59 research outputs found
A preliminary study on the relationship between the complexity of the sagittal suture and cranial dimensions
The paper presents the results obtained from analysis of the correlation between
cranial dimensions (length, width, and height) and indices against the
complexity of the sagittal suture, which was expressed as the ratio between
absolute sutural length to the linear length of the suture. The statistical study on
29 skulls shows a significant negative correlation between the height/width index
of all skulls and suture complexity (r = -0.78 for male, r = -0.70 for female
skulls) and a negative correlation between cranial height and suture complexity
in male skulls only (r = -0.49). This implies that lower and broader skulls have
a more complicated sagittal suture. Correlations of the height/length and width/length ratios were assessed as statistically insignificant in both sexes
A preliminary study on the relationship between the complexity of the sagittal suture and cranial dimensions
The Impact of Physical Activity on Gut Microbiota: An In-Depth Literature Review
Introduction. The human body is home to a diverse community of microorganisms known as the microbiota. These microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, play crucial roles in maintaining overall health. They colonize the digestive tract shortly after birth, and the composition of the gut microbiota changes throughout an individual's life, largely influenced by diet and physical activity. Breastfeeding has long-term beneficial effects on the gut microbiota and gene expression in intestinal cells. Regular exercise not only improves cardiovascular and respiratory health but also affects metabolic, immunological, neural, and microbial pathways. This review explores how diet and physical activity impact the composition and diversity of gut microbiota, highlighting important findings and their implications for health.
Aim of study. This study aims to review how physical activity influences gut microbiota, investigating the effects of different types and intensities of exercise on microbial composition and diversity, and their implications for overall health.
Materials and methods. A non-systematic examination of the scientific literature was conducted using specific keywords such as gut microbiota, physical activity, sport, and microbiome. The examination took place on PubMed, with scrutiny of a total of 31 references published up to 2023.
Conclusions. This review highlights the crucial role of gut microbiota in maintaining good health and its complex interaction with diet and physical activity. Regular exercise has a positive impact on the diversity of microbiota, especially when started at a young age. Imbalance in gut bacteria is linked to various diseases, underscoring the significance of a healthy microbiome. Encouraging physical activity and a nutritious diet can improve gut health, and more research is needed to understand the mechanisms and potential health indicators involved
Retatrutide - revolutionary recently developed GLP agonist - literature review
Obesity - defined by excessive amount of fat tissue - is becoming more and more serious health problem among our population and affecting a growing number of people [1]. It is crucial in treatment to encourage and adjust patients to increased physical activity and decreased food consumption. However, it its much easier said than done, resulting in lowered motivation and many failed attempts at patients which makes it more difficult to engage in weight loss process. Holistic approach from medical team is crucial. More drugs are becoming approved in treatment of obesity - which is a big step for patients having a high body mass index (BMI) for whom diet and exercise might not be enough in order to lose weight. One of these drugs is retatrutide which appears to be a game-changer amongst other medications. It is revolutionary since it is a „triple G” agonist - it affects glucagon-like peptide (GLP) receptors, glucose-dependent insulotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptors and glucagon (GCG) receptors. It is a first substance of already available weight loss drugs that affects all three mentioned receptors - eg. semaglutide is a GLP receptor agonist and recently developed tirzepatide is a GLP and GIP receptors agonist. It could lead to revolutionizing weight loss treatments industry, making it even more successful and efficient. The aim of our study is to describe this new drug, its’ mechanism of action and discuss possible benefits versus adverse effects
Poisoning with methanol and other non-beverage alcohols - an analysis of the issue based on hospitalizations in department of toxicology
Introduction: Poisonings with non-beverage alcohols remain a significant problem in contemporary toxicology. Due to the large quantity and severe course of intoxications with methanol, the authors of this study focused primarily on poisonings with this substance. Methanol is widely used in industry. Its toxicity is attributed to its metabolites - formaldehyde and formic acid. Poisonings with methanol often lead to the patient's death due to a wide range of complications associated with progressive metabolic acidosis.
Material and Methods: The study is of a retrospective nature. It involved the analysis of medical records of patients admitted to the department of toxicology in 2022 after the consumption of non-beverage alcohols, with a particular focus on methanol. Data on the number of individuals admitted due to non-beverage alcohol intoxication between 2018 and 2022 was also analyzed.
Results: Over the last 5 years (2018-2022), 36 individuals were hospitalized in the Clinical Toxicological-Cardiological Department due to non-beverage alcohol poisoning, with 16 (44.4%) cases involving methanol. In the year 2022, the department admitted 10 individuals aged 18 to 68, and 5 (50%) of them consumed methanol. Among the hospitalized, 90% were male, and 60% came from rural areas. Deliberate intoxications accounted for 70% of the cases. Four hospitalizations (40%) resulted in patient death. All deaths were associated with methanol intoxication.
Conclusions: Non-beverage alcohol is often used by people with alcohol dependence syndrome. Among non-beverage alcohols, patients most often reached for methanol. Its consumption is associated with a high mortality rate and should be taken very seriously and treated immediately. 
Detergents - useful or dangerous. Discussion of the toxic effects of detergents based on studies
Introduction and purpose:
Detergents are compounds that constitute the main component of cleaning products. Due to their varied chemical structure, they have different functions and a wide range of applications. The aim of this study is to draw attention to the problem of toxic effects of detergents on the basis of analysis of cases of detergent poisoning by patients of the Toxicology and Cardiology Ward of the Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński Provincial Hospital in Lublin.
Material and methods:
The study was retrospective in nature. It used an analysis of the medical records of 11707 intoxications in patients between 01.01.2013 and 31.12.2022, from which a group of individuals with a diagnosis of T55 according to the ICD 10 classification "Toxic effects of soaps and detergents" consisting of 36 cases was selected.
The study population consisted of 18 (50%) women and 18 (50%) men. The majority- 19 patients (52.78%) were exposed to the toxic effects of detergents accidentally. 10 patients (27.78%) were suicide attempts. Accompanying medical conditions were mostly psychiatric disorders, with alcohol dependence syndrome predominating - 9 cases (25%). The majority - 33 patients (91.67%) intoxified themselves with detergents in the form of liquids and solids by the oral route .
Despite their usefulness in households and industry, detergents contribute to adverse health effects in situations of accidental exposure or intentional intake. In order to reduce the number of complications, preventive measures should be implemented - such as storing detergents in less accessible areas, in original boxes with retained labels, and increasing funding for psychological-psychiatric care in a crisis situation
Retatrutide - revolutionary recently developed GLP agonist - literature review
Obesity - defined by excessive amount of fat tissue - is becoming more and more serious health problem among our population and affecting a growing number of people [1]. It is crucial in treatment to encourage and adjust patients to increased physical activity and decreased food consumption. However, it its much easier said than done, resulting in lowered motivation and many failed attempts at patients which makes it more difficult to engage in weight loss process. Holistic approach from medical team is crucial. More drugs are becoming approved in treatment of obesity - which is a big step for patients having a high body mass index (BMI) for whom diet and exercise might not be enough in order to lose weight. One of these drugs is retatrutide which appears to be a game-changer amongst other medications. It is revolutionary since it is a „triple G” agonist - it affects glucagon-like peptide (GLP) receptors, glucose-dependent insulotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptors and glucagon (GCG) receptors. It is a first substance of already available weight loss drugs that affects all three mentioned receptors - eg. semaglutide is a GLP receptor agonist and recently developed tirzepatide is a GLP and GIP receptors agonist. It could lead to revolutionizing weight loss treatments industry, making it even more successful and efficient. The aim of our study is to describe this new drug, its’ mechanism of action and discuss possible benefits versus adverse effects
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