156,265 research outputs found

    Cultural aspects of multi-channel customer management: a case study in Egypt

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    Channel management is one CRM systems component much influenced by the behaviour of customers in relation to the implementation and use of channel management CRM component. The consumers’ behaviours, preferences, perceptions and expectations are crucial for the implementation and use of channel management. Customers’ contact with the organization’s multi-channels can occur at several touch points through out customer lifecycle. Customers’ behaviours may be differentiated according to the individual or micro level, but it might also differ at an ecological or macro level of analysis (Ramaseshan et al., 2006). In this paper the author has conducted a case study in Egypt to analyze customers’ behaviours at a macro level and customers channel choices, through out the customer lifecycle. The author has used a Structurational Analysis model (Ali and Brooks, 2008) to identify the cultural factors (Ali, et al. 2008) that influence the multi-channel customer management in Egypt

    Drones and the International Rule of Law

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    This essay will proceed in four parts. First, it will briefly discuss the concept of the international rule of law. Second, it will offer a short factual background on US drone strikes (to the extent that it is possible to provide factual background on a practice so shrouded in secrecy). Third, it will highlight some of the key ways in which post 9/11 US legal theories relating to the use of force challenge previously accepted concepts and seek to redefine previously well-understood terms. Fourth, it will offer brief concluding thoughts on the future of the international rule of law in light of this challenge

    What the Internet Age Means for Female Scholars

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    Is the Internet-driven transformation of legal scholarship good for the girls, or bad for the girls? Will it remove some of the handicaps that have dogged women\u27s efforts to join the ranks of scholarly superstars ? Or will it only increase the professional obstacles still faced by women in legal academia? In this short Essay, the author tries to predict some of the promises and perils that the Internet holds for women in the legal academy

    Geographical Knowledge and Teaching Geography

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    Recent events in England and Wales would suggest that geography teachers need to re-engage with their subject matter to enable them to improve how they teach the geography. However, this requires a detailed understanding of how teachers use their subject knowledge. This paper outlines how two geography teachers experience tension between how they understand geography at an academic level and the ways they prefer to teach it. How they resolve these conflicts shows that these teachers have an active relationship with their subject that enables them to develop curricula in line with their values about geography

    What works for pupils with literacy difficulties? : the effectiveness of intervention schemes 3rd ed.

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    Learning from the lifeworld: Introducing alternative approaches to phenomenology in psychology

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    In this multi authored article, Dr Brooks introduces phenomenological psychology before leading UK psychologists explain some of the ways in which they draw upon phenomenological principles in their own work

    The role of external examinations in the making of secondary modern schools in England 1945-65

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    Secondary modern schools form the focus for this paper, which explores an aspect of this topic that has received comparatively little attention: the role of external examinations in determining the character and fate of these schools during the 20-year period when they educated the 'large majority'1 of pupils in the 11 to 15 age range. Particular attention is paid to the pivotal role played by external examinations in secondary modern schools' quest for parity of esteem with grammar schools. Various functions performed by external examinations are considered and it is shown that, while some worked against the interests of secondary modern schools, individual schools were able to turn others to their own advantage. The paper ends by considering a darker side to examining, which was asserting itself as this brief period of history drew to a close. 1 McCulloch, G. Failing the Ordinary Child? The Theory and Practice of Working-class Secondary Education. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1998: 6

    Organizing the Unemployed - Baltimore

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    [Excerpt] Depression level unemployment has given rise to the biggest upsurge in organizing activity amongst the unemployed since the 1930\u27s. While the level of the current movement is clearly not the same as during those times, a broad and rich range of experience has been gained over the last few years by the dozens of unemployed groups that have sprung up around the country. Recently, many of these groups met together in Erie, Pennsylvania, for the first conference of the newly formed National Unemployed Network

    Midwest Businesses Accept the Challenge: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Expand the Economy

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    There is a growing consensus that climate change is one of the most significant environmental issues facing the world today. Current energy use practices in the United States and around the world have been determined to be main contributors to global warming and climate change, which has the potential to disrupt economic and social stability as well as ecological well-being. There has long been a concern that to effectively address the global warming problem we must decide between a healthy environment and economic growth. A recent Congressional briefing dispelled this myth by demonstrating that clean energy products and technologies that reduce greenhouse gases are not incompatible with corporate profits and the creation of jobs