797 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Kreditur Atas Pembatalan Sertipikat Hak Milik yang Sedang Dibebani Hak Tanggungan (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung, Nomor 140/ktun/2011)

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    The cancellation of the right to land certificate which is being imposed by the collateral right by the decision of the Supreme Court No.140/K/TUN/2011 due to its procedural deficiency in its issuance and this will inflict loss to the creditor because the creditor will lose the object of the collateral of the debitor's credit. The theory used in analyzing this cancellation of the right to land certificate being imposed by the collateral right by the decision of the Supreme Court No.140/K/TUN/2011 was based on the principles of legal protection developed by Satjipto Raharjo supported by the legal certainty developed by E. Utrecht, and the principles of the legal purpose developed by Van Apeldoorn. This normative juridical study was to analyze the decision of the Supreme Court No.140/K/TUN/2011 and related it to the regulation of legislation, legal documents, and the text books related to the formulation of research problems. The data for this study were obtained through inventorying the basic reason of the decision of the Supreme Court. The cancellation of the right to land certificate being imposed by the collateral right waived the object of the collateral right, but since the issuance of collateral right because of the credit agreement made by the creditor and the debtor, that even though the collateral right has been waived, it does not mean that all of the debtor's credit or debt was paid off, because it is still bound by the credit agreement made by the creditor and debtor, and all of the debtor's properties both movable and fixed properties, both available and will be available become the responsibility of all contracts

    Anisotropic Zeeman Splitting in YbNi4P2

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    The electronic structure of heavy-fermion materials is highly renormalised at low temperatures with localised moments contributing to the electronic excitation spectrum via the Kondo effect. Thus, heavy-fermion materials are very susceptible to Lifshitz transitions due to the small effective Fermi energy arising on parts of the renormalised Fermi surface. Here, we study Lifshitz transitions that have been discovered in YbNi4P2 in high magnetic fields. We measure the angular dependence of the critical fields necessary to induce a number of Lifshitz transitions and find it to follow a simple Zeeman-shift model with anisotropic g-factor. This highlights the coherent nature of the heavy quasiparticles forming a renormalised Fermi surface. We extract information on the orientation of the Fermi surface parts giving rise to the Lifshitz transitions and we determine the anisotropy of the effective g-factor to be η3.8\eta \approx 3.8 in good agreement with the crystal field scheme of YbNi4P2.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, prepared for resubmission to SciPos

    Thermodynamic evidence for valley-dependent density of states in bulk bismuth

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    Electron-like carriers in bismuth are described by the Dirac Hamiltonian, with a band mass becoming a thousandth of the bare electron mass along one crystalline axis. The existence of three anisotropic valleys offers electrons an additional degree of freedom, a subject of recent attention. Here, we map the Landau spectrum by angle-resolved magnetostriction, and quantify the carrier number in each valley: while the electron valleys keep identical spectra, they substantially differ in their density of states at the Fermi level. Thus, the electron fluid does not keep the rotational symmetry of the lattice at low temperature and high magnetic field, even in the absence of internal strain. This effect, reminiscent of the Coulomb pseudo-gap in localized electronic states, affects only electrons in the immediate vicinity of the Fermi level. It presents the most striking departure from the non-interacting picture of electrons in bulk bismuth.Comment: 6 pages, 3 Figure

    Pengaruh Brand Image Produk Syariah Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Perbankan ( Kasusbank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah Pekanbaru )

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    Brand image to make belief - representing all important esensi to develop build a success business – do not only from in perpective all dealer but also from client. Brand have to can bear desire of client and than if that have been done/conducted to be expected by a client become loyal to bank defance of all client of exist in generally will be more profit compared to by a client commutation. Expense to draw new client can fivefold bigger than at expense maintain client there is. Brand Image of bank of BRI Syariah have just good enough only felt less. Loyalitas of Client of have a notion that loyalitas represent komitmen of client for the USAge repeatedly an product or service in a period of/to will come with same brand. Lack of loyalitas of client at bank BRI Syariah also can be seen from less be its his enthusiastic is client to event done/conducted by bank.This research is done/conducted in BRI Syariah, Jl. Arifin Ahmad Town. Pekanbaru. As for reason chosen BRI SYariah that to measure storey level of loyalitas of client and the happening of percentage of descend sum up client. target of this Research is done/conducted to know influence of brand image to client loyality.In this research is methodologies used by is quantitative and descriptive with program SPSS, where sample used by that is client and as source of information is party of HRD and Manager marketing. To determine sampel use formula Slovin, method of sampling by accidental sampling. Technics of data collecting of through, observation and quesioner.From result analys data covering validity test, reabilitas, and linear regresi modestly, brand image to client loyality. Each owning indicator which each other be interconnected and have an effect on positive to loyality in BRI Syariah Pekanbaru

    Quantum Griffiths phase in CePd(1-x)Rh(x) with x ~ 0.8

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    The magnetic field dependence of the magnetisation (MM) and the temperature dependence of the ac susceptibility (χ=dM/dH\chi' = dM/dH) of CePd(1-x)Rh(x) single crystals with 0.80x0.860.80 \leq x \leq 0.86 are analysed within the frame of the quantum Griffiths phase scenario, which predicts MHλM \propto H^{\lambda} and χTλ1\chi' \propto T^{\lambda-1} with 0λ10 \leq \lambda \leq 1. All MM vs HH and χ\chi' vs TT data follow the predicted power-law behaviour. The parameter λ\lambda, extracted from χ(T)\chi'(T), is very sensitive to the Rh content xx and varies systematically with xx from -0.1 to 0.4. The value of λ\lambda, derived from M(H)M(H) measurements on a \cpr single crystal, seems to be rather constant, λ0.2\lambda \approx 0.2, in a broad range of temperatures between 0.05 and 2 K and fields up to about 10 T. All observed signatures and the λ\lambda values are thus compatible with the quantum Griffiths scenario.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Huge First-Order Metamagnetic Transition in the Paramagnetic Heavy-Fermion System CeTiGe

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    We report on the observation of large, step-like anomalies in the magnetization (ΔM=0.74\Delta M = 0.74\,μB\mu_{\rm B}/Ce), in the magnetostriction (Δl/l0=2.0103\Delta l/l_{0} = 2.0 \cdot 10^{-3}), and in the magnetoresistance in polycrystals of the paramagnetic heavy-fermion system CeTiGe at a critical magnetic field μ0Hc\mu_0 H_c \approx 12.5\,T at low temperatures. The size of these anomalies is much larger than those reported for the prototypical heavy-fermion metamagnet CeRu2_2Si2_2. Furthermore, hysteresis between increasing and decreasing field data indicate a real thermodynamic, first-order type of phase transition, in contrast to the crossover reported for CeRu2_2Si2_2. Analysis of the resistivity data shows a pronounced decrease of the electronic quasiparticle mass across HcH_c. These results establish CeTiGe as a new metamagnetic Kondo-lattice system, with an exceptionally large, metamagnetic transition of first-order type at a moderate field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Type I Superconductivity in YbSb2 Single Crystals

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    We present evidence of type I superconductivity in YbSb2 single crystals, from DC and AC magnetization, heat capacity and resistivity measurements. The critical temperature and critical field are determined to be TcT_c\approx 1.3 K and HcH_c\approx 55 Oe. A small Ginzburg-Landau parameter \kappa = 0.05, together with typical magnetization isotherms of type I superconductors, small critical field values, a strong Differential Paramagnetic Effect (DPE) signal, and a field-induced change from second to first order phase transition, confirm the type I nature of the superconductivity in YbSb2. A possible second superconducting state is observed in the radiofrequency (RF) susceptibility measurements, with Tc(2)T_{c}^{(2)}\approx 0.41 K and Hc(2)H_{c}^{(2)}\approx 430 Oe.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    Metallic quantum ferromagnets

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    An overview of quantum phase transitions (QPTs) in metallic ferromagnets, discussing both experimental and theoretical aspects, is given. These QPTs can be classified with respect to the presence and strength of quenched disorder: Clean systems generically show a discontinuous, or first-order, QPT from a ferromagnetic to a paramagnetic state as a function of some control parameter, as predicted by theory. Disordered systems are much more complicated, depending on the disorder strength and the distance from the QPT. In many disordered materials the QPT is continuous, or second order, and Griffiths-phase effects coexist with QPT singularities near the transition. In other systems the transition from the ferromagnetic state at low temperatures is to a different type of long-range order, such as an antiferromagnetic or a spin-density-wave state. In still other materials a transition to a state with glasslike spin dynamics is suspected. The review provides a comprehensive discussion of the current understanding of these various transitions and of the relation between experiment and theory.This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers NSF DMR-09-29966, DMR-09-01907, DMR-1401410, and DMR-1401449, and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under grant number FOR-960. Part of this work has been supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant. No. PHYS-1066293 and the hospitality of the Aspen Center for Physics