443 research outputs found
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Positive Spillovers and Free Riding in Advertising of Prescription Pharmaceuticals: The Case of Antidepressants
Exploiting the discontinuity in advertising along the borders of television markets, I estimate that television advertising of prescription antidepressants exhibits significant positive spillovers on rivals’ demand. I apply this identification in a demand model, where estimated parameters indicate significant and persistent spillovers driven by market expansion. Using the demand estimates to calibrate a stylized supply model, I explore the consequences of the positive spillovers on firm advertising choice. Compared with a competitive benchmark in which firms optimally free ride, simulations suggest that a category-wide advertising cooperative would produce a significant increase in total advertising
Preferences for Firearms and Their Implications for Regulation
More than 40 percent of Americans reside in a household that contains at least one firearm. Combined, American civilians own roughly 400 million firearms. Both the popularity of firearms and the codification of the right to bear arms in the U.S. Constitution suggest that gun ownership confers substantial enjoyment to consumers in the United States. Although the vast majority of purchased firearms are not used in violent crime, the toll of gun-related injuries is high. In 2020, there were more than 45,000 gunrelated deaths in the United States. Our research develops a framework for evaluating gun policy that simultaneously respects the individual enjoyment of gun ownership and takes seriously the harm caused by guns
Origin of ferroelectricity in the multiferroic barium fluorides BaMF4
We present a first principles study of the series of multiferroic barium
fluorides with the composition BaMF4, where M is Mn, Fe, Co, or Ni. We discuss
trends in the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties, and we show that
the ferroelectricity in these systems results from the "freezing in" of a
single unstable polar phonon mode. In contrast to the case of the standard
perovskite ferroelectrics, this structural distortion is not accompanied by
charge transfer between cations and anions. Thus, the ferroelectric instability
in the multiferroic barium fluorides arises solely due to size effects and the
special geometrical constraints of the underlying crystal structure.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 3 table
Stability of Bose condensed atomic Li-7
We study the stability of a Bose condensate of atomic Li in a (harmonic
oscillator) magnetic trap at non-zero temperatures. In analogy to the stability
criterion for a neutron star, we conjecture that the gas becomes unstable if
the free energy as a function of the central density of the cloud has a local
extremum which conserves the number of particles. Moreover, we show that the
number of condensate particles at the point of instability decreases with
increasing temperature, and that for the temperature interval considered, the
normal part of the gas is stable against density fluctuations at this point.Comment: Submitted for publication in Physical Review
Chemical-potential standard for atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
When subject to an external time periodic perturbation of frequency , a
Josephson-coupled two-state Bose-Einstein condensate responds with a constant
chemical potential difference , where is Planck's constant
and is an integer. We propose an experimental procedure to produce
ac-driven atomic Josephson devices that may be used to define a standard of
chemical potential. We investigate how to circumvent some of the specific
problems derived from the present lack of advanced atom circuit technology. We
include the effect of dissipation due to quasiparticles, which is essential to
help the system relax towards the exact Shapiro resonance, and set limits to
the range of values which the various physical quantities must have in order to
achieve a stable and accurate chemical potential difference between the
macroscopic condensates.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure
The Covariant Approach to LRS Perfect Fluid Spacetime Geometries
The dynamics of perfect fluid spacetime geometries which exhibit {\em Local
Rotational Symmetry} (LRS) are reformulated in the language of a
"threading" decomposition of the spacetime manifold, where covariant fluid and
curvature variables are used. This approach presents a neat alternative to the
orthonormal frame formalism. The dynamical equations reduce to a set of
differential relations between purely scalar quantities. The consistency
conditions are worked out in a transparent way. We discuss their various
subcases in detail and focus in particular on models with higher symmetries
within the class of expanding spatially inhomogeneous LRS models, via a
consideration of functional dependencies between the dynamical variables.Comment: 25 pages, uuencoded/compressed postscript fil
Optical Propagation and Communication
Contains an introduction and reports on five research projects.Maryland Procurement Office Contract MDA 904-90-C-5070National Science Foundation Grant ECS 87-18970National Institute of Standards and Technology Grant 60-NANBOD-1052U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAL03-90-G-0128U.S. Army Research Office Contract DAAL03-87-K-0117U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-89-J-1163U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Contract F49620-90-C-003
Optical Propagation and Communication
Contains research objectives and reports on four research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ECS 85-09143)Maryland Procurement Office (Contract MDA 904-84-C-6037)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS 84-15580)U.S. Army Research Office - Durham (Contract DAAG29-84-K-0095)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-80-C-0941
Optical Propagation and Communication
Contains research summary and reports on four research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ECS81-20637)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS85-09143)Maryland Procurement Office (Contract MDA904-84-C-6037)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS84-15580)U.S. Army Research Office - Durham (Contract DAAG29-84-K-0095)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract NO0014-80-C-0941
Optical Propagation and Communication
Contains research objectives and reports on six research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ECS 85-09143)Maryland Procurement Office (Contract MDA 904-84-C-6037)Maryland Procurement Office (Contract MDA 904-87-C-4044)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS 84-15580)National Science Foundation (Grant INT-86-14329)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-87-G-0198)U.S. Army Research Office - Durham (Contract DAAG29-84-K-0095)U.S. Army Research Office - Durham (Contract DAALO3-87-K-0117)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-80-C-0941_U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract F49620-87-C-0043
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