105 research outputs found
Trace elements in stream bed sediments from agricultural catchments (Gascogne region, S-W France): Where do they come from?
The Gascogne region (SW of France) is cultivated for more than 75% of the area. 83 samples of stream bed sediments were collected in three main Gascogne river basins (Gers, Save and Touch, left tributaries of the Garonne river) to evaluate the impact of agricultural practices on trace elements behavior. Eight potential harmful elements (PHE) (Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and Pb), four reference elements for normalization (Sc, Cs, Al and Fe) and four major elements (Mn, Ca, Mg and P) were considered. The average trace element concentrations in the fine fractions (b63 ÎŒm) are in the decreasing order: ZnNCrNNiNPbNCuNCoNAsNScNCsNCd. Geochemical investigations and an original approach combining regression analysis and chemical sequential extraction allowed to select the most adequate reference material (regional molasse)and reference element (Cs) for normalization procedure. The enrichment factor (EF) is generally lower than 2.5, particularly for Cr, Ni, Cu, As, Zn; however, 23% of the sampling stations are more contaminated (2.5bEFb4.5), particularly for Cd, Pb and Co. The PHE in the Gascogne river sediments are mainly originated from natural weathering processes; nevertheless, anthropogenic contribution could represent up to 34% of the total sediment content. For lead, geochemical and isotopic methods gave very similar anthropogenic contributions (24% and 22%, respectively). The enrichment of Cu, Pb, Zn, Co, As, Ni, Cr was mainly related to global and local atmospheric deposition of industrial emissions and gasoline combustion, and was associated to forested catchments. All PHE's are controlled by clay and oxi-hydroxides minerals. Cdwas the only PHE enriched downstreamcultivated catchments and this enrichmentwas linked to Ca and P. This indicates a major origin of Cd fromfertilizer inputs and a main control by carbonate mineral
Distribution and origin of lead in stream sediments from small agricultural catchments draining Miocene molassic deposits (SW France)
Total Pb concentrations and isotopic composition were determined in stream-bed sediments and bedrock from 29 small agricultural or forested catchments in the Gascogne area (SW France). The contribution of Pb from various natural and anthropogenic sources was investigated in this rural area which is very weakly impacted by industrial or urban emissions. Environmental parameters in catchments (importance of forest cover, organic matter and oxide content in sediments) were considered. A combination of geochemical (enrichment calculation, sequential extraction) and isotopic investigations was performed to constrain the origin of Pb and the distribution of anthropogenic Pb in sediments. Most of the sediments have low total Pb content compared to other agricultural regions more impacted by industrial or urban emissions. The results indicated a moderate but significant Pb enrichment, particularly for catchments draining forested areas. This enrichment was positively related to organic C content in sediment and catchment forest cover, whereas in entirely cultivated catchments it was related to Fe-oxide content. An average anthropogenic end-member was determined using Pb isotopes, and was supposed to be representative of background atmospheric Pb pollution, with a weak influence of Pb from recent gasoline and local fertiliser spreading. The amount of anthropogenic Pb (Pbanthr) in sediments estimated using a geochemical approach (mean 63.7 ± 20.4%) was higher than that estimated using an isotopic approach (mean 36.6 ± 17.8%), but the same trend was observed among the samples, except for low anthropogenic contributions. The distribution of Pbanthr in sediments from weakly forested catchments indicated a strong affinity for carbonates and Fe-oxides. Amorphous Fe-oxides became preferential trapping compounds as soon as Pb enrichment increased and carbonate content decreased. Finally, in cultivated catchments, organic C was not a main trapping component for Pbanthr in sediments
Optimizing the Supportive Context of Web-Based Self-Help in Individuals With Mild to Moderate Depressive Symptoms
Web-based self-help programs have the potential to fill gaps in mental health care. There is now substantial evidence for the efficacy of web-based programs in reducing depressive symptoms. Thereby, programs with therapeutic support seem superior to programs without therapeutic support in terms of the outcome of and adherence to the programs. Although there is no comprehensive theoretical model explaining the treatment outcome, there are theoretical perspectives that explain adherence to web-based programs. One such model is the Supportive Accountability Model (SAM), which focuses on how human support affects participants' feelings of accountability. The central assumption of the model is that participants are more likely to engage with a program when they feel accountable to a person who provides support. The present umbrella paper discusses how well four factors, which potentially improve outcome of and adherence to web-based programs for depressive symptoms, correspond to the SAM conditions. These four factors were investigated in the HERMES study. The umbrella paper also discusses the HERMES study results regarding the SAM assumptions. While the factor guidance was provided according to the SAM, the remaining three factors either did not correspond to the model (i.e., the unguided motivational interviewing module and the automated emails) or only to some degree (i.e., the diagnostic telephone interview). The HERMES study results are in line with what the SAM would suggest. Human support in the form of guidance increases adherence, whereas factors without human support do not. Future studies should include accountability assessments to investigate whether the benefit from human support emerges through accountability. Furthermore, future studies might further investigate the role of adherence regarding the outcome, the possibility of evoking accountability without human support, and the possibility of participants feeling accountable to a study (or, in a broader sense, research).Internetbasierte Selbsthilfeprogramme haben das Potenzial, LĂŒcken in der psychiatrischen Versorgung zu schlieĂen. Es gibt inzwischen umfangreiche Belege fĂŒr die Wirksamkeit internetbasierter Programme fĂŒr die Verringerung depressiver Symptome. Dabei scheinen Programme mit therapeutischer UnterstĂŒtzung den Programmen ohne therapeutische UnterstĂŒtzung bezĂŒglich der Ergebnisse und der AdhĂ€renz ĂŒberlegen zu sein. Obwohl es kein umfassendes theoretisches Modell gibt, das die Behandlungsergebnisse erklĂ€rt, gibt es theoretische Perspektiven, welche die AdhĂ€renz zu internetbasierten Programmen erklĂ€ren. Ein solches Modell ist das Supportive Accountability Model (SAM), das sich darauf konzentriert, wie menschliche UnterstĂŒtzung das VerantwortungsgefĂŒhl der Teilnehmenden beeinflusst. Die Kernannahme des Modells ist, dass sich Teilnehmende adhĂ€renter zu einem Programm verhalten, wenn sie sich einer unterstĂŒtzenden Person gegenĂŒber verantwortlich fĂŒhlen. Die vorliegende Schrift erörtert, inwieweit die vier Faktoren der HERMES-Studie, die potenziell die Ergebnisse und die AdhĂ€renz zu internetbasierten Programmen zur Behandlung depressiver Symptome verbessern, den SAM-Bedingungen entsprechen. Die Schrift erörtert zudem die Ergebnisse der HERMES-Studie in Bezug auf das SAM. WĂ€hrend Guidance gemĂ€ss dem SAM angeboten wurde, entsprachen die verbleibenden drei Faktoren dem Modell nicht (das Motivational Interviewing Modul und die automatisierten E-Mails) oder nur zum Teil (das diagnostische Telefoninterview). Die Ergebnisse der HERMES-Studie sind gut mit dem SAM vereinbar. Menschliche UnterstĂŒtzung in Form von Guidance erhöht die AdhĂ€renz, wĂ€hrend Faktoren ohne menschliche UnterstĂŒtzung dies nicht tun. KĂŒnftige Studien sollten Verantwortlichkeit messen und untersuchen, ob der Nutzen der menschlichen UnterstĂŒtzung durch die Verantwortlichkeit entsteht. Zudem könnten kĂŒnftige Studien die Rolle der AdhĂ€renz im Hinblick auf das Ergebnis, die Möglichkeit, Verantwortlichkeit ohne menschliche UnterstĂŒtzung hervorzurufen, und die Möglichkeit, dass sich die Teilnehmer gegenĂŒber einer Studie (oder der Forschung) verantwortlich fĂŒhlen, weiter untersuchen
Toxicity of Pb and of Pb/Cd combination on the springtail Folsomia candida in natural soils: Reproduction, growth and bioaccumulation as indicators
The toxicity of Pb and Cd+Pb was assessed on the Collembola F. candida in two cultivated soils (SV and AU) with low organic matter (OM) content and circumneutral to basic pH, and an acid forested soil (EPC) with high OM content. Collembola reproduction and growth as well as metal content in Collembola body, in soil, exchangeable fraction and soil solutions, pH and DOC were investigated. Pb and Cd+Pb were the highest in exchangeable fraction and soil solution of the acidic soils. Soil solution pH decreased after metal spiking in every soil due to metal adsorption, which was similar for Cd and the highest in AU for Pb. With increasing Pb and Cd+Pb, the most important reproduction decrease was in EPC soil. The LOEC for reproduction after metal addition was 2400 (Pb) and 200/2400 (Cd/Pb), 1200 and 100/1200, 300 and 100/1200 ÎŒg gâ1 for AU, SV and EPC, respectively. The highest and the lowest Pb toxicity was observed for EPC and AU bulk soil, respectively. The metal in Collembola increased with increasing soil concentration, except in AU, but the decreasing BFsolution with increasing concentrations indicates a limited metal transfer to Collembola or an increased metal removal. Loading high Pb concentrations decreases Cd absorption by the Collembola, but the reverse was not true. The highest Pb toxicity in EPC can be explained by pH and OM content. Because of metal complexation, OM might have a protective role but its ingestion by Collembola lead to higher toxicity. Metal bioavailability in Collembola differs from soil solution indicating that soil solution is not sufficient to evaluate toxicity in soil organisms. The toxicity as a whole decreased when metals were combined, except for Pb in AU, due to adsorption competition between Cd and Pb on clay particles and OM sites in AU and EPC soils, respectively
Determining cadmium critical concentrations in natural soils by assessing Collembola mortality, reproduction and growth
The toxicity of cadmium for the Collembola Folsomia candida was studied by determining the effects of increasing Cd concentrations on growth, survival and reproduction in three cultivated and forested soils with different pH (4.5â8.2) and organic matter content (1.6â16.5%). The Cd concentration in soil CaCl2 exchangeable fraction, in soil solution and in Collembola body was determined. At similar total soil concentrations, the Cd concentration in soil solutions strongly decreased with increasing pH. Reproduction was the most sensitive parameter. Low organic matter content was a limiting factor for reproduction. Effect of Cd on reproduction was better described by soil or body concentrations than by soil solution concentration. Values of EC50-Repro expressed on the basis of nominal soil concentration were 182, 111 and 107 ÎŒg gâ1, respectively, for a carbonated cultivated soil (AU), an acid forested soil with high organic matter (EPC) and a circumneutral cultivated soil with low organic content (SV). Sensitivity to Cd was enhanced for low OM content and acidic pH. The effect of Cd on reproduction is not directly related to Cd concentration in soil solution for carbonated soil: a very low value is found for EC50-Repro (0.17) based on soil solution for the soil with the highest pH (AU; pH=8.2). Chronic toxicity cannot be predicted on the basis of soluble fractions. Critical concentrations were 8Ă10â5, 1.1, 0.3 ÎŒg mLâ1, respectively, for AU, EPC and SV soils
Impact anthropique sur les éléments traces métalliques dans les sols agricoles de Midi-Pyrénées.Implications en termes de limites et de charges critiques
Les concentrations en ElĂ©ments Traces MĂ©talliques (ETM) mesurĂ©es dans les sols, sont le rĂ©sultat combinĂ© de lâaltĂ©ration des minĂ©raux primaires, de leur redistribution au sein des profils lors de la pĂ©dogenĂšse et dâapports exogĂšnes souvent liĂ©s aux activitĂ©s anthropiques. La nĂ©cessitĂ© de protĂ©ger les sols contre leur contamination a abouti en France Ă lâĂ©tablissement du RĂ©seau de Mesure de la QualitĂ© des Sols (RMQS) qui sâappuie sur un Ă©chantillonnage systĂ©matique permettant de caractĂ©riser les paramĂštres physico-chimiques et environnementaux des sols agricoles. Dans ce contexte, les concentrations en ETM ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es dans les sols des 124 sites RMQS de Midi-PyrĂ©nĂ©es, ainsi que dans ceux dâun bassin versant expĂ©rimental (AuradĂ©, Gers). La dynamique verticale des ETM a Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©e dans les profils de sols Ă©tudiĂ©s. Des diffĂ©rences de comportement des Ă©lĂ©ments dâorigine naturelle en fonction des types de sol ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ă©vidence notamment par lâĂ©tude des enrichissements et anomalies en terres rares (REE), permettant dâidentifier les processus pĂ©dogĂ©nĂ©tiques. Les concentrations naturelles thĂ©oriques en ETM (fond gĂ©ochimique) ont Ă©tĂ© modĂ©lisĂ©es. La diffĂ©rence entre le fond gĂ©ochimique et les concentrations mesurĂ©es permet de quantifier la proportion dâETM anomale, qui a Ă©tĂ© attribuĂ©e Ă une contribution anthropique. Ainsi, surtout en surface 2 Ă 5% des sites semblent affectĂ©s par un enrichissement important en Cd et 5 Ă 8% en Cu. La distribution des collemboles, utilisĂ©s en tant que bioindicateurs de lâinfluence des ETM sur la pĂ©dofaune, paraĂźt principalement affectĂ©e par le travail du sol. La bioaccumulation des ETM par ces organismes concerne majoritairement les Ă©lĂ©ments labiles et est favorisĂ©e pour des pH faibles. Cette observation a Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ©e en laboratoire sur le modĂšle biologique Folsomia Candida exposĂ© Ă des sols naturels dopĂ©s avec Cd et Pb. La toxicitĂ© de Cd et Pb prĂ©sents en solution semble accrue pour des pH Ă©levĂ©s. Lâinfluence de ces deux mĂ©taux apportĂ©s sĂ©parĂ©ment ou conjointement a provoquĂ© une diminution de la reproduction et de la croissance de F. candida. AprĂšs avoir caractĂ©risĂ© la sensibilitĂ© relative de cette espĂšce au sein de la pĂ©dofaune, la reproduction de F. candida a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour Ă©tablir une concentration critique permettant de prĂ©server Ă hauteur de 95% la fonction de reproduction de 95% des espĂšces de la pĂ©dofaune. Cette concentration et celle utilisĂ©e au niveau europĂ©en pour protĂ©ger les fonctions des microorganismes ont Ă©tĂ© employĂ©es pour calculer le flux maximum acceptable par les Ă©cosystĂšmes des sols agricoles pour ne pas observer dâeffet nĂ©faste irrĂ©mĂ©diable (charge critique). Les charges critiques en Cd et Pb dĂ©pendent fortement du type dâagriculture. Le flux critique est dĂ©passĂ© par le flux actuel pour 34% (Cd) et 80% (Pb) des sites RMQS ABSTRACT : Trace metal element (ETM) concentrations measured in soils result from both primary mineral weathering and exogenous inputs due to anthropogenic activities. The necessity to protect soils against contamination led, in France, to the establishment of the Soil Quality Measurement Network (RMQS) to characterize the physico-chemical and environmental parameters of agricultural soils. Within this context, ETM concentrations were measured in 124 RMQS soil stations of Midi-PyrĂ©nĂ©es region, as well as in a small experimental catchment (AuradĂ©, Gers). ETM vertical dynamic has been characterized for each soil profile. ETM enrichment and REE anomalies were used to characterise pedogenetic processes and the different ETM behaviours among various soil types. ETM natural theoretical concentrations (geochemical background) were modelized. The difference between geochemical background values and measured concentrations were used to estimate anthropogenic contributions. 2 to 5% of the sampling stations are affected by important Cd enrichments, and 5 to 8% of the sites by Cu enrichments, particularly in surface soil horizons. The distribution of collembola, used as bioindicator of ETM impact on soil fauna, seems to be mainly affected by soil practices. ETM bioaccumulation by these organisms mainly concerns labile elements and is enhanced by low soil pH. Field observations were confirmed in laboratory on the biological model Folsomia Candida exposed to natural soil spiked with Cd and Pb. Cd toxicity and Pb in solution seems to be enhanced for high pH. The influence of these two ETM supplied separately or jointly has induced a decrease of F. Candida reproduction and growth. After the characterization of the relative sensibility of this species among the soil fauna, F. Candida reproduction was used to establish the critical concentration in order to preserve 95% of the reproduction function for 95% of soil fauna species. This concentration and the one currently used in Europe to protect microorganism functions were both used to calculate the maximum acceptable ETM flux for agricultural soil ecosystems, with the aim to avoid irremediable harmful effects to soil (critical load). Cd and Pb critical loads strongly depend on agricultural practices. Critical flux is exceeded by present flux for 34% and 80% of the RMQS sampling sites, respectively for Cd and Pb
Optimizing the context of support of web-based self-help in individuals with mild to moderate depressive symptoms: A randomized full factorial trial.
Web-based self-help programs for individuals with depressive symptoms are efficacious. Differences in effect sizes and adherence rates might be due to contextual factors. This randomized factorial trial investigated the effects of four potentially supportive contextual factors on outcome and adherence. Two factors were provided through human contact (guidance and a diagnostic interview), and two factors were provided without human contact (a motivational interviewing module and automated emails). We recruited 316 adults with mild to moderate depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire-9 score: 5-14). All participants received access to a problem-solving therapy program. Participants were randomized across the four experimental factors (present or absent), resulting in a 16-condition design. The primary outcome was depressive symptoms 10 weeks after baseline. The secondary outcome was program adherence. Overall, results showed significant symptom reduction for the primary depression measure (Cohen's d = 0.38-0.91). Guided participants showed significantly less severe symptoms of depression at post-treatment (d = 0.15) and higher treatment adherence (d = 0.53). At follow-up, these differences were no longer present. The remaining three factors did not influence primary outcome and adherence. These findings indicate that guidance leads to a faster reduction of depressive symptoms and higher treatment adherence
Human contact in internet-based interventions for depression: A pre-registered replication and meta-analysis of randomized trials
Internet-based self-help interventions have shown to be effective in the treatment of depression. Several meta-analyses indicated that human contact has a crucial impact on adherence and outcome. While most research focused on the role of guidance during interventions, a review by Andersson and Johansson (2012) suggested that contact before the intervention too may play an important role.
We investigated the impact of the degree of contact in internet-based interventions (IBIs) for depression on outcome in adults suffering from elevated symptoms of depression.
We conducted a preregistered meta-analysis (www.osf.io/4mzyd) and included trials comparing IBIs for depression against control conditions (treatment as usual [TAU] or waiting list [WL]) in patients with symptoms of unipolar depression searching the databases PsycINFO and Cochrane's Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) limited to entries from EMBASE and PubMed. Following Andersson and Johansson (2012), contact before an intervention was defined as having had a diagnostic interview before the IBI, and contact during intervention was defined as having received guidance during the IBI. IBIs were grouped as providing (0) no contact, (1) contact before the IBI, (2) contact during the IBI, or (3) contact both before and during the IBI. The primary outcome was standardized mean difference (SMD) of the IBI and control in depressive symptoms at treatment termination. Secondary outcomes were study dropout and adherence to the IBI.
We included 56 eligible trials that randomized 13,335 patients to 75 internet-based intervention conditions and control groups (TAU in 23 trials, WL in 33 trials). In total, 44 trials (78.57 %) were judged to show some concerns or a high risk of bias. Overall heterogeneity was high regarding the primary outcome (I2s < 66 %) and even higher for secondary outcomes (I2s < 91 %). Degree of contact was a robust predictor of outcome and adherence in all pre-registered and exploratory analyses. We found the effect of the IBI to increase with higher degree of contact. However, in pair-wise contrasts, only IBIs offering both contact before and during the intervention (SMD = 0.573, 95 % CI: 0.437, 0.709) significantly outperformed interventions offering no contact (SMD = 0.224, 95 % CI: 0.090, 0.340).
The results suggest that contact before and during an intervention increases the effects of IBIs. The combination of contact before and during the intervention seems to a pivotal role regarding adherence as well as treatment outcome for patients suffering from depression
Bingham Dai, Adolf Storfer, and the tentative beginnings of psychoanalytic culture in China, 1935-1941.
This paper looks at the work of two figures who, while marginal to theoretical developments within the history of psychoanalysis, each briefly played an important role in the dissemination of analytical ideas in China, contributing to an early psychoanalytic culture there. Bingham Dai, a native of China, while studying for a PhD in sociology at Chicago, received instruction from Harry Stack Sullivan and a psychoanalytic training under Karen Horney's supervision. However, the neo-Freudian outlook with which this experience imbued him had its roots in an earlier encounter with his experiments in personality education first conducted on students in a Tientsin high school, and later in Shantung under the direction of the conservative Confucian scholar and reformer, Liang Shu Ming. These experiences convinced him that a less orthodox psychoanalytic perspective was what Chinese patients with psychological problems required. He returned in 1935 to teach medical psychology to doctors at Peking Union Medical College, taking a few into analysis and treating some patients. However, the Sino-Japanese war brought these activities to a close and he left in 1939, just a few months after the former Freud publisher and Viennese émigré, Adolf Storfer, arrived. Storfer set about publishing "Gelbe Post," a German language periodical replete with articles on psychoanalysis, linguistics and Chinese culture. But limited finances, severe competition from a rival publisher, plus his own ill health, forced him to abandon this in spite of the support offered him through the many contributors in the international psychoanalytic community whose articles he published. The paper concludes by considering the relative historiographic fate of the men upon whom subsequent scholarship has been very unevenly focused.published_or_final_versio
Two sides of the same coin? Patient and therapist experiences with a transdiagnostic blended intervention focusing on emotion regulation.
The combination of internet-based intervention and psychotherapy, commonly termed blended therapy (BT), has gained popularity in recent years. While advantages and disadvantages of BT have been identified from the patient and therapist perspective, the two perspectives have rarely been examined within the same treatment. Moreover, almost all available research on patient and therapist experiences with BT is disorder-specific. This study aimed to investigate patient and therapist experiences within the same transdiagnostic BT.
A qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with eight patients and eight therapists taking part in a transdiagnostic blended intervention focusing on the topic of emotion regulation was conducted. A qualitative content analysis approach was used. Category frequencies were calculated and similarities and differences between the patient and therapist experience were explored.
Ten main themes and 59 subthemes were identified in the category system for patient interviews and ten main themes and 50 subthemes were identified in the category system for therapist interviews. Similarities and differences between the two perspectives were reported with regard to 1) expectations toward the intervention, 2) the internet-based intervention, 3) symptomatology and emotion regulation, 4) the therapeutic relationship and 5) the blended format.
This study provides first insights on the experiences with transdiagnostic BT focusing on emotion regulation. Based on the results, different recommendations for the improvement of transdiagnostic BT are made. Future research on patient and therapist experiences with transdiagnostic BT is necessary, in order to further improve the experience of those involved
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