3,019 research outputs found

    Admissible semi-linear representations

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    The category of admissible (in the appropriately modified sense of representation theory of totally disconnected groups) semi-linear representations of the automorphism group of an algebraically closed extension of infinite transcendence degree of the field of algebraic complex numbers is described

    Integral Invariants of 3-Manifolds

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    This note describes an invariant of rational homology 3-spheres in terms of configuration space integrals which in some sense lies between the invariants of Axelrod and Singer and those of Kontsevich.Comment: 39 pages, AMS-LaTeX, to appear in J. Diff. Geo

    Exact results for strongly-correlated fermions in 2+1 dimensions

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    We derive exact results for a model of strongly-interacting spinless fermions hopping on a two-dimensional lattice. By exploiting supersymmetry, we find the number and type of ground states exactly. Exploring various lattices and limits, we show how the ground states can be frustrated, quantum critical, or combine frustration with a Wigner crystal. We show that on generic lattices, the model is in an exotic ``super-frustrated'' state characterized by an extensive ground-state entropy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. v2: added discussion of "super-frustrated" state; to appear in PR

    Nontrivial classes in H∗(Imb(S1,Rn))H^*(Imb(S^1,\R^n)) from nontrivalent graph cocycles

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    We construct nontrivial cohomology classes of the space Imb(S1,Rn)Imb(S^1,\R^n) of imbeddings of the circle into Rn\R^n, by means of Feynman diagrams. More precisely, starting from a suitable linear combination of nontrivalent diagrams, we construct, for every even number n≥4n\geq 4, a de Rham cohomology class on Imb(S1,Rn)Imb(S^1,\R^n). We prove nontriviality of these classes by evaluation on the dual cycles.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures. V2: minor changes, typos correcte

    Area law violations in a supersymmetric model

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    We study the structure of entanglement in a supersymmetric lattice model of fermions on certain types of decorated graphs with quenched disorder. In particular, we construct models with controllable ground state degeneracy protected by supersymmetry and the choice of Hilbert space. We show that in certain special limits these degenerate ground states are associated with local impurities and that there exists a basis of the ground state manifold in which every basis element satisfies a boundary law for entanglement entropy. On the other hand, by considering incoherent mixtures or coherent superpositions of these localized ground states, we can find regions that violate the boundary law for entanglement entropy over a wide range of length scales. More generally, we discuss various desiderata for constructing violations of the boundary law for entanglement entropy and discuss possible relations of our work to recent holographic studies.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, 1 appendi

    On the naturality of the Mathai-Quillen formula

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    We give an alternative proof for the Mathai-Quillen formula for a Thom form using its natural behaviour with respect to fiberwise integration. We also study this phenomenon in general context.Comment: 6 page

    A Note on the Equality of Algebraic and Geometric D-Brane Charges in WZW Models

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    The algebraic definition of charges for symmetry-preserving D-branes in Wess-Zumino-Witten models is shown to coincide with the geometric definition, for all simple Lie groups. The charge group for such branes is computed from the ambiguities inherent in the geometric definition.Comment: 12 pages, fixed typos, added references and a couple of remark

    Sur les variétés à courbure strictement positive

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    Energy in Yang-Mills on a Riemann Surface

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    Sengupta's lower bound for the Yang-Mills action on smooth connections on a bundle over a Riemann surface generalizes to the space of connections whose action is finite. In this larger space the inequality can always be saturated. The Yang-Mills critical sets correspond to critical sets of the energy action on a space of paths. This may shed light on Atiyah and Bott's conjecture concerning Morse theory for the space of connections modulo gauge transformations.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Latex2e with epsfig, submitted to Journal of Mathematical Physic
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