65,843 research outputs found
The Beauty of the Game
Imagine a deep philosophical conversation about a beautiful shot by a college player in a Final Four basketball game
The Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels on Production in Breeding Female Ostriches.
1. In a study spanning two breeding seasons, we assessed the effect of different dietary energy and protein levels on body mass, body condition, and egg production of female ostriches.
2. During the first breeding season, groups were given diets with energy concentrations of 8.5, 9.5 and
10.5 MJ/kg dry mass (DM) metabolisable energy (ME) and protein concentrations of 135, 150 and 165 g/kg. In the second breeding season, groups were given diets with ME of 7.5, 8.5 and 9.5 MJ/kg and protein contents of 105, 120 and 135 g/kg.
3. Body mass of birds on diets of 7.5 and 8.5 MJ/kg ME decreased significantly in the course of the breeding season compared with birds fed on diets with higher energy contents and body measurements decreased, suggesting a loss of body condition.
4. Females fed on diets containing only 7.5 MJ/kg ME produced significantly fewer eggs at significantly
longer intervals, resulting in fewer chicks hatched.
5. There was no significant difference in egg mass, initial chick mass, chick survival to one month of age and body mass of chicks at one month.
6. Dietary protein concentrations had no effect on egg production, egg mass, hatchability, initial chick
mass, chick survival or chick mass at one month old.
7. The female ostriches regained their original body mass during the 4-month rest period between breeding seasons, but significant differences in some parameters during the second breeding season suggest that they may not have fully recovered their body condition.
8. A dietary energy content of 7.5 MJ/kg proved to have an adverse effect on egg production by breeding female ostriches, and it may be concluded from this study that a diet containing 8.5MJ ME/kg DM and 105 g/kg protein should be regarded as the minimum that can be used for breeding female ostriches without compromising egg production
On the density of nice Friedmans
A Friedman number is a positive integer which is the result of an expression
combining all of its own digits by use of the four basic operations,
exponentiation and digit concatenation. A "nice" Friedman number is a Friedman
number for which the expression constructing the number from its own digits can
be represented with the original order of the digits unchanged. One of the
fundamental questions regarding Friedman numbers, and particularly regarding
nice Friedman numbers, is how common they are among the integers. In this
paper, we prove that nice Friedman numbers have density 1, when considered in
binary, ternary or base four.Comment: 6 page
Crohn's disease: Th1, Th17 or both? The change of a paradigm: new immunological and genetic insights implicate Th17 cells in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease
Traditionally, Crohn's disease has been associated with a Th1 cytokine profile, while Th2 cytokines are modulators of ulcerative colitis. This concept has been challenged by the description of tolerising regulatory T cells (Treg) and by proinflammatory Th17 cells, a novel T cell population characterised by the master transcription factor ROR\textgreekgt, the surface markers IL23R and CCR6, and by production of the proinflammatory cytokines IL17A, IL17F, IL21, IL22 and IL26, and the chemokine CCL20. Th17 cells differentiate under the influence of IL1\textgreekb, IL6, IL21 and IL23. Recent studies indicate that TGF\textgreekb is essential not only for the development of murine Th17 cells but also for differentiation of human Th17 cells. TGF\textgreekb reciprocally regulates the differentiation of inflammatory Th17 cells and suppressive Treg subsets, with the concomitant presence of proinflammatory cytokines favouring Th17 cell differentiation. Several studies demonstrated an important role of Th17 cells in intestinal inflammation, particularly in Crohn's disease. Genome-wide association studies indicate that IL23R and five additional genes involved in Th17 differentiation (IL12B, JAK2, STAT3, CCR6 and TNFSF15) are associated with susceptibility to Crohn's disease and partly also to ulcerative colitis. Taken together, both Th1 and Th17 cells are important mediators of inflammation in Crohn's disease, although activities previously ascribed to IL12 may be mediated by IL23. Anti-IL12/IL23p40 antibody therapy, which targets both Th1 and Th17 cells, is effective in Crohn's disease. However, the complex relationship between Th1 and Th17 cells has not been completely analysed. This will be of great importance to delineate the specific contributions of these cells to Crohn's disease and other autoimmune diseases
The RAM equivalent of P vs. RP
One of the fundamental open questions in computational complexity is whether
the class of problems solvable by use of stochasticity under the Random
Polynomial time (RP) model is larger than the class of those solvable in
deterministic polynomial time (P). However, this question is only open for
Turing Machines, not for Random Access Machines (RAMs).
Simon (1981) was able to show that for a sufficiently equipped Random Access
Machine, the ability to switch states nondeterministically does not entail any
computational advantage. However, in the same paper, Simon describes a
different (and arguably more natural) scenario for stochasticity under the RAM
model. According to Simon's proposal, instead of receiving a new random bit at
each execution step, the RAM program is able to execute the pseudofunction
, which returns a uniformly distributed random integer in the
range . Whether the ability to allot a random integer in this fashion is
more powerful than the ability to allot a random bit remained an open question
for the last 30 years.
In this paper, we close Simon's open problem, by fully characterising the
class of languages recognisable in polynomial time by each of the RAMs
regarding which the question was posed. We show that for some of these,
stochasticity entails no advantage, but, more interestingly, we show that for
others it does.Comment: 23 page
Fake News and Editing: Marketing Techniques used to Spin Controversies in Video Mediums
This thesis explores the topic of fake news in today\u27s digital landscape by analyzing how young adults (18-2) form and change prior opinions based on the media they consume. I measured this by showing respondents one of two bias montages in response to Google\u27s Project Owl initiative. Project Owl is Google\u27s controversial attempt to regulate false or abusive news by launching new feedback forms in addition to altering their algorithm in a way the company has not yet disclosed to the public (Sullivan). Each self-edited montage is two minutes in length and together they cover two radically different responses to Project Owl: one is positioned critically against the principles behind this move by Google, and one is clearly in support of the company\u27s project.
To test the effects of spinning each video to change viewers\u27 perception of Project Owl, I developed a survey and designed a study to collect data from one-hundred people. Of the hundred people surveyed, half were randomly assigned to watch video A and half were randomly assigned to watch video B. Each participant was asked to answer a set of questions before and after watching their assigned video. The survey was designed to provide data on how their responses to Project Owl change after watching their assigned video. By using surveys that target the effects on audiences of informative video compilations that spin Project Owl, the thesis shows the manipulation of editing and short-form informational social media videos have on society more broadly.
The intricate project is especially relevant because, while President Donald Trump regularly reprimands the promotion of fake news through Twitter, left-wing activists argue that false information spread across the Internet contributed to the outcome of the 2016 election. These arguments from opposing sides are intensified in the 21st century age of New Media and information overload, a period in media history when the fact that the production and circulation of news can come from anyone, anywhere, and at any time means that the difficulty of assessing the authenticity and reliability of that information is increasing exponentially
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