67 research outputs found
Transcriptional Host Responses to Infection with Streptococcus suis in a Porcine Precision-Cut Lung Slice Model: Between-Strain Differences Suggest Association with Virulence Potential
Streptococcus suis is a porcine and zoonotic pathogen in the upper respiratory tract, expressing different capsular serotypes and virulence-associated factors. Given its genomic and phenotypic diversity, the virulence potential of S. suis cannot be attributed to a single factor. Since strong inflammatory response is a hallmark of S. suis infection, the objective of this study was to investigate the differences in transcriptional host responses to two serotype 2 and one serotype 9 strains. Both serotypes are frequently found in clinical isolates. We infected porcine precision-cut lung slices (PCLSs) with two serotype 2 strains of high (strain S10) and low (strain T15) virulence, and a serotype 9 strain 8067 of moderate virulence. We observed higher expression of inflammation-related genes during early infection with strains T15 and 8067, in contrast to infection with strain 10, whose expression peaked late. In addition, bacterial gene expression from infected PCLSs revealed differences, mainly of metabolism-related and certain virulence-associated bacterial genes amongst these strains. We conclude that the strain- and time-dependent induction of genes involved in innate immune response might reflect clinical outcomes of infection in vivo, implying rapid control of infection with less virulent strains compared to the highly virulent strain S10
Late regulation of immune genes and microRNAs in circulating leukocytes in a pig model of influenza A (H1N2) infection
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of short regulatory RNA molecules which are implicated in modulating gene expression. Levels of circulating, cell-associated miRNAs in response to influenza A virus (IAV) infection has received limited attention so far. To further understand the temporal dynamics and biological implications of miRNA regulation in circulating leukocytes, we collected blood samples before and after (1, 3, and 14 days) IAV challenge of pigs. Differential expression of miRNAs and innate immune factor mRNA transcripts was analysed using RT-qPCR. A total of 20 miRNAs were regulated after IAV challenge, with the highest number of regulated miRNAs seen on day 14 after infection at which time the infection was cleared. Targets of the regulated miRNAs included genes involved in apoptosis and cell cycle regulation. Significant regulation of both miRNAs and mRNA transcripts at 14 days after challenge points to a protracted effect of IAV infection, potentially affecting the host’s ability to respond to secondary infections. In conclusion, experimental IAV infection of pigs demonstrated the dynamic nature of miRNA and mRNA regulation in circulating leukocytes during and after infection, and revealed the need for further investigation of the potential immunosuppressing effect of miRNA and innate immune signaling after IAV infection
Concurrent host-pathogen gene expression in the lungs of pigs challenged with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
BACKGROUND: Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae causes pleuropneumonia in pigs, a disease which is associated with high morbidity and mortality, as well as impaired animal welfare. To obtain in-depth understanding of this infection, the interplay between virulence factors of the pathogen and defense mechanisms of the porcine host needs to be elucidated. However, research has traditionally focused on either bacteriology or immunology; an unbiased picture of the transcriptional responses can be obtained by investigating both organisms in the same biological sample. RESULTS: Host and pathogen responses in pigs experimentally infected with A. pleuropneumoniae were analyzed by high-throughput RT-qPCR. This approach allowed concurrent analysis of selected genes encoding proteins known or hypothesized to be important in the acute phase of this infection. The expression of 17 bacterial and 31 porcine genes was quantified in lung samples obtained within the first 48Â hours of infection. This provided novel insight into the early time course of bacterial genes involved in synthesis of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (lipopolysaccharide, peptidoglycan, lipoprotein) and genes involved in pattern recognition (TLR4, CD14, MD2, LBP, MYD88) in response to A. pleuropneumoniae. Significant up-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL1B, IL6, and IL8 was observed, correlating with protein levels, infection status and histopathological findings. Host genes encoding proteins involved in iron metabolism, as well as bacterial genes encoding exotoxins, proteins involved in adhesion, and iron acquisition were found to be differentially expressed according to disease progression. By applying laser capture microdissection, porcine expression of selected genes could be confirmed in the immediate surroundings of the invading pathogen. CONCLUSIONS: Microbial pathogenesis is the product of interactions between host and pathogen. Our results demonstrate the applicability of high-throughput RT-qPCR for the elucidation of dual-organism gene expression analysis during infection. We showed differential expression of 12 bacterial and 24 porcine genes during infection and significant correlation of porcine and bacterial gene expression. This is the first study investigating the concurrent transcriptional response of both bacteria and host at the site of infection during porcine respiratory infection. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1557-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
Piglet innate immune response to Streptococcus suis colonization is modulated by the virulence of the strain
Streptococcus suis is a zoonotic pathogen of swine involved in arthritis, polyserositis, and meningitis. Colonization of
piglets by S. suis is very common and occurs early in life. The clinical outcome of infection is infuenced by the viru‑
lence of the S. suis strains and the immunity of the animals. Here, the role of innate immunity was studied in cesareanderived colostrum-deprived piglets inoculated intranasally with either virulent S. suis strain 10 (S10) or non-virulent S.
suis strain T15. Colonization of the inoculated piglets was confrmed at the end of the study by PCR and immunohis‑
tochemistry. Fever (≥40.5 °C) was more prevalent in piglets inoculated with S10 compared to T15 at 4 h after inocula‑
tion. During the 3 days of monitoring, no other major clinical signs were detected. Accordingly, only small changes
in transcription of genes associated with the antibacterial innate immune response were observed at systemic sites,
with S10 inducing an earlier response than T15 in blood. Local infammatory response to the inoculation, evaluated
by transcriptional analysis of selected genes in nasal swabs, was more sustained in piglets inoculated with the virulent
S10, as demonstrated by transcription of infammation-related genes, such as IL1B, IL1A, and IRF7. In contrast, most of
the gene expression changes in trachea, lungs, and associated lymph nodes were observed in response to the nonvirulent T15 strain. Thus, S. suis colonization in the absence of systemic infection induces an innate immune response
in piglets that appears to be related to the virulence potential of the colonizing strain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Investigating the Role of Surface Materials and Three Dimensional Architecture on In Vitro Differentiation of Porcine Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells
In vitro generation of dendritic-like cells through differentiation of peripheral blood monocytes is typically done using two-dimensional polystyrene culture plates. In the process of optimising cell culture techniques, engineers have developed fluidic micro-devises usually manufactured in materials other than polystyrene and applying three-dimensional structures more similar to the in vivo environment. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is an often used polymer for lab-on-a-chip devices but not much is known about the effect of changing the culture surface material from polystyrene to PDMS. In the present study the differentiation of porcine monocytes to monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) was investigated using CD172apos pig blood monocytes stimulated with GM-CSF and IL-4. Monocytes were cultured on surfaces made of two- and three-dimensional polystyrene as well as two- and three-dimensional PDMS and carbonised three-dimensional PDMS. Cells cultured conventionally (on two-dimensional polystyrene) differentiated into moDCs as expected. Interestingly, gene expression of a wide range of cytokines, chemokines, and pattern recognition receptors was influenced by culture surface material and architecture. Distinct clustering of cells, based on similar expression patterns of 46 genes of interest, was seen for cells isolated from two- and three-dimensional polystyrene as well as two- and three-dimensional PDMS. Changing the material from polystyrene to PDMS resulted in cells with expression patterns usually associated with macrophage expression (upregulation of CD163 and downregulation of CD1a, FLT3, LAMP3 and BATF3). However, this was purely based on gene expression level, and no functional assays were included in this study which would be necessary in order to classify the cells as being macrophages. When changing to three-dimensional culture the cells became increasingly activated in terms of IL6, IL8, IL10 and CCR5 gene expression. Further stimulation with LPS resulted in a slight increase in the expression of maturation markers (SLA-DRB1, CD86 and CD40) as well as cytokines (IL6, IL8, IL10 and IL23A) but the influence of the surfaces was unchanged. These findings highlights future challenges of combining and comparing data generated from microfluidic cell culture-devices made using alternative materials to data generated using conventional polystyrene plates used by most laboratories today
Characterization of gene expression profiles to chronic infection with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis
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