8 research outputs found

    Economic profit of ecologically managing farmers in the Czech Republic

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    This paper is focused on defining the basic factors (economic and non-economic) influencing economic efficiency of organic farmers with the accent being placed on economic factors alone. The aim of this article is to carry out the analysis of these factors (with the introduction on the differences from conventional agriculture), primarily at the general level and then, taking into consideration the data available from the undertaken statistical investigations, in the dimension of all organic farmers in the Czech Republic

    The economic performance analysis of organic farms in the Czech Republic

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    The research presented in the paper was aimed at analyzing the economic performance of organic farms in the Czech Republic and at evaluating their operation in variants (i.e. including or excluding subsidies). The research was targeted solely at legal entities due to a limited data base. The performance of organic farms (individual kinds of legal entities)was compared by regions with the agricultural enterprises farming conventionally. The organic farms economic profit was as well assessed in relation to their field of activity. Based on the analysis made, the economic situation is more favourable for the organically farming enterprises. Their economic results are actively influenced by subsidies without which an absolute majority of enterprises would be operating at a loss. (When including subsidies in the yields, 84.9% farms of the sample were profitable. On the other hand, while excluding subsidies, 95.7% of the enterprises were loss-making.) Economic success of the farms is influenced – together with subsidies – by the natural and climatic conditions as well as and by their field of activities. The enterprises farming permanent grassland (solely or in combination with a different culture) prevail. A lower intensity of this farming is reflected in the more favourable economic results

    Financial health of agricultural enterprises in the organic sector

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    The present research was aimed at evaluating the economic performance of organic farm enterprises (legal entities) in the Czech Republic on the basis of their production base and financial health. The evaluation was carried out by means of specific financial indicators. The results recorded in the organic farming sector were confronted with those of the conventional agriculture. It stemmed from the analysis that conventionally farming legal entities, as opposed to the organically farming ones, tend to have higher average assets per hectare of farmland. Secondly, as for the structure of assets, fixed assets prevail substantially over current assets. Organic farms, on the contrary, have a significantly higher average value of external financial resources per hectare of farmland. In order to evaluate the financial health of organic farms, their economic results were used; firstly in absolute value (including per hectare calculation) and then within the individual ratios. The analysis showed that 84.4 % farms of the sample were profitable as long as subsidies were included in the yields. While excluding subsidies from the calculations, an overwhelming majority of enterprises (95.3 %) recorded a loss. Comparing the per hectare economic results, higher average profit rates were recorded for organic farms. Furthermore, financial health of the enterprises was analyzed by means of selected indicator ratios. Concrete results, including the respective commentaries, can be found in the present paper too

    A Comparative Analysis of Organic and Conventional Farming Profitability

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    The objective of this article is to determine the economic performance of organic farms compared with conventional farms. The analysis included a set of farms the concentration of which is in natural and climatic conditions typical for this type of farming high. The outputs may be therefore considered representative and generalised. In order to determine the performance of these farms, their production basis was first assessed by using the indicators of available assets and assets coverage resources. Consequently, their efficiency was assessed based on the profit. For the purposes of comparison, the profit was (in various forms) converted to a hectare of agricultural land. The economic results were also compared with the average level achieved in the EU. The final part of the research focused on the evaluation of the economic and financial standing of the farms using selected return, liquidity, debt, and activity related ratio indicators. The established results show that the situation of organic farms on the national level tends to be economically more favourable. This is demonstrated by the higher share of profit-making farms and more favourable values of certain ratio indicators, i.e. those concerning profitability, liquidity, and interest coverage. The comparison with the average values achieved in the EU revealed a significantly more favourable situation in the Czech Republic

    Map Resources – ECO Farms in the Czech Republic

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    The present paper deals with the creation of maps for the sake of a special map portal using the database of eco farms in the Czech Republic. The map output is being developed and implemented within the framework of the Research Program in mutual cooperation of the Department of Information Technologies, Information and Consulting Centre, other departments of the Faculty of Economics and Management CULS Prague with external partners, especially with the Ministry of Agriculture (Environment and Ecological Agriculture Section, Department of Ecological Agriculture) and the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (UZEI) - Division of Agro-environmental Policy in Brno. The maps are visualized by means of MPPR 1.0 system and have been processed – in the pilot stage - for the South Bohemian Region eco farms. The results represent initial data from 2009 (as at 31st December 2009) that have been processed, verified and complemented in the course of 2010

    Organic farms in the Czech Republic – Map Portal presentation opportunities

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    The paper is aimed at presenting the map portal of organic farms in the Czech Republic. The pilot project is concerned with the South Bohemia Region. Extensive map data and resources are displayed by means of a purpose-developed universal software solution called Regional Development Map Portal (RDMP) version 1.0. The database was generated and updated on the basis of detailed content validation and strives for maximum accuracy of map object location. The software solution – apart from supporting all standard functions – represents qualitatively a brand new perspective of map data creation and entails many original elements and functionalities

    Map Resources – ECO Farms in the Czech Republic

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    The present paper deals with the creation of maps for the sake of a special map portal using the database of eco farms in the Czech Republic. The map output is being developed and implemented within the framework of the Research Program in mutual cooperation of the Department of Information Technologies, Information and Consulting Centre, other departments of the Faculty of Economics and Management CULS Prague with external partners, especially with the Ministry of Agriculture (Environment and Ecological Agriculture Section, Department of Ecological Agriculture) and the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (UZEI) - Division of Agro-environmental Policy in Brno. The maps are visualized by means of MPPR 1.0 system and have been processed – in the pilot stage - for the South Bohemian Region eco farms. The results represent initial data from 2009 (as at 31st December 2009) that have been processed, verified and complemented in the course of 2010.Map portal, web browser, Google Maps, eco farm, ecological agriculture, Act No. 242/2000 Coll, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Farm Management, GA, IN,

    High pre-transplant Mucosal Associated Invariant T Cell (MAIT) count predicts favorable course of myeloid aplasia

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    Aims. Mucosal Associated Invariant T (MAIT) cells are unconventional T cells with anti-infective potential. MAIT cells detect and fight against microbes on mucosal surfaces and in peripheral tissues. Previous works suggested that MAIT cells survive exposure to cytotoxic drugs in these locations. We sought to determine if they maintain their anti-infective functions after myeloablative chemotherapy. Methods. We correlated the amount of MAIT cells (measured by flow cytometry) in the peripheral blood of 100 adult patients before the start of myeloablative conditioning plus autologous stem cell transplantation with the clinical and laboratory outcomes of aplasia. Results. The amount of MAIT cells negatively correlated with peak C-reactive protein level and the amount of red blood cell transfusion units resulting in earlier discharge of patients with the highest amount of MAIT cells. Conclusion. This work suggests the anti-infectious potential of MAIT cells is maintained during myeloid aplasia