35 research outputs found
Pemetaan Kawasan Rawan Tanah Longsor di Kecamatan Gedangsari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Kecamatan Gedangsari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta merupakan daerah yang didominasi oleh perbukitan dan sering mengalami tanah longsor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemetaan kerawanan tanah longsor di daerah penelitian dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Parameter yang digunakan dalam pembobotan dan perhitungan AHP meliputi parameter jenis batuan atau litologi, kemiringan lereng, dan tata guna lahan. Hasil perhitungan pembobotan AHP menunjukkan bahwa kemiringan lereng menduduki peringkat paling tinggi, disusul oleh jenis batuan, dan tata guna lahan. Peta kerawanan tanah longsor menunjukkan bahwa Desa Tegalrejo dan Mertelu didominasi oleh zona kerawanan tanah longsor yang tinggi, sedangkan desa yang lain berada di zona kerawanan sedang hingga rendah. Hasil pemetaan ini dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat dan pemerintah setempat sebagai dasar tindakan mitigasi dan pengembangan wilayah
Lead Contamination In Soil Of Yogyakarta City, Indonesia
This paper investigates on Pb concentrations and mobility in soil of overall Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. The objectives of this study include to investigate Pb concentrations in the surface soil throughout Yogyakarta and to study their possible sources and potential environmental impacts. The soil samples from 168 locations in Yogyakarta was obtained, representing different land use and traffic conditions. Spatial analysis and sequential extraction analysis were performed. Generally, contour pattern of Pb value clearly shows that high value is concentrated in the middle and few north part of the study area, confirmed by traffic condition in the study area. In general, the results of sequential extraction analysis shows that Pb was predominantly associated with exchangeable fraction. The presence of lead in the exchangeable fractions may pose a serious environmental concern since they are highly soluble and potentially bio-available in the soil of study area. Keywords: Soil, lead contamination, GIS, sequential extraction
The potential impact of ash Merapi Volcano eruption 2010 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, for the environment and human health
The eruptions of Merapi Volcano began in late October 2010 and continued into early November 2010. Among parts of materials ejected by Merapi Volcano, volcanic ash is considered to be a respiratory health hazard because of several potentially toxic components: respirable crystalline silica and metals. The objective of this study is to review the grain size of volcanic ash and to analyze the composition of volcanic ash which is suspected to carry a variety of potentially toxic elements. The result of this study shows that very fine grain size of volcanic ash were detected which has a potential to become respiratory problem trigger. The heavy metals were also detected in ash samples. On the other hand, total sulfur content was also considered high and the source of this sulfur was sulfur dioxide during eruption.
Keywords: Merapi volcano, eruption, volcanic ash, health hazard, toxic elements
Adsorption of heavy metal by natural clayey soil
This study focused on the capability of Clayey soil to retain and release heavy metals. Batch experiment for sample of clayey soil was conducted with several concentrated solutions of heavy metals. The results show that the clayey soil sample may have a relatively high heavy metal retention capacity. This is particularly positive in the context of municipal waste disposal (landfills) in Indonesia
Keywords: Adsorption, heavy metal, clayey soil, batch experimen
Kajian Geologi Lingkungan untuk Pengembangan Kawasan di Desa Pacarejo, Kecamatan Semanu, Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta
Aspek geologi lingkungan dalam rencana pengembangan suatu kawasan adalah aspek yang penting untuk dipertimbangkan.Ā Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji parameter geologi lingkungan, khususnya airtanah dan batuan, untuk mendukung pengembangan kawasan Desa Pacarejo, Kecamatan Semanu, Kabupaten Gunungkidul berdasarkan pada tiga parameter yaitu kedalaman muka air tanah, nilai Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) air tanah dan jenis tanah dan batuan. Pengambilan data kedalaman muka air tanah dilakukan dengan melakukan pengukuran kedalaman muka air tanah pada sumur galiĀ dan data kualitas air tanah diambil bersamaan dengan menggunakan instrumen pengukuran hanameter. Pengambilan data tanah dan batuan dilakukan melaluiĀ pemetaan tanah dan batuan daerah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan zonasi kedalaman muka air tanah meliputi dua zonasi yaitu zona mampu dengan kedalaman sedang yaitu 6-20 m dan kurang mampu dengan nilai kedalaman tinggi yaitu >20 m. Penyebaran kualitas air tanah berupa Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) meliputi dua zonasi yaitu zona sangat mampu dengan nilai 20 m), material permukaan berupa tanah-batuan dan nilai TDS air tanah rendah (20 m), material permukaan tanah residu dan nilai TDS air tanah sedang (300-600 mg/L)
Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soil around Piyungan Landfill, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
One of the negative impacts of the landfill as solid waste disposal is soil contamination by heavy metals. This study assessed heavy metals impact, especially Pb, Cu, Zn, and Cd, in the soil in Piyungan landfill, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The assessment was conducted by analyzing 15 soil samples from 25 cm depth in the study area, which was divided into three-zone. The study results showed that generally, the highest content of metals was found in zone II, which is located near or directly situated in a landfill site. The pollution index (PI) calculated showed in order Cd>Cu>Pb>Zn. The result also indicates that Cd has the highest pollution index and even the highest risk compared to Pb, Cu, and Zn. The eco-risk index (RI) calculation showed that the value was 29 to 70 demonstrating a low class. The result also indicates that the accumulation of heavy metals investigated in this study was normal, and that the ecological risk was relatively low
Tingkat Kerusakan Lahan Akibat Penambangan Mineral Non-Logam dan Batuan di Daerah Semin, Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Mining activities often cause land damage. Land damage can be monitored from time to time, so it canbe controlled and solved. This research was conducted in Semin, Gunungkidul Regency, SpecialRegion of Yogyakarta, from November 2017 until March 2018. Semin area consist of many miningactivities and also directly adjacent with Central Java Province in the east and north. Therefore, thestudy of land damage caused by mining activities in this area is very important. The purpose of thisresearch is to know and study the condition of land damage caused by current mining activities. Themethod used in this research is weighting method by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) tosome parameters which mostly refers to the Decision of Governor of DIY Number 63 year 2003 asobserved parameter, that is 1) The character of rock compilation of excavation, 2) rock fracturing level3) Utilization and management of top soil, 4) Depth of excavation / height of wall, 5) Limit of slope ofexcavation, 6) Reclamation time, 7) Amount of erosion, 8) River flow / sedimentation. The level ofdamage is divided into three, based on the value, that is 1) Good (1.00-1.66), 2) Medium (1.67 - 2.33),and 3) Damaged (2.34 - 3.00). Total mine sites observed were 81 mine sites. There are 10 mine sitesincluded in the Good category, 68 mine sites belonging to the Medium category, and 3 mine sites inthe Damaged category
Implementasi Pembelajaran di Jurusan Teknik Geologi dalam Menunjang Program Sustainable Development di Universitas Gadjah Mada
Environmental Geology and Geology of Mineral Resources were as compulsory subjects in Department of Geological Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, which known as subject dealing with nature system or sustainable development concept. Tese subjects dealing with management of geological resources and minimize of environmental impact of mineral extraction activity. Formerly, the subjects were given to the student by giving traditionally lecture in class only. In this project, this subjects were enhanced by conducted feld visit in order to improve student and lecturer knowledge. Te location for feld visit were waste disposal site in Piyungan area, Yogyakarta continue with Bojonegoro, East Java which traditional mining of oil was located. Te visit was ended for visiting Tawangmangu area, Karanganyar District, Central Java. In this location, the area was vulnerable with landslide hazard. Te tentative conclusion can be drawn from this project was Environmental Geology and Geology of Mineral Resources can be enhanced by conducting of feld visit and the fnal grade of these subjects can be obtained by adding feld visit as additional value
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In-situ Washing by Sedimentation Method for Contaminated Sandy Soil
We propose a new method of in situ soil remediation called in situ washing by sedimentation (IWS), accomplished by injecting a high air-pressure into a mixture of saturated water-sandy soil at a certain depth (D) and hydraulically separating the soil particles based on their particle size and density. This physical segregation exploits the distribution of contaminant in the soil by physically separating a selected contaminant-rich fraction. For the in situ application, the physical segregation by sedimentation and on-site water wash treatment happen as an integrated process. The advantage of IWS that the washing and segregation processes take place simultaneously during the remediation process, quick, effective and cheap since there are no costs for excavation of contaminated soil from the site. The effect of soil-water ratio and diameter geometry of the column on the effectiveness of segregation by IWS was investigated. A series of laboratory test were conducted to optimize the soil water ratio for the best segregation process. Soil-water ratio 1:2 (v/v) was found to be optimum for particle segregation produced by IWS . The suitability of IWS for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) remediation, such as Napthalene, Phenantrene and Pyrene, were examined by batch sedimentation column experiment. The laboratory experiment was effective to produce a distinct size segregation of the contaminated soil into the coarse and fine fractions, as well as the wash water, indicating that a significant reduction in Napthalene, Phenantrene and Pyrene level (90%) may be achieved. The experimental results show that the removal efficiencies depend on the initial concentration of PAH in the soil sample, the duration of washing and the addition of biosurfactant in the washing solution
Stabilisasi merkuri pada limbah tambang dengan menggunakan zeolit alam
Mercury contamination caused by artisanal gold mining waste would become an environmental problem if there were no remediation actions. This study aimed to investigate the ability of natural zeolite obtained from Gunungkidul Yogyakarta to stabilize mercury in mining waste or tailing. Tailing samples were obtained from three locations on Kulon Progo, Wonogiri, and Banyumas, and the natural zeolite sample was obtained from Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. The batch experimental study was conducted to test the ability of the effectiveness of natural zeolite in stabilizing mercury in tailing. The result of the study shows that the natural zeolite used in the experimental study can be used to reduce the mercury concentration in tailing. The natural zeolite's ability for stabilization varies and depends on the initial mercury concentration in tailing and the natural zeolite dose.Pencemaran merkuri yang disebabkan oleh limbah tambang emas tradisional menjadi salah satu masalah lingkungan yang berdampak serius jika tidak dilakukan penangangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi kemampuan zeolit alam yang diperoleh dari Gunungkidul Yogyakarta untuk menstabilisasi merkuri yang terdapat pada limbah tambang emas tradisional atau tailing. Sampel tailing diambil dari tiga lokasi di Kulon Progo, Wonogiri dan Banyumas, sedangkan sampel zeolit alam diambil dari Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Percobaan batch dilakukan pada skala laboratorium untuk menguji efektifitas zeolit alam dalam menstabilisasi merkuri dalam tailing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa zeolit alam yang digunakan dapat menurunkan konsentrasi merkuri dalam tailing. Kemampuan stabilisasi yang dimiliki oleh zeolit bervariasi tergantung pada konsentrasi awal merkuri pada tailing dan dosis zeolit alam yang ditambahkan.