kristian
- Hare Daryl
- Harel Amnon
- Harper Sam
- Harr Robert
- Harris Philip
- Harris Robert M.
- Hart Andrew
- Hartl Christian
- Hartmann Frank
- Hassan Qamar
- Hatakeyama Kenichi
- Hauk Johannes
- Hauser Jay
- Hauth Thomas
- Haytmyradov Maksat
- Heath Greg P.
- Heath Helen F.
- Hebbeker Thomas
- Hebda Philip
- Hegeman Jeroen
- Heidemann Carsten Andreas
- Heilman Jesse
- Heintz Ulrich
- Heister Arno
- Hempel Maria
- Henderson Conor
- Heracleous Natalie
- Heredia-de La Cruz Ivan
- Hernandez Jose M.
- Hernandez-Almada Alberto
- Herndon Matthew
- Hervé Alain
- Hewamanage Samantha
- Hidas Dean
- Hidas Pàl
- Hildreth Michael
- Hill Christopher
- Hindrichs Otto
- Hinzmann Andreas Dominik
- Hirosky Robert
- Hirschauer James
- Hits Dmitry
- Hobson Peter R.
- Hoepfner Kerstin
- Hoffmann Malte
- Hofman David Jonathan
- Hohlmann Marcus
- Hollar Jonathan
- Holzner André
- Hong Byung-Sik
- Hooberman Benjamin
- Hoorani Hafeez R.
- Horisberger Roland
- Horvath Dezso
- Hos Ilknur
- Hoss Jan
- Hou George Wei-Shu
- Hreus Tomas
- Hrubec Josef
- Hu Zhen
- Hughes Richard
- Hugon Justin
- Husemann Ulrich
- Härkönen Jaakko
- Höhle Felix
- Höing Rebekka Sophie
- Hörmann Natascha
- Iaselli Giuseppe
- Iashvili Ia
- Iaydjiev Plamen
- Ignatenko Mikhail
- Iiyama Yutaro
- Iles Gregory
- Ille Bernard
- Incandela Joe
- Ingram Quentin
- Innocente Vincenzo
- Iorio Alberto Orso Maria
- Isildak Bora
- Ivanov Andrew
- Ivanov Yury
- Ivova Rikova Mirena
- Jacob Jeson
- Jafari Abideh
- Jain Sandhya
- Jain Shilpi
- Jandir Pawandeep
- Janot Patrick
- Janssen Xavier
- Jarry Patrick
- Jarvis Martyn
- Jeitler Manfred
- Jessop Colin
- Jez Pavel
- Jha Manoj
- Jiang Chun-Hua
- Jindariani Sergo
- Jo Mihee
- Johns Willard
- Johnson Kurtis F.
- Johnson Marvin
- Jones Matthew
- Jorda Clara
- Josa Maria Isabel
- Joshi Umesh
- Jung Hannes
- Jung Kurt
- Junkes Alexandra
- Juodagalvis Andrius
- Justus Christopher
- Kaadze Ketino
- Kachanov Vassili
- Kadastik Mario
- Kadija Kreso
- Kaestli Hans-Christian
- Kalakhety Himali
- Kalinin Alexey
- Kalinowski Artur
- Kalogeropoulos Alexis
- Kalsi Amandeep Kaur
- Kamenev Alexey
- Kamon Teruki
- Kangal Evrim Ersin
- Kanishchev Konstantin
- Kao Kai-Yi
- Kao Shih-Chuan
- Kaplan Steven
- Karancsi János
- Karapinar Guler
- Karapostoli Georgia
- Karchin Paul Edmund
- Kargoll Bastian
- Karimäki Veikko
- Karjavin Vladimir
- Karmgard Daniel John
- Kasemann Matthias
- Kasmi Azeddine
- Katkov Igor
- Katsas Panagiotis
- Kaur Manjit
- Kaya Mithat
- Kaya Ozlem
- Kayis Topaksu Aysel
- Kazana Malgorzata
- Keaveney James
- Kellams Nathan
- Keller Jason
- Kelley Ryan
- Kellogg Richard G.
- Kennedy Elizabeth
- Kenny III Raymond Patrick
- Kenzie Matthew
- Kesisoglou Stilianos
- Khachatryan Vardan
- Khakzad Mohsen
- Khalil Sadia
- Khan Akram
- Khan Wajid Ali
- Kharchilava Avto
- Khotilovich Vadim
- Khukhunaishvili Aleko
- Khurana Raman
- Khurshid Taimoor
- Kieseler Jan
- Kiesenhofer Wolfgang
- Kilminster Benjamin
- Kim Dong Hee
- Kim Donghyun
- Kim Gui Nyun
- Kim Hyunchul
- Kim Jae Yool
- Kim Ji Hyun
- Kim Min Suk
- Kim Tae Jeong
- Kim Victor
- Kim Yongsun
- Kinnunen Ritva
- Kirakosyan Martin
- Kirsanov Mikhail
- Kirschenmann Henning
- Klabbers Pamela
- Klanner Robert
- Klapoetke Kevin
- Klein Daniel
- Klein Katja
- Kleinwort Claus
- Klima Boaz
- Klingebiel Dennis
- Klute Markus
- Klyukhin Vyacheslav
- Knowlton Dan
- Knutsson Albert
- Knutzen Simon
- Knünz Valentin
- Ko Winston
- Koay Sue Ann
- Kodolova Olga
- Kogler Roman
- Kokkas Panagiotis
- Kolberg Ted
- Kole Gouranga
- Komaragiri Jyothsna Rani
- Komm Matthias
- Konecki Marcin
- Kong Dae Jung
- Konigsberg Jacobo
- Konoplyanikov Viktor
- Konstantinov Dmitri
- Korjenevski Sergey
- Kornmayer Andreas
- Korol Ievgen
- Kortelainen Matti J.
- Korytov Andrey
- Kotlinski Danek
- Kotov Khristian
- Kottachchi Kankanamge Don Chamath
- Kousouris Konstantinos
- Kovac Marko
- Kovitanggoon Kittikul
- Krajczar Krisztian
- Krammer Manfred
- Krasnikov Nikolai
- Kravchenko Ilya
- Kreczko Lukasz
- Kreis Benjamin
- Kress Matthew
- Kreuzer Peter
- Kreß Thomas
- Krofcheck David
- Krohn Michael
- Krolikowski Jan
- Kropivnitskaya Anna
- Krutelyov Vyacheslav
- Krychkine Victor
- Krätschmer Ilse
- Krücker Dirk
- Kubik Andrew
- Kubota Yuichi
- Kukartsev Gennadiy
- Kumar Ajay
- Kumar Arun
- Kumar Ashish
- Kumar Ashok
- Kumar Ramandeep
- Kumar Sanjeev
- Kumar Vineet
- Kunori Shuichi
- Kuo Chia-Ming
- Kurca Tibor
- Kurt Pelin
- Kuznetsova Ekaterina
- Kwan Simon
- Kwon Eunhyang
- Kyberd Paul
- Kypreos Theodore
- Kyriakis Aristotelis
- Künsken Andreas
- Küssel Yvonne
- La Licata Chiara
- Lacaprara Stefano
- Lacroix Florent
- Lai Yue Shi
- Laird Edward
- Lamichhane Pramod
- Lampén Tapio
- Lanaro Armando
- Lander Richard
- Landsberg Greg
- Lane Rebecca
- Lanev Alexander
- Lange Clemens
- Lange David
- Lange Jörn
- Lange Wolfgang
- Langenegger Urs
- Lannon Kevin
- Lapsien Tobias
- Lariccia Paolo
- Lassila-Perini Kati
- Lath Amitabh
- Lauwers Jasper
- Lawson Philip
- Lazaridis Christos
- Lazo-Flores Jose
- Le Bihan Anne-Catherine
- Lecoq Paul
- Ledovskoy Alexander
- Lee Byounghoon
- Lee Jongseok
- Lee Kyong Sei
- Lee Sangeun
- Lee Sung Won
- Lee Yen-Jie
- Leggat Duncan
- Lehti Sami
- Lelas Damir
- Lemaitre Vincent
- Lenz Teresa
- Lenzi Piergiulio
- Leonard Jessica
- Leonardo Nuno
- Leonidov Andrey
- Leslie Dawn
- Lethuillier Morgan
- Letts James
- Levchenko Petr
- Levchuk Leonid
- Levin Andrew
- Levine Aaron
- Li Hengne
- Li Qiang
- Li Wei
- Libeiro Terence
- Ligabue Franco
- Liko Dietrich
- Lin Chuanzhe
- Lin Willis
- Linacre Jacob
- Lincoln Don
- Lindén Tomas
- Ling Ta-Yung
- Lingemann Joschka Phillip
- Linn Stephan
- Lipka Katerina
- Lipton Ron
- Lista Luca
- Litov Leander
- Liu Hongxuan
- Liu Shuai
- Liu Tiehui
- Liu Yueh-Feng
- Lloret Iglesias Lara
- Lo Vetere Maurizio
- Lobanov Artur
- Lobelle Pardo Patricia
- Locci Elizabeth
- Lohmann Wolfgang
- Lokhtin Igor
- Lomtadze Teimuraz
- Long Owen Rosser
- Longo Egidio
- Lopez Virto Amparo
- Lopez-Fernandez Ricardo
- Loukas Demetrios
- Lourenco Carlos
- Loveless Richard
- Low Jia Fu
- Lowette Steven
- Lu Rong-Shyang
- Lu Ying
- Lu Yun-Ju
- Lucas Chris
- Lucas Robyn
- Lucchini Marco Toliman
- Luckey Paul David
- Luetic Jelena
- Luiggi Lopez Eduardo
- Lujan Paul
- Luk Michael
- Luo Wuming
- Lustermann Werner
- Luthra Arun
- Lutz Benjamin
- Luukka Panja-Riina
- Luyckx Sten
- Lychkovskaya Natalia
- Lykken Joseph
- Lynch Sean
- Lyons Louis
- Léonard Alexandre
- Macneill Ian
- Maes Michael
- Maeshima Kaori
- Maggi Giorgio
- Maggi Marcello
- Magini Nicolo
- Magnan Anne-Marie
- Maguire Charles
- Mahmoud Mohammed
- Maity Manas
- Majumder Devdatta
- Majumder Gobinda
- Makouski Mikhail
- Makovec Alajos
- Maksimovic Petar
- Malakhov Alexander
- Malberti Martina
- Malbouisson Helena
- Malcles Julie
- Malek Magdalena
- Malgeri Luca
- Malhotra Shivali
- Malik Sarah
- Malik Sudhir
- Malvezzi Sandra
- Mangano Boris
- Mankel Rainer
- Mannelli Marcello
- Mans Jeremy
- Manthos Nikolaos
- Mantovani Giancarlo
- Manzoni Riccardo Andrea
- Mao Yajun
- Mao Yaxian
- Maravin Yurii
- Marcellini Stefano
- Marchesini Ivan
- Marco Jesus
- Marco Rafael
- Marfin Ihar
- Margaroli Fabrizio
- Margoni Martino
- Marinelli Nancy
- Marini Andrea Carlo
- Marinov Andrey
- Marionneau Matthieu
- Mariotti Chiara
- Markou Athanasios
- Markou Christos
- Markowitz Pete
- Marlow Daniel
- Marone Matteo
- Marraffino John Michael
- Marrouche Jad
- Martelli Arabella
- Martin Christopher
- Martinez Outschoorn Verena Ingrid
- Martinez Rivero Celso
- Martinez Ruiz del Arbol Pablo
- Martinez German
- Martini Luca
- Maruyama Sho
- Marzocchi Badder
- Masciovecchio Mario
- Maselli Silvia
- Masetti Gianni
- Masetti Lorenzo
- Mason David
- Massironi Andrea
- Mastrolorenzo Luca
- Matchev Konstantin
- Mathias Bryn
- Matorras Francisco
- Matos Figueiredo Diego
- Matveev Viktor
- Mavromanolakis Georgios
- Mazumdar Kajari
- McBride Patricia
- Mccartin Joseph
- Mccoll Nickolas
- Md Ali Mohd Adli Bin
- Medvedeva Tatiana
- Mei Hualin
- Meier Frank
- Meijers Frans
- Meister Daniel
- Mekterovic Darko
- Melo Da Costa Eliza
- Melo Andrew
- Melzer-Pellmann Isabell-Alissandra
- Menasce Dario
- Mendez Hector
- Meneguzzo Anna Teresa
- Meng Zhaoxia
- Menichelli Mauro
- Meola Sabino
- Mercadante Pedro G.
- Meridiani Paolo
- Merkel Petra
- Merlo Jean-Pierre
- Mermerkaya Hamit
- Merola Mario
- Merschmeyer Markus Karl
- Mersi Stefano
- Meschi Emilio
- Meschini Marco
- Mesropian Christina
- Messineo Alberto
- Mestvirishvili Alexi
- Mesyats Gennady
- Meyer Andreas Bernhard
- Meyer Arnd
- Micheli Francesco
- Michlin Benjamin
- Migliore Ernesto
- Mignerey Alice
- Mikulec Ivan
- Milenovic Predrag
- Millan Mejias Barbara
- Miller David Harry
- Millet Philipp
- Milosevic Jovan
- Miné Philippe
- Mirabito Laurent
- Mirman Nathan
- Mishra Kalanand
- Misiura Maciej
- Missiroli Marino
- Mitselmakher Guenakh
- Mittag Gregor
- Mittal Monika
- Mnich Joachim
- Modak Atanu
- Moeller Anthony
- Mohammadi Najafabadi Mojtaba
- Mohammadi Abdollah
- Mohanty Ajit Kumar
- Mohanty Gagan Bihari
- Mohapatra Ajit
- Mohr Niklas
- Moisenz Petr
- Molina Jorge
- Molnar Jozsef
- Monaco Vincenzo
- Montalvo Roy
- Montanari Alessandro
- Moon Chang-Seong
- Moon Dong Ho
- Mooney Michael
- Moortgat Filip
- Mora Herrera Clemencia
- Moran Dermot
- Morelos Pineda Antonio
- Moroni Luigi
- Morovic Srecko
- Morse David Michael
- Mossolov Vladimir
- Mott Alexander
- Mousa Jehad
- Mozer Matthias Ulrich
- Mrenna Stephen
- Mucia Nicholas
- Mukherjee Swagata
- Mulders Martijn
- Mulhearn Michael
- Mundim Luiz
- Muniz Lana
- Munoz Sanchez Francisca Javiela
- Murray Michael
- Murumaa Marion
- Murzin Victor
- Musella Pasquale
- Musich Marco
- Musienko Yuri
- Mussgiller Andreas
- My Salvatore
- Mäenpää Teppo
- Müller Thomas
- Müller Thomas
- Nachtman Jane
- Nahn Steve
- Naimuddin Md
- Nam Soon-Kwon
- Narain Meenakshi
- Naranjo Ivo Nicolas
- Naseri Mohsen
- Nash David
- Nash Jordan
- Nauenberg Uriel
- Naumann-Emme Sebastian
- Navarria Francesco
- Navarro De Martino Eduardo
- Nawrocki Krzysztof
- Nayak Aruna
- Nessi-Tedaldi Francesca
- Neu Christopher
- Neumeister Norbert
- Newbold Dave M.
- Newman Harvey B.
- Newman-Holmes Catherine
- Ngadiuba Jennifer
- Nguyen Federico
- Nguyen Matthew
- Nicolaou Charalambos
- Nicolas Kaufman Gala
- Nikitenko Alexander
- Nishu Nishu
- Nogima Helio
- Noonan Daniel
- Nourbakhsh Shervin
- Novaes Sergio F.
- Nowack Andreas
- Ntomari Eleni
- Nugent Ian Michael
- Nuttens Claude
- Nuzzo Salvatore
- Nägeli Christoph
- Nürnberg Andreas
- O'Brien Christine
- O'Dell Vivian
- Obertino Maria Margherita
- Obraztsov Stepan
- Ocalan Kadir
- Ocampo Rios Alberto Andres
- Ochando Christophe
- Ochesanu Silvia
- Odell Nathaniel
- Ogul Hasan
- Oh Young Do
- Ojalvo Isabel
- Olaiya Emmanuel
- Olbrechts Annik
- Oliveros Sandra
- Olivito Dominick
- Olmedo Negrete Manuel
- Olschewski Mark
- Olsen James
- Olszewski Michał
- Onel Yasar
- Onengut Gulsen
- Oreshkin Vadim
- Organtini Giovanni
- Orimoto Toyoko
- Orsini Luciano
- Ortona Giacomo
- Osipenkov Ilya
- Ostapchuk Andrey
- Ott Jochen
- Ozdemir Kadri
- Ozok Ferhat
- Ozturk Sertac
- Pacher Luca
- Padeken Klaas Ole
- Padhi Sanjay
- Padley Brian Paul
- Padula Sandra
- Paganini Pascal
- Paganoni Marco
- Pakhotin Yuriy
- Paktinat Mehdiabadi Saeid
- Palichik Vladimir
- Palinkas Jozsef
- Palla Fabrizio
- Palmer Christopher
- Panagiotou Apostolos
- Pandolfi Francesco
- Pant Lalit Mohan
- Panwalkar Shruti
- Paoletti Simone
- Paolucci Pierluigi
- Papacz Paul Jakob
- Papadopoulos Ioannis
- Pape Luc
- Paradas Evangelos
- Paramatti Riccardo
- Paramesvaran Sudarshan
- Parashar Neeti
- Parida Bibhuti
- Park Hyangkyu
- Park Inkyu
- Park Michael
- Park Sung Keun
- Pashenkov Anatoli
- Pastika Nathaniel
- Pastrone Nadia
- Patel Rishi
- Patterson Juliet Ritchie
- Paulini Manfred
- Paus Christoph
- Pauss Felicitas
- Pavlov Borislav
- Pazzini Jacopo
- Pearson Tessa
- Pedraza Isabel
- Pedrini Daniele
- Pedro Kevin
- Peiffer Thomas
- Pela Joao
- Pellett Dave
- Pelliccioni Mario
- Peltola Timo
- Pena Cristian
- Penzo Aldo
- Perelygin Victor
- Perez Emmanuelle
- Perfilov Maxim
- Perieanu Adrian
- Perloff Alexx
- Perniè Luca
- Perrey Hanno
- Perries Stephane
- Perrini Lucia
- Perrotta Andrea
- Perrozzi Luca
- Perry Thomas
- Peruzzi Marco
- Pesaresi Mark
- Petkov Peicho
- Petrakou Eleni
- Petridis Konstantinos
- Petrilli Achille
- Petrillo Gianluca
- Petrov Vladimir
- Petrucciani Giovanni
- Petrushanko Sergey
- Petyt David
- Pfeiffer Andreas
- Piccolo Davide
- Piedra Gomez Jonatan
- Pieri Marco
- Pierini Maurizio
- Pierro Giuseppe Antonio
- Pietsch Niklas
- Pilot Justin
- Pimiä Martti
- Pin Arnaud
- Pinna Angioni Gian Luca
- Pinna Deborah
- Piotrzkowski Krzysztof
- Piparo Danilo
- Piperov Stefan
- Piroué Pierre
- Pitzl Daniel
- Placakyte Ringaile
- Plagge Michael
- Planer Michael
- Plestina Roko
- Poehlsen Jennifer
- Pol Maria Elena
- Polatoz Ayse
- Polese Giovanni
- Polic Dunja
- Poll Anthony
- Pollack Brian
- Pompili Alexis
- Pooth Oliver
- Popov Andrey
- Popov Vladimir
- Potenza Alberto
- Potenza Renato
- Pozdnyakov Andrey
- Pozdnyakov Ivan
- Pozzobon Nicola
- Prado Da Silva Wanda Lucia
- Preuten Marius
- Primavera Federica
- Prokofyev Oleg
- Prosper Harrison
- Psallidas Andreas
- Ptochos Fotios
- Puerta Pelayo Jesus
- Pugliese Gabriella
- Puigh Darren
- Puljak Ivica
- Python Quentin
- Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo Antonio María
- Pöhlsen Thomas
- Qian Si-Jin
- Quan Xiaohang
- Quast Gunter
- Quertenmont Loic
- Quintario Olmeda Adrián
- Quittnat Milena
- Rabady Dinyar
- Rabbertz Klaus
- Racz Attila
- Radburn-Smith Benjamin Charles
- Radi Amr
- Radogna Raffaella
- Ragazzi Stefano
- Rahatlou Shahram
- Rahbaran Babak
- Rahmat Rahmat
- Raics Peter
- Raidal Martti
- Rakness Gregory
- Ralph Duncan
- Ramirez Vargas Juan Eduardo
- Rander John
- Randle-conde Aidan
- Ranjan Kirti
- Rappoccio Salvatore
- Raspereza Alexei
- Rathjens Denis
- Ratnikov Fedor
- Ratti Sergio P.
- Raupach Frank Arthur
- Raymond David Mark
- Razis Panos A.
- Re Valerio
- Rebane Liis
- Rebassoo Finn
- Rebello Teles Patricia
- Redaelli Nicola
- Redjimi Radia
- Redondo Ignacio
- Regnard Simon
- Reid Ivan
- Reis Thomas
- Reithler Hans
- Rekovic Vladimir
- Renker Dieter
- Reucroft Steve
- Rezaei Hosseinabadi Ferdos
- Ribeiro Cipriano Pedro M.
- Riccardi Cristina
- Ricci-Tam Francesca
- Richardson Clint
- Richman Jeffrey
- Rinkevicius Aurelijus
- Rizzi Andrea
- Roberts Jay
- Robmann Peter
- Robutti Enrico
- Rodenburg Marissa
- Rodozov Mircho
- Rodrigo Teresa
- Rodrigues Antunes Joao
- Rodriguez Jorge Luis
- Rodríguez-Marrero Ana Yaiza
- Roe Jeffrey
- Rogerson Samuel
- Roh Youn
- Rohe Tilman
- Rohlf James
- Rohringer Herbert
- Roland Benoit
- Roland Christof
- Roland Gunther
- Rolandi Gigi
- Romanowska-Rybinska Katarzyna
- Romeo Francesco
- Romero Alessandra
- Romero Luciano
- Ron Elias
- Ronchese Paolo
- Ronga Frederic Jean
- Rose Andrew
- Rose Anthony
- Rose Keith
- Roskes Jeffrey
- Rosowsky André
- Ross Ian
- Rossi Antonio
- Rossini Marco
- Rougny Romain
- Rovelli Chiara
- Rovelli Tiziano
- Rovere Marco
- Roy Debarati
- Ruchti Randy
- Ruiz Alvarez José David
- Ruiz-Jimeno Alberto
- Rumerio Paolo
- Rusack Roger
- Rusakov Sergey V.
- Ruspa Marta
- Russ James
- Ryckbosch Dirk
- Ryd Anders
- Ryu Geonmo
- Ryu Min Sang
- Ryutin Roman
- Röcker Steffen
- Sabes David
- Sacchi Roberto
- Safarzadeh Batool
- Safonov Alexei
- Safronov Grigory
- Saha Anirban
- Sahin Mehmet Özgür
- Saini Lovedeep Kaur
- Saka Halil
- Sakharov Alexandre
- Sakulin Hannes
- Sakuma Tai
- Salazar Ibarguen Humberto Antonio
- Salerno Roberto
- Salfeld-Nebgen Jakob
- Salur Sevil
- Salva Diblen Sinem
- Salvati Emmanuele
- Salvini Paola
- Sammet Jan
- Sanabria Juan Carlos
- Sander Christian
- Sanders Stephen
- Sandoval Gonzalez Irving Daniel
- Sani Matteo
- Santanastasio Francesco
- Santaolalla Javier
- Santocchia Attilio
- Santoro Alberto
- Saoulidou Niki
- Sarangi Tapas
- Sarica Ulascan
- Sarkar Subir
- Sauvan Jean-Baptiste
- Savin Alexander
- Savoy-Navarro Aurore
- Savrin Viktor
- Saxena Pooja
- Scarborough Tara
- Schael Stefan
- Schettler Hannes
- Schizzi Andrea
- Schleper Peter
- Schlieckau Eike
- Schmidt Alexander
- Schmitt Michael Henry
- Schmitz Stefan Antonius
- Schnetzer Steve
- Schoerner-Sadenius Thomas
- Schröder Matthias
- Schulte Jan-Frederik
- Schwick Christoph
- Schäfer Christoph
- Schöfbeck Robert
- Scodellaro Luca
- Seez Christopher
- Segala Michael
- Seidel Markus
- Seif El Nasr-storey Sarah
- Seitz Claudia
- Seixas Joao
- Sekaric Jadranka
- Sekmen Sezen
- Selvaggi Giovanna
- Selvaggi Michele
- Semenov Sergey
- Sen Sercan
- Senghi Soares Mara
- Senkin Sergey
- Serban Alin Titus
- Seva Tomislav
- Sexton-Kennedy Elizabeth
- Sgandurra Louis
- Sguazzoni Giacomo
- Shalhout Shalhout
- Sharan Manoj
- Sharma Archana
- Sharma Archana
- Sharma Monika
- Sharma Seema
- Sharma Varun
- Sharma Vivek
- Sharp Peter
- Shchutska Lesya
- Sheffield David
- Sheldon Paul
- Shepherd-Themistocleous Claire H.
- Shi Xin
- Shipsey Ian
- Shmatov Sergey
- Shoaib Muhammad
- Shrinivas Amithabh
- Shukla Prashant
- Shumeiko Nikolai
- Siegrist Patrice
- Sigamani Michael
- Sikler Ferenc
- Silkworth Christopher
- Silva Pedro
- Silvers David
- Silvestris Lucia
- Simon Michal
- Simon Sean
- Simonetto Franco
- Simonis Hans-Jürgen
- Singh Gurpreet
- Singh Jasbir
- Singovsky Alexander
- Sinthuprasith Tutanon
- Sirois Yves
- Siroli Gian Piero
- Sirunyan Albert M.
- Skatchkov Nikolai
- Skhirtladze Nikoloz
- Skinnari Louise
- Skovpen Kirill
- Skuja Andris
- Smirnov Igor
- Smirnov Vitaly
- Smith Geoffrey
- Smith James
- Smith John
- Smith Vincent J.
- Smith Wesley H.
- Snook Benjamin
- Snow Gregory R.
- Snowball Matthew
- Sobol Andrei
- Soffi Livia
- Soha Aron
- Sola Valentina
- Solano Ada
- Somalwar Sunil
- Son Dong-Chul
- Song Sanghyeon
- Sonnenschein Lars
- Sordini Viola
- Sorokin Pavel
- Spagnolo Paolo
- Spalding William J.
- Spanier Stefan
- Spannagel Simon
- Speer Thomas
- Sperka David
- Sphicas Paraskevas
- Spiegel Leonard
- Spiezia Aniello
- Spiga Daniele
- Spiridonov Alexander
- Spiropulu Maria
- Squillacioti Paola
- Squires Michael
- Srimanobhas Norraphat
- St John Jason
- Stadie Hartmut
- Stahl Achim
- Staiano Amedeo
- Starodumov Andrei
- Steggemann Jan
- Steinbrück Georg
- Stenson Kevin
- Stephans George
- Stickland David
- Stieger Benjamin
- Stiliaris Efstathios
- Stober Fred-Markus Helmut
- Stolin Viatcheslav
- Stolp Dustin
- Stone Robert
- Stoye Markus
- Stoynev Stoyan
- Strauss Josef
- Stringer Robert
- Strobbe Nadja
- Strologas John
- Strom Derek
- Stuart David
- Stupak John
- Sturdy Jared
- Suarez Gonzalez Juan
- Suarez Indara
- Sudhakar Katta
- Sudic Lucija
- Sulak Lawrence
- Sulimov Valentin
- Sultanov Georgi
- Sumorok Konstanty
- Sumowidagdo Suharyo
- Sun Werner
- Sunar Cerci Deniz
- Sung Kevin
- Surat Ugur Emrah
- Suwonjandee Narumon
- Svintradze Irakli
- Svyatkovskiy Alexey
- Swain Sanjay Kumar
- Swanson Joshua
- Swartz Morris
- Symonds Philip
- Szillasi Zoltan
- Szleper Michal
- Sznajder Andre
- Sánchez Hernández Alberto
- Tabarelli de Fatis Tommaso
- Tadel Matevz
- Takahashi Maiko
- Takahashi Yuta
- Takasugi Eric
- Tali Bayram
- Talvitie Joonas
- Tambe Norbert
- Tamponi Umberto
- Tan Ping
- Tao Junquan
- Tapper Alexander
- Taroni Silvia
- Tatarinov Aysen
- Tavernier Stefaan
- Taylor Devin
- Taylor Lucas
- Tenchini Roberto
- Teo Wee Don
- Teodorescu Liliana
- Teyssier Daniel
- Thea Alessandro
- Theofilatos Konstantinos
- Thom Julia
- Thomas Laurent
- Thomas Scott
- Thomassen Peter
- Thompson Joshua
- Thyssen Filip
- Thüer Sebastian
- Tiko Andres
- Tiras Emrah
- Titov Maksym
- Tkaczyk Slawek
- Tlisov Danila
- To Wing
- Tomalin Ian R.
- Tomei Thiago
- Tonelli Manganote Edmilson José
- Tonelli Guido
- Tonjes Marguerite
- Tonwar Suresh C.
- Topakli Huseyin
- Topkar Anita
- Topsis-Giotis Iasonas
- Torassa Ezio
- Toropin Alexander
- Tosi Mia
- Tosi Nicolò
- Tosi Silvano
- Tourtchanovitch Leonid
- Traczyk Piotr
- Tran Nhan Viet
- Travaglini Riccardo
- Treberer-Treberspurg Wolfgang
- Treille Daniel
- Tricomi Alessia
- Tripathi Mani
- Trocino Daniele
- Trocsanyi Zoltan Laszlo
- Troendle Daniel
- Tropiano Antonio
- Troshin Sergey
- Tsamalaidze Zviad
- Tsirou Andromachi
- Tu Yanjun
- Tucker Jordan
- Tully Christopher
- Tumasyan Armen
- Tuo Shengquan
- Tuominen Eija
- Tuominiemi Jorma
- Tuovinen Esa
- Turkewitz Jared
- Turner Mark
- Turner Paul
- Tuuva Tuure
- Tuve Cristina
- Tytgat Michael
- Tyurin Nikolay
- Tzeng Yeng-Ming
- Ujvari Balazs
- Ulmer Keith
- Ulrich Ralf
- Umer Tomo
- Uplegger Lorenzo
- Usai Emanuele
- Uvarov Lev
- Uzunian Andrey
- Vaandering Eric Wayne
- Valls Nil
- Valuev Vyacheslav
- Van De Klundert Merijn
- Van Doninck Walter
- Van Haevermaet Hans
- Van Hove Pierre
- Van Mechelen Pierre
- Van Mulders Petra
- Van Onsem Gerrit Patrick
- Van Remortel Nick
- Van Spilbeeck Alex
- Vander Donckt Muriel
- Vander Velde Catherine
- Vanelderen Lukas
- Vanhoefer Annika
- Vanlaer Pascal
- Vardarli Fuat Ilkehan
- Varela Joao
- Varelas Nikos
- Vartak Adish
- Vavilov Sergey
- Vazquez Acosta Monica
- Vazquez Valencia Fabiola
- Veelken Christian
- Veeraraghavan Venkatesh
- Vega Morales Roberto
- Velasco Mayda
- Velicanu Dragos
- Velkovska Julia
- Venditti Rosamaria
- Venturi Andrea
- Verdier Patrice
- Verdini Piero Giorgio
- Veres Gabor Istvan
- Vergili Mehmet
- Vernieri Caterina
- Verwilligen Piet
- Verzetti Mauro
- Veszpremi Viktor
- Vesztergombi Gyorgy
- Veverka Jan
- Vidal Marono Miguel
- Vidal Richard
- Vila Ivan
- Vilar Cortabitarte Rocio
- Vilela Pereira Antonio
- Villella Ilaria
- Vinogradov Alexey
- Virdee Tejinder
- Viret Sébastien
- Vischia Pietro
- Vishnevskiy Dmitry
- Vitulo Paolo
- Vizan Garcia Jesus Manuel
- Vlasov Evgueni
- Vlimant Jean-Roch
- Vogel Helmut
- Volkov Alexey
- Volobouev Igor
- Volpe Roberta
- Vorobiev Igor
- Vorobyev Alexey
- Vorobyev Andrey
- Voutilainen Mikko
- Vuosalo Carl
- Vutova Mariana
- Wagner Stephen Robert
- Wagner-Kuhr Jeannine
- Walker Matthew
- Wallny Rainer
- Walsh Roberval
- Waltenberger Wolfgang
- Wang Dayong
- Wang Fuqiang
- Wang Jian
- Wang Quan
- Wang Ren-Jie
- Wang Zheng
- Wardle Nicholas
- Wayand Stefan
- Wayne Mitchell
- Weber Hannsjoerg Artur
- Weber Hendrik
- Weber Martin
- Weber Matthias
- Weiler Thomas
- Weinberg Marc
- Welke Charles
- Wendland Lauri
- Weng Yao
- Werner Jeremy Scott
- West Christopher
- Wetzel James
- Whitbeck Andrew
- Whitmore Juliana
- Wickramage Nadeesha
- Wilbur Scott
- Wilken Rachel
- Wilkinson Richard
- Williams Thomas
- Wimpenny Stephen
- Winer Brian L.
- Winn Dave
- Winstrom Lucas
- Wissing Christoph
- Wittich Peter
- Wittmer Bruno
- Wolf Matthias
- Wolf Roger
- Wolfe Homer
- Wollny Heiner
- Womersley William John
- Won Steven
- Wood Darien
- Wood Jeffrey Scott
- Wood John
- Woodard Anna
- Woods Nathaniel
- Worm Steven
- Wright Douglas
- Wulsin Howard Wells
- Wulz Claudia-Elisabeth
- Wyslouch Bolek
- Wöhri Hermine Katharina
- Würthwein Frank
- Xiao Hong
- Xiao Meng
- Xie Si
- Xie Wei
- Xu Lingshan
- Xu Zijun
- Yagil Avraham
- Yalvac Metin
- Yang Fan
- Yang Mingming
- Yang Yong
- Yazgan Efe
- Yelton John
- Yetkin Taylan
- Yi Kai
- Yilmaz Yetkin
- Yohay Rachel
- Yoo Hwi Dong
- Yoo Jaehyeok
- York Andrew
- You Can
- Yu Intae
- Yu Shin-Shan
- Yumiceva Francisco
- Zabel James
- Zabi Alexandre
- Zablocki Jakub
- Zaganidis Nicolas
- Zakaria Mohammed
- Zalewski Piotr
- Zanetti Anna
- Zanetti Marco
- Zarubin Anatoli
- Zeinali Maryam
- Zenoni Florian
- Zenz Seth Conrad
- Zeuner Wolfram Dietrich
- Zeyrek Mehmet
- Zhang Jinzhong
- Zhokin Alexander
- Zhu Ren-Yuan
- Zhukov Valery
- Zhukova Victoria
- Zorbilmez Caglar
- Zotto Pierluigi
- Zou Wei
- Zsigmond Anna Julia
- Zucchetta Alberto
- Zumerle Gianni
- Zuranski Andrzej
- Zvada Marian
- Publication venue
- American Meteorological Society
- Publication date
- 01/08/2011
- Field of study
The current consensus is that drought has developed in the Sahel during the second half of the twentieth century as a result of remote effects of oceanic anomalies amplified by local land–atmosphere interactions. This paper focuses on the impacts of oceanic anomalies upon West African climate and specifically aims to identify those from SST anomalies in the Pacific/Indian Oceans during spring and summer seasons, when they were significant. Idealized sensitivity experiments are performed with four atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs). The prescribed SST patterns used in the AGCMs are based on the leading mode of covariability between SST anomalies over the Pacific/Indian Oceans and summer rainfall over West Africa. The results show that such oceanic anomalies in the Pacific/Indian Ocean lead to a northward shift of an anomalous dry belt from the Gulf of Guinea to the Sahel as the season advances. In the Sahel, the magnitude of rainfall anomalies is comparable to that obtained by other authors using SST anomalies confined to the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean. The mechanism connecting the Pacific/Indian SST anomalies with West African rainfall has a strong seasonal cycle. In spring (May and June), anomalous subsidence develops over both the Maritime Continent and the equatorial Atlantic in response to the enhanced equatorial heating. Precipitation increases over continental West Africa in association with stronger zonal convergence of moisture. In addition, precipitation decreases over the Gulf of Guinea. During the monsoon peak (July and August), the SST anomalies move westward over the equatorial Pacific and the two regions where subsidence occurred earlier in the seasons merge over West Africa. The monsoon weakens and rainfall decreases over the Sahel, especially in August.Peer reviewe
Optimasi Portofolio Resiko Menggunakan Model Markowitz MVO Dikaitkan dengan Keterbatasan Manusia dalam Memprediksi Masa Depan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur`an
- Author
- Aarrestad Thea Klaeboe
- Abbaneo Duccio
- Abbiendi Giovanni
- Abbrescia Marcello
- Abdullin Salavat
- Abdulsalam Abdulla
- Abercrombie Daniel
- Abu Zeid Shimaa
- Ackert Andrew
- Acosta Darin
- Acosta John Gabriel
- Adair Antony
- Adam Wolfgang
- Adams Jordon Rowe
- Adams Mark Raymond
- Adams Todd
- Adzic Petar
- Agapitos Antonis
- Aggleton Robin
- Agram Jean-Laurent
- Ahmad Ashfaq
- Ahmad Muhammad
- Ahmad Muhammad
- Ahmed Ijaz
- Ahuja Sudha
- Akchurin Nural
- Akgun Bora
- Al-bataineh Ayman
- Albergo Sebastiano
- Albert Andreas
- Albrow Michael
- Alcaraz Maestre Juan
- Aldaya Martin Maria
- Alderweireldt Sara
- Aldá Júnior Walter Luiz
- Aleksandrov Aleksandar
- Alexakhin Vadim
- Alexander James
- Alimena Juliette
- Allen Brandon
- Almond John
- Alunni Solestizi Luisa
- Alverson George
- Alves Fábio Lúcio
- Alves Gilvan
- Alyari Maral
- Amapane Nicola
- Amsler Claude
- Anagnostou Georgios
- Anderson Dustin
- Anderson Ian
- Andrea Jeremy
- Andreev Vladimir
- Andreev Yuri
- Andrews Michael Benjamin
- Androsov Konstantin
- Anelli Christopher
- Antonelli Louis
- Antropov Iurii
- Antunovic Zeljko
- Apanasevich Leonard
- Apollinari Giorgio
- Apresyan Artur
- Apyan Aram
- Arcaro Daniel
- Arcidiacono Roberta
- Arenton Michael Wayne
- Argiro Stefano
- Arneodo Michele
- Asavapibhop Burin
- Asawatangtrakuldee Chayanit
- Askew Andrew
- Attikis Alexandros
- Aubin Alexandre
- Auffray Etiennette
- Autermann Christian
- Auzinger Georg
- Avdeeva Ekaterina
- Avery Paul
- Avetisyan Aram
- Avila Carlos
- Azarkin Maksim
- Azhgirey Igor
- Aziz Tariq
- Azzi Patrizia
- Azzolini Virginia
- Azzurri Paolo
- Aşılar Ece
- Baarmand Marc M
- Baber Mark
- Bacchetta Nicola
- Bachmair Felix
- Bachtis Michail
- Baden Drew
- Baffioni Stephanie
- Bagliesi Giuseppe
- Bahinipati Seema
- Baillon Paul
- Bainbridge Robert
- Bakhshiansohi Hamed
- Ball Austin
- Ball Fionn
- Ban Yong
- Banerjee Sudeshna
- Banerjee Sunanda
- Bansal Sunil
- Barbagli Giuseppe
- Barberis Emanuela
- Barbieri Richard
- Bargassa Pedrame
- Baringer Philip
- Barker Anthony
- Barnes Virgil E
- Barney David
- Baron Owen
- Barone Luciano
- Barria Patrizia
- Barrio Luna Mar
- Bartek Rachel
- Barth Christian
- Bartosik Nazar
- Bartók Márton
- Baskakov Alexey
- Battilana Carlo
- Baty Austin
- Bauerdick Lothar AT
- Baumgartel Darin
- Baus Colin
- Bayshev Igor
- Bean Alice
- Beauceron Stephanie
- Beaudette Florian
- Beck Lana
- Beernaert Kelly
- Behera Prafulla Kumar
- Behnamian Hadi
- Behnke Olaf
- Behrens Ulf
- Bein Samuel
- Beirão Da Cruz E Silva Cristóvão
- Belchior Batista Das Chagas Ewerton
- Belforte Stefano
- Beliy Nikita
- Belknap Donald
- Bell Ken W
- Bellan Riccardo
- Belloni Alberto
- Beluffi Camille
- Belyaev Alexander
- Belyaev Andrey
- Benato Lisa
- Bencze Gyorgy
- Bendavid Joshua
- Benelli Gabriele
- Beni Noemi
- Benussi Luigi
- Benvenuti Alberto
- Beranek Sarah
- Beretvas Andrew
- Bergauer Thomas
- Berger Joram
- Beri Suman Bala
- Bernardes Cesar Augusto
- Bernardini Jacopo
- Bernet Colin
- Berry Douglas
- Berry Edmund
- Berryhill Jeffrey
- Bertl Willi
- Besancon Marc
- Betchart Burton
- Betts Russell Richard
- Bhandari Rohan
- Bhardwaj Ashutosh
- Bhat Pushpalatha C
- Bhatnagar Vipin
- Bhattacharya Rajarshi
- Bhattacharya Saptaparna
- Bhattacharya Satyaki
- Bhawandeep Bhawandeep
- Bhopatkar Vallary
- Bhowmik Sandeep
- Bi Ran
- Bialkowska Helena
- Bian Jian-Guo
- Bianchini Lorenzo
- Bianco Stefano
- Bierwagen Katharina
- Biino Cristina
- Bilei Gian Mario
- Bilin Bugra
- Bilki Burak
- Bilmis Selcuk
- Bin Anuar Afiq Aizuddin
- Bisello Dario
- Bitioukov Sergei
- Blekman Freya
- Blinov Vladimir
- Blobel Volker
- Bloch Daniel
- Bloch Philippe
- Bloom Kenneth
- Bluj Michal
- Blumenfeld Barry
- Boccali Tommaso
- Bocci Andrea
- Bodek Arie
- Boimska Bożena
- Boletti Alessio
- Bolla Gino
- Bonacorsi Daniele
- Bonato Alessio
- Bondu Olivier
- Boos Edouard
- Boren Samuel
- Bornheim Adolf
- Borras Kerstin
- Bortignon Pierluigi
- Borzou Ahmad
- Bose Tulika
- Botta Cristina
- Boudoul Gaelle
- Bouhali Othmane
- Bourilkov Dimitri
- Bouvier Elvire
- Bowen James
- Bradmiller-Feld John
- Braghieri Alessandro
- Braibant-Giacomelli Sylvie
- Brandstetter Johannes
- Brandt Stephanie
- Branson James G
- Breedon Richard
- Breto Guillermo
- Brew Christopher
- Brianza Luca
- Brigliadori Luca
- Brigljevic Vuko
- Brinkerhoff Andrew
- Brinson Jessica
- Brito Lucas
- Brochero Cifuentes Javier Andres
- Brochet Sébastien
- Brodski Michael
- Brom Jean-Marie
- Brondolin Erica
- Brooke James John
- Brown Robert M
- Brun Hugues
- Bruner Christopher
- Bruno Giacomo
- Buchmuller Oliver
- Bucinskaite Inga
- Bundock Aaron
- Bunkowski Karol
- Bunn Julian
- Buontempo Salvatore
- Burkett Kevin
- Burns Douglas
- Burns Dustin
- Burt Kira
- Burton Darren
- Busson Philippe
- Busza Wit
- Butler Joel Nathan
- Butler Philip H
- Buttignol Michael
- Butz Erik
- Bylinkin Alexander
- Bylsma Ben
- Byszuk Adrian
- Bäni Lukas
- Cabrera Andrés
- Cabrillo Iban Jose
- Cadamuro Luca
- Caillol Cécile
- Cakir Altan
- Calabria Cesare
- Calderon De La Barca Sanchez Manuel
- Calderon Alicia
- Cali Ivan Amos
- Call Kenneth
- Calligaris Luigi
- Calpas Betty
- Calvelli Valerio
- Calvert Brian
- Calvo Enrique
- Caminada Lea
- Campagnari Claudio
- Campanini Renato
- Campbell Alan
- Camporesi Tiziano
- Candelise Vieri
- Canelli Maria Florencia
- Cankocak Kerem
- Capiluppi Paolo
- Caputo Claudio
- Carlin Roberto
- Carnes Andrew
- Carpinteyro Severiano
- Carrera Jarrin Edgar
- Carrillo Montoya Camilo Andres
- Carrillo Moreno Salvador
- Cartiglia Nicolo
- Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira Alexandra
- Carvalho Wagner
- Carver Matthew
- Casal Bruno
- Casarsa Massimo
- Casasso Stefano
- Castaldi Rino
- Castello Roberto
- Castilla-Valdez Heriberto
- Castiñeiras De Saa Juan Ramon
- Castle James
- Castro Andrea
- Caudron Adrien
- Cavallari Francesca
- Cavallo Francesca Romana
- Cavallo Nicola
- Cavanaugh Richard
- Celik Ali
- Centis Vignali Matteo
- Cepeda Maria
- Cerati Giuseppe Benedetto
- Cerci Salim
- Cerminara Gianluca
- Cerrada Marcos
- Chabert Eric Christian
- Chadeeva Marina
- Chamizo Llatas Maria
- Chang Paoti
- Chang You-Hao
- Chang Yu-Wei
- Chanon Nicolas
- Chao Yuan
- Chaparro Sierra Luisa Fernanda
- Chapon Emilien
- Charaf Otman
- Charlot Claude
- Chatterjee Kalyanmoy
- Chatterjee Rajdeep Mohan
- Chauhan Shubhanshu
- Chauhan Sushil
- Chaves Jorge
- Chawla Ridhi
- Chen Geng
- Chen Guo-Ming
- Chen He-Sheng
- Chen Kai-Feng
- Chen Mingshui
- Chen Po-Hsun
- Chen Ye
- Chen Yi
- Chen Zhenyu
- Chenarani Shirin
- Cheng Tongguang
- Cherepanov Vladimir
- Chertok Maxwell
- Cheung Harry
- Chhibra Simranjit Singh
- Chierici Roberto
- Chinellato Jose
- Chiorboli Massimiliano
- Chistov Ruslan
- Chlebana Frank
- Cho Sungwoong
- Choi Minkyoo
- Choi Suyong
- Choi Young-Il
- Chou John Paul
- Choudhary Brajesh C
- Choudhury Somnath
- Chtchipounov Leonid
- Chu Jennifer
- Chudasama Ruchi
- Chwalek Thorsten
- Ciangottini Diego
- Cieri Davide
- Cihangir Selcuk
- Cimmino Anna
- Ciocci Maria Agnese
- Cipriani Marco
- Cirkovic Predrag
- Citron Matthew
- Cittolin Sergio
- Ciulli Vitaliano
- Civinini Carlo
- Claes Daniel R
- Clare Robert
- Clarida Warren
- Clarke Christopher
- Clement Emyr
- Clerbaux Barbara
- Cockerill David JA
- Cocoros Alice
- Codispoti Giuseppe
- Colafranceschi Stefano
- Colaleo Anna
- Cole Joanne
- Colino Nicanor
- Collard Caroline
- Colling David
- Colombo Fabio
- Connor Patrick
- Contardo Didier
- Conte Eric
- Contreras-Campana Christian
- Contreras-Campana Emmanuel
- Conway John
- Conway Rylan
- Cooper Seth
- Cooperstein Stephane
- Cornelis Tom