49 research outputs found
Nighttime mesospheric returns associated with a large scale flare event
Magnetic storms associated with large flares can give D region ionization. Special measurements are made at night to evaluate the nature of mesospheric returns obtained under storm conditions. Five periods of time are tabulated varying in length from 20 min to 60 min at which scattered power is observed above the noise level. The three values of k(p) corresponding to the five periods are also given, as is the mean power over noise observed. The scattered powers from 78 to 81 km are comparable with those observed during the day, indicating that a similar ionization density is present. The peak power levels are approximately the same in both cases; but whereas the night data come from an essentially zero background, the day data arise from a substantial level of background scatter. This implies that the periods indicated are the only times at which any substantial particle precipitation is taking place; and that the consequent ionization is confined to the height region shown
The Tukey algorithm for enhancing MST radar data
One of the most troublesome features in MSR (mesosphere stratosphere troposphere) velocity measurements is the determination of unwanted scatterer whose velocity is different from that of the surrounding atmosphere. Aircraft seen in the sidelobes of the antenna are the principal problem. Because coherent integration essentially eliminates echoes with line of sight velocities greater than 10 or 20 m/s, aircraft are seen only when their flight path is almost perpendicular to the line of sight. Then, they give large returns whose velocities may be positive or negative, and certainly different from that of the surrounding air. The glitches in the minute by minute velocity records are quite troublesome in that they may distort the statistics of the velocity. An objective way is therefore needed to remove sporadic points of this kind. For this purpose, the Tukey algorithm is appropriate and has some advantages over averaging. The Tukey algorithm, applied to a data array, uses for each data point the median of it and the two points surrounding it. If the three points form a monotonically increasing or decreasing sequence, the original point is copied with change. However, if the central point is remote from the other two, it is replaced by whichever of the two surrounding points is closest in value. The greatest effect of the Tukey algorithm is on data where the successive points are uncorrelated. Examples are given
Review of correlation techniques
Correlation analysis in MST radar to determine the scattered power, Doppler frequency and correlation time for a noisy signal is examined. It is assumed that coherent detection was employed, with two accurately balanced quadrature receiving channels and that coherent integration is performed with a window length significantly less than the correlation time of the signal
Real-time MST radar signal processing using a microcomputer running under FORTH
Data on power, correlation time, and velocity were obtained at the Urbana radar using microcomputer and a single floppy disk drive. This system includes the following features: (1) measurement of the real and imaginary components of the received signal at 20 altitudes spaced by 1.5 km; (2) coherent integration of these components over a 1/8-s time period; (3) continuous real time display of the height profiles of the two coherently integrated components; (4) real time calculation of the 1 minute averages of the power and autocovariance function up to 6 lags; (5) output of these data to floppy disk once every 2 minutes; (6) display of the 1 minute power profiles while the data are stored to the disk; (7) visual prompting for the operator to change disks when required at the end of each hour of data; and (8) continuous audible indication of the status of the interrupt service routine. Accomplishments were enabled by two developments: the use of a new correlation algorithm and the use of the FORTH language to manage the various low level and high level procedures involved
Introduction and New International Equatorial Observatory (NIEO): The middle atmosphere program; an overview
The Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP) took place from January 1, 1982 through December 31, 1986, and was followed by Middle Atmosphere Cooperation (MAC) through to the end of 1988. The inception and organization of the program are described, together with some of the salient features of its results
Coding schemes for improving MST radar performance, part 7.1A
The performance of an mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere (MST) radar can be characterized by its system sensitivity and its range resolution. The former enables Doppler velocities to be determined even in the presence of very weak structures; the latter permits study of the fine structure within a turbulent region. Coding of transmitted signals has as its aim an increase in the effective radar sensitivity or range resolution without an increase in the peak transmitted power. This is accomplished by spreading the power in the frequency domain, giving better range resolution, without reducing the pulse width. Two basic techniques are used to accomplish this frequency dispersion: (1) using a type of pseudorandom code for the phase or amplitude within a single pulse, or within a finite sequence of pulses; (2) to code the frequency of the transmitted signal in some way. The various possibilities are discussed and are compared with the pulse-coding methods
Investigations of the ionosphere by space techniques
Much of the impetus to ionosphere research since the International Geophysical Year has come from new types of measurement using space vehicles. The key developments are outlined, together with the contributions that they have made to the understanding of the ionosphere
Sample interchange of MST radar data from the Urbana radar
As a first step in interchange of data from the Urbana mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere (MST) radar, a sample tape has been prepared in 9-track 1600-bpi IBM format. It includes all Urbana data for April 1978 (the first month of operation of the radar). The 300-ft tape contains 260 h of typical mesospheric power and line-of-sight velocity data
Gravity waves in severe weather
With a view to determining the role of severe weather in producing gravity waves, two tests were made. In the first, the wind speed measured at two nearby radiosonde stations, Peoria and Salem, was correlated with the stratosphere gravity-wave intensity at Urbana. Although the gravity-wave intensity fluctuated greatly from day to day, these is little if any correlation with the stratospheric wind speed. This suggests that orographic forcing is not a factor in generating gravity waves in Urbana. On the other hand, a clear correlation is found between cloud to heights exceeding 20,000 ft and an increased gravity-wave amplitude in the stratosphere
An analysis at mesospheric coherent-scatter power enhancements during solar flare events
Solar flares produce increases in coherent-scatter power from the mesosphere due to the increase in free electrons produced by X-ray photoionization. Thirteen such power enhancements were observed at Urbana. When such an enhancement occurs at an altitude containing a turbulence layer with constant strength, the relative enhancement of electon density is estimated from the enhancement in power. Such estimates of enchanced electron density are compared with estimates of the X-ray photoionization at that altitude, deduced from geostationary satellite measurements. It is found that possible types ion-chemical reaction scheme may be distinguished, and the nonflare ion-pair production function may be estimated. The type of ion-chemical scheme and the nonflare ion-production function are shown to depend on the solar zenith angle