139,468 research outputs found
BFKL pomeron in the external field of the nucleus in (2+1)-dimensional QCD
The behaviour of the pomeron propagator in the external nuclear field is
studied in the (2+1)-dimensional QCD. It is shown that in the physically
interesting case when the field does not vanish at large rapidities the
propagator in the field vanishes much faster than in the vacuum, in agreement
with the results found in the local Regge-Gribov model. However if the nuclear
field vanishes at high rapidities the field does not change the behaviour of
the pomeron propagator.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure
On the inclusive gluon jet production off the nucleus in the perturbative QCD
In the perturbative QCD approach single and double inclusive cross-sections
for gluon production off the nucleus are studied from the relevant reggeized
gluon diagrams. Various terms corresponding to emission of gluons from the
triple Pomeron vertex are found. Among them the term derived by Kovchegov and
Tuchin emerges as a result of transition from the diffractive to effective
high-energy vertex. However it does not exhaust all the vertex contributions to
the inclusive cross-section. In the double inclusive cross-section a
contribution violating naive AGK rules is found, in which one gluon is emitted
from the vertex and the other from one of the Pomerons below the vertex. But
then this contribution is subdominant at high energies and taking it into
account seems to be questionable.Comment: 22 pages in LaTex, inclusing 7 figure
Conformal invariant pomeron interaction in the perurbative QCD with large N_c
An effective non-local quantum field theory is constructed, which describes
interaction of pomerons in the high-coloured QCD. The theory includes both
splitting and merging triple pomeron vertexes and diagrams with pomeronic
loops. The Schwinger-Dyson equations for the 'physical' pomeron are written.
Conformal invariance allows to reduce the theory to the old-fashioned Gribov
pomeron theory with an infinite number of pomerons, one of which is
supercritical.Comment: 20 pages in LaTe
Centrality dependence of the multiplicity and transverse momentum distributions at RHIC and LHC and the percolation of strings
The dependence of the multiplicity and the transverse momentum distribution
on the number of collisions are studied for central and peripheral Au-Au
collisions at SPS, RHIC and LHC energies in the framework of percolation of
strings. A scaling law relating the multiplicity to the mean transverse
momentum is obtained. Our results are in overall agreement with the SPS and
RHIC data, obtaining a suppression on distribution even for larger
than 1 GeV/c.Comment: Contribution to QM2002, espcrc1.st
Loops in the gluon emission amplitude: reggeization from the Glauber scattering
It is shown that in the Glauber scattering of a fast quark in the external
field loop corrections to the gluon emission amplitude due to virtual softer
gluon after renormalization coincide with a correction due to reggeization of
the exchanged gluon in the BFKL picture.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure
On the initial condition for evolution of the perturbative QCD Pomeron in the nucleus
It is shown that subdominant terms found in the reggeized gluon diagram
technique, to be added to Pomeron fan diagrams with the 3P interaction, can be
exactly taken into account by taking the initial condition for evolution in the
Glauber form. This demonstrates complete equivalence of the dipole picture and
the reggeized gluon approach not only on the leading level but also on the
subleading level.Comment: 5 pages in LaTe
An SU(5) Heterotic Standard Model
We introduce a new heterotic Standard Model which has precisely the spectrum
of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), with no exotic matter. The
observable sector has gauge group SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1). Our model is obtained
from a compactification of heterotic strings on a Calabi-Yau threefold with Z_2
fundamental group, coupled with an invariant SU(5) bundle. Depending on the
region of moduli space in which the model lies, we obtain a spectrum consisting
of the three generations of the Standard Model, augmented by 0, 1 or 2 Higgs
doublet conjugate pairs. In particular, we get the first compactification
involving a heterotic string vacuum (i.e. a {\it stable} bundle) yielding
precisely the MSSM with a single pair of Higgs.Comment: 15 page
Odderon with a running coupling constant
The running coupling is introduced into the equation for the odderon via the
bootstrap relation. It is shown that the previously found odderon state with a
maximal intercept, which is constructed from antisymmetric pomeron wave
function, continues to exist in the running coupling case. Its intercept is
found to remain equal to unity independent of the behaviour assumed for the
running coupling at low momenta.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe
BFKL pomeron propagator in the external field of the nucleus
It is shown by numerical calculations that the convoluted QCD pomeron
propagator in the external field created by a solution of the
Balitsky-Kovchegov equation in the nuclear matter vanishes at high rapidities.
This may open a possibility to apply the perturbative approach for the
calculation of pomeron loops.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure
Anisotropic flows from colour strings: Monte-Carlo simulations
By direct Monte-Carlo simulations it is shown that the anisotropic flows can
be successfully described in the colour string picture with fusion and
percolation provided anisotropy of particle emission from the fused string is
taken into account. Quenching of produced particles in the strong colour field
of the string is the basic mechanism for this anisotropy. The concrete
realization of this mechanism is borrowed from the QED. Due to dependence of
this mechanism on the external field strength the found flows grow with energy,
with values for at LHC energies greater by ~15% than at RHIC energies.Comment: New version with a non-static distribution of string
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