26 research outputs found
Constant-factor approximation of near-linear edit distance in near-linear time
We show that the edit distance between two strings of length can be
computed within a factor of in time as long as
the edit distance is at least for some .Comment: 40 pages, 4 figure
Vertex Isoperimetry and Independent Set Stability for Tensor Powers of Cliques
The tensor power of the clique on t vertices (denoted by K_t^n) is the graph on vertex set {1, ..., t}^n such that two vertices x, y in {1, ..., t}^n are connected if and only if x_i != y_i for all i in {1, ..., n}. Let the density of a subset S of K_t^n to be mu(S) := |S|/t^n. Also let the vertex boundary of a set S to be the vertices of the graph, including those of S, which are incident to some vertex of S. We investigate two similar problems on such graphs.
First, we study the vertex isoperimetry problem. Given a density nu in [0, 1] what is the smallest possible density of the vertex boundary of a subset of K_t^n of density nu? Let Phi_t(nu) be the infimum of these minimum densities as n -> infinity. We find a recursive relation allows one to compute Phi_t(nu) in time polynomial to the number of desired bits of precision.
Second, we study given an independent set I of K_t^n of density mu(I) = (1-epsilon)/t, how close it is to a maximum-sized independent set J of density 1/t. We show that this deviation (measured by mu(IJ)) is at most 4 epsilon^{(log t)/(log t - log(t-1))} as long as epsilon < 1 - 3/t + 2/t^2. This substantially improves on results of Alon, Dinur, Friedgut, and Sudakov (2004) and Ghandehari and Hatami (2008) which had an O(epsilon) upper bound. We also show the exponent (log t)/(log t - log(t-1)) is optimal assuming n tending to infinity and epsilon tending to 0. The methods have similarity to recent work by Ellis, Keller, and Lifshitz (2016) in the context of Kneser graphs and other settings.
The author hopes that these results have potential applications in hardness of approximation, particularly in approximate graph coloring and independent set problems
Robust Factorizations and Colorings of Tensor Graphs
Since the seminal result of Karger, Motwani, and Sudan, algorithms for
approximate 3-coloring have primarily centered around SDP-based rounding.
However, it is likely that important combinatorial or algebraic insights are
needed in order to break the threshold. One way to develop new
understanding in graph coloring is to study special subclasses of graphs. For
instance, Blum studied the 3-coloring of random graphs, and Arora and Ge
studied the 3-coloring of graphs with low threshold-rank.
In this work, we study graphs which arise from a tensor product, which appear
to be novel instances of the 3-coloring problem. We consider graphs of the form
with and ,
where is any edge set such that no vertex has
more than an fraction of its edges in . We show that one can
construct with that is close to . For arbitrary , satisfies . Additionally when is a
mild expander, we provide a 3-coloring for in polynomial time. These
results partially generalize an exact tensor factorization algorithm of Imrich.
On the other hand, without any assumptions on , we show that it is NP-hard
to 3-color .Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure
The Quest for Strong Inapproximability Results with Perfect Completeness
The Unique Games Conjecture (UGC) has pinned down the approximability of all constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), showing that a natural semidefinite programming relaxation offers the optimal worst-case approximation ratio for any CSP. This elegant picture, however, does not apply for CSP instances that are perfectly satisfiable, due to the imperfect completeness inherent in the UGC. For the important case when the input CSP instance admits a satisfying assignment, it therefore remains wide open to understand how well it can be approximated.
This work is motivated by the pursuit of a better understanding of the inapproximability of perfectly satisfiable instances of CSPs. Our main conceptual contribution is the formulation of a (hypergraph) version of Label Cover which we call "V label cover." Assuming a conjecture concerning the inapproximability of V label cover on perfectly satisfiable instances, we prove the following implications:
* There is an absolute constant c0 such that for k >= 3, given a satisfiable instance of Boolean k-CSP, it is hard to find an assignment satisfying more than c0 k^2/2^k fraction of the constraints.
* Given a k-uniform hypergraph, k >= 2, for all epsilon > 0, it is hard to tell if it is q-strongly colorable or has no independent set with an epsilon fraction of vertices, where q = ceiling[k + sqrt(k) - 0.5].
* Given a k-uniform hypergraph, k >= 3, for all epsilon > 0, it is hard to tell if it is (k-1)-rainbow colorable or has no independent set with an epsilon fraction of vertices.
We further supplement the above results with a proof that an ``almost Unique\u27\u27 version of Label Cover can be approximated within a constant factor on satisfiable instances