206 research outputs found

    The dry and carbon poor inner disk of TW Hya: evidence for a massive icy dust trap

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    Gas giants accrete their envelopes from the gas and dust of proto-planetary disks, so it is important to determine the composition of the inner few AU, where most giant planets are expected to form. We aim to constrain the elemental carbon and oxygen abundance in the inner disk (R<R<2.3 AU) of TW Hya and compare with the outer disk (R>2.3R>2.3 AU) where carbon and oxygen appear underabundant by a factor of \sim50. Archival infrared observations of TW Hya are compared with a detailed thermo-chemical model, DALI. The inner disk gas mass and elemental C and O abundances are varied to fit the infrared CO, H2_2 and H2_2O line fluxes. Best fitting models have an inner disk that has a gas mass of 2×104M 2 \times 10^{-4} M_\odot with C/H 3×106\approx 3 \times 10^{-6} and O/H 6×106\approx 6 \times 10^{-6}. The elemental oxygen and carbon abundances of the inner disk are 50\sim 50 times underabundant compared to the ISM and are consistent with those found in the outer disk. The uniformly low volatile abundances imply that the inner disk is not enriched by ices on drifting bodies that evaporate. This indicates that drifting grains are stopped in a dust trap outside the water ice line. Such a dust trap would also form a cavity as seen in high resolution sub-millimeter continuum observations. If CO is the major carbon carrier in the ices, dust needs to be trapped efficiently outside the CO ice line of \sim20 AU. This would imply that the shallow sub-millimeter rings in the TW Hya disk outside of 20 AU correspond to very efficient dust traps. The more likely scenario is that more than 98\% of the CO has been converted into less volatile species, e.g. CO2_2 and CH3_3OH. A giant planet forming in the inner disk would be accreting gas with low carbon and oxygen abundances as well as very little icy dust, potentially leading to a planet atmosphere with strongly substellar C/H and O/H ratios.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted to A&A letter

    Efficiency of radial transport of ices in protoplanetary disks probed with infrared observations: the case of CO2_2

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    The efficiency of radial transport of icy solid material from outer disk to the inner disk is currently unconstrained. Efficient radial transport of icy dust grains could significantly alter the composition of the gas in the inner disk. Our aim is to model the gaseous CO2_2 abundance in the inner disk and use this to probe the efficiency of icy dust transport in a viscous disk. Features in the simulated CO2_2 spectra are investigated for their dust flux tracing potential. We have developed a 1D viscous disk model that includes gas and grain motions as well as dust growth, sublimation and freeze-out and a parametrisation of the CO2_2 chemistry. The thermo-chemical code DALI was used to model the mid-infrared spectrum of CO2_2, as can be observed with JWST-MIRI. CO2_2 ice sublimating at the iceline increases the gaseous CO2_2 abundance to levels equal to the CO2_2 ice abundance of 105\sim 10^{-5}, which is three orders of magnitude more than the gaseous CO2_2 abundances of 108\sim 10^{-8} observed by Spitzer. Grain growth and radial drift further increase the gaseous CO2_2 abundance. A CO2_2 destruction rate of at least 101110^{-11} s1^{-1} is needed to reconcile model prediction with observations. This rate is at least two orders of magnitude higher than the fastest known chemical destruction rate. A range of potential physical mechanisms to explain the low observed CO2_2 abundances are discussed. Transport processes in disks can have profound effects on the abundances of species in the inner disk. The discrepancy between our model and observations either suggests frequent shocks in the inner 10 AU that destroy CO2_2, or that the abundant midplane CO2_2 is hidden from our view by an optically thick column of low abundance CO2_2 in to the disk surface XDR/PDR. Other molecules, such as CH4_4 or NH3_3, can give further handles on the rate of mass transport.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 18 pages, 13 figures, abstract abridge

    Probing planet formation and disk substructures in the inner disk of Herbig Ae stars with CO rovibrational emission

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    Context. CO rovibrational lines are efficient probes of warm molecular gas and can give unique insights into the inner 10 AU of proto-planetary disks, effectively complementing ALMA observations. Recent studies find a relation between the ratio of lines originating from the second and first vibrationally excited state, denoted as v2∕v1, and the Keplerian velocity or emitting radius of CO. Counterintuitively, in disks around Herbig Ae stars the vibrational excitation is low when CO lines come from close to the star, and high when lines only probe gas at large radii (more than 5 AU). The v2∕v1 ratio is also counterintuitively anti-correlated with the near-infrared (NIR) excess, which probes hot and warm dust in the inner disk. Aims. We aim to find explanations for the observed trends between CO vibrational ratio, emitting radii and NIR excess, and to identify their implications in terms of the physical and chemical structure of inner disks around Herbig stars. Methods. First, slab model explorations in local thermal equilibrium (LTE) and non-LTE are used to identify the essential parameter space regions that can produce the observed CO emission. Second, we explore a grid of thermo-chemical models using the DALI code, varying gas-to-dust ratio and inner disk radius. Line flux, line ratios, and emitting radii are extracted from the simulated lines in the same way as the observations and directly compared to the data. Results. Broad CO lines with low vibrational ratios are best explained by a warm (400–1300 K) inner disk surface with gas-to-dust ratios below 1000 (N_(CO) 10¹⁸ cm⁻²) at the cavity wall. In all cases, the CO gas must be close to thermalization with the dust (T_(gas) ~ T_(dust)). Conclusions. The high gas-to-dust ratios needed to explain high v2∕v1 in narrow CO lines for a subset of group I disks can be naturally interpreted as due to the dust traps that are proposed to explain millimeter dust cavities. The dust trap and the low gas surface density inside the cavity are consistent with the presence of one or more massive planets. The difference between group I disks with low and high NIR excess can be explained by gap opening mechanisms that do or do not create an efficient dust trap, respectively. The broad lines seen in most group II objects indicate a very flat disk in addition to inner disk substructures within 10 AU that can be related to the substructures recently observed with ALMA. We provide simulated ELT-METIS images to directly test these scenarios in the future

    Vertical gas accretion impacts the carbon-to-oxygen ratio of gas giant atmospheres

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    Recent theoretical, numerical, and observational work have suggested that when a growing planet opens a gap in its disk the flow of gas into the gap is dominated by gas falling vertically from a height of at least one gas scale height. Our primary objective is to include, for the first time, the chemical impact that accreting gas above the midplane will have on the resulting C/O. We compute the accretion of gas onto planetary cores beginning at different disk radii and track the chemical composition of the gas and small icy grains to predict the resulting carbon-to-oxygen ratio (C/O) in their atmospheres. In our model, all of the planets which began their evolution inward of 60 AU open a gap in the gas disk, and hence are chemically affected by the vertically accreting gas. Two important conclusions follow from this vertical flow: (1) more oxygen rich icy dust grains become available for accretion onto the planetary atmosphere. (2) The chemical composition of the gas dominates the final C/O of planets in the inner (<< 20 AU) part of the disk. This implies that with the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope we can trace the disk material that sets the chemical composition of exoplanetary atmospheres.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The Impact of Asynchrony on Parallel Model-Based EAs

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    In a parallel EA one can strictly adhere to the generational clock, and wait for all evaluations in a generation to be done. However, this idle time limits the throughput of the algorithm and wastes computational resources. Alternatively, an EA can be made asynchronous parallel. However, EAs using classic recombination and selection operators (GAs) are known to suffer from an evaluation time bias, which also influences the performance of the approach. Model-Based Evolutionary Algorithms (MBEAs) are more scalable than classic GAs by virtue of capturing the structure of a problem in a model. If this model is learned through linkage learning based on the population, the learned model may also capture biases. Thus, if an asynchronous parallel MBEA is also affected by an evaluation time bias, this could result in learned models to be less suited to solving the problem, reducing performance. Therefore, in this work, we study the impact and presence of evaluation time biases on MBEAs in an asynchronous parallelization setting, and compare this to the biases in GAs. We find that a modern MBEA, GOMEA, is unaffected by evaluation time biases, while the more classical MBEA, ECGA, is affected, much like GAs are.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, submitted to GECCO 202

    Water UV-shielding in the terrestrial planet-forming zone: Implications for carbon dioxide emission

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    Carbon Dioxide is an important tracer of the chemistry and physics in the terrestrial planet forming zone. Using a thermo-chemical model that has been tested against the mid-infrared water emission we re-interpret the CO2 emission as observed with Spitzer. We find that both water UV-shielding and extra chemical heating significantly reduce the total CO2 column in the emitting layer. Water UV-shielding is the more efficient effect, reducing the CO2 column by \sim 2 orders of magnitude. These lower CO2 abundances lead to CO2-to-H2O flux ratios that are closer to the observed values, but CO2 emission is still too bright, especially in relative terms. Invoking the depletion of elemental oxygen outside of the water mid-plane iceline more strongly impacts the CO2 emission than it does the H2O emission, bringing the CO2-to-H2O emission in line with the observed values. We conclude that the CO2 emission observed with Spitzer-IRS is coming from a thin layer in the photo-sphere of the disk, similar to the strong water lines. Below this layer, we expect CO2 not to be present except when replenished by a physical process. This would be visible in the 13^{13}CO2 spectrum as well as certain 12^{12}CO2 features that can be observed by JWST-MIRI.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    CO isotopolog line fluxes of viscously evolving disks: cold CO conversion insufficient to explain observed low fluxes

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    Protoplanetary disks are thought to evolve viscously, where the disk mass - the reservoir available for planet formation - decreases over time as material is accreted onto the central star. Observations show a correlation between dust mass and the stellar accretion rate, as expected from viscous theory. However, the gas mass inferred from 13CO and C18O line fluxes, which should be a more direct measure, shows no such correlation. Using thermochemical DALI models, we investigate how 13CO and C18O J=3-2 line fluxes change over time in a viscously evolving disk. We also investigate if the chemical conversion of CO through grain-surface chemistry combined with viscous evolution can explain the observations of disks in Lupus. The 13CO and C18O 3-2 line fluxes increase over time due to their optically thick emitting regions growing in size as the disk expands viscously. The C18O 3-2 emission is optically thin throughout the disk for only a subset of our models (Mdisk (t = 1 Myr) < 1e-3 Msun). For these disks the integrated C18O flux decreases with time, similar to the disk mass. The C18O 3-2 fluxes for the bulk of the disks in Lupus (with Mdust < 5e-5 Msun) can be reproduced to within a factor of ~2 with viscously evolving disks in which CO is converted into other species through grain-surface chemistry driven by a cosmic-ray ionization rate zeta_cr ~ 5e-17 - 1e-16 s^-1. However, explaining the stacked C18O upper limits requires a lower average abundance than our models can produce and they cannot explain the observed 13CO fluxes, which, for most disks, are more than an order of magnitude fainter than what our models predict. Reconciling the 13CO fluxes of viscously evolving disks with the observations requires either a combination of efficient vertical mixing and a high zeta_cr or low mass disks (Mdust < 3e-5 Msun) being much thinner and/or smaller than their more massive counterparts.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, accepted in A&