11 research outputs found
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Decoding Depth of Meditation: Electroencephalography Insights From Expert Vipassana Practitioners.
BACKGROUND: Meditation practices have demonstrated numerous psychological and physiological benefits, but capturing the neural correlates of varying meditative depths remains challenging. In this study, we aimed to decode self-reported time-varying meditative depth in expert practitioners using electroencephalography (EEG). METHODS: Expert Vipassana meditators (n = 34) participated in 2 separate sessions. Participants reported their meditative depth on a personally defined 1 to 5 scale using both traditional probing and a novel spontaneous emergence method. EEG activity and effective connectivity in theta, alpha, and gamma bands were used to predict meditative depth using machine/deep learning, including a novel method that fused source activity and connectivity information. RESULTS: We achieved significant accuracy in decoding self-reported meditative depth across unseen sessions. The spontaneous emergence method yielded improved decoding performance compared with traditional probing and correlated more strongly with postsession outcome measures. Best performance was achieved by a novel machine learning method that fused spatial, spectral, and connectivity information. Conventional EEG channel-level methods and preselected default mode network regions fell short in capturing the complex neural dynamics associated with varying meditation depths. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the feasibility of decoding personally defined meditative depth using EEG. The findings highlight the complex, multivariate nature of neural activity during meditation and introduce spontaneous emergence as an ecologically valid and less obtrusive experiential sampling method. These results have implications for advancing neurofeedback techniques and enhancing our understanding of meditative practices
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Intranasal delivery of shRNA to knockdown the 5HT-2A receptor enhances memory and alleviates anxiety.
Short-hairpin RNAs (shRNA), targeting knockdown of specific genes, hold enormous promise for precision-based therapeutics to treat numerous neurodegenerative disorders. However, whether shRNA constructed molecules can modify neuronal circuits underlying certain behaviors has not been explored. We designed shRNA to knockdown the human HTR2A gene in vitro using iPSC-differentiated neurons. Multi-electrode array (MEA) results showed that the knockdown of the 5HT-2A mRNA and receptor protein led to a decrease in spontaneous electrical activity. In vivo, intranasal delivery of AAV9 vectors containing shRNA resulted in a decrease in anxiety-like behavior in mice and a significant improvement in memory in both mice (104%) and rats (92%) compared to vehicle-treated animals. Our demonstration of a non-invasive shRNA delivery platform that can bypass the blood-brain barrier has broad implications for treating numerous neurological mental disorders. Specifically, targeting the HTR2A gene presents a novel therapeutic approach for treating chronic anxiety and age-related cognitive decline
Etude du rôle des oscillations dans les états attentionnels endogènes et exogènes : les nouvelles méthodes en neurophénoménologie
The work presented in this thesis aims to extend our scientific understanding of the subtle relationships between our phenomenological experience of specific states of consciousness, and the corresponding and potentially causal effects on neural activity. In our first experiment, we focused on a phenomenon referred to as spontaneous thought or mind wandering. Our vastly complex inner landscape is an essential aspect of our conscious experience, with research suggesting that people are engaged in some form of inner dialogue unrelated to their surroundings 50% of waking hours. These ongoing trains of thought have been consistently linked to reports of negative affect, even when the specific content is positive. Interestingly, the cornerstones of most meditation and contemplative practices are; a) training the continuous and flexible monitoring of mind wandering and sensory experience, b) the cultivation of sustained attention, and c) enhanced metacognitive awareness. Given that we are generally unaware of mind wandering when it occurs, meditation practitioners may provide more accurate first person phenomenological reports and descriptions of these temporally fluctuating states given their respective training. Thus, we designed a novel paradigm based on experience sampling probe presentations to gain insight into the dynamic measures of mental activity and EEG during meditation. Our findings suggest that meditation expertise is associated with an attenuated frequency of mind wandering, and that meditation training reduces the susceptibility of the mind to wander subsequently leading to longer periods of reported meditative absorption. Increases in theta activity (4-7 Hz) over frontal midline regions of the cortex, and alpha activity (9-12 Hz) primarily focused over the somatosensory cortex, appear to be markers of sustained meditative states when compared to mind wandering. Based on the robustness of the frontal midline theta in advanced meditators, alongside a multitude of findings demonstrating that frontal theta may serve as the backbone for cognitive control via long range information integration in neural networks throughout the brain, we then developed a methodologically novel and exhaustive neurofeedback protocol with the aim of training frontal midline theta (3.5-6.5 Hz at electrode site Fz) by means of instructing our subjects to engage in focused breathing and other techniques similar to meditation. After eight training sessions, we found that subjects who received real neurofeedback were able to significantly modulate and increase theta activity (3-7 Hz) over frontal regions, whereas subject's receiving age and gender matched sham (pseudo) feedback were not. We additionally observed significant modulations in both the alpha (9-11 Hz) and beta bands (13-20 Hz) in subjects who received real neurofeedback training. Together, these findings provide evidence that we can successfully connect neurophysiological features and data to the phenomenological nature of our subjective experience.Le travail présenté dans cette thèse vise à nous amener à une meilleure compréhension des relations fines entre ce que nous expérimentons phénoménologiquement sous la forme d'états mentaux, et les effets sous-jacents et potentiellement causaux sur l'activité neuronale. Afin d'étendre notre compréhension scientifique de l'expérience consciente, nous avons d'abord mis l'accent sur un phénomène appelé la pensée spontanée ou vagabondage de l'esprit. Notre paysage intérieur est un aspect essentiel et complexe de notre expérience humaine, avec des recherches suggérant que les gens sont engagés dans une forme de dialogue intérieur sans rapport avec leur environnement immédiat 50% de leur temps de veille. De plus, le vagabondage de l'esprit a constamment été associé à un affect négatif, même lorsque son contenu est positif. Il est alors intéressant de noter que les fondements de la plupart des pratiques méditatives et contemplatives sont la formation de l'observation flexible et continue des états mentaux et de l'expérience sensorielle, le développement d'une attention soutenue et la culture de la conscience métacognitive. Étant donné que nous ne sommes généralement pas au courant de la fluctuation temporelle de ces états mentaux dans le temps (vagabondage de l'esprit), les méditants sont des sujets idéaux pour obtenir de manière précise des rapports phénoménologiques et des descriptions des états à la première personne. Ainsi, nous avons conçu un paradigme nouveau basé sur présentation de sondage d'expérience aux méditants afin de mieux comprendre les mesures dynamiques de l'EEG (Electroencéphalographie) pendant la méditation. Nos résultats suggèrent que la pratique experte de méditation est associée à une fréquence atténuée de la pensée spontanée et que l'entraînement à la méditation réduit par la suite la susceptibilité de l'esprit à errer, menant à des périodes d'absorption méditative rapportées comme étant plus longues. Les augmentations de l'activité thêta (4-7 Hz) sur les régions thêta frontales médianes ainsi que l'activité alpha (9-12 Hz), principalement focalisée sur le cortex somatosensoriel, semblent être des marqueurs d'états méditatifs soutenus par rapport au vagabondage mental. Sur la base de la robustesse de l'activité thêta de la ligne médiane frontale chez les méditants avancés, ainsi qu'une multitude de résultats démontrant que l'activité thêta frontale serait le pilier du contrôle cognitif via l'intégration et l'échange d'informations de longue portée, nous avons développé un protocole de neurofeedback méthodologiquement nouveau et exhaustif dans le but d'entraîner l'activité thêta (3.5-6.5 Hz) de la ligne médiane frontale Fz, en donnant comme instruction à nos sujets de s'engager dans des techniques de respiration et de relaxation similaires à la méditation. Nous avons constaté que les sujets qui ont reçu le vrai neurofeedback ont été capables de moduler significativement leur activité thêta Fz (3-7 Hz) à travers huit séances de neurofeedback par rapport aux sujets contrôles qui ont reçu un feedback apparié. Nous avons également observé des modulations significatives dans les bandes de fréquences alpha (9-11 Hz) et bêta (13-20 Hz) chez les sujets qui ont reçu l'entraînement réel de neurofeedback, ainsi que des améliorations sur plusieurs mesures des fonctions exécutives. Nos résultats réduisent davantage l'écart explicatif en reliant caractéristique neurophysiologique et données à la nature phénoménologique de notre experience
Investigating the role of oscillations in endogenous and exogenous attentional states : novel methods in neurophenomenology
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse vise à nous amener à une meilleure compréhension des relations fines entre ce que nous expérimentons phénoménologiquement sous la forme d'états mentaux, et les effets sous-jacents et potentiellement causaux sur l'activité neuronale. Afin d'étendre notre compréhension scientifique de l'expérience consciente, nous avons d'abord mis l'accent sur un phénomène appelé la pensée spontanée ou vagabondage de l'esprit. Notre paysage intérieur est un aspect essentiel et complexe de notre expérience humaine, avec des recherches suggérant que les gens sont engagés dans une forme de dialogue intérieur sans rapport avec leur environnement immédiat 50% de leur temps de veille. De plus, le vagabondage de l'esprit a constamment été associé à un affect négatif, même lorsque son contenu est positif. Il est alors intéressant de noter que les fondements de la plupart des pratiques méditatives et contemplatives sont la formation de l'observation flexible et continue des états mentaux et de l'expérience sensorielle, le développement d'une attention soutenue et la culture de la conscience métacognitive. Étant donné que nous ne sommes généralement pas au courant de la fluctuation temporelle de ces états mentaux dans le temps (vagabondage de l'esprit), les méditants sont des sujets idéaux pour obtenir de manière précise des rapports phénoménologiques et des descriptions des états à la première personne. Ainsi, nous avons conçu un paradigme nouveau basé sur présentation de sondage d'expérience aux méditants afin de mieux comprendre les mesures dynamiques de l'EEG (Electroencéphalographie) pendant la méditation. Nos résultats suggèrent que la pratique experte de méditation est associée à une fréquence atténuée de la pensée spontanée et que l'entraînement à la méditation réduit par la suite la susceptibilité de l'esprit à errer, menant à des périodes d'absorption méditative rapportées comme étant plus longues. Les augmentations de l'activité thêta (4-7 Hz) sur les régions thêta frontales médianes ainsi que l'activité alpha (9-12 Hz), principalement focalisée sur le cortex somatosensoriel, semblent être des marqueurs d'états méditatifs soutenus par rapport au vagabondage mental. Sur la base de la robustesse de l'activité thêta de la ligne médiane frontale chez les méditants avancés, ainsi qu'une multitude de résultats démontrant que l'activité thêta frontale serait le pilier du contrôle cognitif via l'intégration et l'échange d'informations de longue portée, nous avons développé un protocole de neurofeedback méthodologiquement nouveau et exhaustif dans le but d'entraîner l'activité thêta (3.5-6.5 Hz) de la ligne médiane frontale Fz, en donnant comme instruction à nos sujets de s'engager dans des techniques de respiration et de relaxation similaires à la méditation. Nous avons constaté que les sujets qui ont reçu le vrai neurofeedback ont été capables de moduler significativement leur activité thêta Fz (3-7 Hz) à travers huit séances de neurofeedback par rapport aux sujets contrôles qui ont reçu un feedback apparié. Nous avons également observé des modulations significatives dans les bandes de fréquences alpha (9-11 Hz) et bêta (13-20 Hz) chez les sujets qui ont reçu l'entraînement réel de neurofeedback, ainsi que des améliorations sur plusieurs mesures des fonctions exécutives. Nos résultats réduisent davantage l'écart explicatif en reliant caractéristique neurophysiologique et données à la nature phénoménologique de notre experience.The work presented in this thesis aims to extend our scientific understanding of the subtle relationships between our phenomenological experience of specific states of consciousness, and the corresponding and potentially causal effects on neural activity. In our first experiment, we focused on a phenomenon referred to as spontaneous thought or mind wandering. Our vastly complex inner landscape is an essential aspect of our conscious experience, with research suggesting that people are engaged in some form of inner dialogue unrelated to their surroundings 50% of waking hours. These ongoing trains of thought have been consistently linked to reports of negative affect, even when the specific content is positive. Interestingly, the cornerstones of most meditation and contemplative practices are; a) training the continuous and flexible monitoring of mind wandering and sensory experience, b) the cultivation of sustained attention, and c) enhanced metacognitive awareness. Given that we are generally unaware of mind wandering when it occurs, meditation practitioners may provide more accurate first person phenomenological reports and descriptions of these temporally fluctuating states given their respective training. Thus, we designed a novel paradigm based on experience sampling probe presentations to gain insight into the dynamic measures of mental activity and EEG during meditation. Our findings suggest that meditation expertise is associated with an attenuated frequency of mind wandering, and that meditation training reduces the susceptibility of the mind to wander subsequently leading to longer periods of reported meditative absorption. Increases in theta activity (4-7 Hz) over frontal midline regions of the cortex, and alpha activity (9-12 Hz) primarily focused over the somatosensory cortex, appear to be markers of sustained meditative states when compared to mind wandering. Based on the robustness of the frontal midline theta in advanced meditators, alongside a multitude of findings demonstrating that frontal theta may serve as the backbone for cognitive control via long range information integration in neural networks throughout the brain, we then developed a methodologically novel and exhaustive neurofeedback protocol with the aim of training frontal midline theta (3.5-6.5 Hz at electrode site Fz) by means of instructing our subjects to engage in focused breathing and other techniques similar to meditation. After eight training sessions, we found that subjects who received real neurofeedback were able to significantly modulate and increase theta activity (3-7 Hz) over frontal regions, whereas subject's receiving age and gender matched sham (pseudo) feedback were not. We additionally observed significant modulations in both the alpha (9-11 Hz) and beta bands (13-20 Hz) in subjects who received real neurofeedback training. Together, these findings provide evidence that we can successfully connect neurophysiological features and data to the phenomenological nature of our subjective experience
Closed-Loop Frontal Midlineθ Neurofeedback: A Novel Approach for Training Focused-Attention Meditation
International audienc
Navigating the 'Zen Zeitgeist': The Potential of Personalized Neurofeedback for Meditation
The advancement of neurotechnological tools for meditation and mindfulness training may help to accelerate many of the transformational states and traits that result from consistent mindfulness practice. However, adopting a traditional one-size-fits-all approach in the development of neurotechnological tools, such as neurofeedback applications for meditation training, will likely limit the potential benefits; individual differences and compensatory mechanisms strongly impact both the efficacy of a given neurofeedback protocol, as well as how foundational meditation skills are acquired. Here we emphasize the importance of embracing individual differences and propose novel, personalized intervention technologies that sidestep potentially deleterious outcomes. Given the growing interest and research on the effects of meditation on the brain, behavior, and overall health, we briefly address some of the philosophical and cultural challenges associated with translating contemplative practices into neurotechnological applications, further accentuating the need for individualized and multimodal approaches
Meditation and the Wandering Mind: A Theoretical Framework of Underlying Neurocognitive Mechanisms
International audienceDuring the practice of meditation, the tendency of the mind to wander away from the object of focus is ubiquitous. The occurrence of mind wandering in the context of meditation provides individuals a unique and intimate opportunity to closely examine the nature of the wandering mind by cultivating an awareness of ongoing thought patterns, while simultaneously aiming to cultivate equanimity (evenness of temper or disposition) and compassion toward the content of thoughts, interpretations, and bodily sensations. In this article we provide a theoretical framework that highlights the neurocognitive mechanisms by which contemplative practices influence the neural and phenomenological processes underlying spontaneous thought. Our theoretical model focuses on several converging mechanisms: the role of meta-awareness in facilitating an increased moment-to-moment awareness of spontaneous thought processes, the effects of meditation practice on key structures underlying both the top-down cognitive processes and bottom-up sensory processes implicated in attention and emotion regulation, and the influence of contemplative practice on the neural substrates underlying perception and perceptual decoupling
Decoding Depth of Meditation: EEG Insights from Expert Vipassana Practitioners
Meditation practices have demonstrated numerous psychological and physiological benefits, yet capturing the neural correlates of varying meditative depths remains challenging. This study aimed to decode self-reported time-varying meditative depth in expert practitioners using EEG. Expert Vipassana meditators (n=34) participated in two separate sessions. Participants reported their meditative depth on a personally defined 1-5 scale using both traditional probing and a novel "spontaneous emergence" method. EEG activity and effective connectivity in theta, alpha, and gamma bands was used to predict meditative depth using machine/deep learning, including a novel method that fused source activity and connectivity information. We achieved significant accuracy in decoding self-reported meditative depth across unseen sessions. The "spontaneous emergence" method yielded improved decoding performance to traditional probing and correlated more strongly with post-session outcome measures. Best performance was achieved by a novel machine learning method which fused spatial, spectral, and connectivity information. Conventional EEG channel-level methods and pre-selected default mode network regions fell short in capturing the complex neural dynamics associated with varying meditation depths. This study demonstrates the feasibility of decoding personally defined meditative depth using EEG. The findings highlight the complex, multivariate nature of neural activity during meditation and introduce "spontaneous emergence" as an ecologically valid and less obtrusive experiential sampling method. These results have implications for advancing neurofeedback techniques and enhancing our understanding of meditative practices
Facilitating Meditation with Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation: A First Investigation in Experienced Practitioners
This study aims to assess the validity of focused ultrasound (FUS) stimulation as a method for facilitating meditative development, which may have application for novice or intermediate meditators seeking to improve their practice. A growing body of work suggests profound benefits to health and wellbeing following consistent meditation practice; however, successfully maintaining such a practice proves to be difficult for many who attempt it. By leveraging what is known about the neural correlates of meditation, we investigate the possibility of lowering this barrier of entry via direct neuromodulation using FUS. Specifically, we applied ultrasound for 12 minutes to either the posterior cingulate cortex, bilateral caudate, or bilateral insula in experienced (vipassana) meditators while they engaged in their habitual mindfulness meditation across four separate one-hour sessions. Subjective effects reported during and after each meditation session involving stimulation are compared to a sham stimulation session, with significant differences considered evidence for an effect of FUS. Physiological effects are also reported. Our preliminary data (n=10) suggests a strong, significant improvement in self-reported meditative depth during/after Caudate stimulation while questionnaires taken after the meditation further suggest an augmented state of meditation as well as general mood induced by this condition. Compounding this, reduced heart rate and increased heart rate variability (compared to sham) were observed following FUS, again unique to the Caudate stimulation condition, while these measures were found to strongly correlate with reported depth, suggesting a mechanistic relationship between these adaptive changes in physiological arousal and successful meditation induced by targeting this structure
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Genetic modulation of the HTR2A gene reduces anxiety-related behavior in mice.
The expanding field of precision gene editing using CRISPR/Cas9 has demonstrated its potential as a transformative technology in the treatment of various diseases. However, whether this genome-editing tool could be used to modify neural circuits in the central nervous system (CNS), which are implicated in complex behavioral traits, remains uncertain. In this study, we demonstrate the feasibility of noninvasive, intranasal delivery of adeno-associated virus serotype 9 (AAV9) vectors containing CRISPR/Cas9 cargo within the CNS resulting in modification of the HTR2A receptor gene. In vitro, exposure to primary mouse cortical neurons to AAV9 vectors targeting the HT2RA gene led to a concentration-dependent decrease in spontaneous electrical activity following multielectrode array (MEA) analysis. In vivo, at 5 weeks postintranasal delivery in mice, analysis of brain samples revealed single base pair deletions and nonsense mutations, leading to an 8.46-fold reduction in mRNA expression and a corresponding 68% decrease in the 5HT-2A receptor staining. Our findings also demonstrate a significant decrease in anxiety-like behavior in treated mice. This study constitutes the first successful demonstration of a noninvasive CRISPR/Cas9 delivery platform, capable of bypassing the blood-brain barrier and enabling modulation of neuronal 5HT-2A receptor pathways. The results of this study targeting the HTR2A gene provide a foundation for the development of innovative therapeutic strategies for a broad range of neurological disorders, including anxiety, depression, attentional deficits, and cognitive dysfunction