308 research outputs found

    Fenomena Komunikasi Politik dalam Media Sosial

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang fenomena pesan-pesan kontroversi kampanye politik Pilpres 2014. Persoalannya adalah bahwa media sosial yang semula dibangun untuk menumbuhkan rasa pertemanan dalam pergaulan sosial, kini berkembang ke ranah politik dan berujung pada tumbuhnya pertarungan kepentingan politik melalui bahasa pesan yang digunakan secara kontroversial. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa media sosial cukup potensial sebagai sarana komunikasi politik. Namun, muncul keprihatinan akan pelanggaran etika berkomunikasi yang sering dilakukan oleh pengguna. Bahasa yang semestinya menjadi alat komunikasi yang baik, justru dimanfaatkan untuk menyerang, mengejek, merendahkan orang lain dan perilaku destruktif lainnya. Ke depannya, media sosial dapat dikembangkan sebagai media komunikasi politik yang lebih baik dengan penggunaan bahasa yang beretika. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya peningkatan moral dan bahasa yang baik bagi masyarakat melalui pendidikan di tingkat dasar, bahkan pra-sekolah, sehingga nantinya akan meng­hasilkan masyarakat yang bisa menjaga moral dan bahasa yang baik dalam berkomunikasi, termasuk di kancah politik dan dunia maya

    Kesalahan Mengerjakan Soal Cerita Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika

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    Based on the experiences, many teachers do not feel very successful in teaching story problems. On the other hand, many students find that story problems are one of the most difficult challenges in mathematics and do not like them. However, there has been no official report on the matter, at least in Indonesia. The purpose of the research is to identify student's errors in doing story problems on fractions, both decimal fractions and usual fractions. The research was conducted in Kota Surakarta, involving students in grade 6 for twelve elementary schools. Eight essay story problems on fractions were given to those students. Then, data about the student's errors in doing story problems were collected by looking over the student's work thoroughly. After analyzing the data, the research concluded that about half of the students did not answer story problems correctly. The data also revealed that story problems involving usual fractions were more difficult than story problems involving decimal fractions for the students. There was a trend that story problems which include complex calculation were more difficult than story problems which include simple calculation

    Pemanfaatan Media Massa Oleh Penegak Hukum Dalam Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    Seiring dengan menguatnya isu korupsi, berbagai upaya atau langkah telah dilakukan pemerintah baik dari aspek substantif peraturan Perundang-undangan korupsi, aspek struktur institusi penegak hukum yang melakukan pemberantasan korupsi maupun dari aspek kultur masyarakat yang dibangun dalam rangka menanamkan nilai-nilai anti korupsi. Berbagai upaya pembaharuan produk hukum dalam rangka penanggulangan atau pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi tersebut belum juga menunjukkan hasil yang maksimal. Dewasa ini kian banyak elit politik yang terjerat kasus korupsi. Melihat fenomena di atas tampak adanya keterbatasan kemampuan hukum pidana untuk penanggulangan dan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. Untuk itu diperlukan sarana lain (non-penal) selain sarana pidana (penal) dalam penanggulangan dan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi.Along with the continuously rising of the corruption issue, various actions or steps has been taken by the government whether from the corruption aspect of substantive aspects, aspects of the structure of corruption eradication and cultural aspects of the community that was built in order to inculcate the values of anti-corruption. Various efforts to reform the legal product in order to control or perform an eradication of corruption, but it was not showing the maximum results. Today, a large number of political elites are entangled in corruption cases. This phenomenon shows an appearance of the limited ability of the law to prevent and eradicate the corruption. Thats why it required another means (non-penal) besides the criminal (penal) means, in the prevention of corruption

    Posisi Stakeholder dan Strategi Advokasi Kibbla Kabupaten/kota di Jawa Tengah

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    Background: Health status in Central Java on 2009 showsthat the number of maternal mortality is 17.02 (per 100.000 lifebirth), and the number of infant mortality is 10.37 (per 1000 lifebirth). It has gap of the MDG's target. It's important for integratingrole of stakeholders to decrease the number of maternal andinfant mortality (AKI-AKB). This research aims to identifystakeholder categories trough matrix of power and interest inregrad to advocacy on KIBBLA program in districts in CentralJava Province based on respondents perception.Method: There are 46 samples from 23 districts/cities(represent of DKK and Bappeda) using observational researchthrough workshops method. Descriptive analysis on powerinterestmatrix of stakeholders is given to make a category ofstakeholder position as player, subject, context setter andcrowd.Result: Player stakeholders are DPRD; Bupati/Walikota;BAPPEDA; DKK; Hospital; PKK; Family Planning Institution;Professional Organization; Camat/Kades/Lurah, and theSubject Stakeholders are Hospital; BAPERMAS; PKK; FamilyPlanning Institution; Professional Organization; NGO;Community/Family Leader; Education Service. The contextsetter stakeholders are DPRD; Bupati/Walikota; BAPPEDA;Hospital; BAPERMAS; PKK; Family Planning Institution; NGO;Community/Family Leader; Camat/Kades/Lurah; Educationservice and crowd stakeholders are DPRD; Bupati/Walikota;BAPERMAS; PKK; Family Planning Institution; ProfessionalOrganization; NGO; Community/Family Leader; Camat/Kades/Lurah; Education Service. The most choice of ad-vocationstrategies are lobbying, discussion, hearing and socialization.Conclusion: It's concluded that the stakeholder could set inmulti position/category on the advocacy of KIBBLA program indistricts of the Central Java Province

    The Implementation of Continuing Professional Development of Economics Teachers at State Senior High Schools in Semarang: Investigating the Constraints and Challenges

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    This research aims to analyze and investigate: (1) the extent in which the implementation of Continuing Professional Development of Economics Teachers at State Senior High Schools in Semarang; (2) barriers in implementing this program; (3) challenges in the futures when applying this program. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. Data were collected by questionnaires and interviews to teachers. There were around 27 economics teachers in Semarang as the subjects of this research. The results show that personal development by individual teacher and group of teachers in the teacher's association are more likely to be performed than personal development at a peer group. The major problem in this continuous development is the strict teaching hour. Moreover, the key challenges in the improvement of teaching profession is the way to optimize the role of teachers' association and the availability of information technology in aiming sustainable professional development.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan menginvestigasi 1) sejauh mana implementasi program Pengembangan Keprofesionalan Guru Berkelanjutan (PKGB) pada Guru Ekonomi Wilayah Semarang; 2) hambatan pelaksanaan program PKGB pada Guru Ekonomi SMA Negeri Wilayah Semarang; 3) tantangan ke depan pelaksanaan PKGB pada Guru Ekonomi Wilayah Semarang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data akan dilkukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara kepada guru. Adapun subyek penelitian ini adalah guru ekonomi wilayah Semarang yang berjumlah 27 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara individu pengembangan dilakukan kadang-kadang oleh guru, secara peer sesama guru bidang ekonomi jarang dilakukan sedangkan secara berkelompok melalui Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran juga dilakukan kadang-kadang. Hambatan utama yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam pengembangan keprofesionalan berkelanjutan adalah jam mengajar yang sangat padat. Tantangan yang ada dalam pengembangan profesi guru adalah bagaimana mengoptimalkan peranan MGMP, dan ketersediaan teknologi informasi guna pengembangan keprofesionalan berkelanjutan

    Kewenangan DPRD dalam Membahas dan Menindaklanjuti Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Walikota Bandar Lampung (Studi pada Kota Bandar Lampung)

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    Based on the function of making laws, Parliament is authorized to make the Regulation on the implementation of this function can be used by right or right of initiative and the initiative amendment rights or the rights of the change. With the exercise of regulatory functions by Parliament, the governments policies in the region would better reflect the will of the people in the region. The authority of Parliament to discuss and follow up Bandar Lampung Mayor Accountability Report 2006-2010 period pursuant to Article 42 paragraph (1) letter (h) of Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government. Article 17 paragraph (2), Article 23 of Government Regulation No. 3 Year 2007. The constraints in the discussion of Bandar Lampung Mayor accountability report lack of response from the community are delivered directly to the Government of Bandar Lampung on LPPD information that has been published. The absence of mechanisms / rules clear to the public complaints on the delivery of information LPPD, Discussion Regional Head accountability report in parliament tend subjectiv / politically so that the recommendations given Parliament the accountability report less objectiv Regional Head

    Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournament (Tgt) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Tema Ekosistem Kelas V Sdn Gununganyar Tambak/628 Surabaya

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah guru kurang bisa menggunakan model pembelajaran yang sesuai materi dan karakteristik siswa yang mengakibatkan siswa kurang antusias belajar sehingga hasil belajar siswa belum maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkn aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa, dan hasil belajar siswa pada tema ekosistem subtema komponen eksosistem pembelajaran ke-1 dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams games tournament. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas yang menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh dari observasi dan tes. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh data hasil belajar yang mencakup tiga ranah, yaitu ranah kognitif pada siklus I sebesar 70,38%, dan meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 92,52%. ranah afektif sebesar 54.25% pada siklus I, dan meningkat menjadi 100% pada siklus II. Ranah psikomotorik pada siklus I sebesar 40.74%, dan meningkat menjadi 100% pada siklus II. Pada kegiatan aktivitas guru mengalami peningkatan dengan rata-rata siklus I sebesar 70,83%, dan pada siklus II meningkat sebesar 91,67%. Pada kegiatan aktivitas guru mengalami peningkatan dengan rata-rata siklus I sebesar 72,50%, dan meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 90%. Dari data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe teams games tournament (TGT) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siwa pada tema ekosistem subtema komponen ekosistem pembelajaran ke-1 di kelas V SDN Gununganyar Tambak /628 Surabaya

    The Use of Antihypertensive and Antiplatelet Drugs on Hospital Stroke Patients

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    Medicine is one of the most important part of the healing process, the restoration of health and prevention of disease. This study aims to describe the use of drugs, particularly antihypertensive and antiplatelet drugs in stroke patients hospitalized in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantul during December 2014-April 2015. This research is observational descriptive study. Data collection was done prospectively with a survey of stroke patients in inpatient Al-Insan and al-A'raaf wards in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantul during the specified period. During the study there were 61 stroke patients sampled in the study, of which 41 (67.2%) were geriatrics and 20 (32.8%) were not geriatrc. From the data, 28 (45.9%) patients did not receive antihypertensive drugs, only 33 (54,1%) patients received antihypertensive drug.The antihypertensive drugs type were given to patients were ACEI 9 (14.8%) and CCB 6 (9.8%), as well as combinations ACEI and CCB 7 (11.5%). Most patients did not receive antiplatelet 43 (70.5%), whereas patients receiving antiplatelet drugs most was the kind of aspirin 17 (27.9%). From the above data it can be concluded that the use of antihypertensive drugs in stroke patients in the inpatient ward in PKU Muhamaddiyah Hospital Bantul quite frequently used, while the use of antiplatelet drugs in these cases rarely used