1,783 research outputs found


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    Hybrid Employees: Defining and Protecting Employees Excluded from the Coverage of the National Labor Relations Act

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    Any discussion of labor-management relations naturally assumes two parties: labor and management. Fundamental to both the industrial philosophy and labor legislation of the United States has been the assumption of mutually exclusive and largely adversarial camps of employers and employees. This rigid dichotomy, however, fails to recognize the existence of a third group of workers that fits neither the labor nor the management typology. These workers are best described as hybrid employees: workers who arguably deserve many of the statutory protections afforded to labor but who may be aligned too closely with the employer\u27s interests to warrant the protection of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act or-NLRA). The primary justification for excluding the hybrid group from the protections of the Act is a conflict of interest rationale. Justice Powell noted in his partial dissent in NLRB v. Hendricks County Rural Electric Membership Corp. that including these hybrid employees, whose interests are aligned with managements, in a group of rank-and-file employees necessarily hinders the functioning of the adversarial model of labor-management relations. Under this adversarial model, the conflict of interest rationale is a persuasive reason for excluding the hybrid group from the protections of the Act. This rationale, however, looses some of its persuasiveness upon consideration of a cooperative model of labor-management relations. The continuing decline in unionization and the trend toward greater cooperation between labor and management call for a reconsideration of the overall scheme of labor-management relations and increased efforts to incorporate the hybrid group into the system. Part II of this Special Project Note examines the Act itself in order to determine which workers are excluded from the statutory definition of employee. \u27 Next, Part III examines certain specific groups of hybrid employees as they have been defined and treated by the United States Supreme Court. Part IV discusses possible alternative protections for employees excluded from the coverage of the Act. Possible protections include The Age Discrimination in Employment Act( ADEA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and employment-at-will actions. Part V concludes that United States labor legislation should be modified to accommodate the hybrid employees if labor-management relations truly are becoming more cooperative than adversarial

    Structure prediction of alternative protein conformations

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    Proteins are dynamic molecules whose movements result in different conformations with different functions. Neural networks such as AlphaFold2 can predict the structure of single-chain proteins with conformations most likely to exist in the PDB. However, almost all protein structures with multiple conformations represented in the PDB have been used while training these models. Therefore, it is unclear whether alternative protein conformations can be genuinely predicted using these networks, or if they are simply reproduced from memory. Here, we train a structure prediction network, Cfold, on a conformational split of the PDB to generate alternative conformations. Cfold enables efficient exploration of the conformational landscape of monomeric protein structures. Over 50% of experimentally known nonredundant alternative protein conformations evaluated here are predicted with high accuracy (TM-score > 0.8)

    Improved protein complex prediction with AlphaFold-multimer by denoising the MSA profile

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    Structure prediction of protein complexes has improved significantly with AlphaFold2 and AlphaFold-multimer (AFM), but only 60% of dimers are accurately predicted. Here, we learn a bias to the MSA representation that improves the predictions by performing gradient descent through the AFM network. We demonstrate the performance on seven difficult targets from CASP15 and increase the average MMscore to 0.76 compared to 0.63 with AFM. We evaluate the procedure on 487 protein complexes where AFM fails and obtain an increased success rate (MMscore>0.75) of 33% on these difficult targets. Our protocol, AFProfile, provides a way to direct predictions towards a defined target function guided by the MSA. We expect gradient descent over the MSA to be useful for different tasks

    Connecticut's Spending Cap: It's History and An Alternative Spending Growth Rule

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    State spending growth rules and an alternative for Connecticutstate tax policy, spending growth rules, tax and expenditure limits, TELs

    How to Create an ASCII Input Data File for UniODA and CTA Software

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    UniODA and CTA software require an ASCII (unformatted text) file as input data. Arguably the most difficult task an operator faces in conducting analyses is converting the original data file from (a) whatever software package was used to enter the data, into (b) an ASCII file for analysis. This article first highlights critical issues concerning missing data, variable labels, and variable types that users must address in order to convert their data into an ASCII file for analysis using ODA software. Specific steps needed to convert a data set from its original file-type into a space-delimited ASCII file are then discussed. The process of converting data into ASCII files for use as input data is illustrated for three leading statistical software packages: SPSS, SAS, and STATISTICA

    Development and validation of the child post-traumatic cognitions inventory (CPTCI)

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    Background: Negative trauma-related cognitions have been found to be a significant factor in the maintenance of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults. Initial studies of such appraisals in trauma-exposed children and adolescents suggest that this is an important line of research in youth, yet empirically validated measures for use with younger populations are lacking. A measure of negative trauma-related cognitions for use with children and adolescents, the Child Post-Traumatic Cognitions Inventory (CPTCI), is presented. The measure was devised as an age-appropriate version of the adult Post-Traumatic Cognitions Inventory (Foa et al., 1999). Methods: The CPTCI was developed and validated within a large (n = 570) sample, comprising community and trauma-exposed samples of children and adolescents aged 6-18 years. Results: Principal components analysis suggested a two-component structure. These components were labelled 'permanent and disturbing change' and 'fragile person in a scary world', and were each found to possess good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, convergent validity, and discriminative validity. The reliability and validity of these sub-scales was present regardless of whether the measure was completed in the acute phase or several months after a trauma. Scores on these sub-scales did not vary with age. Conclusions: The CPTCI is a reliable and valid measure that is not specific to the type of trauma exposure, and shows considerable promise as a research and clinical tool. The structure of this measure suggests that appraisals concerning the more abstract consequences of a trauma, as well as physical threat and vulnerability, are pertinent factors in trauma-exposed children and adolescents, even prepubescent children

    Crystallization of dense binary hard-sphere mixtures with marginal size ratio

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are performed for binary hard-sphere mixtures with a size ratio of γ=0.9 and a volume fraction of ϕ=0.58 over a range of compositions. We show how, at this high volume fraction, crystallization depends sensitively on the composition. Evidence is presented that crystallization in these mixtures does not proceed by the standard nucleation and growth paradigm. Rather, some crystallite forms almost immediately and then an interplay between compositional fluctuations and crystal growth is able to dramatically extend the time scale on which further crystallization occurs. This can be seen as a form of geometric frustration

    The Impact of Work-Study Participation on the Career Readiness of Undergraduates

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    The Federal Work-Study (FWS) program is an integral part of the federal financial aid plan in the United State since 1964 providing employment opportunities, financial assistance, and opportunities to improve career readiness to over 675,000 students annually. However, little investigation has been completed into the effects of participating in FWS in terms of either program effectiveness or as an effectiveness as a career development program. Previous research lacks consistent findings and focuses on academic outcomes, ignoring development aspects as well as the potential reframing of the program as a high-impact practice. This study assesses the career readiness of FWS eligible students, utilizing a pre-post test control group design with a longitudinal t-test assessment of measured outcomes at two time points as well as an analysis of longitudinal growth. Descriptive analysis found statistically significant differences in career readiness growth for FWS participants across all demographic groups

    Metals management in the fiberline

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    "December 1995.""Submitted to 1996 TAPPI Minimum Effluent Mill Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, January 22-24, 1996.