311 research outputs found
On the Bragg, Leibfried, and Modified Leibfried Numbers
The Bragg, Leibfried, and modified Leibfried numbers are defined in the
context of a theory of dislocation-mediated melting, and their values are
determined from the properties of the dislocation ensemble at the melting
temperature. The approximate numerical coincidence of the Bragg and modified
Leibfried numbers is explained. The parameter K in the definition of the
modified Leibfried number is shown to be the natural logarithm of the effective
coordination number. Our analysis reveals that the Bragg number can be
considered an elemental constant, in contrast to the Leibfried and modified
Leibfried numbers.Comment: 5 pages, LaTe
Covariant Thermodynamics and ``Realistic'' Friedmann Model
We discuss a cosmological Friedmann model modified by inclusion of off-shell
matter which has an equation of state Such
matter is shown to have energy density comparable with that of non-interacting
radiation at temperatures of the order of the Hagedorn temperature, K, indicating the possibility of a phase transition. It is argued that
the -phase, or an admixture, lies below the high-temperature -phase
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