21 research outputs found

    The Global Engineer : Incorporating global skills within UK higher education of engineers

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    Academic support and understanding of development education

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    First of all, this article gives an inventory control of employment with global learning resp. political development education in a scientific context with the result that there do exist English-speaking scientists that deal with the pedagogical mainstream debates. Proceeding from that the objective target and the research agenda of the Research Centre on Development Education (London-University, Institute of Education) are formed. (DIPF/Orig.)Der Beitrag leistet zunächst eine Bestandsaufnahme der Beschäftigung mit Globalem Lernen bzw. entwicklungspolitischer Bildung im wissenschaftlichen Kontext vor und kommt dabei zu dem Ergebnis, dass es zwar im englisch-sprachigen Bereich einige Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen gibt, die sich mit diesem Arbeitsbereich befassen, dass das Thema aber keinen Eingang in den Mainstream der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Debatten gefunden hat. Ausgehend davon werden die Zielsetzung und die Forschungsagenda des Research Centre on Development Education (London-University, Institute of Education) dargestellt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Transformative Learning for a Global Society

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    Development Education: Debates and Dialogue

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    The book aims to stimulate debate and dialogue on development education, involving academics, policy-makers and practitioners, to identify issues and themes for research and pose questions for future practice

    Development Education and Science Education

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    From internationalisation to Global Perspectives

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    Over the past decade, many universities have re-evaluated their roles and approaches towards learning in the context of a globalised society. Some institutions have responded to globalisation by marketing themselves more effectively internationally. Others have responded by promoting ideas such as graduates as global citizens or by focusing on specific challenges associated with globalisation, such as sustainable development. Using UK examples, this article reviews the different ways in which universities are responding to globalisation. It will suggest that a framework of global perspectives, based on initiatives developed at Bournemouth University, can play a role in challenging orthodoxies about internationalisation and globalisation in higher education. Through the experiences of UK higher education in engineering, it will discuss the challenges and rewards of pursuing global perspectives as a response to globalisation. © 2011 Copyright HERDSA

    Global Perspectives in Youth Work

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    Review of: Brigitte Le Roux and Henry Rouanet, Geometric Data Analysis, From Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2004, xi+475 pp

    Global Skills

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    Global Dimension in Secondary Schools

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