2,856 research outputs found

    Closing the deal: politics and economics of tenure review

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    Until 1992, land on the eastern slopes of New Zealand’s South Island was owned by the Crown and leased for pastoral sheep grazing. This land in Crown pastoral leases comprised 20% of the South Island, or 10% of NZ’s landmass. Since 1992, the pastoral leaseholders have been able to enter negotiations with the Crown to split the leased land – land below 1000m is privatised, whilst land with conservation values (usually above 1000m) shifts into public conservation land. The papers I will present use the theories of rents, bargaining, administrative politics, and public choice to examine financial outcomes from New Zealand land reform. Results are inconsistent with payments arising from a bargain in which both the Crown and lessee advocate to their full potential, and are instead consistent with the Crown backing down to lessees’ desires for a generous deal. This back-down stems either from 'bureaucratic coping', or from the addition of a bureaucratic middleman between the Crown principal and its negotiator subagent, exacerbating the principal-agent problem

    Whither the Crown’s interest in South Island high country land reform?

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    The South Island high country has long been the subject of debate over resource use and ecological protection. Since early 2006, the ownership and relative value of property rights in high country pastoral leases have become controversial. This article reviews recent research (chiefly Brower (2006) and Brower, Monks and Meguire (in review)) on the law, politics and economics of land reform in the high country

    Attitude of Utah Farm People Toward the Extension Service in Utah

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    The Cooperative Extension Service in agriculture and home economics was established on a national basis in 1914 by the passage of the Smith-Lever Act. The act stated, in broad non-restrictive terms, that the major purpose of cooperative extension work was to aid in diffusing among the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects related to agriculture and home economics, and to encourage the application of the same. Thus the primary function of the Cooperative Extension Service in agriculture and home economics is education. The purpose of this study is to determine what the attitudes of the farm people in Utah are toward the Cooperative Extension Service and see how their attitudes are related to such factors as amount of information the people have about the Extension Service, amount of contacts they have with it, and other variables such as sex, income, tenure, type and size of farming, farming and homemaking experience, and family composition

    Against All Odds: From Prison to Graduate School

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    Following the trajectory of one African American man, this case study analyzes how a former prisoner was able to transition to graduate school after prison

    Investigation of passive shock wave-boundary layer control for transonic airfoil drag reduction

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    The passive drag control concept, consisting of a porous surface with a cavity beneath it, was investigated with a 12-percent-thick circular arc and a 14-percent-thick supercritical airfoil mounted on the test section bottom wall. The porous surface was positioned in the shock wave/boundary layer interaction region. The flow circulating through the porous surface, from the downstream to the upstream of the terminating shock wave location, produced a lambda shock wave system and a pressure decrease in the downstream region minimizing the flow separation. The wake impact pressure data show an appreciably drag reduction with the porous surface at transonic speeds. To determine the optimum size of porosity and cavity, tunnel tests were conducted with different airfoil porosities, cavities and flow Mach numbers. A higher drag reduction was obtained by the 2.5 percent porosity and the 1/4-inch deep cavity

    Exact results and approximation schemes for the Schwinger model with the overlap Dirac operator

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    We propose new techniques to implement numerically the overlap-Dirac operator which exploit the physical properties of the underlying theory to avoid nested algorithms. We test these procedures in the two-dimensional Schwinger model and the results are very promising. We also present a detailed computation of the spectrum and chiral properties of the Schwinger Model in the overlap lattice formulation.Comment: Lattice 2000 (Chiral Fermions

    Racially Related Health Disparities and Alcoholism Treatment Outcomes

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65889/1/01.ALC.0000080165.72243.03.pd

    Diffractive Higgs Production by AdS Pomeron Fusion

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    The double diffractive Higgs production at central rapidity is formulated in terms of the fusion of two AdS gravitons/Pomerons first introduced by Brower, Polchinski, Strassler and Tan in elastic scattering. Here we propose a simple self-consistent holographic framework capable of providing phenomenologically compelling estimates of diffractive cross sections at the LHC. As in the traditional weak coupling approach, we anticipate that several phenomenological parameters must be tested and calibrated through factorization for a self-consistent description of other diffractive process such as total cross sections, deep inelastic scattering and heavy quark production in the central region.Comment: 53 pages, 8 figure

    Wildfire as a natural stressor and its effect on female phenotype and ornament development

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    Controlled low-intensity fires are commonly used in ecosystem management for both habitat restoration and wildfire management. Animals in those ecosystems may respond to fire by shifting energy allocation away from reproduction and growth, and toward maintenance. Stress-induced shifts in energy allocation may affect the expression of condition-dependent sexual signals, which are sensitive to energetic and physiological trade-offs mediated by glucocorticoids. Here, we examine the effect of fire on ornament expression, corticosterone, and other phenotypic traits in a population of striped plateau lizards, Sceloporus virgatus, affected by the Horseshoe 2 Fire in the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona, USA. The condition-dependent female ornament was significantly smaller the month following the fire than 2 years prior and was both smaller and less orange on the burned site relative to a nearby unburned site. These patterns are similar to those found in a previous experimental study examining the response of the ornament to corticosterone manipulations. Yet, in the current study, corticosterone levels were not different in lizards on the burned and unburned sites. Perhaps glucocorticoid levels already returned to baseline, or do not adequately track environmental change. Females tended to be smaller and lighter on the burned site than the unburned site; however, the year after the fire, body condition was higher for females on the burned site, indicating a rapid recovery and potential long-term benefits in response to low-intensity fires in this fire-adapted ecosystem. We found that the lizards adjusted energy allocation away from sexual signaling and growth in response to low-intensity fires. As fires and fire management are likely to increase in response to changing fire regimes across the globe, it will be important to consider behavioral and physiological responses of impacted species, as well as population-, community-, and ecosystem-level responses

    Matrix Elements without Quark Masses on the Lattice

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    We introduce a new parameterization of four-fermion matrix elements which does not involve quark masses and thus allows a reduction of systematic uncertainties in physical amplitudes. As a result the apparent quadratic dependence of e'/e on m_s is removed. To simplify the matching between lattice and continuum renormalization schemes, we express our results in terms of Renormalization Group Invariant B-parameters which are renormalization-scheme and scale independent. As an application of our proposal, matrix elements of DeltaI=3/2 and SUSY DeltaF=2 (F=S,C,BF=S,C,B) four-fermion operators have been computed.Comment: LATTICE99(Matrix Elements), 3 pages, 1 figure, BUHEP-99-2
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