32 research outputs found

    Ariel - Volume 4 Number 4

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    Editors David A. Jacoby Eugenia Miller Tom Williams Associate Editors Paul Bialas Terry Burt Michael Leo Gail Tenikat Editor Emeritus and Business Manager Richard J. Bonnano Movie Editor Robert Breckenridge Staff Richard Blutstein Mary F. Buechler Meg Brunt Steve Glinks Len Grasman Alice M. Johnson J.D. Kanofsky Tom Lehman Dave Mayer Bernie Odd

    Sex-stratified genome-wide association studies including 270,000 individuals show sexual dimorphism in genetic loci for anthropometric traits

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    Given the anthropometric differences between men and women and previous evidence of sex-difference in genetic effects, we conducted a genome-wide search for sexually dimorphic associations with height, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference, and waist-to-hip-ratio (133,723 individuals) and took forward 348 SNPs into follow-up (additional 137,052 individuals) in a total of 94 studies. Seven loci displayed significant sex-difference (FDR<5%), including four previously established (near GRB14/COBLL1, LYPLAL1/SLC30A10, VEGFA, ADAMTS9) and three novel anthropometric trait loci (near MAP3K1, HSD17B4, PPARG), all of which were genome-wide significant in women (P<5×10−8), but not in men. Sex-differences were apparent only for waist phenotypes, not for height, weight, BMI, or hip circumference. Moreover, we found no evidence for genetic effects with opposite directions in men versus women. The PPARG locus is of specific interest due to its role in diabetes genetics and therapy. Our results demonstrate the value of sex-specific GWAS to unravel the sexually dimorphic genetic underpinning of complex traits

    Sex-stratified Genome-wide Association Studies Including 270,000 Individuals Show Sexual Dimorphism in Genetic Loci for Anthropometric Traits

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    Inheritance of Vertical Fiber Hide Defect

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    Cattle leather with vertical fiber hide defect (VFHD) breaks when stretched and, consequently, is not suitable for production of shoe uppers. Typical tensile strength of VFHD leather is only 50% of normal leather. VFHD is caused by a structural defect of collagen fiber orientation in the corium layer of cattle hides. The defect was first described by Amos, an Australian research chemist, in 1958. Economic losses to the leather industry were estimated to exceed $10 million in 1973.The cost can be high because the defect is often not detected until after the expense of tanning has been incurred. The defect does not occur uniformly throughout the hide, but tends to be localized in the upper rear quarter (rump area). Often it may extend forward and downward to involve 75% of the trimmed hide

    A synthesis of convergent reflections, tensions and silences in linking gender and global environmental change research

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552This synthesis article joins the authors of the special issue "Gender perspectives in resilience, vulnerability and adaptation to global environmental change" in a common reflective dialogue about the main contributions of their papers. In sum, here we reflect on links between gender and feminist approaches to research in adaptation and resilience in global environmental change (GEC). The main theoretical contributions of this special issue are threefold: emphasizing the relevance of power relations in feminist political ecology, bringing the livelihood and intersectionality approaches into GEC, and linking resilience theories and critical feminist research. Empirical insights on key debates in GEC studies are also highlighted from the nine cases analysed, from Europe,the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Pacific. Further, the special issue also contributes to broaden the gender approach in adaptation to GEC by incorporating research sites in the Global North alongside sites from the Global South. This paper examines and compares the main approaches adopted (e.g. qualitative or mixed methods) and the methodological challenges that derive from intersectional perspectives. Finally, key messages for policy agendas and further research are drawn from the common reflection

    A synthesis of convergent reflections, tensions and silences in linking gender and global environmental change research

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    This synthesis article joins the authors of the special issue "Gender perspectives in resilience, vulnerability and adaptation to global environmental change" in a common reflective dialogue about the main contributions of their papers. In sum, here we reflect on links between gender and feminist approaches to research in adaptation and resilience in global environmental change (GEC). The main theoretical contributions of this special issue are threefold: emphasizing the relevance of power relations in feminist political ecology, bringing the livelihood and intersectionality approaches into GEC, and linking resilience theories and critical feminist research. Empirical insights on key debates in GEC studies are also highlighted from the nine cases analysed, from Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Pacific. Further, the special issue also contributes to broaden the gender approach in adaptation to GEC by incorporating research sites in the Global North alongside sites from the Global South. This paper examines and compares the main approaches adopted (e.g. qualitative or mixed methods) and the methodological challenges that derive from intersectional perspectives. Finally, key messages for policy agendas and further research are drawn from the common reflection.Este artículo de síntesis une a los autores del número especial "Gender perspectives in resilience, vulnerability and adaptation to global environmental change" en un diálogo reflexivo común sobre las principales contribuciones de sus documentos. En resumen, aquí reflexionamos sobre los vínculos entre los enfoques feministas y de género a la investigación en adaptación y resiliencia en el cambio ambiental global (GEC). Las principales contribuciones teóricas de este número especial son tres: enfatizar la relevancia de las relaciones de poder en la ecología política feminista, incorporar los enfoques de medios de subsistencia e interseccionalidad al GEC y vincular las teorías de la resiliencia y la investigación feminista crítica. También se destacan las ideas empíricas sobre los debates clave en los estudios de GEC de los nueve casos analizados, de Europa, América, Asia, África y el Pacífico. Además, el número especial también contribuye a ampliar el enfoque de género en la adaptación a GEC mediante la incorporación de sitios de investigación en el Norte Global junto a sitios del Sur Global. Este documento examina y compara los principales enfoques adoptados (por ejemplo, los métodos cualitativos o mixtos) y los desafíos metodológicos que se derivan de las perspectivas interseccionales. Finalmente, los mensajes clave para las agendas políticas y la investigación adicional se extraen de la reflexión común.Aquest article de síntesi uneix els autors del número especial "Gender perspectives in resilience, vulnerability and adaptation to global environmental change" en un diàleg reflexiu comú sobre les principals contribucions dels seus documents. En resum, aquí reflexionem sobre els vincles entre els enfocaments feministes i de gènere a la investigació en adaptació i resiliència en el canvi ambiental global (GEC). Les principals contribucions teòriques d'aquest número especial són tres: emfatitzar la rellevància de les relacions de poder en l'ecologia política feminista, incorporar els enfocaments de mitjans de subsistència i interseccionalitat al GEC i vincular les teories de la resiliència i la investigació feminista crítica. També es destaquen les idees empíriques sobre els debats clau en els estudis de GEC dels nou casos analitzats, d'Europa, Amèrica, Àsia, Àfrica i el Pacífic. A més, el número especial també contribueix a ampliar l'enfocament de gènere en l'adaptació a GEC mitjançant la incorporació de llocs d'investigació al Nord Global al costat de llocs del Sud Global. Aquest document examina i compara els principals enfocaments adoptats (per exemple, els mètodes qualitatius o mixtos) i els desafiaments metodològics que es deriven de les perspectives interseccionals. Finalment, els missatges clau per a les agendes polítiques i la investigació addicional s'extreuen de la reflexió comuna