9 research outputs found
Forecasting Time Series Data Using Bayesian Regularization
Forecasting or predicting future events is important to take into account in order for an activity to proceed properly. Flights predict the weather forecast, the banking industry predicts the price of currency, the health world predicts the disease, the retail business predicts total sales. prediction or forecasting of events is calculated using past data, usually in the form of time series. Artificial neural networks are capable of forecasting time-series data. Forecasting results with artificial neural network is influenced from the network architecture model is determined, one of which determination of training function. This study uses the bayesian regularization training function to forecast time clock data with several layer count models and the number of neurons.The results obtained with the number of 3 layers and each neuron of 36, 12, 6 for the best process performance, and the number of neurons 24, 12, 6 for the shortest iteration process
Strategy and Online Business Development as Effort to Increase Productivity and Income
Rambung Barat Village has several Village Community Institutions, one of which is the Family Welfare Development (PKK) group. In carrying out its work program, PKK administrators are faced with obstacles on how to make the community able to make their families prosperous by improving the family's economy. Having a large number of households becomes a new threat and problem for the village. How the Lurah and PKK administrators are able to encourage every household to become a prosperous family. Through PKK, women have been invited to be able to produce and process products that are of sale value. So this PKK group has the potential to be able to help the family economy during this pandemic by starting and developing businesses. However, there are still obstacles, the pandemic has forced people in general to change from their old habits. The people's purchasing power has decreased as well as the government's recommendation to maintain physical distancing and stay at home. So we need a solution to still be able to market the products that have been produced by utilizing technology. Currently, every individual must be prepared to face a cultural shift where every fulfillment of needs must go hand in hand with technological developments. So it will be important for the PKK group to increase knowledge about the use of technology in developing businesses such as knowledge in building online stores as one of the sales strategies carried out. With this service activity, the PKK group has additional knowledge that can be used to develop its business. So that in the end it can help the family economy in particular and improve the economy of a country that is still hit by the COVID-19 pandemi
Active learning for middle school based on information technology in SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar
After the millennium era, with the rapid development of information technology, changes in business patterns also increased sharply. This is what is called the era of disruption. IT technology has also penetrated the world of education, both in management and in learning methods. In the world of education, now the learning method does not only use conventional methods such as from textbooks and explanations from teachers, but also with effective and efficient learning methods by utilizing information technology. An example is multimedia-based learning media. Community service is one way that can be used to carry out information technology socialization. Community service that will be carried out in this research is entitled Utilization of Information Technology in the Implementation of Active Learning in SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar in Facing the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, with the aim of helping teachers in a more interesting interactive and fun mathematics learning process, because In general, junior high school students have used a lot of telecommunications devices equipped with various kinds of multimedia. The learning application that is built includes material, exercises and tests, in accordance with applicable competency standards. Furthermore, training will be given to several senior high schools, as a provision on how to prepare and use this learning system application so as to increase student motivation and ultimately increase student achievement and improve the quality of education
Increasing the Interests and Talents of Children in Titi Payung Village in Learning English and Malay
Language is an essential thing that is applied in almost every field of life, including in the field of education, bussiness, industry, entertainment, etc. In the current era of globalization, English is very important to master because English is one of the most widely used international official languages to communicate globally. Learning English opens various opportunities both in education and career of an individual. Children in Titi Payung Village, Batu Bara District, Air Putih District, Sumatra Utara Province have some difficulties in approaching and learning English. Besides English, of course, the local language also needs to be preserved in order to study and introduce culture to the outside world. The people in Titi Payung Village have a diverse ethnic backgrounds, including Javanese, Bataknese and Malay. By that the children in Titi Payung Village are the right target for learning Malay in order to conserve the Malay culture. Based on this, students from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of North Sumatra took part in the KKNT-2022 activities and held programs of theaching languages such as English (English Course) and Malay to the children in Titi Payung Village namely in the Rumah Belajar program. This is done with the aim of improving language skills in children with carry out teaching English and Malay to children in Titi Payung Village and publish every activity to Titi Payung`s KKNT-36's social media account so that it is known and supported by the community
The Importance of Empowering Farmers to Make Compost in an Effort to Improve the Quality of Agriculture Products in Titi Payung
Titi Payung Village is one of the villages in Air Putih District, Batu Bara District, North Sumatra Province. The Titi Payung area has an area of 165 hectares, 100 hectares for residential areas and 59 hectares of productive agricultural land. There are a total of 2,551 people there, divided into 6 hamlets. The large amount of agricultural land in Titi Payung Village has an impact on the many Titi Payung Village people who choose to become farmers as their main livelihood. In 2010, the increase in market demand for local agricultural products reached 60%. For this reason, organic fertilizers are needed, especially compost which is more environmentally friendly and can improve the quality of agricultural products. The implementation method used is lectures and demonstrations by inviting farmers to practice directly. The result of the implementation of the activity is an increase in farmer's knowledge regarding the manufacture of good and correct compost. It can be concluded that real work lecture activities can increase the knowledge of farmers in Titi Payung Village regarding the importance of using compost to improve agricultural quality
E-Warta Android-Based System to Support Information Acceleration during the Pandemic in the GBKP Runggun Sememei Batu Community Group
In the religious field, especially during this pandemic, the information that is routinely conveyed has problems. The work plan that has been planned by the religious management must also find a way to realize the work plan as well as possible. Efficiency in terms of information sharing was also discussed, especially considering the new normal era, that information sharing such as weekly information still has shortcomings, someone who is late cannot hear the weekly information anymore and members cannot re-read information when they want to come back wanting to know something from that information. Therefore we need a system that utilizes android-based information technology. Making an android-based application for weekly information will be better in realizing the management's work pla
Photo Editing Training for PKK Group in Rambung Barat Village Using Free Smartphone Applications as an Effort to Promote Attractive Products
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the business income of women members of the PKK group in Rambung Barat Village has decreased because the purchasing power of the surrounding community has decreased. Marketing of business products is only done locally. These problems require a strategy so that products can be marketed widely by utilizing digital marketing. The women members of the PKK group already have solutive and innovative products but if the product photos presented are less attractive then consumers will not be interested. In online marketing, consumers only see photos of the products offered. Creating attractive product photos and being able to convey the message of the product is expensive if it has to be done by a professional. This activity aims to increase knowledge and expertise in taking product photos that are carried out independently. So that it can compete and attract potential consumers to make purchases. The method used is by conducting training and mentoring. Participants filled out the pretest and post test to see the extent of the knowledge gained. The results of the activity show that this activity has a positive impact. There is increasing knowledge about using smartphone applications to make good and attractive product photos. PKK members have been able to make product photos that can be used in digital marketing. So that later the product is increasingly known to the wider community and the existing products are increasingly sold in the market
Utilization of Digital Platforms and Social Media in Marketing Products of the PKK Group in Improving the Economy and Food Security of Batu Rejo Villagers
After the millennium era, the development of information technology has become quite fast, and changes in business patterns have also increased sharply. One of them is in the world of marketing. During the pandemic and post-pandemic times, digital transformation has been carried out, namely digital marketing or marketing products in cyberspace. Community service is one of the right ways to carry out the socialization of information technology in marketing techniques to support economic development. The community service that will be carried out is entitled Utilization of Digital Platforms and Social Media in Marketing Product Creativity for the PKK Desa Batu Rejo Group, to help the PKK Desa Batu to produce products that will be marketed online through digital platforms and social media that are already widely used by people. PKK groups will be guided and trained to be able to manufacture and market their products in the online market, so they can remain productive even from home. The activities carried out in this service are workshops on digital platforms and social media as well as training on their utilization in online marketing of the creative products of the PKK Batu Rejo Village group
The Applied Aproach Impact Information Security For Government and Company (A Review)
The Government and industry are currently using information and communication technology a lot. The Government and companies in Indonesia have regulations on operational standards and management procedures for information and communication systems security at Government regarding implementing information system security. Information security is essential because there are many threats to information security. Information security in this era of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is fundamental. Information Exchange Environment (IEE) vulnerabilities have increased as threats become more widespread and complex; therefore, information security has become a fundamental problem for businesses, organizations, and governments. So, in this paper, we will explain the review of the impact of Information Security For Government and companies in terms of threats and types of information security. Some security system methods are analyzed, among others—application Security, cloud security, Cryptography, security infrastructure, Incident response, and vulnerability management. The results of this review analysis, it known threat has several solutions, each depending on the type of threat for both the Government and the Company. Furthermore, Information Security is considered very important, especially for data stored in Government and companies