399 research outputs found

    Oxidation of graphite surface: the role of water

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    Based on density functional calculations, we demonstrate a significant difference in oxidation patterns between graphene and graphite and the formation of defects after oxidation. Step-by-step modeling demonstrates that oxidation of 80% of the graphite surface is favorable. Oxidation above half of the graphite surface significantly decreases the energy costs of vacancy formation with CO2 production. The presence of water is crucial in the transformation of epoxy groups to hydroxyl, the intercalation with further bundle and exfoliation. In water-rich conditions, water intercalates graphite at the initial stages of oxidation and oxidation, which is similar to the oxidation process of free-standing graphene; in contrast, in water-free conditions, large molecules intercalate graphite only after oxidation occurs on more than half of the surface.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted to J. Phys. Chem.

    Modelling of epitaxial graphene functionalization

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    A new model for graphene, epitaxially grown on silicon carbide is proposed. Density functional theory modelling of epitaxial graphene functionalization by hydrogen, fluorine and phenyl groups has been performed with hydrogen and fluorine showing a high probability of cluster formation in high adatom concentration. It has also been shown that the clusterization of fluorine adatoms provides midgap states in formation due to significant flat distortion of graphene. The functionalization of epitaxial graphene using larger species (methyl and phenyl groups) renders cluster formation impossible, due to the steric effect and results in uniform coverage with the energy gap opening.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Nanotechnolog

    A new route towards uniformly functionalized single-layer graphene

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    It is shown, by DFT calculations, that the uniform functionalization of upper layer of graphite by hydrogen or fluorine does not change essentially its bonding energy with the underlying layers, whereas the functionalization by phenyl groups decreases the bonding energy by a factor of approximately ten. This means that the functionalized monolayer in the latter case can be easily separated by mild sonication. According to our computational results, such layers can be cleaned up to pure graphene, as well as functionalized further up to 25% coverage, without essential difficulties. The energy gap within the interval from 0.5 to 3 eV can be obtained by such one-side funtionalization using different chemical species.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, to appear in J. Phys. D: Applied Physic

    Defect-induced ferromagnetism in fullerenes

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    Based on the ab initio electronic structure calculations the picture of ferromagnetism in polimerized C60 is proposed which seems to explain the whole set of controversial experimental data. We have demonstrated that, in contrast with cubic fullerene, in rhombohedral C60 the segregation of iron atoms is energetically unprofitable which is a strong argument in favor of intrinsic character of carbon ferromagnetism which can be caused by vacancies with unpaired magnetic electrons. It is shown that: (i) energy formation of the vacancies in the rhombohedral phase of C60 is essentially smaller than in the cubic phase, (ii) there is a strong ferromagnetic exchange interactions between carbon cages containing the vacancies, and (iii) the fusion of the magnetic vacancies into nonmagnetic bivacancy is energetically profitable. The latter can explain a fragility of the ferromagnetism.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, final version to be published in Eur. Phys. J

    Chemical functionalization of graphene

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    Experimental and theoretical results on chemical functionalization of graphene are reviewed. Using hydrogenated graphene as a model system, general principles of the chemical functionalization are formulated and discussed. It is shown that, as a rule, 100% coverage of graphene by complex functional groups (in contrast with hydrogen and fluorine) is unreachable. A possible destruction of graphene nanoribbons by fluorine is considered. The functionalization of infinite graphene and graphene nanoribbons by oxygen and by hydrofluoric acid is simulated step by step.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures. Invited paper for J. Phys. Cond. Mater. "Graphene" special issue. References added, typos correcte

    Oxygen adsorption effect on magnetic properties of graphite

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    Both experimental and theoretical studies of the magnetic properties of micrographite and nanographite indicate a crucial role of the partial oxidation of graphitic zigzag edges in ferromagnetism. In contrast to total and partial hydrogenation, the oxidation of half of the carbon atoms on the graphite edges transforms the antiferromagnetic exchange interaction between graphite planes and over graphite ribbons to the ferromagnetic interaction. The stability of the ferromagnetism is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Destruction of graphene by metal adatoms

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    The formation energies for mono- and bivacancies in graphene in the presence of adatoms of various metals and small metallic clusters have been calculated. It is shown that transition metal impurities, such as iron, nickel and, especially, cobalt reduce dramatically the vacancy formation energies whereas gold impurities have almost no effect on characteristics of the vacancies. This results highlight that special measures are required in order to protect graphene from damage by transition metal leads.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, few refs added, English improved, to appear in Appl. Phys. Let